Here is the best way to get a football scholarship and it’s FREE
Here is the best way to get a football scholarship and it’s FREE
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Everybody right now I'm gonna give you a Couple of amazing tips from a recruiting Standpoint that nobody will ever tell You about I'm gonna tell you here Exclusively and it's free This tip right here is free for free and I found that over the years and some of The best program in the country in high School Understand this better than anywhere Else the best way to get an offer Obviously number one you have to have Great film and you have to have academic Qualification for the level that you're Looking for but so what I mean by that Is if you're an Ivy League athlete You've got to have a certain GPA if You're a division 1 scholarship athlete You got another school what they require To get in there But after you have those two things and I'm talking top tier film academics Required in order to get to where you Need to be the best way to be able to Get a scholarship getting in front of College coaches is to work out for them Live now I'm not talking about summer Camps because summer camps are good and In the best summer camps you should go Too long before you arrive at any College camp now if you're going there To get coached by good coaches and do Some drills and stuff like that Absolutely go to whatever college camp
You want but if you're looking to get Recruited the opportunity for someone to Look at you Number one from a college campus and Point you need to choose a place that It's actually gonna happen for you place That's actually been recruiting ahead of Time and the best way to make that Happen after you send film and all these Schools have come through is to be able To work out for the college coaches so What do I mean so if your high school Has morning workouts and some of the Best programs in the country do this if You have morning workouts having that College coach come in watch you work out Doing actual drills movement wise Throwing wise passing wise catching wise Lifting skills that they can actually See you move okay in the morning or After school when they come to visit Your school during that time Between April 15th and May 30th where They are allowed to come on to your to Your campus and talk with you they're Allowed to watch you by getting a Transcript they're allowed to show up And watch you and if you are there Working out that is the best way to move You up very quickly if you don't get a Scholarship right there you potentially Will be on the Prime list when it comes To go into a college camp it's a great Tip for you for the future
During that April 15th to May 30th time Period to get in front of college Coaches talk to your high school coach About that if you're a top-tier guy or a Guy that even it doesn't even matter What level you are because if they come In they see you they'll be able to see You work out it's a top best way to be Able to get recruited and moved up very Very quickly and I've had guys get Offers right out of those workouts and It's funny because a lot of times I'm Not a new place now and those kids are Starting to learn that part of it but a Lot of times athletes don't realize What's going on but they're actually Evaluating you they're evaluating how You move and that is the best way to get An offer and if you do football drills In front of them even better even better That's the way to be able to get the Offers you need all the top programs do It around the country in high school and That is a secret that is free to you From me that will help you get recruited Coach human signing off