WR Recruiting with Ross Apo
WR Guru Ross Apo Talks about going where you are wanted and getting better for recruiting
Amaz talk talk a little bit about Recruiting so um and I don't know if you Deal with um players that that have I'm Sure you do coach kids that have Transferred co uh and you obviously Coach high school kids talk about some Of the things that maybe your players Might be experienced recruiting that's That's changed maybe in the last couple Years um yes so the transfer portal uh Crazy yeah has has been tough uh you Know I've I have guys that are and and So it's like now to go Jo to go D2 is Like guys go that route just go that Route get better get developed uh more Developed and go you know luckily um you Know for me I'm I'm I'm uh and I hate to Say it this way but I'm developing these Guys the right way so I'm actually like Able to pump these guys out but then I Have right you know then I have these Guys that um just aren't there yet and So um you know