How Players get D1 Scholarships with Coach Andrew Jackson of West Virginia
How Players get D1 Scholarships with Coach Andrew Jackson of West Virginia
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All right another great week uh starting Off and we're we're excited we got a Great guest on today uh defensive line Coach from West Virginia University Coach Jackson which we're really excited To talk to him um obviously the season Coming up uh big big time power five School and uh you know really looking to Talk more to him um not just West Virginia football but but his background How he got into coaching um you know him As a player all those kind of things and Diving a little bit of that Coach yeah coach uh excited uh you know Uh coach Jackson and I we've known each Other for for a good amount of years now Uh originally kind of met up um just Doing kind of what we do right we were Both at a camp uh you know coaching Young guys and linked up and have kind Of just stayed in touch uh he has an Incredible story in terms of how he's Gotten to where he's gotten in terms of You know being at this school to as a Graduate assistant and then working his Way up through he's been with some great People he's made some great moves he's Been at Great levels and now you know He's the dline coach at West Virginia um And he's in a a pretty powerful position Uh we're talking about a big-time Program Uh and overall you know just a good guy In general has always been there for
Questions or ask or you know anything That I ever needed so uh looking forward To it I think he's gonna add some light Uh again another perspective that you Know our audience can get looking at Certain things from you know through Different eyes each time we have Somebody else on here so looking forward To it cool coach just real quickly you Do have a little bit of an echo so Just Um when he speaks I will mute as we yeah Absolutely perfect great let's bring Coach on coach welcome thank you guys Appreciate you guys having Me we're excited to have you on and and Uh coach gave you a great intro um and We really wanted to uh dive into you Know really your background as player How you got into coaching because so Many people want to know you know they Want to be they want to be where you are And they want they want to learn how how To get on that path Um and uh uh so talk a little bit about Your background as a player and then how You became a coach and and and to where You are Now awesome yeah so I played uh division Two ball at CW post when when they were Still you know when they before the Liu Merger and all that good stuff um played There for five years for uh coach Brian Collins who just recently uh passed away
Um who you know was going to be the DC At Stonybrook uh great guy gave me a Chance um I broke my leg com com out of High school in my senior year um and I Had some power aspirations really kind Of signing day had passed and really had Nothing going on and Coach Collins gave Me a scholarship there at a post um play Defensive line there for him he was you Know he's really D line coach at the Time uh had some good position coaches There uh thought I was going to be a High school teacher um leaving College In about 2011 and the kind of the world And the teaching realm was kind of you Know no one was reti Hing you know know There weren't many teaching jobs open um So coach Colin said hey why don't you Come back and uh kind of be like a ga And get into coaching and start working With with the the defensive line and Stuff and I was like I had when I was Done playing I really had no uh want uh To be a part of the game in the coaching Aspect I really wanted to be like a fiz Ed teacher and really just kind of just Live my life away from football and Discover new things um I think my you Know most of my teammates would tell you How crazy for saying that and thinking That they they always thought I was Going to be a coach I guess but um wind Up uh ging for him that that uh 2012 Season and um I haven't looked back and
It's um even though I was a broke kid And really relying on my parents to Still helped me out it was like the the Greatest thing I had ever done was to Step on the other side of the uh the Field and and and coach and and get Involved um and from there I thought I Was going to probably just be like the Next dline coach at Liu and stay there Forever and uh Coach Collins kind of Kicked me out the door and kick me down The road down 495 uh down to Stony Brook To work for uh Chuck priori and I Thought that was the greatest thing ever I actually you know at first I was like What did I get myself into I know Nothing when I sat in the room with um Defensive coordinator was Lyall hemple At the time who was coaching down at Duke and uh him and Tyler santui who's The who's now the DC at Duke and I'm Like in a in a football with these guys I don't know anything that's going on uh Learned a lot of ball from those guys And W up Landing a power five GA job at Penn State two years later and uh you Know that really uh changed my whole Life and outlook on on poweri football And just being a part of but I never Seen any anything that big as an Organization never saw a fan base is Passion that that as going in the uh Happy Valley get chance to work with Coach Franklin so from there I was able
To uh land my first full-time job at Forom and then made my way down to Mississippi back to through JMU where Went to the uh National Championship Runners up went to Old Dominion during The pandemic and then you know kind of Made my way um up to West Virginia now For three years that that's awesome we Lost coach D for a second I'm sure he'll Be right back um what's what's so Interesting and especially about your Path right um and I guess you hear you Hear this quite often right there's Other guys that dive into coaching and They know that like that's what they Want to be or then there are other guys Like yourself that kind of ended up Going into that round and then realize Wow this is where I belong right um and And it's amazing what you've done your Road in moving to different places you Know what I mean uh what are some of the Things that you learned uh as far as Multiple different coaching staffs you Know I know I'm familiar with Coach Priori he's done a great job at Stony Brook he's a staple there for many years Um what what are the different things That you've learned along the way taking Each different step in in in coaching I Think there's you know obviously there's Aund ways to skin a cat so I worked for Uh coach priori Coach Collins um Kurt Signet uh very old school guys um you
Know very much about uh the old school Ways being tough being physical um then I got a chance to work for a guy like James Franklin who's a forward thinker Joe Morehead who's a forward thinker Neil Brown is a forward thinker and it It all works they've all had success and This there million ways to do it and you Can learn something from each one of Those pieces so I think that was the the Most uh eye opening thing was how unique Every different program is well like so That's interesting sty I know Morehead Pretty well um the Styles between like a Morehead and Cetti um you know or priori right what And now Neil Brown who's you know um you Know Morehead and Neil Brown Phil Philosophically I guess are more aligned And that then signi priority might be Like more aligned in in their style of Of of coaching tell tell me some of the Things that you you learn in those Differences and um like some of the Things you can grab because that's Interesting because I think you need Both right you need you need some of the The old school stuff as you're as you're Coming up right some of those principles And then you need some of some of the New way stuff what are some of the Things that you learned uh from the Different types of styles of coaching uh Number one is like all those guys as
Different as they they were all PE uh Preached being able to run the football To defend the Run um they all preached Toughness in their different ways and They all got to uh the best out of the Players in different ways and I think That the one of the most unique things I've learned is that I have a room with 18 guys and they're all different They're all motivated different all Different places but it's also in the Beauty of the game that we're able to Take all those differences and put 22 People on the field and the team that Works together the best is the best team Usually you know um so I guess you know Kind of being more well-rounded seeing The bigger picture I mean I I drove from The Bronx New York from forom to Mississippi and I I literally watched The United States change before my eyes And all the different people so I mean And then again as you get you know from The north to the South football is the Same game but again it's just different People doing It yeah that that's that's very right New York City to Mississippi two Different you know you know worlds Completely what one's much more rural Well obviously New York City is uh as Urban as it gets maybe the world right So especially where forom is O over There by Arthur a and and uh you know so
Is populated as it comes so that that's Really really interesting what what have You found so playerwise right when You're when you're looking for defensive Lineman or West Virginia is looking for A player um what are some of the key Things that you think uh that you're Looking for in a player that can help Them be successful in college if you're Recruiting them uh number one thing is In college and and this is from you know Being at the D3 level all the way to the Power five level you have to love this I Mean this is a a really huge sacrifice Of time and you know time is the most Precious thing we have so anytime I sit Down with a kid it's like you know do do You love this game to make it like Extreme part of your life um you know You're going to sacrifice time with Family you're going to sacrifice a lot Of uh time with friends and different Life experiences you're going to have to Be able to play this game and ultimately You're going to get a lot of the good Things out of it but it's still you know The ultimate sacrifice of time and I Think that that's important you know no Matter what level you're On yeah I think that's a big thing with Uh facilities looking the way they do Now right they're like all these Facilities at at division one level Obviously very different than when you
You know in lau and and and and a Florida but all the facilities at the Division one level at you know like West Virginia you guys have uh as Top-of-the-line facilities as possible As as money can buy and that's part of The beauty of it right but you have to Love the game because that's only what Like the fans see and people in social Media see like here here's here's what Our facilities look like but the Day-to-day grind is what makes you a Great Player what what is a typical day kids Come into Camp they they starting you Know uh they come in they start with Your program what's a typical day for Them like uh usually you know it starts Off with a meal um you you know we feed Him in the mornings get him going um Some sort of recovery or treatment some Sort of body maintenance with the Athletic training staff with the Strength staff um you know and then into Meetings um right now they're not in Class um summer sessions are fing up Finishing up and they're um we're in a Training camp so you know practice Meetings walk through and then in Training camp kind of that day extends Out through probably a 12-h hour span um During the season you know we only Really get him for about 20 hours a week So you're you're talking about a lot of
That a lot of that body maintenance and Recovery kind of stuff um all those Little important details are kind of on Your own and that's where that you know We talk about the importance of making The sacrifice you know those aren't Mandated and that's where the players Are spend a lot of their time is taking Care of their body on top of going to Class and and uh going to rehab and then Coming back into practice and meetings It's a it's a full day it's a full day And then on top of it I mean those are Long days and game days are even longer Days you know well that's right and in Travel you could be traveling especially You guys can travel all the way across The country in in in the conference that You guys are in um and and that's that's A unique aspect there's a there's a Beauty to that but obviously also could Be could be a tiring aspect you really Have to plan plan from that standpoint Neil Brown's really trying to build a Specific culture there um what do you Think think or uh what's What's the Culture at West Virginia what what is Kind of the Mantra there and um how do You go about building the culture in in Your program um obviously you know just Just take it down on the basics even Before Coach Brown took the program over You know West Virginia as a state is a Very prideful hardworking State you know
The first thing you think of is all the Mountains here and the coal mining so It's a it's a tradition of of of Toughness uh for sure especially Physically and mentally but um you know We're developmental we try to hear we Try to develop the whole person here so You're going to get your doctor in Football you're you're going to be an Expert in football and techniques and And uh your scheme and and your position But I think coach Brown's one of the Best in the country at allowing life Allowing guys to develop and grow and Life out of football whether it's doing Charity work at the Children's Hospital Which we share a parking lot with on Game day or um our fifth quarter program Where where guys learned how to do uh Build resumés Networking um all those self-enrichment Things that you kind of get lost in Football you know you know we're still Dealing with human beings as as big and Fast and strong as these guys are you Know when they when they play their four Years we want to have them in a good Position to be successful through life So you know we try to do the whole Person development thing here for Sure that that's great yeah and and I Tell you the overall development of the Player especially in it's got to be a Tough thing because obviously transfer
Portal is is something that is a big Deal now Um you know trying to keep all the Players in sync with your culture where You may have new guys coming in you may Have some guys going out that that can Always be uh well it's more difficult Than it was 20 years ago because of that Aspect of it for sure um H how do you Guys specifically like how do you build Relationships with the players and and You can go to you personally all right Because you're working with the Defensive lineman how how how do you Build those relationship with the guys So those guys understand you know where You're coming from what you expect from Them and that everybody's on the same Stage just so that you know no one has Any surprises or anything you know they Know what's going on I try to lower Myself um I try to put myself on a Pedestal because I'm a coach I try to You know I know that was the thing to do And I'm probably a little bit unique This way but I try to let these guys Into my personal life a little bit they Relationship with my wife they come over My house a lot we do a lot of meals Together um you know spending time Around food um I think is is crucial I Mean from the Northeast so we all like To eat go out to eat and stuff like That but uh no you know having those
Casual conversations and understanding Where the where a kid comes from what Motivates them in a short period of time Is definitely crucial and you know it's It's also a little bit of a sacrifice Too because you know we know as coaches That um us being a good at development And taking care of kids doesn't show up On whether we should be whether we're a Good coach or not so it's one of those Things that you know that's doesn't Equal wins and losses but we know deep Down it's the right thing to do and it's The reason why I got into coaching is to Be around people the coaches in my life Were some of the best people and the Only reason why I'm sitting here today You know as a as a successful part of Society so I I still love that part but No matter What that was always my favorite um I Played at Yukon and my my head coach was Skip Holtz um and my linebacker coach Was Vernon Hargraves who Sons Vernon Hargraves the thei yes and uh I remember it's funny because I remember Going to Vernon har graves's house when He was my linebacker coach at Yukon and We went there and Vernon harres I third Who played many it might still be in the NFL but I played many years in the NFL He was a little baby and I remember them Pushing him back and forth in this Little rocket thing and it's it's
Amazing to me like to see him in the NFL Because I remember him when he was a Little tiny baby a little guy so those Things those things are so special I Remember man playing pool down in skip Holtz's uh basement and um you know with All the other guys and and and his wife Bringing out food and and th those are The things that you you remember like You remember the games but you remember Those things as well and those stick With you those are relationships uh that Stay with you forever and and it's it's Worked that way way for me I'm sure it Works the same way uh with with your Players Um Dave that's like just to jump on that With that's that's one of the things That we've really started to see you Know even from our side of the game Right is the personal relationships that You develop and and and that type of Stuff when you you know when your Players look at you as not just somebody Who's telling them what to do or you Know not somebody who's just you know Bossing them around and it's not Strictly that work relationship when you Can allow them to kind of see into your Real life and why do you tick right and Then kind of make it more personal I Think your players now will just play Harder for you I just really think That's what I've seen at least and and
I'm sure it's the same for you jack yeah I totally agree um you know they have to They have to feel the bond no matter if They can go on the portal or whatever it Is they're still dealing with human Beings at the end of the Day there's no doubt about it it it's It's individuals you're you're you're Tailoring everything in individually not Just obviously what the overall program Program needs to get done but you're Obviously tailoring individually so they Can get the most out of them Ma Maximizing like the players development Um like what are some of the especially You know you can talk the defensive line But you could talk overall West Virginia Program too like what do you guys or What do you do specifically to really Maximize the Player Development you know You talked about obviously getting to Know them but their performance on the Field and and their performance off the Field academically what what are some of The things that you you put into place From that standpoint oh I try to build Goals um you know everybody wants to win The football game but people have their Own personal accolades and goals and I Think you have to align the team goals And the player goals and and even my Personal goals it's really a triangle I I say to my guys so I always tell my Guys like look I want to be the best
Defensive line coach in the country I Want to win a national champ ship and The one win the Big 12 you guys want to Be all conference and be drafted as high As you possibly can right well to me That's you guys sacking the quarterback And tfls well we all want the same thing Right like so how do we put those things All together well hey look there's There's scheme on one hand there's doing Your job on the other hand and there's Me putting you position to win and you Taking care of your body and then you Doing the best thing for the team all Those things we can match them all up so They all they're all are cohesive we're All going the same direction ction and Then if you match up goals and you're Working towards goals like no one's ever Astray like my best pass rusher wants to Attack the quarterback wants to be all Conference well we need him to do that Too so it's my job to put him in Position his job to execute and then We'll have a good defense then we'll Have a better team so you just got to Keep everything out in front and I and I Always believe in showing cards um hey Man like you know this is the match up For you this week or this is how many Snaps I think you're going to play and You know if you play well we'll go from There and you know we'll play more but Or hey guys this is this is what I'm
Thinking this game what what are you Guys thinking about matchups keeping Them involved in the conversation for Sure do do do you have like specific Like key uh principles or or um a Teaching teaching like real tactics that You have that you want them to Understand so like not just in the Drills phase but when like when they're Watching film right a defensive Line um they're it's not just but you're Right it's it's individual person you Might be going against that week what What are some of the like kind of tools That you like to have them in their Toolbx when to start to look at these Things I like I always want them to feel Like I want them to max out I want them To be okay with maxing out effort wise On the field because you never know to Play uh I also believe in playing a lot Of guys number one is you're you're not Going to be if you think the guy behind You's as good as you or better than you You'll play harder right because of Competition you also will feel Comfortable being able to take a break Because you don't think that I need to Be the guy all the time right and I Think there only one one way to learn Defensive line is to actually go out There and play it like you really can't Be in shorts and t-shirt and do a bunch Of sweet drills and it necessarily show
Up um so that's number one and number Two is I like to teach guys you know the Old saying Teach guys how to fish right To be able to eat forever um so when I'm Game planning or when I'm breaking down An opponent I want them to see it um From a whole perspective on how they Could how they could be effective as Coaches well coach I like this why Because of this or this can help us so When they're on the field and I'm on the Sideline 30 yards away that when they're Coming back to the bench it's it's real Knowledge going back and forth because At the end of the day I'm not playing The game right I can make an assumption Or have an educated guess what I saw in Film but I won't know what's really Going on until day after the game right So again having those open lines of Communication and giving guys autonomy Like I really try to be a facilitator Just put guys in the right position and Then provide the feedback to help be in The right position again over and over And over again because my at the end of The day my job is just to give you the Opportunity right I can't go out there And do it for You defensive line is so diverse in a Sense that each position on the Defensive line requires maybe a Different body type right different Skill people don't realize you know when
You come up through like I don't know Youth and high school guys are like okay Okay the defensive liment are this right They they got a motor and they're Physical and they want you know but when You get to the college level and Obviously the pro level like each Position strong side end versus weak Side end a nose versus a three Tech you Know even a one Tech might be slightly Different than the nose right it's So going across the defensive line like What kind of like uh type of players do You like and maybe even body body types Do you like for for each position yeah So starting on the edges um arm length Is Is it just is a thing like um you know I Was able to work with Mont sweat when I Was at uh Mississippi State and I mean He had a a lot of great intangibles but Like no one could ever touch him his AR His his wingspan was insane right um so I mean having length there and uh Twitchiness across the board is is Another one um and then ability to rush The pass it from The Edge like having a Pass rushing threat is crucial um Interior wise like at at the nose Position the a gap players I mean you Got to be the toughest dude in the team Like you know particularly I love Wrestlers guys with low centered Gravities uh guys that have trained you
Know doing craziness like uh doing uh Dumbbell curls and a sauna you know what I Mean listen both all we all know that You play in that interior you got to be A different type of dude right and you Look at some of the greats that have Done it I mean like you know you think Vince Wilfork was was the everyday Average run-of-the-mill type of dude Like you know look at that guy in the Locker room right and then it translates To the field like you got to be a Certain type of dude when you're trying To do those things no doubt and you know Definitely like just spite out having a Screw loose you know is is a tangible Now one I kilia back in where you're not Going to you know break up a bar on you Know High Street but but definitely Having a screw loose is is crucial um Then you know three technique types four Wise body type wise uh you know those Are the versatile guys that might be a Little bit longer leaner but they also Could carry a decent weight and still Move so you know your prototypical power Forwards um you know those type of guys Maybe not have the lowest center of Gravity but just freak athletes guys That probably you know for no reason can Pick up a tennis rack and and survive Athletically um you know other types Then again you know diversifying those
Positions at end have some B guys but Again like twitch and arm length are are Crucial yeah ja for you I'm sure you've Seen obviously that with the levels of Of where you've coached right so you Know and I'm sure just amount right like Total total amount of guys per position And then you know a lot of there's a lot Of intangibles that go into that what Defense do we run what conference are we In right so I'm sure those things kind Of Stack Up can you list those kind of Things like you know where are they kind Of in an order in any way uh um it Definitely has to be to me it has to you Have to put guys into a fit so um it Really depends so like if you're working With people that are kind of more Willing to adapt to what the room is Then right you can go out and recruit The best athlete right um if you want Someone that's going to be more um hey We're this we're we're four eyes and a Zero then you have to go recruit the Biggest right the biggest guys right and I'm sure you dealt with both of them Like hey I gotta go on the road I know I Need to recruit this as my three Tech Right or this is the what I need at the Edge and then other places it's kind of Like okay let's go and look at it and See all right this is the guy I can get This guy and now he can do this right But I think one of the things that you
Said that I really touched home was like You like to play a lot of guys and I Think in the way of the world now you Know Dave and I have discussed it the More guys you can get on the field it's The same thing with like groupings for Offense right now those guys even if They're not the guy they're playing a Little bit maybe that's more of a thing That will now keep them in your program Rather than having to go you know Constantly fully recruit your roster Every year which is something you're it Looks like is gonna happen no doubt and Honestly the biggest thing that forced My hand wasn't I wasn't even thinking of Like keeping the team mentally together And all those kind of things and making People happy was the tempo guys they Forced you to do it at D line you know You got you got yes yeah I mean Texas Tech's gonna go 3,000 miles an hour you Better have 10 guys that can Right there's no doubt what what what Differences so you've been at multiple Levels which is really cool right Um West Virginia like what what you're You're able to recruit and get there Versus when you know you're you're a Forum or ston brook or any those schools Like what is the difference like people Confused as to what the differences are What are the differences that you see at Your level versus maybe some of the uh
The lower levels um To people say I'm crazy but it's not Skill it's the combination of size and Speed is the is the thing so uh let me Give you example um chase edmans at fora Yep you know his drafted play running Back unbelievably skilled unbelievably Skilled but he didn't he didn't really Stand out any different than the FCS Guys right uh sequ Barkley unbelievably Skilled but you had I always for get the Dudes that you've coached bro like youve Coached some names and been around some Names that it's like whoa you know Saquon Barkley sty were the same size as The dine and o line and and he was Really fast and we all saw the videos of Him hand cleaning right like he right Just unbelievable there but I mean There's there have been a ton of good Running backs I mean there's ton of good Running backs in the state of Pennsylania that come from Bloomsburg Right that had Pro guys come out of There so or Slippery Rock you know have Had Pro guys come out of there so it's It's unbelievable I mean there's a uh I Coach John daaka and Rond Del Carter at Uh James Madison and those those two Book ends were unbelievable I mean it Was it was sacks left and right at at JMU but montz sweat is 67 and his Wingspan was almost 7 foot two uh with Just as just as athletic as those guys
So it's it's really the the combination Of size and speed watching the watching The lineman run these days is like it's Really not different than looking at the DBS they're bigger but they're just as Agile it's Amazing it's mindblowing the defensive Lineman especially the ends you're right Like they're the old the guys who played Basketball in the old days you know like They played Power miles Garrett miles Garrett in All-Star Weekend playing basketball Right yeah windmill Duncan hooping all Over the place right it's it's Incredible it really it really is Incredible what these guys can do um how Does how does like Uh uh academic situation look so like a Player comes In they all come from uh it's not not Not a a a education standpoint but They're coming from all different places Right and they may have taken this class Here and they may have taking this class At this High School um what what are Some of the things that you have to do To make sure sure all your guys are Successful from an academic standpoint Um well the best thing we we do here and I this the only SC that actually does This is we we test the guys for like see Where they are Foundationally um so obviously some guys
Come in the school and they might have Had a reading disorder they didn't know About or learning disability or learn Differently right so we also test for Learning styles so we're able to reach Them on their Level some guys you know we thought were Very sharp or whatever but they just Need to glasses right they're test their Eyes right you know you know were afraid To raise their hand and say they Couldn't see the board so you find out Where they're at number one and then I Think when it the biggest thing is when They're picking U majors and things is To find things they're interested in yes Um as well as they can handled I think Interest is more than handle right like You can find a way to get tutoring you Can find a way to to uh get the material Right and and you might make a C+ but You'll still get your degree right but If you're interested in it and Passionate about it you'll do it right Right you know I've had the guy that Wanted to be the doctor that didn't like Science he's like dude are you really It's like hey bro I don't know I don't Know if this is going to work out for You bro right or you know the dude that Wanted engineering but hates math you Know and you know honestly it's funny But had some guys that say I want to be Do mechanical engineering thinking they
Were gonna be a mechanic right so you Know don't some people just don't know You know and I'm and I I was there too I Mean I didn't know exactly what the hell I wanted to do when I was coming out of High school but you got to find out what People's interested star like I'm I'm an Awful golfer but I hit one shot I have a Great day you Know so it keeps me interested for sure You know but I also think that's Something that like you said when now You're recruiting you know yeah you're Recruiting the best players you're Recruiting athletes you're recruiting All this stuff dude but you're also Recruiting people that like you said You're going to bring into your house They're going to meet your wife right And that's where those conversations can Start to happen hey man what do you like Like you know when you Daydream what do You think about like let's find a way to Fit that into you know this aspect of it And then when you start to break down Those walls with your players you know Now they feel comfortable enough with You to be hey you know coach I really Couldn't see the board for the last Three years like well hey man let's get Your eyes checked or you know coach I Like when we talk about this like now You can fit those guys into and kind of Help them out and they look at you not
Only as the guy that's you know telling Them you know like let's go we gotta Push you know they look at you as a Person and I think that helps them you Know academically as well absolutely and Like you know I spend more time with my Players than my so you know we hope we We get along you know hopefully we're There for each other and ask than just Snapping the ball over and over again Right uh no no doubt about it it's you Know one of the interesting things about Like from a recruiting standpoint Players that you're bringing in and they Coming from all different areas and and Different places uh especially West Virginia right because um uh that that's A smaller State and you guys have to Have to recruit um from from many Different areas You know I I heard some interesting Things on recruiting that like uh I Don't know if you guys even I'm sure you Do but like player personnel has become More important in in recruiting staff Yeah I you know I just saw something on That today like how that's becoming more And more of a uh where you guys are Coaching on the dline like they might More bring people to you and say okay These are the guys we really like like What do you think whereas in the old Days maybe maybe even when you first Started you were probably going out and
Finding those guys explain a little bit How how that works now well so you know Even when I first started coaching and Recruiting Services started getting big Right you got the the um recruiting Service there at the Jersey uh was one Of one of the big ones and 247 was Getting big and right remember it was Like the Mike Quick show was on and he Covered New York and New Jersey Connecticut and eastern Pennsylvania you Got a couple guys but now is information Overlo like I get list of guys from from California California junior college or Texas Junior College is well the areas I Might already know guys or Derek sends Me guys right so the the uh the guys in The VPP role has really been able to Synthesize it because it's too much for Me to do um there's no way I could look Through this list of people call these Recruits schem take care of my guys and Take care ofself my personal life all at Once so those guys are been able to boil Down what do I really need to know like I don't need to sort through a list of a 100 defensive lineman in one little area Because probably three of them can play For me and probably maybe one of those Guys I could actually attain right you Know what I mean one of those guys that That don't I won't say fall to West Virginia but there's there are schools Out there that are are sexier or have
Different nil so like hey these are the Group of guys that we could yield and I Think that's the best thing the dppp Does and it might be a guy he really Likes more than I do uh maybe some Characteristics maybe a little bit Different but at the end of the day like That guy's a power five or whatever and Whether you love him or he likes him or Whatever like at least I'm not wasting My time you know right and you know the Nil piece I know you guys are G to bring It up like that's a huge Factor too Where like those those Conversations yeah those conversations Are completely over my head like number One I don't know what budget is I don't Know right what we essent exactly offer Right and I and I sure is held don't Need to be the one talking to the young Man's agent because I done it again I Don't know so do do players have like is That something that's become more of a Thing to have agents in in general to Represent them for niil is that is that Some of the things that are going on Yeah I actually like it like number one Is I think there's A you know most agents have a legal Background or or or some sort of uh Understand the industry so I think That's really good they can go out and Yield those things and I I think it's Good protection right so you're not
You're not kids aren't signing away Their lives to you know to whoever right There's some sort of uh there's someone Out there attain gathered all the Knowledge that again that I don't have The time of that means to do you know You know I really tell guys that bring Me hey coach what about this like you Need to go talk to a professional Because I have an agent that that that Takes care of my stuff or a lawyer I Speak to about or an accountant I work With because it's not my background Right so again I think it's good for Those kids to do that and I think it I Think having third parties and and those Conversations are really good it's It's it's awkward walking into you know Your boss office and tell sometimes tell Them you want to raise a little easier To have calls and then also make sure All your all the Ducks are in a row you Know this conversation need to be had Between two people that you know a Professional could take care of I I like It Honestly yeah well obviously the Transfer portal and n and coming in at The basically the same exact time has to Totally totally changed a lot of things But I mean obviously everyone's fastly Adapting to the new world and figuring Out along the way figuring out what's Best for for their program um is uh a a
As you guys go forward and and you know With respect to those things H how do You as a as a Coach I don't know advise your own Players when they have a question or um I'm talking about players that are Already with you right like uh you know Room right manage that room I if if if If somebody either I don't know feels Maybe they they they're looking for Something per se or playing time what Are some of the things that you have to Do personally to to be able to manage That room uh number one is that I don't Put a box on playing time and I don't Make promises like I really truly Believe the best guys play um the best Guys get snaps whether walk- on Scholarship big deal or not like I I Won't I won't stay employed the best These guys don't produce right so and I Think number one is making the making What you're looking for production wise And all that stuff put it out there Right don't keep any secrets so so and So has starts the game 20 snaps and 15 Minuses and and busted on four plays Like that person needs to know and the Rest of the guys to know it and then I Think it help keeps me myself Accountable where coach you're playing a Guy that messed up 10 times and Everybody knows it right so there's no There's no secrets um and I also like to
Have open conversations right and I I Don't want your dad to call me and tell Me he thinks you should play more like That's me and you have a conversation Because sometimes dad doesn't know that You can't get in do the plays right at Practice or vice versa or you miss 10 Classes so you know that's that's also a Big piece in having having the thing Where we can sit down and talk to each Other and then if guys are looking for Nil and those kind of things like I Don't think it's wrong I don't want to Find out a kid's going to enter the Portal or do it after it happens right Like say and say hey coach like you know This is what I'm want this what I'm Looking for what's the deal and let's Work on it right let's have a real grown Man conversation um sometimes it's like Hey man like you want more money but did You did you make any plays you know Right what have you what have you done To earn that correct correct and then And then when you do get that deal or You do get to you know taken care of Like you gotta you got to produce now You're like now you got to do it again And again again again you have to do it More and more and more and it's it's now It's now that's the Baseline that's What's expected so you've just taken That you know level of your play and Raised it but now you have to continue
That level of play and at you know Continue to play at that level in order To continue to get what you want but U You know I I think nil's great I I think The portal is a necessary tool I mean Um you I didn't want to transfer when I Was in college but I I think I I played For the same coaches my whole career too Which is I you know I bounced around Myself as a coach I understand look Things um the biggest my biggest gripe With the thing is um is the tampering Piece using using the nil to to force Guys off other guys Rosters or let me let me just pay you so You don't go somewhere right like come To come I'll give you an nil deal to Come to me knowing that guy you're never Really GNA play that guy he's never Going to have a role just to keep him From being on the opposing sideline yeah Correct and it's uh it's added another Level to recruiting which I don't love Um I don't like the tampering game and Also the feeling in December or late May Having a scramble to go look for more Players when that used to be you know a Time of going to just recruit High School guys it's just you know it's it's Tough it's tough but the the tampering Piece and the using the nil as a bait is This the really only part that I hate um Can they ever police it I don't know but That that's really the only that's come
Out of it that I really dislike a guy That wants to go play somewhere else Like time is precious you only get four Or five years to do this so go somewhere You're G to be happy by all means but I Think I think we've made it bad for each Other as coaches not necessarily the Players go well that makes it that makes A ton of sense Um I think eventually over time there'll Be there'll be some things put in there To to to more at least curb some level Of tampering um because yeah right the Last thing anybody wants uh is you're Coaching the guy and someone's someone's Call him up as he made three sacks the Last game and says hey come over here Right and you know I'll give you that That's the thing that I think everybody Agrees what um at least in the first Step that has to be somewhat um some Level of uh either I don't know if the Word is control or regulation but Whatever it is has to be put in place in Order to to figure out uh to to Eliminate that tampering aspect of it h H I have two two two I think are good Questions left and we'll let you go Because I could talk to you all day um But with h how first of all what's the Best way for a prospect to reach out to You like what is that Pro like I'm I'm a Defensive line Prospect I'm interested In West Virginia I think I'm a player H
How do I go through that process with Coach Jackson Um number one is that I think you know You find you go through the social media Channels which I know I get I'm Notorious of getting backdated on Followers and DMS and then like I I Enjoy me personally I enjoy talking to High School coaches and and even Handlers really don't they don't it's a Really good process for the most part Like have an adult reach out that has That knows me as well I think I think Number one it it helps uh kind of Deviate some of the guys that quite Frankly can't play for me and it's it's Just impossible to get back to everybody But like I know if Derek text me a link A huddle link like the guy could is a Division one player you know and I might I might not love their game but I know The kid play right so and it's it's Coming from a credible Source like Someone I trust someone I've worked with Before um so using a high school coach Is crucial I think and then um you know I think for for guys like if you like Places you think you're play like go Visit those places a sophomore and a Junior when you're right your decisions Go go check started so much earlier like You have that time now go VI like and That's one of the things that I think is So important is like you got to go and
You gotta see it and you gotta I think Talking to the players on the team right Like stuff like that right that's that's That's crucial yes um you know and then Some guys you know some of the high Profile guys are get text from their Agents you Know you're dealing with third party you Know hey are you the what what are you Like you said you're a Handler but like Which L are you these guys don't just Have one now you know I mean you're Talking about high school guys that have They're making more money than any of us Are you know Like but I'm old school I'm old school In that sense like have your high school Coach reach out like you know and Because because I'm definitely gonna Have some questions and of course most Times tape speaks for itself as far as As far as a player but you know if You're a headache you're late for school A lot like those are things I'm gonna Have to deal with as as a position coach Coach Brown not hand probably aren't Mentioning right but a high school coach Is still gonna let you know like hey you Know this guy is kind of whatever so This is what you're get now look you may Say okay whatever don't worry about it We'll take care of it when he gets to us Right but at least you know that Knowledge you know it's the same thing
When I send you a huddle link hey bro Tell me what you think about this guy I Don't know if he's for you but what do You think you know and it's quick here It is right back like you said you can You get back and it's that's the type of Stuff that's the relationship how it Works especially you know with high School coaches number one and and Honestly like I put this out there Because it's it's a I think it's Becoming not a huge problem but it's a It's a problem like I know if Derek text Me the measurements are going to be Really close so for instance like if he Tells me the kid is 6'4 and I watch the tape that in my mind I'm seeing someone that's two inches Taller than myself right and that's That's the opinion I have on the kid if He tells me the kid is 6'2 like all Right I'm thinking might be shorter but I'm looking at it from that lens the Worst is when you see on a kid uh tape Or Twitter 65 and all these and they're Way off it's It right number one it makes you look Bad because you li Li right and it Changes perspective like I've been a Bunch of of six foot two uh defensive Linemen that are awesome that I know I Could take another six foot2 kit you Know maybe in the cycle I'm not looking For that and I just went to that school
Or I brought the kid on campus and I've Wasted everybody's time like that that That that'll set you back too like I Just wish guys would use the exact Measurements because at the end of the Day it Wasting right don't waste anybody's time There's nothing the next time now the Next time you might actually have a 63 64 guy but you know what now I'm already Kind of I don't know like you've already Burnt it right away or you might just Say I don't even have the time dude you Already burnt me see I'll never take a Player from you again yeah Somehow they got into this arms race of Lying on their height right like it goes Up an inch every time they post it on Something different 24 can't keep growing can't keep growing Exponentially right and it's like They're Tik Tok says six everyone is a It's like what do it's like oh yeah Coach how tall are you coach 63 no no no I'm 61 and a half right shorter than Me I'll tell you a funny story when I First started running all the camps and I didn't know this was was a thing so When I first started doing the camps uh You know back in 2005 um I would take pictures with the Award winners okay well this is what's Interesting originally I was taking Pictures because of people would get
Familiar with me and they would know That I was running the camps but the Coaches in college wanted me taking Pictures with them because they all knew I was 61 like when I they would stack Them up next to you 61 with no shoes on So if a guy was taller than me they knew He was a certain height if he was Shorter than me they knew he certain Height so I it was all of a sudden Became a thing it's like hey are you Gonna keep taking pictures with the guys Because we know how tall they are or Aren't right it was it was it was an Amazing amazing thing I never even never Even dawned to me that I was like this Is I know this guy is this height if He's taller or shorter him I know what The height of the kid is at least Approximately right so I could tell if They're telling the truth or not there's Nothing worse than being in the staff Meeting and saying hey this kid uh 6'4 Whatever's coming and you bring him to The head coach and He's 61 yeah because even what Coach Brown What coach Brown's six barely six foot Right right and and again like coach Brown's got to meet with 40 other people So it's like I just wasted this the head Coach's time right which is not Something you want to do Right he's got how many daughters at
Home right so you know he's trying to Live that life too you know what I'm Saying he don't have time to be And just like you know hey this is a guy And look we see we see it all the time Because these guys come to our camps and We look at and we're like wait what and It's this it's like come on man like Just you're wasting everybody's time Here which is why I would think for you Guys to get a guy on campus to come out To you know camp or wherever just so I Can physically see you in person and get My eyes on you no doubt and for them too You know like you know the biggest thing Is you know we talk to players all day And we we text back and forth call FaceTime and whatever but like your Folks have to be comfortable with me Like you have to like campus you're Gonna live here for four or five years Like you have to right listen man you're Coming from Florida this is West Virginia Dude yes it might it might snow there's Some Hills it's important or you might you Know I've been I I've had players that Have you know most people are surprised By our facility um you know because we Done everything whatever but I have People come and say coach everything is Great but this is I just realized how Far this was like I'd rather know that
Before Signing Day you know right you're Like you had to take you know a plane to Get here dude and then hey you just Drove six hour like you know or like hey You had to hop in a car like this isn't Gonna be like hey I'm going home on the Week every weekend right like you're not You're gonna be here for a while and and You can and look and in your different Stops I'm sure you've seen different Types of kids or you know just your prog S where they recruited from whether it Be West Virginia where you're kind of a National right like you're recruiting Kind of all over the place like to a Place like you know old Old Dominion it Was like hey we just became a division One program and we're trying to figure Out what it is so I'm sure those Intangibles all go into it no doubt I Mean I I always I thought when I got Further south that it was just going to Be oh warm weather coming some I had Kids say coach it's too damn hot down There so you never know right it's an Inexact science recruit right oh there's No doubt no I I remember when we when I Was at Yukon we get a lot of guys from Florida and as soon as everything was Fine in the fall as soon as it got to The winner I remember guys like Literally didn't even tell coaches they Were they were at the airport going home They were like I I can't do this and and
We we we' be sending you know guys Players to go chase them down the Airport come grab them back you know Because that that's you know you have to Know guys have to understand what's Actually GNA uh uh go on from a weather Standpoint too um you know I I I love How your career you you continually to To grow you've been at West Virginia for The past three years you you've seen Different levels you've seen different Coaches that you've worked with guys who Are Aspiring uh to one day be you to be be a Coach at the college level at the Highest level like you are what are some Pieces of advice that you would give Them um number one is don't be afraid to To be broke Oh baby you know Derek knows I mean you Know we had a great time working camps In summer but it wasn't always because I Wanted to football I need money right Right listen dudes like us in a dorm Room right at a at a I mean we were Coaching camps at colleges that didn't Even have football teams we were just Using them as facilities right like I Think we did one at St John's one St John's I mean and then we just and it Listen like that's just that's just what We Get that that's number one and um you Know have have your goals have your
Dreams but be realistic like you might Have to start off at a division three School painting lines or I was at I was CW posst and I was flipping laundry in The weekends I mean it is what it is if Really want to do it you have you have To really you know have a humble Beginning sometimes not everybody's Going to get the P5 GA job um number two Is learn the computer stuff uh Vio PowerPoint Microsoft the whole Microsoft Office field learn that stuff um And go places pull up on practice Whether it's high school college junior College you can learn something our Defensive coordinator came from uh Mississippi junior colleges our codc uh Came out of Ni neia um I have a division 2 background uh you know uh our o line Coach Matt Moore came from from high School our quarterback coach came from High school um no one's path is the Exact same but I'll tell you guys I'll Tell them this everybody wants to listen Like those guys all worked developed and Grew and did the bare minimum and and Crappy things that you don't want to do Or you don't see on TV to grow in the Profession and and you have to be humble And learned and whether it's Volunteering on the weekends or or Whatever it may be maybe you're running The scout team like you know you can you Know you got to have thick skin and all
Those kind of things and It's humble beginnings you're not you're Not going to go From um an a typical guy you're not Going to go from holding a clipboard to Being the head coach right all those Guys work you went from you went from Division two then you were at like Stony Brook and I think if I'm not mistaken You were actually like a position coach At Stony Brook and then took a g and Then took a step back to go be a ga at Penn State right and then then you and Then listen and that's like you I know We're getting to the end here we want to Let you go because I know you got stuff To do but you transitioned like those Jobs that now you got where you had Become a Power five coach kind of came From you being a ga those connections And networks you know as you moved up to To Old Dominion to James Madison like I'm sure there was a guy that said hey I Coached with him here or I've coached With a guy who coached with him that Kind of set you to that next level Absolutely and I mean there's a lot of Moments that I was you know like dang I Gotta get this guy coffee like you know I gotta go pick up his dry cleaning I Gotta go grab said humble beginnings Yeah I gotta fold these towels I gotta I Gotta clip the loops like yeah I gotta And then I gotta draw the cards and then
I gotta go coach a position and then I Gotta go Recruit so it's uh you know it's Definitely you know definitely a work uh And there's no straight paths Everybody's path different I could I Could bring up you could bring in a Hundred guys and ask same question You'll get a different answer but they All probably tell you I have to work Really hard and spend a lot of a lot of Late uh nights and a lot of early Mornings you Know coach thank you so much it's it's Been fantastic having you on taking the Time to to out of your day I know how Busy it is um to talk to us um they can They can go and reach out to at coach Jack Jax DL right that's your Twitter I Guess uh corre y That's my Twitter um You know definitely follow me on there And you know uh send send a DM if you Have any questions and I'm about to pose The same sending coaches drill tapes any That stuff I learned from stole my Drills from other people too So game or anything like that I'm but we Do it's what we do also one of the guys Coach Jack he still does clinics right Like he goes out does the Glazer clinics He gets his face out there uh you know What I say so just a phenomenal resource For for our listeners do do I do the Glazers I uh big promoter of lawren
First and goal so I'm out there so yeah I love that do that bro and I think That's just Like where how we were brought up right Like somebody helped you or somebody sat With you and worked through it and then You're still willing to do that like I Think you're still a a people first guy Right because that's what ultimately Gets things done is is people absolutely Absolutely 100% appre thanks coach H Have a have a great day and we'll see You real soon good luck this season all Right fellas thanks thanks buddy all Right appreciate it later Man that was great really good dude Really good dude Know him for a while survive technical Difficulties unbelievable it's all good We're good I just listen I know he's Just such like a just his whole path Right and he he don't he's so humble That he'll never touch on it you know What I'm saying I mean going I mean he's A he he played at a school that's no Longer like it's not even a school Anymore they transitioned from division Two changed their whole merged with Liu And now it's just you know one program That's kind of where he got his his jump And then like I said he was at Stony Brook for a little while then he went in G with you know at Penn State with Sequan and obviously you know then the
Jobs that followed from that you know he Was at Mississippi State you're talking About a dline coach at Miss in the SEC And then you know then he started then James Madison so he's been at FCS Schools top level right he was at Old Dominion when they transitioned to a Division one and got that job because The guy who was coaching defense at Penn State when he was gaing knew he was a Good guy and said hey come coach my Dline right like so he's put in the work To kind of and now he's at West Virginia And look this is a big year like you Know he's very open about thinking like Hey dude if we don't do something I'm Not gonna be here very long because he He's very open about that so he knows He's got to coach his tail off but you Know I think some of the things he said Were were were very you know really Interesting talking about his room and How he likes to you know really get into It with his guys and I think as a Position coach you can kind of do that Stuff because you're with them in the Meeting rooms more one-on-one and you Know talking about bringing guys to his House for food and you know hanging with His wife and all those kind of things I Think are a little different than what Most people think power five coaches are About oh yeah I agree with that 100 perc I'm that that was that was an excellent
Conversation I will we'll close it out And um you know phenomenal having a College coach on anytime we could do That there's nothing better than that um Being able to hear what he has to say What they're dealing with and and and That whole Perspective uh from that standpoint so We'll we'll we'll let you go until next Time um we'll we'll hit the ponus I feel Like me and you are frozen for some Reason I don't know if you are I'm good You're good hit the outro we're good We're good I'm trying to hit the Out I'm try listen hey look nobody said That like you know we may put the good Information out there but we don't have This other like you know the podcasting Aspect a really us This e We'll hit the outro here it was a great Podcast um I we lost we lost Coach Dave We lost uh but it was a great podcast Great having coach on he really really Shed a lot of light into a lot of great Things from a football standpoint uh We'll see you real soon