The Benefits of Giving Everything You Have

Coach Schuman discusses how giving everything you have is essential to your success. Working to maximize your abilities will create no regrets and peace of mind. That is a great way to become your best, become a great athlete, and…

Coach Schuman discusses how giving everything you have is essential to your success. Working to maximize your abilities will create no regrets and peace of mind. That is a great way to become your best, become a great athlete, and maximize your life.

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Please watch: “(287) Legends Live! Is there enough parity in college football? ”

[Music] Support and for you to give everything You can and what you do and most Importantly as an athlete he gives you An opportunity to not have any regrets As far as what you do that's why you Want to give everything you have at all Times the benefits of giving everything You have practice in the games in Competition is you'll have no regrets And one of the biggest things that Happen when athletes when they think They have enough time and I think they Have always have more time and don't Realize that the clock is ticking is That they leave things to chance and Leave things on the table and giving Everything you have is the most Important thing to maximizing your Ability it also gives you incredible Peace of mind knowing that you put Everything that you could into something And obviously most the time I'm talking Primarily about athletes but this could Be anything you do and why would you Ever want to leave your very best to Chance because in order to improve and Develop become great and let your Tollways talk about maximizing your Ability you want to give everything you Have sometimes people talk about how Should we work hard you know working Hard and practice is in the same as Competition that is true the practice is

Where you begin to take chances which Then helps you improve your skill set And by helping yourself improve your Skill set we'll have more confidence When you go and play in the games and Competition and then you'll have the Ability at a much higher level to rise To the competition And succeed if you fail the practice You're essentially gambling with your Future by hoping that it comes out in Competition which more often than not Never ever happens so supported to make Sure that you give everything you have At all times because you're rapid Improvement level really really begins To take off as you give everything you Figure out within yourself your Capabilities and how you continue to Succeed I hope it helps you have a great Weekend Coach Schumann signing off

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