The Prospect Podcast. The state of college football
The Prospect Podcast. The state of college football With coach schuman and coach depascale
[Music] [Music] [Music] Nobody C keeps their uh G uh not guests But keeps Their audience waiting like us Um what do they call that a tease yeah We we we leave them sitting there Because it's funny the longer we wait um The longer we wait the more people jump On like immediately but it's not on Purpose you know what I mean it's just It's just we we're shooting [ __ ] shoot Either shooting the [ __ ] or late out Late but um uh so college football and And and we were I'll let you kind of Talk about the first thing that we saw But there's a bunch of stuff going on And uh you know I kind of titled it the State of college football meaning there There's so much going on in college Football that's Like Uh blowing up the whole process let's Put it like that and it's really Interesting because coaches are for the Most part proceeding as if the world is An implo in around them you know Offering guys and so on and so forth Because that's all they can do um and Then meanwhile there's all kinds of like Wild things going on so I'll let you First talk about the Dion thing but There's a couple other things that I saw That were really wild too so yeah no I
Mean I think like you said I think College football right now is in a state Of obviously like I mean transition Isn't really like the the word that to Describe it I think it's just there's It's so much new round that's happening So fast that I don't think guys can Catch up I don't think guys are willing To you know some guys are not willing That they kind of want to stay the old Way but they're starting to realize like If I don't start to do it this new way With all these kind of changes and Things like that like I'm literally Gonna be left by the wayside and the NCAA they're not doing they're not going To do anything about it right this just Is the way it is it's it's the wild west Right now um the first thing like I said I I saw yesterday I guess Colorado Self-reported uh just like a minor VI an NCAA violation because Dion mentioned a Specific recruit in one of his social Media things of that nature so it's just Kind of little things like that like You're you're gonna punish guys for you Know openly saying some name of a Recruit you know in public yet we all Know the things that are you know being Done behind closed doors and like I just Think it's it's a wild time right now in College football and I don't know how Fast things can get corrected or get Back on
Track if you if you if that makes sense Um and if it doesn't you're gonna see a Tremendous effect trickle down to the Lower levels which you're already Starting to see a little bit of it but I Mean it will not be long before all of These other other levels you like you Know things just happen and and it's Going to happen trickling down because Everything starts with you know your Major programs and your major Conferences you know in the power four And then kind of just goes from there so It's a weird weird time man it's a weird Time and it's crazy yeah well you're G To get much more of the wild west and And um it trick in the trickle down so If it doesn't happen in the high schools Meaning if you don't have have like like New Jersey allows you to do all this Transferring and Florida does but some States don't right 100 so if some states Don't do that they're just going to do It within the clubs that they belong to Or so it doesn't really there's no Um uh there's no controlling that aspect Of it and then as soon as someone sues For anything any association is just Going to back off on it so because They're not going to have the money to How are you going to have the money if Someone is Um willing to hire a lawyer and go fight You like that's just not gonna happen
Right and now now in the past it was Really like you're screwing my kid Scholarship opportunity now doesn't Matter if this kid's a five star or four Star you could say you're screwing my Kids's Financial opportunity right and That is a big difference when it comes To the courts huge difference because This is a civil Core case in in most Cases anyway right so um so that that That would be a huge deal that would be A gigantic case well actually you would Have both you'd have a a civil court Case and then a law a criminal not Criminal but law law-based case right so You'd have both um which would be an Issue um so it's it's pretty crazy the Other thing I I saw that came so yeah Those tidbit little things coming down On Dion like that that's I mean it's so Funny because that's like nothing Compared to what's going on out there Right it's just let's let's do something To do something because we have to do Something um but it's it's crazy so you Get like what the Wisconsin player right Who you you know this story right Xavier Luc Lucas yeah yeah so I I'll read it to You and and um this is what well you Know you know where he's from right Originally no Xavier Le you so that's the kid that is Was uh trying to get in the portal but Wasn't allowed to get in the portal
Right he couldn't leave and all that Kind the safety correct yeah yeah he's An American Heritage kid oh he is okay Oh that would be great to have uh coach On to talk about that Mike's coach Smith's been dealing with this for weeks So so I'll I'll read this to you and Maybe you have some insight you could Share so uh you're exactly right he's Defensive back Wisconsin wanted to Transfer he wanted ort they said no Because the nil deal with them that had Big financial compensation y so instead Of him um uh entering the portal he said Great I'll unenroll from Wisconsin and then enroll in Miami which Is exactly what he did so he's not quote Unquote transferring what he is doing is He's unenrolling from school so what Basically has happened because of this This has rendered the transfer portal Highly Irrelevant so if I don't like so so Forget about Um oh he transferred to you can't Transfer whatever times or whatever this Nonsense is no all the person has to do They can transfer 50 times if they want To all they have to do is unenroll from The school right and then if someone Wants to chase him for financial Compensation from a contract they can Chase them by through the through the Legal system because because that's what
How it's going to happen so there's no There's no such thing and good luck with That one um because that'll take years And years and years and and probably be A detriment to your school in a sense That people like oh there so now Wisconsin's going to sue kids you know What I mean so so the the all these Things happen that are ramifications From the whole entire but the to me the Craziest part of all of it was the fact That until he did this no one realized That all you have to do is just unenroll From from the school and then enroll the Next semester at another school and you Were immediately Eligible I mean is there does does that Have anything to do with because that's All school-based right and academic wise Right and does that have anything to do With like the releasing of that guy as An actual player right like he's still So once you enroll once you unenroll From a school you're automatically like Off a team unenrolled right no longer Affiliated whatsoever they don't now Have to sign a release to allow you to Go play football or do any of those Things like that just all gets school so I'll you I'll give another example That's not as prominent so how have not So that's that's mindboggling to me that People had not figured out that quote Loophole to make this all work until now
Well I'll tell you I I'll give you an Example of why I think this does happen Because they keep it Hush Hush right So for example when I was in college Okay uh I played five years I had a red Shirt and I could have gotten AE of year I was out with an injury that I I could But they did not they would basically What they said a I don't know if you Would be able to get it I don't know if You would qualify so I didn't bother Right you% they make it like a dude it's Not even worth it you're never going to Get it so you're like okay I guess so Yeah they said said we could try it BL Blah right but you know if they're if They have a recruit they're looking at Right and you're in your fifth year and You played already I need that spot so Right I want that spot maybe right So um so I didn't even really pursue it Because the people I talked to were low Level person I should have talked to was The head coach he probably would have Told me to pursue it okay um and so Because he because he would have wanted It back because I was a starter the year Before right but um but you never know Right so they discourage you from that So you don't pursue it and they they Have a good way of doing that they They're really good at that and and and So this person obviously was smart Enough to realize maybe this is not you
Know oh you don't want to do it let me See what other avenues there are and he Figured it out now another good example Is Sacramento State right who had raised A bunch of money even though they're FCS They want to go uh FBS um and and you probably have read Some stuff on that um they Signed a guy who used to be a running Back for Alabama he actually played a Lot as a freshman things H some things Happened or whatever I can't remember Exactly but um uh they they signed him I'm looking up looking for his name um Sacramento State let me look it up I'll Tell I'll tell you the exact story here Soo state Alabama running back okay So and now they were FCS trying to go FB Correct they're FCS trying to go FBS and I don't I can't can't find it but anyway So they he's a former five star and he Was oh I'm sorry he was a receiver Receiver so he was a receiver at Alabama Who played uh a ton a guy AO a hall I Think is his name so he decided he was Out for two years of football completely He was at Alabama I think he went to Another place I can't remember where for A year and then whatever happened was Out of football for two years okay he Was a former five star now he he signed A deal with Sacramento State and he's Getting paid money and he just he didn't Have to go to transfer portal he just
Enrolled in Sacramento State so that's An example but usually you don't you Don't know that because most the people That happens to are these kind of Situations kids who were out of football Gone completely like not really and then They literally get forgotten about and Then pop up again that's exactly right So they they get um they get forgotten About and they pop up again so no one Really realizes that but that's a that's A really so basically if if you're get If if you can enter the transfer portal But if you're getting messed with you Don't have to you can just unenroll now There is a little bit of risk in the Sense that if you unenroll there's no School for you to go back to or anything Like that right so would you want to Even go back to that school anyway like You know what I mean like if I'm not Playing football and they're not doing Their due diligence to me in those terms And then I sure as hell don't want to Stay here on campus and be around it and Whatever I'm out right right well that And I think that that's and it's not Like they're gonna pay for school anyway Anymore you know what I Mean yeah yeah I I'm thinking like I Don't know if you're a division three Player and you think you can move up and Then you unenroll and then you have Nowhere to go I think that's a little
Different and I think that's when we Talk to you know when we talk to coach From Rowan you know his policy in terms Of like look if you can go up get bigger Go bigger get some money I'm here to Support you all good but look if you Don't get that and now you think you can Just come back here like here's the firm Hard date that you got to let me know by And if not then sorry there's not a spot For you right I think that's kind of a You know and I and like the head coach Like the Arizona State guy he did the Same type of thing with his kids you Know which is a different way to kind of Do it totally different than MOA who Basically let them take their time Totally different I also think by doing That different situations doing that Right away right as that player right Away you gotta look and say okay maybe This guy isn't as big of an [ __ ] as I Thought right even if he is at least He's going to say to you look I'm sorry You feel that way you're still one of us We want you to be a part of us if you Feel it's necessary for you to go Somewhere else Absolutely I'll help you But if not you'll always have a place Here that way hey maybe he doesn't get What he was really looking for and he Doesn't like just kind of leave and go And do nothing right so at least he's Coming back to you you're still gonna
Have that guy now again you could flip That thing and say all right look he Wants to go I already have another guy In place see you later buddy and whether He gets something he doesn't that's Another way to do it right I just think A lot of coaches that pride thing comes Into it right and I think that starts to Play a role a little bit like well why Isn't he happy here and it's like well Maybe he wasn't a guy that you recruited Right maybe the the the turnover in the Schools we see it a lot now coaches are In they're out I didn't recruit this guy Right like he's not my guy so you know What maybe that is the best move for you And that's an easy way to cut ties and Say you know kind of go but but I've Always been a firm believer even before This stuff happened if you're at a School or you were recruited by a Coaching staff and all of a sudden two You're in you're in there for two years And they all get fired and they bring in A new guy who brings in a new system or Just anything in general like you're not His guy I always felt like you should Have been granted a oneyear free Transfer I can get out of here and be Okay because that was really difficult When this wasn't a thing right to you Had to sit a year you had to do all Those kind of things just to play you Know and and is that your fault the
Coach got fired or the coach left to go To someplace I was like no I think That's why there was so much blowback on Coaches when all of the you know for Coaches saying about the the nil and the Transfer and the money and all that like Well you guys have been recruiting kids Telling them come here to this place and Then two years after they get there you Know you're out and go to the next job With more money and that kid's now stuck There right so I I I think that played a Big role um but it's it's it's freaking Wild I mean Nick ZB was just on the Pivot podcast and it was excellent I saw And he the whole thing you know he Talked about like hey it is just like The whole thing about college football Was development and education and all That kind of stuff and guys really kind Of looked for that and now it's all how Much you gonna pay me and I think that's Really what kind of burned him up you Know and kind of was like you know what I don't know if this is right for Me well that well that's what it 100% is And and and it it's completely that and If you looked at um like what's the Going rate for like a quarterback it's Over a million dollars at division one Yeah for a top quarterback um at Auburn's bringing in Jackson Arnold who Who was from Oklahoma I think was more Of like a runner and and and supposedly
He's getting 2.5 million from Well Everybody's just gonna try and reset the Market but remember like you said okay Like when free agency happens in the NFL You're talking to certified agents that Have certified numbers that are this is What it is and if not you can go look it Up right right College none of that guys Could be throwing out numbers that are Smoking mirrors to just drive up that Price now look you can say okay you know In the general vicinity or hey we've Heard that this is what this quarterback Is gonna make at this level or this is What a wide receiver makes at this level Or any position right like you can do All the hearsay stuff but what really is That number right and I think that's What it comes down to is the open Transparency that needs to be somewhat Policed and and you know kind of Certified that this is really the number Of what it Is yeah I and there's no certification How you do it yeah I mean I don't and And obviously if it's uh private University they don't even have to share That number Miami have to share any of their numbers Private university right Notre Dame Private university they don't have to Share that stuff and so then the other Thing that's really interesting is the Money so the TV money's coming in and
Everybody's going to get like depending On your your I guess your um your league You're going to get a certain amount of Money Revenue share so only one I could You know use for as an example that I Know for sure like yukon's getting 22 Million right so from a TV deal I I Guess it's yeah it's from revshare that Goes to the players well so the issue Was Joe Biden had signed a um executive Order saying that that has to be held With title 9ine right meaning that has To be split evenly okay which does not Work that does not work like so the Rower the rower uh who brings in no Revenue to the university okay probably Cost the university money and this is Not this nothing against rowers okay Because they're they're good athletes in Their own right but it's they're not Bringing any football basket football Men's basketball and in some places Women's basketball it's probably the big Three right um yeah yeah yeah one two in That order by the way um and Um uh so uh and my guess in in most Places women's basketball does not bring In money so it's probably you know I Would say there's probably about 30 or 40 no I wouldn't say that they bring in It brings in anybody but yeah maybe Yukon maybe Yukon women yeah I would say Maybe like 20 or 20 20 schools around The country probably like Ruckers
Probably does uh you probably does Baylor LSU right like your big name Teams dude and then I'm sure the Tournament might give you a little bit Yeah Yeah tournament gives you money Yeah so so it's but obviously men's Basketball is much more so it's it's uh Football by far then then men's Basketball then's women's basketball Right uh and then probably after that You' probably go to like men's baseball And they probably don't make much money Other than like three or four teams okay So if you now you're sharing this money This is what it's 100% going to get Overturned by Trump okay he's going to 100% change that but as of now you Probably have to figure out okay how am I going to split this money you know and Then there's supposedly state laws so Correct you know Connecticut I'll use Connecticut example or New Jersey They're gonna they're gonna hold to These Title Nine Dei standards where Like they're going to try and split it Evenly but if you go to Alabama they're Not going to do that they're going to Split it according to you know uh who's Making the most money for the University And and and so you're going to have that Across the country which is a that's a Problem like so that affects recruiting You know um and and any of the big Football school States like really big
Football school States Texas California Florida Michigan Ohio um you know even Those midwest states even right which Michigan probably still has all this di Nonsense going on but but they're not They're not going to mess with football Though so they're not going to mess with They're not stupid you know what I mean So yes 100% like they're not gonna screw With that because it's too good of a you Know whatever yeah no no that's they're Not screwing a poo on Michigan football And probably not Michigan State football Either right so um right like that's Just not happening right so what you're Gonna have is um and then and then I'm Sure private universities probably could Do whatever they want right like so like You know they're not even probably Subject to those same state laws because They're not getting State money right Per se corre so that's a whole crazy Animal and then what what I uh know from Like with Yukon so they try they try to Get some of the collectives that were Nonprofit to no longer operate which I Don't think you know that's not going to Happen with Ohio State and that's not Going to happen with you know but but They yeah so they told they told these Guys will no longer operate because the Money's going to come in house but the Bottom line is you're going to need Outside money because always always
You're Gonna always need outside money Because uh and I'll use because I don't Know every other school as much but like Uh Yukon happens to have a great women's Basketball player that makes over a Million a year ain't no way that that Revenue share is going to be enough for Her she she makes a million plus a year She's like a little Tik Tok makes more Like you're never even gonna come close To that yeah she she might make more Than a million a year to be honest so um And then if you go to like the Quarterback for Alabama the quarterback For for Georgia the quarterback for Michigan Ohio State like they're gonna Make five1 million dollars a year you're Not you're not going to be able to you Know the um that that distribution be Inhouse only so it's it's it's crazy how That part is the NCA has zero control Over that zero enforcement the only Government has some level and it's a It's a it's it and the good thing is It's an all uh you got all Republican um Supreme court house senate obviously Trump so he's not going to make it so so It's unfair to the people that for the Money that comes in house but they're It's going to be scaled and if you're a Rower or a track and field athlete or uh Um I don't know whatever uh and you know You're you're you know bringing money And all of a sudden you're getting money
Above your SC that's a home run dude I Mean like you were getting anything Before so even if it's $5,000 it's great So um I mean could you imagine if you Had money like in in college like um That would been great right I mean $500 In college you you were like Rich that Could last you a week like you could Make that work and you could be like I Got money in my pocket like these guys Now come in asking for God knows what it Is I mean I would be I would love to Hear a power four coaches now like Conversation with whether it's current Players on the roster or whether it's Even incoming you could separate it into Either right current players or incoming Recruits like what's the First like where does that come in the Pecking order of questions asked you Know what I mean like am I gonna play Right away uh uh or or you know what I Mean like what is the order of Importance to the to the now right Because look the way we view things and I literally had this this conversation With our head coach today like the what The things that we view are important to A program whether it be culture-based Exos anything really right are very very Different than what your team looks at Right unless you have an established Culture where you're all on the same Page AG correct like corre so I think
The best way to go about that is Literally you ask the kids yes what give Me the level like I want you to list Three things right what are three things You would change about this place or Three things anything anything to do With our team in general whether it be Yeah look get like you know would you Rather get a t-shirt or a sweatshirt Right or would you rather practice in The morning morning or practice in the Afternoon right like I don't care what It is everything's open on the table and Then obviously you scale it to what you Trying to do just to kind of gauge one Level of importance to things to your Players two right you kind of get a feel Of how what are they in this for are They talking about uniforms or are they Talking about how we warm up are we Talking about play calls are we talking About what defense we run right are we Talking about maybe I don't like we I Don't think we should be you know front Squatting I think we should be back Squat what is like what is on their Radar like you know what I mean like I Think that's that's important that's Kind of important in nowadays I think You Got where every one of them has been Treated kind of in that individual Manner where it's like hey what you Think or what you like matters like you
Actually have a say in this right like They need to be that's kind of how They've been raised right like we didn't Have many choices as kids dude like Here's what's on the table for dinner This is what you're eating if you don't Want it don't [ __ ] eat you know like Now okay well we have a vegan option Here for you buddy and we got a fruit Likee smoothie over here you know like I I just think that you need to involve Your players as much as possible in the Process to make them feel like they are A part of the Process I and I think it's one step even Further okay and this this may make you Cringe I think you have to have a Meeting with the parents 100% that now You always have your meeting at the Beginning I'm sure your coach does right No you need to have more of a yeah I Think you need to have a meaning and get To Know um what they think are a priority For the program and give them an Opportunity even though it's a group Setting give them an opport opportunity To articulate what they think is should Be a priority in the program you know Hey what do you think should be a Priority I'm not saying it's gonna Happen I want to know we want to know Because if there's good ideas which There there may be good ideas we're if
We think there are good ideas that can Help the Program we will take it because I think That now you you know for example you Guys are building right so these are not Yet quote unquote issues yet right but As you get better it's funny because It's not when you're bad that's it's the Issues really you know and you're Building and not bad I mean you guys are Middle of the road right but but once You get good then that's when people Like lift their head up and go can I go To college and play right and and well I Think that's like and that's also Something I feel like look and I don't Think it's it's any it has anything to Do with like specifically how I am you Can generalize this saying just any Place you go to You're Building right Like this is for Everybody and look doesn't have to be High school it could be your middle School it could be your basketball Program your baseball team I think a lot Of this I think the open Communication right because Look I'm not a genius I've never had an Original idea in my life right Everything I got comes from looking at Things in other places and if have they Worked so you know what I think that Just in itself one shows your community That hey this is democratic right even
If it's kind of not right I will take Everything you get or give me and then It's going to go through a strainer and If it works for this but I also think More importantly you kind of gauge the Knowledge of the people that these guys Are going home to and hearing from every Single night right so if you're Wondering why that kid thinks this way Well that's exactly why that Mom's Thinks that we should be doing this and That's what she's focused on or maybe Some of them just literally don't Understand football in general or don't Understand team sports in general and Especially football that works a little Bit different because it's the ultimate Team game right Dave we kind of assume Or right like maybe they come from a Different like you know cultural setting Where that's not a these aren't things So that gives you a chance as a coach to To to hey someone gives you a a an idea That just makes no sense or you know we Should do this and you know like all Right we'll consider it you know and and You know but I you know or or I don't Think that's something that would be Applicable to our program and then like An next like hey like that might work in Youth Soccer but that doesn't work with Football because of that right and then You're actually ex because we're in a Wise Society right dude like when a
Teacher told you something you took it As fact back in the day and you're like Okay I guess that's what it is now these Kids have it Googled before you even get The question out of your Mouth ever if I ever became a head coach Again in in in high school this would be My I would restructure everything I do As far as how um I Approach parents and administrators in General and I did that in interviews Which as well just be uh I've kind Already changed that if I do interview Because I'm like you know what I'm not Going to go in you know behind the Eightball but but to me it's like hey You' already be starting from behind Like yeah of course well what I like in The old days I I wanted to get the job I Didn't want to get the job right now now The thought process is hey here's how I Would go about it here's how I would Have my relationships with with the par And here's what I would parents and Athletes and here's what I would Communicate to them and the biggest Thing I would always say to Administrators is man I'm going to coach Them hard okay and I'm gonna love him up Too obviously but I'm gonna coach him Hard like I mean I'm going to coach him Hard and occasionally guess what I'm Going to yell occasionally okay like I Want you to understand that that may
Happ place where my tone can't go up Then this isn't the right fit and you Know what that just cuts off the head You know of the thing before it even Starts Dave because then you're one You're not putting yourself through that Craziness of like of well you know we Didn't know it was gonna be like no dude Here you go here's how it's going to be And I may get up know if I don't know if It's whatever but that's always how I've Kind of approached it you know what I'm Saying like I never I'm like this is who I am this is how it's gon be and you Know kind of just like an open book type Of policy like here's everything that it Is and I'll tell you right now like I'm Gonna be all up in it I'm over the top I'm gonna be beyond what you like you Know you're painting that picture for These it's just really hard now that Thing is hey they're gonna get better Not well the thing and the thing that You say to them you say to them is Hey Listen I'm gonna coach them hard uh I'm G to love them up they're going to get Better they're going to the players that Are going to want to be a part of this Program which is going to be the Overwhelm everyone's going to want to be A part of this program because they're Going to know they're going to have the Opportunity to get better okay and uh I'm gonna you know I'm going to listen
To if parents have a good idea a but I'm Also going to be firm with them as to What's not you know what's not going to Happen what is going to happen right and Um it's not gonna be rules they're gonna Be standards right it's and I think That's talk about for for years right We've talked about that for years these Guys that come in they're like rule Number one like you gotta do this you Don't need rules but you need standards And and you and and it's important to Let you know uh administrators know that I'm not running a babysitting service if You need me to run a babysitting service Then there are plenty of coaches you Could hire for babysitting service and There are plenty of guys that are Willing to do that and th those are Different coaches okay and there are Coaches I'm not saying they're good or Bad but there are guys that are would Would like to do that and I think in This era when you have everybody wants To be a head coach yeah yes if you have Standards you you have a a a better Opportunity to succeed and but it Doesn't you know the other thing is that You have to know is if there's ever if There's ever a change of administration You you which I never realized until it Started to happen to me you might not be The guy for them you're just better off Getting the hell out to be honest I mean
That that like unless unless that change Administration is someone you know right And and that's part of your uh uh Someone is moved up that you know but But if it's someone from the outside and They don't know you and you're just Better off leaving because y it's just Doesn't it's not going to line up it's Going to be a headache for both people Like you know what I mean like y sorry They they're gonna have a vision that's Different than your vision and it's the Same thing with players in college and That's the thing that you cannot like It's the same thing and the problem in College when when you come back to it And how it's all trickled down Is because look you could argue that Coach Mobility is the reason why that we Have a transfer portal in nil because The coaches have been so mobile and have Been so uncaring as to when they go into The next place as to who those players Were that were there who were you know Stuck under this a new Administration Quote unquote right they were stuck There instead of just being released and That's why you do have all these things Because coaches have hopped around and Basically made those people feel they' Basically done it to themselves they've Done it to themselves with there there's A certain aspect of it this is the part That I love right and you're seeing more
Of it now because guys are transitioning Right when you see a coach leave from an FCS and gets an FBS job now with the Portal and everything like that if he Wants to take 25 guys on his roster from That FCS come right with me bro how Great would you feel just like if you're That assistant coach that hey we just Got an FBS job let's go you're coming With me right think about those 25 kids Look you recruited these kids you sat in Their living rooms right and look commit Commit to a school don't commit to a Coach commit to to commit to the Academics don't commit to the you know The coach because he could leave or Whatever man I'll tell you what like Education was important but if my head Coach told me hey buddy we're going to The next level and I think you're a guy That I can take with me and I want to Lay the foundation with this See you coach what time Indiana Coach Did that's what the Indiana Coach did Right and that look at that success man You know look at a lot of these guys 13 Players from JMU he took look and look I Get it right like you recruited a guy at The level that you were at because you Thought he could be a high level player Okay you take that guy maybe from let's Let's give an Example assumption right division two Guy goes from assumption to Holy cross
Right takes a couple players with him You're telling me that those best Players at assumption can't go to Holy Cross and function there be a high level Player you take your top 10 guys and you Bump a level guarantee you you surround Those guys with other Talent they're Gonna can rise to the occasion and They're going to be some players for you Not to mention that they're GNA have That X Factor of always that chip on the Shoulder of I should have been a Scholarship guy and wasn't a scholarship Guy or I should have been an FCS guy and I was this and then add on top of it This coach is willing to literally bring Me with him dude what you tell me what's Going to stop that kid other than a Blown ACL I I think you bring up some really Good points I think the other other Point that's really really good is That um you're not choosing a university This this is the different than what our Advice used to be for for for many years Now let's put exception to it if in a High high Academic School like do very Different people like separated I don't Give a [ __ ] who the coach is like unless Unless he really is a complete [ __ ] To you say and even then I might [ __ ] I Might suck it up and be like whatever Because I know I'm getting a degree from Pen you know like exactly exactly like
[ __ ] it I'll just go I will die on that Sword Dave until the day it is what it Is I will die on that sort dude because You know what at the end of the day Football comes to an end brother like it All does and that if you have that Degree from one of those Ivy Leagues you Know you're just in a different Different world now if you go to a State University okay since both of us went to State both of us went to state colleges It you go to a State University and your Coach leaves and he likes you and he Goes to a higher level and you go to Another state university like I don't Think it [ __ ] matters like you Graduate from Yukon Or or you graduate from Ruckers or you Graduate from Penn State or you graduate From Indiana or you graduate from wh I Know that some of them are better than Other a little bit better baby I don't Mean to break I don't mean to like uh You know interrupt here but breaking News the Raiders are Hiring John P welcome back Pete you're out of your Mind you're 70 something years old what Are you doing wi I thought you were Gonna say John guden um no he's good With barol buddy I think he likes Hanging out at barol I mean you know he Doesn't but it's okay dude Pete Carol
And the Jaguars are hiring uh the OC From the bucks after he after they just Gave him a brand new contract to be the Highest paid coordinator in the NFL and Obviously the Jaguar job was more Appealing So anyway interesting um Pete got out of College guys because he did all this Stuff way before it was legal just so Everybody did you see that did you see That Reggie Bush wants to be the head Coach of USC look reg you a hell of a player like A hell of a player and I'm really glad You got your heis been back and I Respect the piss out of you buddy but Dude this new trend of players to head Coaches I'm sorry guys and I'm gonna Again I will die on this sword as well Dying on a lot of Swords today coach Yeah there are things to learn about Being a coach yes you cannot Just okay I'm gonna be a coach dude you Could be a Heisman Trophy winner that Don't mean you can coach dude that's Correct I'm sorry there is also going to Always be a level of I don't know dis maybe not disrespect's Not the word but you in my eyes will not Be respected by your PE as much if all Of a sudden you just get a job because You were a Heisman Trophy winner well Yeah you still have to put together a Staff of guys that can coach and and you
Tell me how many of those guys are not Going to be Yes Men because you're [ __ ] Reggie Bush I I I think that you oh listen and It's still we'll see I I hope Dion stays At Colorado because I would like to see How well he does when he no longer has Yeah if he if he if he goes and does the Job without his sons there and and Travis who is obviously closely you know Close to them I then I'll be like heck Yeah and I I and I actually I think he Has a much better chance of succeeding Like that than all these other celebrity Guys because he did Coach he was a youth Football coach a high school coach then Jackson State then he has coached all The way some of these guys that are Getting into coaching literally haven't Even coached like you football like I Mean look Michael Vic I know you were Like you know all right dude Deshawn Jackson all right look I even look at Like Eddie George got an interview with The Bears right like at least he's oh at Least he was at uh trener UAB but look what happened and what Happened with Antonio Pierce not so much Gerard May Trent D is a Quarterback that's another coaching in High school remember Trent was the high School coach right and look Antonio Long Beach Arizona State okay
Like he put his di in those guys were Assistants at some point I'm talking Guys that literally just like you're the Head coach and like not you're the head Coach of a high school that's like okay Right like I'm sure they can develop Guys and a lot of those guys on staff I'm sure that they bring in our our guys That know what's going on but these like I think this is and I might be wrong in My opinion this is strictly due to Transfer portal and niid nil of course Agree because now you're relying more on The flash of something rather than Recruit and develop which they haven't Proven so why would you make them the Head coach right I treed dord tell tread Dord was three and nine this year at UAB You're also talking to a guy that pretty Much ran the Elite 11 he his his high School team would win every game the Team he was coaching at they would win Every game I think Jason Whitten is Another one he was at a private private School And and they got all the players now He's got to recruit a UAB which is a Totally different environment and he's Got no money to do it no Mone how's he Gonna compete with anybody else in the State when it comes to money everything Now comes down to money money so yeah I Mean which I think is why those guys are Getting hired because they think they
Think they can bring these flashy donors To you know what I mean or oh my God I Grew up watching Deshawn Jackson catch Touchdowns or I grew up you know my dad Said Michael Vic was the best player Ever okay like he's been you couldn't Stop him in Madden 2004 like yeah okay Like like you're just seeing a lot of it I think it's I think I saw a statistic Yesterday Dave that there are six Current NFL head coaches whether they Just got hired or not that are currently Play are currently the head coach of a Team they played For can you really no wait say that Question again let me see if I can name It there are six head coaches right now In the NFL okay they might have get Gotten hired in this cycle that are Currently coaching the team they played For or at least one of the teams they Played for well I'm guessing Dan Campbell's one of them one of them uh All right let me go through this here uh These are head coaches head coaches Little Friday trivia here buddy does Mayo count even though he it does not Count okay uh Um let's See I I don't know Andy I think Andy Reed played in a Pros nope no it Wouldn't be any all right let me see oh God uh Chicago no um listen I'll give You this hold on let me give me give me
A second let me think uh Jim Harball one that's two now so you got Campbell and Harbaugh hargh let me let Me let me go through this now let me go Through this um uh the Texans coach yes Sir Ryan's demo he played for the Tex Okay I'm almost I'm almost there Okay I'm almost there um [ __ ] did uh let Me think who who see Giants no the last Two are jets Jets yes the Jets coach Aaron Glenn that's is another one and You have one more same division four or Five you have four you got one more five Oh one one more same team in the same Division as the Jets okay which is the Probably the easiest one to be honest oh AFC East okay so that would Be New England Not the Chets not the bills not the Who else is in there oh Um shoot the East trying to think of who's in Dolphins the Jets the bills and the Patriots Dolphins the Jets the bills the That's in that's in The AFC East oh Bills Rael the Patriots oh Rael because Vel's a new coach I forgot yeah yeah Yeah I forgot the vel's a new coach so Listen so yeah two But it's got hired I forgot that bable Got hired I would have gotten that You're talking three defensive guys two Offensive guys only one's a
Quarterback well those guys all came up Through the ranks though 100 percent Dude they put in their time they put in The work they learn Jim Harbaugh was the Head coach at San Diego University of San Diego yep he he used to help his Father when he at Western Kentucky when He was um up still Playing you know so but to get come full Circle with it like just because you're A good Pro or a good player doesn't mean You can be a really good coach we say it All the time or at least you know what I Mean the football field is an extension Of the classroom if you can't teach if You can't relate if you can't especially Now have conversations and talk to kids And develop right like you have to wear So many hats as a head coach and if You're weak in one area then you better Have a damn good assistant that knows What the hell is going on you know what I mean like I think when you're putting Together staffs and that's that stuff's So super important that every one of These guys one has their own little Niche about them that makes them good But they're also capable of doing a lot Of other things and the more things that They can do the better you know I agree I agree I mean you want a guy that's Good with strength and conditioning Right more maybe even more so break it Down even more I want a guy that's good
In the waight room I want a guy that's Good with agility stuff that way those Guys can handle those types of things You oversee it right and then you can Kind of pick and choose as you go I just Think the more the more your assistants Can do and are really good at like the Just better your staff is gonna be you Can't be a one Bon right and look and you've been a Part of like like you've inherited Staffs you've put together staffs you've Had the you know okay well this is what We're working with okay you know what I Mean like and ultimately you have to Have those conversations hey buddy sorry This ain't working that's exactly right No it's uh um I I'm curious the Celebrity coach thing and how that will Work like even in basketball where That's been much more of a thing it Hasn't worked that great in most cases So um I mean how the best former player That was I mean look Bill Jackson played But was he a Superstar yeah I mean No uh uh no he wasn't a superstar uh how About the Los Angeles Lakers how are They doing right now with their uh JJ Reick coach I I just and for everybody I Just got YouTube TV holy hell I am all it that shit's Amazing like I have I that's what I have Holy [ __ ] dude like you got you cut the
Cord cut it baby let's go I just Sit streaming services dude like let's Go I was watching four games last night I don't even I don't even watch Basketball like that but I was watching Four games I'm Like yeah wife Jen's like what's going On and I'm like this is amazing like and Now you can watch whatever stupid ass Reality TV show and you can watch Another one right next to it so you know Let's go I'm like I just like like Shout Out YouTube you YouTube TV you should Endorse this Shout by the way yeah like You know help us out we got a million Followers Dave's got a million followers Like shoot him some love but I'm just Telling you dude it was awesome but like Danny Hurley what about him played Cen Hall oh He had to go through the whole he was Coaching at he was Co coaching St Benedicts and he coached St Benedicts Coach father first URI dude he busted His ass Wagner then URI how about this one look at his Brother way better player Duke right NBA [ __ ] Happens where is he Arizona Arizona Arizona Arizona State right yeah yeah Look and I got nothing for it I'm just Saying it all comes back to and I really Don't and they both originally coached With their father at St Anthony's which
Is why the hell would you not I Mean I mean [ __ ] I'd love to sit down With that dude and you want to talk About a Disciplinarian like that was one way of Coaching that is no longer allow dude They're all over they're all over the Media is all over Dan Hurley because He's what because he's demonstrative and I I love the way he coaches this is the Problem though I got coach for you buddy we were Coached like that and it had we if we Didn't if you if you wanted to play the Sport you loved and I think this is Ultimately what it comes down To we loved our sport more than anything In the world a demonstrative coach might Have made us dislike a little bit but Nothing was ever going to come between That relationship of us and ball because We loved it and I think Now kids just don't love it and it's Easier to say this coach is mean he made Me not you know like whatever it is it's A scapegoat for them rather than I don't Care are coaches that are mean without The positive aspect so this this is what Drives me nuts okay people look guys That give us all a bad name right they Look at Dan Hurley okay Dan Hurley Coaches tough he loves up his players he Cares about his players they don't there Are coaches though that are just dicks
To their players right like like don't Even know their names don't know the Don't have don't go over them and Encourage them afer and all those kind Of things okay the guy that let those Kids leave thinking a certain type of Way right you have to be able to if Coach them hard and then love them up And you they have to be able to Understand that teach and you show that To them you explain that to them you Can't just be all over them to be all Over them without something redeeming to Help them move on and that's the Problem with why administrators who Don't know some not all obviously there Are administrators that are great but The but when administrators don't Understand someone who's who's doing Great why do the players like him even Though I see him yelling Dude that coach as a style that's going To get the most out of the players Absolutely this is the the whole key is Is that okay and when you're when you Don't understand what it takes to become The best and what it takes to get Something out of people there are people That are need to be motivated different Ways and you got to understand how to Motivate each kid differently right so Absolutely the thing I hate it drives me Nuts and these are the coaches that give Good coaches a bad name and that
Sometimes when they see you you do Things coaches who think that treating Everybody exactly the same is how you Should coach no every kid should be Treated differently meaning they they Should all be held to the same standards Y okay but you how you get them there is Different every kid some kids need to be You stay on them some kids you have to Love them up to to all the time to make Sure they get there everybody is Different and that's every single kid Especi it's this is this cookie cutter Way of doing things is no longer the way That you can do it there's too many Personalities there's too many access to Seeing other things that guys know I Don't think this is the right way to do It you know what I'm saying or hey I Really there's more Self-awareness about Kids know how they learn by the time you Get them in high school dude it's almost Like all right well what are we Developing here like this is kind of Whatever like and if it's not doesn't Come from a young age which is where Like you're at right now like already Those kids are starting to see what Works for them and what doesn't you know What I mean which kid do you have to Constantly stay on to do the right Things which kid do you need to love up Which kid doesn't despises being loved
Up right which guy can you call out and Make an example of which guy can you not Do that to because he'll go into a shell Of himself you're basically figuring out What buttons to push for each one of Your players ultimately and if you don't Do that as a coach then I don't think You're doing your Job exactly right that's exactly right And I I think that that's um there are People that have a ability to do that And you have to let those coaches do What they need to do okay and there Obviously there's a line for everybody There is such there is a line and I Think that's also the problem too is Like you know you need to at least like You hired the guy you know what's you Know what I mean you D tell him when you Interview what you don't Want can Make give me we don't want this we don't Want that okay you know what Thank you I'm sorry I wasted your time Yeah yeah this is not gonna fit my Personality if you you know what I mean Like and this is something that does not Happen in high school football But if you think because obviously these Things happen and whatever I don't know Come watch me Coach yeah but do Watching yeah think you have to be as a Coach you know what I'm saying like hey
I've seen this like I've watched a game And I've seen this guy coach you know What I'm saying look I'm just to me if You really want to do your due Diligence talk to my most talk to my Players that have had success outs after After they played for me And find out these lessons that they Learned help dude that's phenomenal I Might start to do that for I think that Should be in your on your resume References yeah coaching references Player references these guys played for Me shoot him a call shoot them a call These guys play for me they'll tell you What it was like and and they'll tell You the truth they'll tell you the stuff That was hard and the stuff that was Great coach made us work but he made us Better yep that that's exactly it and And if and if that that works for you Then then great if not um I I mean Actually you know what's funny I'm going To start doing that I'm going put that On my resume from now on I literally That's I'm just I I never thought of That until this moment Derek that's Actually a great idea I actually think There are guys that do that too probably Absolutely well look it's the same way That we list coached First Team all State Receiver right or team went to the Championship like you're giving examples Here right like but also hey you don't
Need to talk to the guy that was first Team all state that I coached talk to The guy right now that's a state Troop ER talk to the guy right now that's Running his own business or he's working For Mar Lynch or talk to this guy who's Selling real estate all over the place Talk to this guy who's a very uh who's a Uh formidable DJ in the area like you Know like [ __ ] dude these guys that Played for us like yeah did it suck yeah It's football it's supposed to suck was Coach an [ __ ] maybe sometimes yeah But you know what he loved me and he Pushed me like I that's what they'll say I needed that I didn't know what I could Do until Coach pushed me to that level Because he saw something in myself that I didn't see in me and that's the same Way I feel about my coaches we just had Coach mickens on and kudos to him Yesterday he was named the uh group one Assistant coach of the year I saw that The the that's with congratulations him He's a great coach 40 something years of Coaching dude right what did he say it's His 42nd season I need you to send me His number because I actually want to Talk to him about Um uh I want to implement some of that Stuff the passing game into yeah Definitely and I gotta figure out how to I gotta figure out how to or maybe I Should just talk to you about it um
Because you talk to the guru so it it g Try to figure out like how to on that Note it's kind of funny because my head Coach uh spoke to Dunn and we're gonna Sit down with alaan oh oh really oh That's great you should that's the guy To sit down with clouse I told my DC Like this is dude like we need let's go And so we're all gonna sit down after Hoop season dude I think it's so funny Because I don't think dun and Claus have Put it all together Yet have put what do you mean all Together because I don't think they know That I coached there Specifically oh uh yeah they may not Have yeah yeah they may not have you're Right but they they Um uh this because my head coach's wife Went to school where up nor up Berg County Iha right and played Hoops there Her coach and I guess dun are tight so It was kind of like a oh like eye Opening moment and it was kind of like Oh wait like let's get in touch and then My DC came up to me even beforehand and Was like hey I saw I Googled clouse and You came up on a podcast I'm like yeah Like we've talked to him a bunch of Times I said I don't played him a Thousand times like so let's figure this Out but very impressed with what they're Doing Public school wise and Coach nus is
Coming back by the way I don't know if He told you oh no I know I know yeah Yeah he told me because he has positions Available by the way I have it that's a Little bit of a commute oh I will give You this bit of tidbit information I Found out last night too which is kind Of unfortunate but our boy zorin millich At Montgomery stepped Down he's got some medical stuff that he Needs to take a year away from the game And kind of uh go through and take care Of uh You know to him he should be fine and Everything but he just needs a year away From the game to kind of set himself up And uh you know I talked to him directly Yesterday when I saw it um but he just Needs to take some time away so he'll be Stepping away for this season dude he's Been the only coach at Montgomery History oh my God but he has not burned Out he made it a point to say that I am Not burned out from coaching I just need To take care of some medical stuff so I Know scary dude scary that's crazy just Never know so what is he gonna Happ Years ago rest in peace we had Brian Meanie right like I was had just turned Sta kind of going in the right direction We lose him to some craziness this this Job is no joke Dude Jeff Reus at Hell had a m had a had A heart attack in the middle of season
You know like oh so you know what I Wanted to tell so you this is totally I Have to go in a second I I just realized But um but I want you you already yeah They're definitely probably yelling at You already uh it'll be it's just going To be me me and Steve which is good um So to uh yeah well there was a whole I Forgot I tried to call the other day but You didn't pick up I didn't see it Really my fault I because you said it Earlier in the day you're like I gotta Go it's chaos and I you're like I'll Tell you the story so I I look I pick up Your call No it clue me in though until I started Running Yukon shows I I I honestly now You got fireworks going yeah I never Even knew any of these things so um Because I'm just like the youth football Stuff and the youth sports stuff was Kind of like okay that's kind of over There now you're in it Dude and listen we talk about we we Should almost do uh um uh we should have Uh who who's guy olon on uh who runs his Youth Inc Thing grego uh grego not What's what's the oldest one what's the One that play in the pros Greg Olsen Greg the one that Miami yeah he runs like a youth Inc Podcast I would love to have him on with Us and just talk oh yeah cause he's big
On some of that [ __ ] yeah just think About think about how he was coached by His old man for cry 6 yeah now they that Guy F that guy fought an ad I think well Well they have well their middle school Head coaches he's a middle Umart Jonathan Stewart Stewart and and And Keeley yes no yeah Yes it's great staff right there dude Brian Cushing is coaching his team in Texas I can't imagine that I I actually It's funny he said that I looked up what Their their Middle School record was I Just I just figure if their three kids Are on the team they're probably pretty Good My assumption hey let me like we have Three basically all Pros here probably Arguably one of the best linebackers That worst college level players at Worst you know at worst and we're not Talking you know no we're not talking Monclair State here depending on what Depending on whether the wife enhanced The genetics or brought it down they're Either Pros or or uh I think when you're At that level even if the wife isn't a You know athlete by trade pry sure look Mahomes is kids think have a pretty good Shot too well yeah well in his case she Plays now Travis Kelce I'll argue Against because I don't know if Taylor Swift is as talented shooting basketball
As she is no but her her father her Father played at Penn State he's Gigantic I have heard so she probably Has the genetics she just decides she's Like you know what this is way easier to Make more money yeah yeah I'm a singer Yeah I mean she is like 5'11 so Didn't even touch on any of this and I Don't know if you heard the news Jackson Liberty High School and Jackson Memorial Are combining be one'll be a Powerhouse So does uh is M tra stay as a head coach That's that's obviously the next that's Gonna be A talking about but if not if you go With tenure ain't gonna happen oh why The other guy's been around longer 12 I Think it's 12 years to seven years oh It's GNA be MRA it's gonna be M he's won Using Jackson Liberty is gonna be and Listen they're re they GNA go to Jackson Libert Liberty is gonna be the high School Memorial is going to be the Middle school and Rebranding what do you Mean Jackson Liberty Lions Jackson Memorial Jaguars it's now going to be Jackson regional fill in the Blank the Ligers you know you know you to our joke At you know Mill Rumor Mill says Renegades oh renes the the uh um Back in The Day pal pal Park Leonia Leon was the
Lions and and uh uh Pal Park was the Tigers and our internal joke was that we Were the ligers and we used to call Ourselves a lier you know but obviously We were the liers and the kids used to Call us lpp because the uh but it used To be a battle because the uh the Leonia Instead of PPL because the Leonia kids Had like they used to say the Le kids Had even though we had some great Players from Pal Park they had Pal Park Had the the numbers but Leonia had the Meast Stars very interesting yeah so Leon would be like it's Lpp it's pretty funny I used to laugh at All that stuff um that stuff's comical Buddy it's comical but anyway let you Run great great great show I mean just With us talking it was great so uh I'll I'll give you a shout Later hello We'll have our very first original guest Back on the show Liam Anderson who at The time I can't hear You oh okay I can't I can't hear you for Some reason