Crossing Route Passing Combination and Reads By Coach Schuman
4 min readCrossing Route Passing Combination and Reads By Coach Schuman
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Here's a good example of one of the Easiest set of crossing routes there is There's some main principles with this Crossing route combination that you have To understand so the first thing mother By two by two and and you could run this And really take a great advantage of the Defense depending on what they're Playing but so you can run this two by Two the key key principle is grass so You're you're looking to throw where the Grass is so if you have grass in this Area and this is your first look so the Crossing route would wait by Y which Should be run so if you're running it From right to left that inside crossing Route the aiming point is the defensive Ends heels and it's finishing point is Somewhere around three yards so that's Where you're looking to go with that Short I mean that a shallow crossing Around the inside the in route is a 10-yard end and he's looking to sit in a Hole so he's he's looking to sit in a Hole Wherever there's grass so from a Quarterback standpoint looking is their Grass number one for the Y is the avery If there is grass throw it okay if There's no grass and it's covered or It's covered by some linebacker so you Start and if grass is taken from the First air view work on to your second Second read is on the end is there any
Grass there your receivers going to Dictate that so from a release Standpoint depending on where this will Linebackers playing will linebacker here Where this will linebacker playing if He's moved out you want to work outside In sit down with the grass areas okay And so from from a route standpoint this Allows you to get yourself in a position Where that's one the child's 200 climb And low to high and And one of where's I like that says Three is the shot from the post so what You're reading is essentially is their Grass in the first one know if there is Yes throw it if no work to your number Two grass Brody sitting and grass throw It if this this free safety squeezes Squeezes then you throw the post over The top real simple okay then your Outlet becomes if you good go-to for if You don't have the time I would say you Know you either gonna if you have a Quarterback that can run then you should Have them take off depending on how You're protecting this okay for more Protection standpoint big on big he's Looking for the hole in the B gap okay If he doesn't if he doesn't find a hole In the B gap okay if you have a guy that There's some run real well then then Your outlet is over here on on the on The swing round so this is your throw Here so you go one two three and then
This becomes four on your swing if you Got a guy that can run he's taking off Back side be there when everybody clears Out very very simple example of a Crossing route with an in and it's very Difficult to defend it happens real fast It's a very quick progression gives your Quarterback a really good opportunity it Works against zone it works against man And man you're looking for matchups okay So you're looking for the best matchups That you know you're gonna have in zone You're just purely reading grass and You're still following that same Progression whether it's man or zone and Then you could tag different things so If you want to tag the Z receiver over If you want to tag this Z receiver on His route you want to have them have a Come back you want um a vertical week we Keep this guy on a choice route Sure out here okay he's running a choice Route we runs that choice route if you If you have a one-on-one match if you Could always go over there as well and Then you could change your progressions Based off of what you're seeing to 2z2 The swing so there's a lot of different Things with this very simple combination Once you learn it very effective Crossing round combination