Year: 2024
Procyon Partners are one of the top 50th fastest growing financial services companies in the country. Go to their website at . This was a blockbuster episode you can’t miss. Our special guest is Founder and CEO Dr. Chris…
Helmet Safety with James Cramer of Safr Sports with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale
Can you take Andre on and Andre walked In looked like God's Gift 63 200 pounds He comes to camp we tore him comes to Camp runs a four4 and then he's a late Bloomer in track and the track…
Hey would you think about this but but It's because the money out there for That level is incredible like but right Right you know I'm happy sometimes the Juice just isn't worth the squeeze and It is what like…
Won't name any state schools but as as State school what what kind of Difference can they see on average you Know you know from going to Princeton Yeah yeah you can be successful from Anywhere right there's no doubt…
But as far as like what's the you know What's the difference in dissipation o Of those those forces between the two Because one of the like questions I used To have on the guardian I still have That question…
How many times do you see it and people Don't understand like that bounce off The turf that's like that is the one That quote unquote Rings your bell to a Whole another level right it's not it's Not the…
Like like our youth league for example Has Guardians right um and a now said Um uh they said they always could but Coaches really didn't know it that you Could wear the soft shell in games Actually if you…
Boardwalk Beasts Summer Flag Football Championship Weekend see more at Me Noise here Go pick it pick it pick it good job on Theall Watch the middle watch the middle watch The middle watch the Middle go go go…