Carrying a Tradition of Success with Butler Head Coach Jason Luciani

Carrying a Tradition of Success with Butler Head Coach Jason Luciani with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and…

Carrying a Tradition of Success with Butler Head Coach Jason Luciani with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale

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[Music] All right we're go we're go back at it On a Monday we got a busy week this week We gotta fix busy week busy week so a Lot of great guests today we're going to Talk football with Coach Luciani Head coach of Butler High School you're You're alma mater yes sir we we could we Could fire up the butler stories get That rolling coach has also been Obviously had coach a couple other Places as well um uh I think lot of Sports what's that and a lot a lot of Different sports different sports yep And we'll we'll let him talk a little Bit about that uh in a second um ball Yeah of course Yeah that we we know that well all of us So um crazy weekend as well Obviously so some historic [ __ ] going on Bro yeah yeah with uh president being Shot at and uh he made a nice Cut like Nice little head Jab that's unbelievable that is like a Jedi Warrior move right there straight Matrix straight Matrix status straight Matrix unbelievable unable but um we Could we could talk about that a little Later but let's without further Ado Let's bring on Coach luani how you doing Coach gentlemen thank you for having me On good to see both of you coach Appreciate you taking the time bud we Know to have you on coach we're excited

Luciani family runs deep as a football Family so um definitely know it well um We're excited to have you on you're head Coach uh Butler High School um but uh Talk about your your kind of your whole Career and get give us background from That everyone in a background from that Standpoint um and then we'll roll from There okay so uh you know in high school Growing up I grew up in pton Lakes which Is one one town over from Butler grew up Uh Little League baseball youth football Wrestled a little bit played a little Basketball and when when I got into high School I concentrated on football and I Did track my dad was uh was the head Coach at Pompton Lakes when I was there Coach I remember you in high school and I I got a little surprise for you I I don't know if I can share my screen Or not but I'll tell the story and then You might be able to share your screen Um well I could you anyway I'll tell the Story first then you could tell me coach If it's doable okay I what year were you What year did you graduate Saddlebrook 92 yeah okay so we we we played against Each other you wouldn't remember me I Was just a tackle but I remember you We're playing Saddlebrook and we were Having a real good season and our coach Is all week we got to stop shoing he's The one guy who could destroy our Perfect season and we had all these

Adjustments in the game plan and uh like The first play of the second half you Took it for like 60 yards on a sweep and I I it's like burned in my memory having To go to the sideline we told you we Ended up winning the game but you you Certainly uh hold a place in my memory For that play and the weak building up Into that play So I remember you in Track as well coach you did you you ran Track too right yeah I was a hurler yep Yeah jumper a real good track team and Yeah and we did two and it was going to Come down to one of the distance races And we had a distance Runner named JP Donnelly and you had a bunch of good Distance Runners and you guys boxed them You put a guy in front of him and a guy The side of him and he couldn't break Boxed him for the whole mile I think I Can't remember if you guys won or lost But those are my shum memories I just Wanted to share there you go coach there You go buddy I do have you queued up Coach on on that touchdown I got it I Got it saved up if you could figure out How to share with me later I'll let all Your fans oh oh yeah If you um let me see hold on let me see If I can oh he's GNA try and figure this One out I could share see it bro I know He he did a little high step too into The end zone D there's there's two things I know

Coach this is this is two things that Are facts from at least from when I was In SB one we were lose we Lo we would Always lose the pop the legs of football And two we would always beat them M Track so So those are two two facts those are two Facts of football no matter no matter if I gain yards or not that game which I Think was my senior year um it rained I Believe it was at Saddlebrook and it Rained oh well thank God because it Wasn't G to be at hirs it would have Been underwater well in the first half You got like I couldn't I was running And I had a couple of opportunities to Break through and you guys just got me And I uh my socks were soaked I took Them off I played with no socks in the Second half that's why I think that's When I broke the run but it wasn't Enough you guys were better than us but Um uh I think you guys beat me three Times when I was in high school uh my Yeah my my sophomore year when Darold Was the Quarterback yeah he was a good player he Was a real good player we had good back Then yeah we we made the state finals When I was a sophomore and then when I Was a junior I think we were eight and One and didn't get in they were only Taking four teams at the time yep and I Remember that I remember when they used

To do that when you actually had to work To make the playoffs you had work you Really had to work and then my senior Year we were nine and0 and we lost to Wallington 14 to eight in the in the Semi-finals what what was your what was Your graduation year Was 92 also okay so that yeah that team I remember that team being really the Team the year before I think you guys Beat us 12 to six and um that was my Junior year and I had sat out all of Preseason had some sort of I don't know What back something was bothering my Back and I remember this is when I had Uh still Steve Gertie as my head coach And and that was after that game because I remembered this so clearly after we Lost that game 12 to Six um and I I didn't run for a lot of Yards my junior year I think I I I don't Remember gaining a bunch of yards and uh Um coach Gertie went around I don't know If you know who Steve Gertie is but he Was a it was a long by time coached me At Saddlebrook like my first few years There he was you know he was in the 70s But um but he was like kind of like a Legendary old school coach like had been Around U like P Valley I think was there Forever I think you know he at a few Places won a bunch of games by the time He got to us he was he was he gigantic Man anyway he walks around um as tall as

I was as big as I was I was 61 like 220 He was 6'3 probably about 280 and um at 73 he was 63 280 damn yeah he was a huge Man uh uh so anyway he goes around the Room after we Lo we watch the film he Goes around the room and just rips Everybody I mean you could never do this Stuff anymore I mean when I me R Everybody like like you could not you he Just ripped literally every single Varsity player um and and then he got to Me and I was like I thought he was going To be like oh you know a little Disappointed he went on a tie about me He he said he started going he said Everybody keeps saying wait till you get Sh Schuman wait till you get Schuman He's like I had Schuman starting for Three years and he ain't done [ __ ] for Me that that that was after my junior Year game that was our first game Against you guys because I think they uh And then we had a bunch of injuries but I thought I think they believed that we Were gonna be really really good I think We end up being four and four but they Thought we were going to be Great the next cuz they pump to Lakes Was great that year it was it was Toe-to-toe we lost 12 to six they went Eight and one and then we had a bunch of Injuries so we we end up being okay but Um but yeah that's funny I don't know How to Quee this up I it may you may

Have to maybe if I don't know if you Email it to me I could I could probably Pop it over but um I will definitely I Will definitely shoot you an email on The on our on our first break but yeah So anyway my my playing career I was a Mediocre I was a mediocre High School Football player I was a coach as kid I Knew what to do I hustled I played you Know tackle linebacker uh I went to I Went to Glassboro I got accepted to Glassboro State College that's Rowan for All of you young now Rowan now when I When I was uh the summer going into my Freshman year they Henry Rowan made the Hundred million dollar donation to Glass Not a bad donation though bud and uh and They made the transition run and I I did Not play in college you know I was about You I'm 510 I was 180 pounds at the time No way I was gonna play tackle for row But I knew I was GNA be a teacher I knew I knew I wanted to be a to be a coach And uh when when I graduated from Rowan My first uh my first teaching job was at Kinon high school and I got hired in in In January of 97 I believe or 98 January 98 to um replace Bob Sawyer who was the Head coach at kinon for for quite a long Time yep not as the head football coach But as a fizzed teacher right and then I Was there for that spring and then um They riffed me because I I wasn't a Lacrosse guy and they they wanted to

Hire a lacrosse guy and uh at the time John byuk was the athletic director at Kinon and his brother-in-law was Jimmy Smith who was the superintendent at Butler and he called me and he said uh Hey my brother-in-law has an opening Down in Butler why why don't you go talk To him we've had good by G yeah so so he So I went to see coach smth he went to He said all right go go talk to the Athletic director and the Ide at the Time was was Pete sandor and Pete sandor Was was moving on to Summit I believe if I'm not mistaken and he was leaving and Tom Hamilton is the fette teacher who I Ended up replacing was going to be the The the the athletic director so Pete Sandor had me in his office and he said What will you coach here at Butler I Said sir I'll I'll coach just about Anything if I you know if you bring me On I'll I'll coach whatever you tell me To he said will you coach gymnastics I Said oh yes yes sir I'll I'll coach Gymnastics he said' how about girls Basketball I said yeah I'll coach how About girls track yeah he said okay go Back up and and see Jimmy Smith he said All right sandor said you're good you're Coaching gymnastics girls basketball and And girls track and that was what I did At Butler my I didn't coach football at Butler my first year I coached Gymnastics because that was what it took

At the time to to secure a uh to secure A position then the following year um I Stopped doing gymnastics Bob Jones was The football coach at the time and he Said uh you know there's not a paid a Paid job but if you want to come on and Volunteer um come on and volunteer so For that year I ended up working mostly On the defensive side of the ball with Mike Myers who was a DC and Mike was on His way out moving into Administration And the next year you know I ended up Kind of doing the defense with uh with Dan hofling I don't know that was like 99 2000 yeah um you know ever since then When when Bob left and maybe 2001 Dan Hoff took the job 2002 and then Dan retired 06 Jim Matt sackis came on The staff some somewhere along at that Point Jimmy came on an ' 04 and then When Dan left an ' 07 Jimmy took the Head job and then Jimmy left to go to West Orange in 2012 which was his last Season so 20 2013 was my first season as head coach And I've been the custodian of the Program ever since then so it's uh Butler's been a great place to work it's Been been it's been great for me um and Uh I'm lucky I'm a lucky guy man believe Me L I'm lucky to have found the Community in a school like Butler High School believe me a lot of guys don't um Don't get to have the experience I had

So um I'm over the moon over the moon With the with the administration the Type of place it is the type of kids it Has the type of football players it has The grit in the kids and uh it's it's Been a great great positive experience For me it's it's amazing because we've Had a lot of obviously Butler people on You know we started doing it you know uh Uh you you grab the friends of family Approach here and and and as as we've Building it up that was part of it and D You know Derek had a lot of people on That were either with Butler or had been With Butler or had a connection to Butler basically right I would say for The most part right Derek yeah we've had Coach Mick on you Know you know some of these guys all These guys that kind of have linked back Or have helped me through the network But I mean and and Dave coming from a Group one program as well but I think it Was really eye opening after we had Coach mickens on right Dave was like Yeah these are getting like there are so Many people looking at this and I just Like well Butler's a cult it's like you Know it really is just like it's really Kind of like a cult like they just love Football and it's just you really don't Understand it until you're in it or it You know some way shape or form it's Just a very very different type of place

Where like football just brings Everybody together and it's just it's Just what people Do we we live in a real cool area of New Jersey too where it's like you have all These small towns around it's like uh Butler Bloomingdale Pompton Riverdale Panic Kinon wanu Ringwood it's like this this Small area of of North Jersey and a lot Of families you know they they stay in These towns in these areas they you know They like I grew up in Pompton now I Have a house in Butler and a lot of the Guys that I went to high school with are The same they live in you know Ringwood Or they live in Pompton Plains you know A lot of Butler guys they now move on to Panic or they you know I live in Pompton Now I live here now So it's a good place to live it's a it's A good place to raise your family there There's small communities you could the Kids can walk the schools are good and People people don't want to leave it's It's a short commute to New York City Y All amenities that you need are right Right within this area so weal well Dave That Dave actually brought this up and Talked about it too like like if you Don't like if you're not going to Butler You're not just like passing through it You know what I'm saying like you have To be you know 23 North like that's

That's what it is you're if you're going To Butler like that's the only reason You would ever be around some of those Communities like it's a different place Geographically as well that kind of sets It apart you know you know Saddlebrook You could be in and out out through it And now all of a sudden now you're you Know you're in a different piece of it Right so right but you know I I think That the other good thing transitioning Now was would be like you know like all Of those now small schools that you play Now coach right like those small Bergen County group one type programs that now Are comparable to what you guys do get a Little bit to come out by you you get to Go to them like that's a little bit of Something different that's way it's it's Actually way different than when we were Playing you know Derek when when I first Started at Butler Butler's schedule was Was obscene he really obscene even when You played Butler was playing DePaul Del Barton pic Valley Wayne Valley I mean uh Just all these gigant we were playing uh Clifford Scott Bishop Francis I mean Just the level of competition that these Kids had to play and you know the kids Never looked away from it but there were Many times where I'm looking at this Like dude we got a good team if we could Just play some teams at our us you know We're GNA have a shot I look back to you

Know I wasn't coaching at the time but Butler's 95 team you know they were only Taken four teams at the time they went Four and four and got the playoffs and Won a state sectional Championship you Know so you know they I think one of Their losses were like they lost to Wayne Valley and Del Barton some you Know if something like that happened Today you know people be beside Themselves but uh you know I I I think That um moving into this new conference Has been really good for the school Especially for football just come into a Season where you know you know you have A shot every week me it really does it Does wonders for the kids and the Atmosphere of the school you know I Think back to we made the state finals In 09 we lost to Mountain Lakes um and That was the 09 was the first year we Played in the njac we were playing teams We should play Mountain Lakes Panic Kinon whipy Park in the year before we Were playing we had Del Barton Lakeland Depo PV orange and those kids with the Same team now mind you were 0 and 10 They went from 10 a little bit of a Schedule change to I think they were you Know we we had two losses that year were 10 and two something like that flipped The whole switch the schedule you play It matters especially you know we got 400 kids walking the building in Butler

That's the difference there's 400 kids Walking around you know now a lot of Them they play football from the time They're in first second third grade so That but at the end of the day you know Um we're not going to have the depth That a lot of these bigger schools are Going to have so no I I the culture of Butler is unique and that area as well I I'm glad you brought it up um with the Small schools I mean it's it's um it It's really like there's there's a Cluster over there of small schools that Uh you know in buron County there's a Ton of them as well but they're in Different Pockets um usually surrounded By a bigger town you you guys have a Cluster of of of small towns and small Schools all around each other um I do Think that that's and we talked about it Maybe last week or a couple weeks ago I Think it's Unique that um in North Jersey like I can only think of a few Places around the country where small School football is even a thing you know I think I think you got a little bit of It in maybe Connecticut um uh I don't think you have It much in New York because those are Mostly big Regional Schools I don't Think you have much of it in Pennsylvania I don't think you have much Of it in Delaware like New Jersey's Really unique North Jersey in particular

Is really unique with a a a a whole North uh small school element between Bergen Pake even a little bit of Essex County obviously you guys are at the tip Of Morris yeah like Cedar Grove those Kind of schools yep yep it's it's very Unique thing and then there's like a a a Pride to it um and one of the parts that Um I I think the you're in the NJ I see Right that that is correct yep njs right So I think I think Butler came in after I left from Pal Park that's you probably Came in a couple years after 2018 yeah Yeah few years year in the NJ I see yep Yeah that's what I thought um but it's It that conference is a great conference For for for small schools and it's given It's given them an an opportunity Because in the old days like when you Were uh played at Pompton Lakes and I Was at sbook um you you did have like You know pic Tech and um some some Bigger cathol yeah cath yeah yeah maybe Some group threes on a schedule like Garfield back in the day like but but as It's evolve as football evolved that was No longer even if you beat those teams It was no longer going to be good for For the programs because of the fact That you know one team had I remember we When I was coaching at sbook we we had 26 kids total on the team we beat pic Tech but we had 26 they had 100 on the Team you know what I mean it was like so

You you beat them you you know you won The battle but did you necessarily win The war right because of the fact that You might be beat up and and all those Yeah did you even come out of it healthy You know oh yeah I mean especially Paris Catholic in the end of the like they Were so good like we won we would win Every once in a while but y uh um but it Was it was like it that whole next week You hoped you had a really like an easy Target on the next week because uh you Had to recover from that week so um but Yeah it's it's very unique it's it's Like it's one of those things that I uh You guys are in a really strong position Some of those programs that in the in They have to kind of move those Schedules around because there's Probably like you know Hasbro kites is Good you guys are real good pton Lakes Is is is usually pretty strong horth Thought's pretty strong lrock is always A strong Team been very successful yeah in the Past few years but sbook is on the Borderline like they were they're They're teetering now you know they've Been teetering like it's it's it's year To year like whether they'll have uh uh Decent numbers and and there's some Other programs that I think I want to Say creskill is now merged is that corre I think I'm Crill is is co oped with see

That's crazy to think about yeah I mean Back back back you know up until you Know several years ago Cresco they're One of the dominant group one teams in The entire State yes talking cream of The crop CR yeah not to say that you Know the coaching or the kids still Aren't there but this is part you know This is one of the things I always say You you know there it's very cyclical in Group one you know we were in the state Finals last year we were we were taking Beatings two years ago with these kids You know right this is just this is the Way it works you know so but for a group One school you don't mind at least from My perspective right when when you are Maybe don't have the talent level of Another group one school and you know You you have to take your losses and you Take them and you take them as learning Experiences right but it's something Different when you know you're playing Schools who have a thousand kids walking The hallway with a 100 Kids on the Sideline who are playing two three Platoon style of football you know at at Butler for us you know we have you know We play 15 16 17 kids you know that's How many play for us you know now we're Talking offense defense and special Teams yep so um you know we were down at The Jets seven on seven um a couple of Weeks ago and we had a we had a great

Tournament um we we Advanced to the Second day And we played um we played some really Big schools we played Monclair we played Um Newark East Side we played Cardinal Hayes on long is in the finals you know We we played West Orange so um you know We're we're on offense maybe we score Those seven kids got to come back and Play defense and all four of these teams Are running their defense and running Their offense on you know by the by the End of now I'm not saying you know we we Did really well against star in the Finals but we were gassed run out of gas Man we were gassed by the end we our Kids are playing both ways they're Having offense and defense and that Happened to not no excuses no moral Victories but just to illust point that Um you know these are the type of things That you have to be mindful of when You're a group one program you know it's Just this the nature of the Beast yep no No no doubt about it you those those 15 16 guys that you have are are are are The key and you might have a couple guys That you plug in here and there for a Few plays you know or maybe spe a couple Specials um but yeah that's 100% the Case talk talk about what what Butler Tradition is like um you know obviously As the head coach there you're you're The person that's you know carrying the

Torch for Butler what what is that but Butler tradition like Well I it f first of all the school is a Place where you know the the kids they Know each other from from the time They're in kindergarten all the way Through 12th grade you know and the the Teachers know who the kids are so when You're walking the building there's only Like I I've said to you several times There's only 400 kids I know the face of Every single kid I know their first name I try to I I don't always get to do it But you know we we we we make a habit in In the building of trying to you know Call the by name say hello to them hold Doors for each other just the if we've Had teachers come from um other Districts comeing and they always say I I can't believe how nice these kids are They hold the door for me they say hello To me I these are just the things like That when I try to tell people what it Is actually like to work um in a place Like Butler where the kids you know I Know in a lot of towns a lot of schools Maybe where there's a little bit more Money um you know teachers can be kind Of looked down on police can be kind of Looked down on Military yeah maybe not Not a career when you live in this town Or are from Bloomingdale you know people Who work in law enforcement Educators The military they're they're looked upon

With a modicum of respect where it's Still you know nobody is ever you know Not to say kids are not disrespectful But you know you're viewed through a Lens of of a mentor and an educator and Kids are here are not disrespectful that To that title they don't want to let Their parents down they don't want to Let teachers down and um you know this The word I guess I would use to describe You know Butler Bloomingdale kids would Be grit they have a ton of they're Gritty kids you know they're they're not Easily deterred um they know how to work Through issues um maybe they don't have Everything that they want but they know If they can work hard enough that they Can get it somewhere in the point in Their life um everything is not handed To them you know if they a lot of kids In school if they want to have a car Their mom and dad don't buy for them They have to work they got to pay their Insurance they got to pay their gas And um you know I think that that just Lends itself to kids who are you know Generally well adjusted and uh Activities like football and basketball And wrestling and whatever they're They're viewed as you know this is Something that I really want to do not Something my mom and dad are making me Do it's an Escape I don't have to worry About work I don't have to be at work I

Can just be on the field and I can be With my friends and you know it's just For whatever reason it's it's ingrained In the culture and it was like that to Day I walked in the door hopefully it'll Be you know 26 years ago it was like That probably the 75 years before I got There and hopefully it'll be like that For the for the next hundred years after That so um it really is a it's a good Place to work the parents care the Teachers care the kids care and um you Know we're just uh we're lucky we're Lucky yeah I I think that that's a huge Part of it is it it's truly a community And um and and and I you know it's we Talked about how where it's located you Have a lot of people like next Generation that that that might stay There that are part of it um or Relatives that are a part of it I think That's a big deal in holding down the Culture and and it's interesting because You know going from uh growing up in Sadb which was a small town where I Basically knew like everybody like I Could tell you like all the people that Were athletes on my block like you know From from the time and and I jerck and In and and you might have the same Feeling from when you were in pumpt The Lakes right like this this person over There played soccer and this person over There was a was a football player and he

Was the starting quarterback on the high School team and he was the the running Back and like you know like I knew who Everybody was from the time I was a Young kid like from from when I was Playing out in the yard um you know when People would ride by right like like I Was that kid that you know you You' be Like oh my God does he ever You know stop uh uh throwing a football To himself like I would just go out There I and but that's how it was like You know and then the older I remember We we had a a uh quarterback who lived o O across the street and Three Doors Down Vinnie Liberty he was a quarterback at Sbook like in the early early 80s I Would say maybe mid maybe it was mid 80s And he would come over man and that that Was like he was like in high school and I was like a fourth or I don't know what You know younger kid and he's like you Got to catch these passes and he would Just fire the ball at me and I would Just catch them and I would be like my Hands would feel like they're GNA fall Off you know and but but I but that was Like what shapes you you know those kind Of things shape you um as a program and And and that's what that's what Butler Has like they know who that person is Across the street down the block and and And it's it's a key thing um for Developing the culture and and you

Butler's been able to maintain that That's what's the that's what I think is The biggest difference is it's look you Like coach said you have your highs in Your lows of hey these guys some years We're up some years we're down but when We're down we're never really down you Know what I mean even numbers wise it Just it is what it is and it always kind Of just bounces back and you know when You play as a young guy there you know That eventually like things are going to Happen and then it's just like your team Now like these guys were all starting as Freshman and sophomores and now okay Here we go boys like now it's time this These are your year to kind of do your Thing and I think like I said you know That was a nice showing at that seven on Seven that was that was real big and but You saw it like all right you're going Against the quarterback going to Bucknell you're going against the Receiver who's going to Syracuse and Those guys get to go to the sideline and Grab a swig of water and towel off and Now all of a sudden you know that's what It is you just burn out it's no it's no Pun or no shame on those players Themselves but eventually like you're Going to burn out that's why like at Berler I always took pride in the fact That like you know I know I'm never we Know we're never leaving the field we

Got to train we got to work that much Harder and we got to be more condition We got to be in better shape so that in The fourth quarter when those guys are You know so fresh we got to be as fresh As we possibly can be cuz we're not Leaving the field and you got to go into It with that mentality and that's where Coach you talked about the grip And it's like that's just what we are Who we are it's always how it's Been yeah they you know Derek they the It's ingrained in them they have a they Have a superb youth program we've talked About that too now and um and I think That for you that was one of the biggest Things too because like when I was Growing up it was Butler was one Bloomingdale was another right so that Was like the biggest rivalry ever as a Kid growing up Then I don't know a couple year I don't Know how many years ago it's been now When you took those two towns and now Merged them into one youth program like Now we're talking you're really cooking With gas because now you're really could Possibly be playing with the same dudes From second first grade rather than just Freshman year when we got into high School like I thought that was just such A Monumental move for you like for you Guys as now you know coming in okay These guys have already been playing

Together yeah when um when I first Started working at Butler and obviously When you were there Derek it was the Bloomingdale Chiefs and the Butler Bulldogs and yep there were competitors And um you know my kids we moved to Butler in 05 right when when my my son First started playing football it was The organizations were still Separate and then um you know I started Helping out coaching I got on I got on The board for the for the Butler junor Bulldogs and they're always been talks Of the the two organizations merging and Then um you know my son's fourth grade Year I can't I'm I'm no good with math But um it we it really the the talks Really became serious and um you know There was a lot Of a lot of back and forth about what Are we gonna do and eventually we were Able to merge the two organizations into What the that's amazing it's amazing Amazing to get that done as the Bbyc and of all the things I've done in My career as Butler that probably is the Thing I'm most proud of is being a small Part of getting those two you know Organizations to come together because They they that organization now really Does some amazing things for football it Hums literally whenever I you know and Obviously I've been a lot of places now Right with a lot of different like you

Know all over it's like when you get That feeder cooking I mean we just had You know we just had coach Mass from uh From West Milford on right so we just we Just had him and we just had him on he's A freaking firecracker as always I I Just saw couple yeah you guys what you Guys threw on Monday I think right on Monday yeah he was trying to brag but uh I told him relax it's still West Milford At the end of the day but um you know so He uh but he was talking like one of the Things he did too same thing right like He had a youth like when he got into the Youth program there and started really Getting it going and Dave sees it now Because Dave's got a 9-year-old that He's now coaching Um so Dave's really in it in in his Youth Organization and he's starting to See like you know and he does things Different than some of the other levels And some of these guys are kind of Looking at them with a little bit of a Tilted head and now like they've seen Success with those younger kids just Tweaking a little thing here or there You know and now it's like oh maybe we Should do it this way so he's in it now But you know Middletown's a bit of a Different place so but he's got it That's a that's a that's a big town Right coach that's huge huge Town 7 Thousand 70,000 people yeah yeah yeah I

Two group four high schools like yeah Yeah yeah and there's two there's two Youth programs yep um that are both Pretty good in in in the same town so But um yeah no it's you know I'm curious Your your father was the head coach of Pomp the links right when when you were There um and and you know he was wildly Successful greatest by the way screen Game Of all time screen draw screen draw H The great greatest screen draw game of All time literally L literally he he Could teach a clinic on on those two Things I'd be engaged for five hours Because he he ran ran its Perfection Like you you knew it was coming and just Like oh yeah but um uh talk about what It was like having a father as a Football coach and and a lot of things That you you you learned um you know From your dad that you take with you now Oh man um okay so my my dad when when I Was growing up he he was the Freshman Coach for for pton Lakes High School and Um you know I could still I could still Remember like he he would have um these Are the things I remember right he had These long tube socks that had red and White stripes on them and he had the red And white bike shorts and he Would B he would wear like a a white T-shirt and I I remember all I ever Wanted to do when I was a little kid was

Be able to dress like that to wear red And white cool socks cool coaching Shorts and then uh he he would when when Back in the day you know there was no Huddle or anything so his job as the Freshman coach would be to go out and he Would Scout on Saturdays while the Varsity was playing well he used to take Me to the games he'd let me hold a Clipboard he'd let me write little notes And um you know ever ever since then Then you know that was that was all I Ever wanted to do you know I was I was Always I was the kid who was always so Proud like Everything I had friends in college who Would call me Pompton that was my Nickname because I would just wear my Pompton gear all around Glassboro you Know what I mean I I just wanted to to Be affiliated with that school you know And when I when I started at Butler I Had all kinds of that that's just who I Am you know I want I I to be part of an Organization to me Was the coolest thing ever right and I So for me for me you know now and I want Butler kids to feel the same way about Butler the way I felt about you know my High school when I was a little kid you Know just to be prideful of where you're From and what everything's about you Know and that's one of the big things That you know going back to back to my

Dad you know that was one that was Ingrained in me from from a from a very Very early age you know to to do things The right way to you know write things Down my dad's big thing was write it Down or you screw up you know so you Know write practice plans write scripts Take notes when something's wrong write It down so you can go back and and and Fix it later attention to detail oh man Every step had to be done the proper way You know back to the screen game like The left tackle you have to count until 1,1 then you release to the left and Your first step on the release has got To be so and so and it was like that for For every position you know and It on top of that was how to instruct Kids how to how to do things the the Proper way so um you know and and my dad Was really good is he he's really good At um building relationships you know my Dad was a Um for his educational career he was a Shop teacher you know he taught wood Shop and he taught metal shop and he Taught auto shop and um he would part of His job in the afternoons he would do You know the work study program he but Back then it was called industrial Arts Right the kids who were going to go into Auto trade or you know they work in a Factory whatever and he would go out and Get those kids jobs and he would check

On them throughout the course of the Afternoon whatever and when I see the The people who I see the most are those Kids that he worked with and they They're always on say hey tell your dad I said hello you know those were the he Was really good at that very specific Thing building relationships and being Non-judgmental I mean he would judge you On your football performance but when it Was all over you know at the end of the Day you're back to just being you and That's one of the things um you know my It playing for my dad was not easy but When we were home football was over you Know it was over and then um you know When I moved to Butler my my son came And played for me and uh I was hard on Him certainly on the football field but You know we once football's over it's Over you know so we can come home we Can do all those types of things but um So yeah so to do things the right way to Be proud of where you're from to hold People to a standard for that Organization to understand that Ultimately the organization is more Important than you right you I I am a Custodian of Butler Butler was good Before me Butler is gonna be good after Me my job is to make sure things stay at The level they're supposed to be at hold People in our football team the coaches The players um to a standard make sure

That that standard is met and that's all We're trying to do and um you know i' I've had a great experience like I said Um playing for my dad and you'd have to Ask my son if he had had as good an Experience playing for me but uh I'd Like to think that he did and my Daughter went through the school as well Um they both had real positive Experiences I didn't get to coach with My daughter um but uh so yeah so that's Um that's where it was growing up in the Lucani household re re really Interesting um you know obviously um my You know father was a track coach uh up Until uh um two months ago he's Basically yeah so so um you know and Having you know play run for him in in High school he didn't coach football Coach track and um you know it's Interesting it's interesting you know I Always get interesting to hear someone Else's perspective you know playing for Father and what and what that was like Right it it's um it it teaches you Certain things when you do become a Coach like there's things you basically It's not new to you because you've seen It your whole life right so it's one of Those it's one of those things what you Exactly right Derek you you lived it so Um whe when you're when it's it's Interesting um now Butler is a great Place but and and they understand that

Community aspect of everything but it's Interesting along the way way like when You interview with other people like Like people don't realize that when you Have a a father as a coach as a mentor He's already kind of laid a you know Half your foundation down as far as a Coach goes right like you draw a lot of The principles from him you draw a lot Of maybe some of your motivational Tactics from him you you you draw some Of you know the ideals of coaching and Then and then you know in football Obviously the the technical aspects you Might take some and you might learned From others things that you like to do Right obviously Butler um traditionally Th throws a little more than than uh Than PP and lakes did you know so um It's it's uh you know you take a lot of Those things it's always interesting to Hear that um I'm curious um and I I I Everybody has different answers on this Do you have to deal with any of the Modern issues that that High School Coaches have to deal with out you know Um in a lot of maybe the bigger towns Where players get poached um you know uh Or you know recruited is a better word Probably uh to to I think I think it's Okay we can call it that now yeah yeah Now you can uh recruited to go different Places and has that had any effect like Sbook has had a where I grew up it's had

A huge effect because as you know Bergen County and where sb's located if you are A really good athlete like I mean we Just we are endless pretty much yeah Like what what did you say that the the The running back for St Joe's is a s kid Right uh I think Derek you know is the Kid who's go division one like that Evolved because we're a lot because We're sad Brook's located and being a Small school in the Moder where you have Bur Catholic down by all those schools And right near there Prim is Catholic It's it's starting to work against them A little bit you know um do you guys Have to deal with any of that kind of Stuff Well look we're we're kind of um we're We're Butler the butler bloomindale Youth club is kind of a victim of their Own success right they um they have a Lot of success so coaches from other Schools are coming to watch their games And you Know k i I honestly think it's it's the Kids are changing you know I think that Um It they like the idea of saying to their Peers hey I'm thinking of going to Another school or I'm being looked at by Another School um so you Know it it's not an easy situation right If a if a kid wants to you know

Everybody always wants to tell me oh you Have to you have to recruit your own Kids you have to make Them i' I've been down that road you Know where we've had some kids who I I Know we're being recruited by other Schools and they're thinking about going There and you know I talk to them talk To their parents they go anyway so we we Know what we have here in Butler we know What type of school we have and if you Want to come here and you want to be a Part of our team um look all you have to Do is look at our facilities I mean if You just look at what our Fieldhouse Looks like what our turf looks like the Snack stand the parking lot the weight Room we we could literally compete with Anybody's facilities in in New Jersey You know I mean they're they're stunning The the the the place where we play the Place where we lift the place where we Change before games is it's gorgeous so Um I think the program kind of speaks For itself I still talk to the youth Kids you know I talk to them about the Type of school Butler is the type of Program we're trying to run um but you Know we we have been much more so than I've ever seen in the past 26 years kids Are starting to choose other high Schools I I don't know if it's because They're being recruited by other high Schools I I I

I really don't know I don't I don't Really care you know if a kid feels like He's gonna be set up for Success at a Better school then then best for you you Know I really I wish you nothing but the Best we're here you know you know where You're from you know where your friends Are if you want to come back we here but I never even I never those words really Never come out of my mouth Butler or BL Kids I think you know it's also look Like we used to deal with it a little Bit back in the day right like a little Bit there was always a guy or two that Would go to the Paul do something of That nature I don't think the poll was There like it is now right and obviously I've been on the other side and you just Kind of look at it and you always want To get the right fit for the kid and I Think a lot of these kids are being told That they're a lot better than they are And I think that they now go into a Whole different pool of well I was Really good with you know Butler youth But now you step into a different world When you're going to Bosco ber and Joe's Like everybody's that guy it's a mini College setting and now they get there And what happens most times they go There they're not the you know they're Not the guy and now they just bounce Back and it's like yeah you know we told You so but okay all good you're still

Accepting with it it's still okay it's Just something that they kind of have to Experience for themselves but at the end Of the day I feel like you know the Tradition and all that stuff for you has Really you don't deal with it as much as Other areas do now whether it's because Of the geography of Butler the tradition Of Butler uh the guys at the youth Program telling you yo your best bet is To go to Butler um but look ultimately Like we talk about it all the time if You're good they'll find you and if not You can go to your showcases you can do These other things that can get you you Know what I mean eyes on you and whatnot And then you can get to that next level Still going to Butler playing next to Your friends that's just how I felt the Entire time I feel like you deal with it Less than other schools uh I think You're probably right Derek look we had We've had all kinds of division one Schools walk in our Hall through the Spring looking at guys our guys all the Same camps all the other kids go to yep I think one of the biggest miss out There is that more eyes are on you when You go to a parochial school than versus When you go to a public school in state New Jersey and I just through my Experience that is not true and like you Said if you are good enough you will be Found and um you know yeah I I think the

Good thing is that is that Um W with all the different events that They do have out there you can go you You can be from a small school go to These things stand out and it really Doesn't matter right what school you go To because um and and and obviously most People know know at least in New Jersey And probably p pa in New York area those Schools know Butler you know what I mean So but it's it's I think that's a big Part of it now there's so Many uh College camps Mega Camp showcase Camps uh seven 7 on you could go to a Million things and be from uh uh a small School and stand out just the same and Actually in some cases it could work in Your your benefit your favor because You're lining up alongside this kid who Is from this big school and you go and Do a great job and it can work into your Favor um I I think that's definitely It's it's very it's very interesting What what's uh I I think first of all I Think Butler I think Derrick's kind of Right on this and that you guys you may Take a little you may have taken a Little more of a hit than in the past But the other schools that you play Against are taking way more of hits so So it kind of It kind of keep kind of on The same 100% I mean look you line up Against St Mary's Rutherford you're like Oh boy like I don't you know what I mean

Like oh you know like it's kind of one Of I mean and then and then they win and They gota go play they gotta go play the Paul or in the first round of the Playoffs like is that fair in any case Or whatsoever just I mean talk about Safety wise no offense to those kids on St Mary's but buddy you ain't lining up Against you know a dude going to Notre Dame and a dude going to Ohio State like What are we doing like but I get it but It's very and also like the way I mean Hopefully we can touch on it a little Bit but like I think the way that your League sets up the playoffs right how You guys kind of do that little like Whatever right Dave like they the final Couple games of the year yeah that final Four I think that's we talk about it on This thing all the time like that it's So cool right because now you just you Play your games now you're dialed up all Right you're playing for something like A conference Championship like you're Already in that playoff mode weeks Before anybody else is well the the Great thing about the ngic format is That If you're you know if you're maybe not Having as successful of a season it Affords you an opportunity to play other Teams who also maybe are not having as Successful of a season right and then Conversely if you are having a good

Season you're you know the the last Three weeks let's go you're gonna see Three good teams so and and if you Happen to be in that championship format If you're in the top four teams you know You're you're playing one of the few Meaningful games in the state week seven And eight right so so it's just a Handful of them everybody else is just Playing for power points now like what Are we doing like oh if I win this or Should we do this or whatever we're Ramping up we're getting ready we're We're trying to be battle tested for the Playoffs and um it's just an Outstanding outstanding format kudos to Charlie Vorhees from SE culus for Getting this thing going and and keeping It rolling I think he just has done a Fantastic job Charlie's the um athletic Director in charge of football for the Njic and us for the coaches to to being Committed to keeping this thing together Um a lot of you know towards The towards the beginning of this season They were having some issues with the Number of teams um in the four divisions And having the fifth you know I think The the super conference calls it the Ivy division or the union division I'm Not sure the kids who compete in in our Conference they they went to those team And said hey we're we're we're not Having that you know you we're everybody

Is coming back into to the pool um Because you know by the end of the Season it it all comes out in the wash Yeah I think I think the you don't need To I I I think for the njic teams you Don't need to have that super conference Ivy league thing because you already Have that there with what you're talking About uh I I think more conferences Should ad adopt oh God that that style Because Come On Dave we've been in this [ __ ] show down here like this is why I Think it gives you a conference it gives The highend a championship so even if They don't win of State it's not you Know they they they they can win a Conference Championship or be one of the Top two teams or whatever and then you Like you said on the back end the groups That are trying to win games that that Are struggling having a tough year or Maybe a tough couple years have an Opportunity to win the last couple of Games of the season and uh at Le at Least even if they lose it's they're Competitive in those games and I think You already have that format it's it's Probably one of the smartest formats in In the whole entire country because in Football like even when you go around The country everything is is geared not To the league but to getting to like State championship right so you know Texas does a little bit of it on the

High end with district and all that kind Of stuff the different District Regal State which kind of gives you an Opportunity within your District but It's very it's it it's very very unique And it's unusual relative to um almost Everywhere else because there is no There is no opportunity for the lowend And the highend to to have a uh some Level of success I think that's smart For football period but especially smart For small schools because it is such a Difficult thing Um for for the small schools probably Probably harder for my guess a lot of The Bergen County schools because the Way that they structured the Bergen County school when they when they went To that every every town had basically Has a school um system those towns had a Lot of uh people and a lot of kids what Happened is people like living in those Towns right same thing with Butler right They like living in those towns so when They got older they didn't leave and They didn't replenish the kids and that That's what over time started to and Then you started to have kids that were If someone was um went to college you Know out of state well that person most Likely didn't come back to the town Right so you you you you lost the people From a sense you didn't replenish them And then you also lost a lot of people

Who went to maybe school out of state or Out of the area and and and you didn't Replenish those people so that's how you Got a lot of small schools and then over Time that Affected as football took a uh you know That whole concussion era things Football took a hit in that like 2012 to 2016 era maybe maybe a couple years past That but I think football's starting to Have a comeback post Postco um because you got the farther You're getting away from that whole Concussion thing people are starting to Realize that there's a lot more fact fa S than just you know um uh you you Playing football that was a cause of That I mean number one factor is that You're you play in the NFL the most Difficult thing uh that most of the guys That had any issue were guys who played A long time in the NFL like so you're Talking about the uh 0.00001% of the whole entire community Of football players and and that makes Sense if someone played till he was 35 I Mean when I was 35 I couldn't imagine playing in the NFL You know what I mean so guys are playing To 35 because they're so gifted Physically but they're still human Beings like us right they're still They're still taking uh taking the hits And and so that does have an effect so I

Think as the farther we get out of that The be better off it becomes but I think That what what they're doing with the Small schools what VOR is doing and what In the comert you guys are in is is so Spoton and is so good for those teams And and that's why they've been able to Sustain for the most part especially the Better programs like yours really been Able to to continue to sustain you don't Have to worry about playing paic Tech Anymore or any of those kind of things Um and and it's really geared to have Those small schools Succeed they um they have it figured out They ha they have it done right and it's Right and it's the best thing to do it's The best thing to do for for our school It's the best thing to do you know as a Community of the njic schools and um you Know I I don't the super conference is Just so it's just so big you know huge It it's just Gigantic and um you know I don't we when We we went into the Super conference in 2016 I believe was the first year of it And within two years you know we were Looking to get into the get into the Njic it just it just just made sense for Us it's interesting being down here too Because when we're talking just Football-wise like short conference it's The only conference in the state where You know it's one year you get a oneye

Schedule and then the next year we look At it again and we redo it like you Don't even get a home in home I mean you Know my previous stop like we played at One school we played at that school for Five years in a row like there's not Even a home in home so that's the only Thing I'd say about the short conference That they could tweak was maybe you know Every two years flipflop and whatnot With it but you know I think there's Like 40 something teams in here you got Five divisions um they added new Egypt This year which is really nice because Now all of the true group ones which are Only maybe five six can get a full Schedule and then go find your three um You know they they include the the the Privates that are down here which are You know Donovan Catholic sjv and RBC But other than that that's it Everything's a public school but for the Most part we're talking Regionalized monster schools like you Know most of these towns you're talking You know have two high schools like you Know we referenc Dave with Middletown South and you know midn North I mean Historic programs right and then you Have you know Brick Township brick Memorial big historic programs a school Like Southern Regional or even Central Which is like Seaside Heights you know Look at all the toms Rivers like these

Are all monster schools where look even When we were at rvr you know first thing Dave and I said was like dude we got to Get into the cafeteria we got to get Into the hallways because there's 10 Football players walking around this Building that we can go grab you can't Do that Butler like that's just not That's not what those programs are I Think the other thing too getting into That conference helped out all of the Other sports as well I mean look I Remember playing basketball in high School and Dave we're talking like I Have one win freshman year three win Sophomore year maybe 11 or 10 when we Had you know the greatest basketball Players's brother on our team in the History of the school jff Smith who was A stud but then senior year six like we Couldn't we're going to go to Newark Westside and play basketball against These guys or we're gonna go to you know Uh Clifford Scott and play basketball Against these big schools like Absolutely not so I think it's helped Out the other schools the other sports As well at Butler you know back back at That time Derek when you were playing You know it would be fine to play Westside or Clifford Scott you're good Once But not both of them not on top of Playing the Paul and Pake Valley and

Wayne Valley and orange it just you know It it took it took a toll towards the End right and it just kind of was what It was we never made excuses we never Made excuses but the kids the kids in Butler never make excuses that's one of The best things about them um but it it Has been great they they've for the most Part our Sports have become more Competitive right just about in every Season by moving into the conference Because we're playing schools that are Like us like populations you know and um And for you you know I know like you can Speak on it because look you girls Basketball coach head basketball coach For how many years now you know then you Went into wrestling you're doing a Wrestling head coach you always did Track right and and I always tell Dave This I always reference this story I Said you know coach L tried to get me to Go to track he made me run 1400 and I Walked right off the track went home and Said I'm not coming back dud I'll see You in the wait room and he was like Okay you know no harm no foul you're Good it's okay just be able to catch the Ball when it comes time but I mean look I how many how many years you did that Forever you were doing three Sports all The time at a high level I mean you took Over the girls basketball program I mean We we were Tournament of Champions you

Know like 2,000 Point scorers like on The regular and then you took that thing Over and just continued it running then All of a sudden it's like hey now I'm Doing wrestling okay cool go coach Wrestling Butler wrestling was never a Thing when I was there now all it's We're talking guys going AC we're Talking T titles all over the place like You've done it multiple sports coach and Whether it's growing up in a household With a father as a coach like you were Just able to didn't matter what season It was like we knew coach Al was Coaching something like that's just what It was I appreciate that Derek and yeah I um it's something I'm obviously really Proud of the career I've I've built over The past 26 years with the girls Basketball program Wrestling track football um and you know I've been very very fortunate at in each Of those Sports there has been Exceptional you know next level kids who Could bring our team to those Heights You know it's it's yeah yeah I was there I was the one facilitating but um it all Comes off everything that has happened In my career has come off the The Sweat Of some tough ass Butler Bloomdale kid So um and I only reference that because Like Dave like his son plays every sport And for the most part like I don't want Him to hear this but he's pretty damn

Good at most sports that he freaking Plays right it's just going to be a Matter of which one is he really gonna Like totally fall in love with and which One are you know I think I'll Dave and I Can kind of like you know push him in a Little bit of a direction you know what I'm saying but he's very good at a lot Of sports and Dave gets to now you know He's in that world where he coaches them In football and then you know they got Basketball or track or or the kids going To play soccer or now he's traveling on A baseball team like and now Dave's Around that right and I just reference It because like for one guy to be able To keep a high level you know on each Sport whatever he was doing and whether It was boys girls like it was the same Level of expectation the same level of Like here's how we do it here's what it Is and a high level of success so you Know that's like I see Dave's kid too You know he he he's high level on a lot Of things and getting coaching from guys At in different sports and whatever you Know and and look it's kind of funny When Dave first ask Dave's like hey man He's playing basketball doing whatever You know I'm coaching like some Basketball I'm like oh buddy good luck Basketball's a different world I said Dude like you know you're in a small gym I said but if you want to reference

Somebody who was always a yeller and Figured out how to control it in a gym It's coach L man cuz he he was a Football field like I heard him from the Booth you know up top and then Basketball now it's like oh that's the Same dude I got a big mouth bro I do I Got I got leather lungs you could hear It's all good listen I've been fortunate To coach with your father play for you And Coach with you play with your or Coach you know be coached by your Brother and then coached with him as Well like believe me I know the lucan's Got some lungs dude yeah you know the Yell the yelling thing at the end of the Day you know it it doesn't mean anything I'm just try to get my point across and If if some feelings get graded I always Make sure I apologize after because at The end of the day we're all out here Trying to win a game get you better and That that's that's all that we're really Doing so um it's never malicious it's Just an intent like hey dude sometimes I Got to take it up a level so now maybe Your interest like come here it it don't It does doesn't mean yell to me doesn't Mean anything doesn't mean anything to Me you yell at me till you're red in the Face all right I you know that's just The way I was ped that's the way that I Am and it's one of the things I always Said Hey listen you need to know this

About me I'm going to yell I'm loud Times a little bit abrasive but if if I'm not talking to you or if I'm not Yelling to you then you know that There's there that's when you know There's a problem when I'm not saying Anything so uh well we need we need more Pompton Lakes uh uh Saddlebrook uh uh Butler old school stuff around I think The world would be uh uh and the kids Would be in a little bit better better Place than we have now some of these uh Kids that are going off the rails um I I Think there's a I think there's a Toughest to it look you're you're in a Place where obviously um there always Going to be Advocates if it's for it It's Unique I I I hate saying it's Unique but it's like isn't that scary to Say that like coaching hard is unique Isn't that scared it's one of the uh There I mean I've coached in places Where you could still do it but like um You know ultap pan they're still able to Do that stuff and and and you know you Know Riverdale uh Riverdale even even Though um even though DJ is a legendary Coach he does he's he's not that's not Him that's not yeah and I don't Know I don't know at Riverdale if well The Dynamics of these we there in 2004 Everybody you know I I was yelling when I was coaching with him in 2006 I was Yelling you know but uh but uh I mean I

Was there I was basically there because He was he was more of the uh uh he would Get he would get upset but he was his Volume was lower I was there to raise The volume basically so but but now I Think it's a little different there Riverdal where you kind of have To it's it's a different place in a Sense there's a multiple towns and you Got Bergen Catholic in the backyard That's it's a different ultan is Isolated a little bit way up you know Kind a little bit like what Butler maybe And West Milford have you know Leland West Milford we talked about that like Isolated pockets which is a good thing You know indan Hills you couldn't you Know I'm curious about Coach is is like Multisport a you have a lot of Multisport kids still Butler oh yeah Everyone everyone maybe just about just About I think that's a uh especially a Small school the small school that share The small schools that share their Athletes win season to season to season The small the small schools that are my K I only play this or I only play that They suffer they don't realize that they Suffer because you could be taking the It the kid who plays multiple Sports Growing up and that kid could be a you Know an athlete in two or three sports For you um so I I I think that's a great That's a huge thing because it helps

Football Tremendously in my opinion because as The coaches all share athletes uh it's It's hugely helpful of football because Um you know when you get in a small School if you're at a small school I Remember when I was at Pal Park I had to Convince them it was one of was a good Thing you can't I told them I mean we Were terrible in the beginning you know And I said you we can't you none of you Guys are G you you're all 4 and 22 Because you all want to hoard your at The five kids you have you know what I'm Saying like so instead of all of us Being four and 22 why don't we share Athletes and win let's get 10 wins here Man what are we talking about and and as They started to do it as they started to Do it somehow only only when the benefit It was me But I thought everybody else were Benefit basketball that's why you were Gone start buddy G but yeah no I I Definitely I I definitely started to Benefit basketball started to benefit Track was always pretty good at those Schools um but uh but yeah but it has to Be a philosophy it has to be like it has To be across the board everybody knew That hey man not playing in a State Final the next day after Thanksgiving Day game we're going to basketball Practice dude and then when basketball

My class not so much really because we Weren't really like baseball or track Guys we were that just was my class but Like everybody behind me was like all Right dude now it's spring we're going To track or it's spring now we're going To baseball like you transition to Another Sport and if you didn't play Three you definitely played two and That's just that's just what it is Because I feel like too like at a small School like that if guys don't play Multiple Sports you may just not even Have enough for a team like you may have To kill a whole sport right which is why Everybody's always like why doesn't Butler have lacrosse why doesn't Butler Have lacrosse well Butler doesn't have Lacrosse because if Butler had lacrosse There'd be no baseball or there'd be no Track the numbers just don't line up you Can't do It right so you know a lot of a lot of Other sports don't want to admit that Football drives the culture of your School how many times have we said it Not matter what school you're in Football drives the culture of your School okay so you know Butler has they Understand this for whatever reason they Understand right when the football team Is doing well the culture of the school Does well when the football team does Not do well you know it's always like

Something about this year is just not Right yeah I know what it is the Football team stinks right that those Years are few and far between for us Fortunately right so you know football Is one of the few Sports anymore where You don't have to play football all year To be a good football player right if You want to be like get a basketball Scholarship or wrestling or baseball you Know you gotta play you you just got and You got to do those things we Fortunately in our sport a kid could Show up in August one and be the best Player on your team in other sports it Could happen but it's really few and far Between so our philosophy My Philosophy That we've developed since since I've Been at Butler for 25 years is if you're Going to be on our football team you are Either going to participate in another Sport or you're going to participate in Weight room otherwise you can't be on The team if you cannot commit to those Those are are that's our like number one Commandment if you're going to be on This team You got to be involved in something else And I know other schools do this and Every one of them that does it they're All successful so sometimes you know we Have a bunch of kids now who you know Play football basketball you know when There's a five o'clock basketball

Practice they're lifting at three O'clock and then they go to basketball Practice that's what it takes you I Remember getting a lift in before a Game you you cannot have a good football Team in this day and age unless your Kids lift that is like a prerequisite Anymore it used to be if you lifted you Were going to be good now you have to Lift just to just that's like a Bas like Maybe so you there if you're not gonna And you know kids who want to play Football who really want to be there They commit to that that's it there has I mean there I could name maybe three Kids in the past 20 years who would have Been good players for us but could not Make that commitment they wanted to work They wanted to do something else that That's fine that's okay appreciate you You you you would have been a great Player for us no hard feelings you go go Live your life but it just does not Driive with with what we're trying to One of my philosophies on work has Always been because kids there are kids Sometimes that have that those Situations I always say if you can work Coach I gotta work right I gotta go to Work if you can work it Out if you can work out your situation It it will benefit you to work it out Because you will be working the rest of Your life of your life so but you only

Have one chance to play sports like and Then once that's gone it is gone like I It's it's it's a thing that you know Kids don't kids don't while they're in It sometimes understand and they might Have sometimes people are in situations I get it you know where they need to Make some money um and there are way I've seen kids do it like I've seen kids Work before they went to school uh at Night you know play listen at Butler we Always figured out a way at Butler Dave Whether it was working on Sundays or Whether and this is just the type of Town it was and I can remember this and This is a crazy story like Scott Brown Was Gatorade player best quarterback in The freaking State breaking records Leading teams all over like this dude Worked at the sandwich shop downtown on Sundays in the morning warnings like hey Man what can I get you oh you need an Italian hero okay like like that was What like he had to work and he's the Best quarterback like all over the place Right and that was always like the Viewpoint of how it was and these look The people in the community too are Willing to like somebody needs a job or Something like that hey I got a job he Can work this time to this time he can Leave early go to practice or hey I know He's got a commitment here and do like That's that stuff doesn't happen anymore

You know what I mean like That's what's another thing that Separates Butler from it it's just Different like that one of the things That has helped us I mean electronic Communication has really been been huge In the past you know 10 15 20 years work You know we have we make an agreement With all our kids if you're going to Miss you have to put it in writing and Your parents can't do it for you I if Your mom emails me that you're missing Practice I'm I'm it's getting deleted You have to do it you have to tell me Where where why why you're missing and Then it's excused it coach I have to Work my boss will not let me off I have To be I have to leave weight room at 3:15 I cannot make practice I'm going on Vac no problem thank you for letting me Know you know but if it becomes a thing Where you know hey where is uh where's Derek today I don't know did anybody Hear from him he didn't email me and Then I hey Derek you know you didn't Communicate where were you okay listen This is the standard is you communicate That's it if it Bec comes a habit you Know we're going to have to have a Separate conversation with your parents And that when I tell you that never Happens that that never happens I really Like that that that's that's awesome That's an awesome awesome way we do it

Yeah that's I don't think I've ever the Onus is on you if you care about never Did that as head that's really Dave it's Definitely something that's Chang player I like that a lot it's definitely Something that's changed a little bit More because with the the easy access Communication now like I'm telling you Dude they can just it through whatever App that you're using that protects you From like you know shooting off personal To your personal cell or whatever like There are ways that we do like we do it I like has to be the kid I like the Coach has has to be the kid that does it Mommy like Mommy and Daddy ain't doing It anymore buddy like if you care about It that much you'll tell me and you'll Relate it we have a preseason meeting I Don't want parents to think that I don't Want to hear from them right because That's right right you're I we have a Preseason meeting all the parent parents And kids have to attend and one of the Things I say to the parents is your job Is to advocate for your child if you Think something is wrong for your child If there if you think that there's an Issue between me and your child that is Certainly within your rights to do so as A parent okay but I am trying to help Your son learn a skill the skill is Communication you have to communicate With your employer you have to

Communicate with your parent you have to Communicate with your wife you have to Communicate with your children so all I'm asking you to do is if your child Has to miss something that I want to Hear it from them I don't want to hear It from you so if if you are reaching Out to me it should be something about An injury that's my son is hurt you know My son uh I have a problem with my son's Playing time any but when it comes to Not being present where it's their Actual responsibility I I need to hear From them I need to hear from them and Then you know again the parents they They want that kind of stuff they they They embrace it at least in our school They say okay and I mean helping I You're helping them coach I'm gonna be I'm gonna be 10 minutes late my shift Got pushed back I I I'm on vacation Early this week coach just a reminder And I thank you for letting me know That's it and as long as we communicate You know we I don't have again it goes Back to the step thing I don't have the Opportunity it's not 20 years ago where I could say oh you're missed you're gone Right right right right BR I want I want Butler kids on my team I want I want to Have a community I want it to be Something that they want to be a part of And I feel this has been really really Good for us and you know the kids have

Been great the parents have embraced it The kids have embraced it so uh yeah That's one of our little tricks that we Use that's great that's a that's a great Great tidbit there that that really is Now now the tough tougher question is When a when a when a parent wants to Take away their kid away on vacation in The middle of your Camp my best guys leaving Wednesday we Have a seven on seven you have to answer That coach do not answer that one what You have to do there you know what I Said to him I said not a problem have a Great vacation I'll see you the first Day camp that's it you know I have a mom My mom used to make me do stuff I didn't Want to do all the time you know it is What it is you know we all we all have Stuff we gotta deal with every one of us Has stuff we gotta deal with that's hey I I my if a kid will come to me and say My mom is me I will say I have a mom too I understand go do what you got to do And uh you know I'm trying to build a relationship with The kids I no it's fantastic it it is It's it's fantastic I mean today's Today's era they I you have you have Both the the the tough part and then the Part that you have to be flexible on and And and in order to build build the Program I I think you got you have to Pick your battles yeah pick your battles

Phenomenal hand you can't fight every Battle I think that's the mistake that a Lot of a lot of coaches coaches make is They try to fight every battle and you Can't fight they always have to try and Win right like they always got to win it Like I need to establish myself as I am The head coach this is what happens Dave What do we always talk about this is my 50 rules oh no pleas less rules more Parameters right like because now I just Feel like look and we we have always Said this less rules more right because Everything nowadays is basically a Caseby case basis it is what it is if You want to now lay out these f if you Miss this you're sitting a quarter if You're doing this you're you're missing A half now you're screwing yourself Because now like you got to stick to it And if you don't now it's like well your Rules Dyan [ __ ] and now everything comes You it's more parameters and Case by Casee basis like it's not those old School like this is how we do it this is What it is you got to be flexible man I Think that's the biggest you know misc Consumption is like you know oh I have To be this way and firm and all that why You would want why you would want to Argue with your own kids who are Supposed to lay it out on the line for You and the team right and that kid's Gonna do now what you as to do escapes

Me man you know back to the rules thing We don't I don't have written rules we Have standards the standard is you Communicate there you go communicate That's it the standard is you lift if You're not doing a sport that's the Standard that's say if you don't want to Live up to the standard we help to try To bring you up to try to raise you up To that standard you know and for the Most part they do you know that's all Trying to accomplish that's exactly it It's it it's the standard is is is what Is the most important thing and then you Know because the word the thing you Don't want to do is pigeon hole yourself As a coach because you know it's always Funny in the old days they us oh uh you Know there's rules for for um there's Rules for Uh all these people and then all of a Sudden the best player has something Happened to them and then now your rules Go your rules go out the window that's Why you don't need to have R you just Have Stand and and then then you can apply Where you need to on a caseby Case basis Coach it's been great having you on Fantastic uh G thank you for having me On great to see both you you're gonna Have have you email me that clip so I Could so I could go back and and think About when I actually could run fter

Jump off coach I'm I'm GNA drop you an Email you you got it coach have Appreciate you man thank you so much Guys thank you it's been Phenomenal good luck man we'll talk soon He's the best dude oh that was great That that was phenomenal absolutely Phenomenal podcast he's awesome dude He's aw listen I'm telling you dude he Coached my sister in basketball like Then he went to like he was always the Track coach and then you know he did Wrestling and that's no [ __ ] he Coached gymnastics and I'm not tell and I'm telling you like his first year Gymnast like our gymnastics coach Miss Feren she was legit dude like they want A lot of gymnastics things before he Left and he did that you know he was He's always he's always been awesome man Even as a fizzed teacher he's usually Always one of the like like most liked Teachers in the building no matter what Right like not because he's easy or Whatever but just because like like he Said there's always a standard to Whatever he does and and I think some of The stuff that he does he can only do at Butler but you know what at the end of The day like it's what he has to do to Be highly successful and you know Merging those youth programs he was Highly involved in that and dude that Was like 20 years of trying to get that

Done and he finally like helped get it Done and facilitate it which is you know For him a great move now those kids play Together for 20 years like it's it's Incredible it's wild fantastic man Fantastic all right we we'll we'll get Back on we'll be back on tomorrow I Think at 11: and Coach wrestler man Little Hack and Sack action Hackensack High School legendary Program uh talk some football there and Then we'll see you tomorrow

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