Winning in Football with Former Montclair State Defensive Coach Scott Santora

This week, Winning in Football with Former Montclair State Defensive Coach Scott Santora with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase…

This week, Winning in Football with Former Montclair State Defensive Coach Scott Santora with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale

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Welcome back two days in a row it's been A while we're a spring break Status yep I'm them up while we can I'm Surviving uh my crushed my back again Somehow so I'm surviving that this turn This is turned into a weekly thing is Becoming a pro it's becoming a problem It's becoming a problem you might have To take that next step what what what is The next step I don't know can't be a Good thing some kind of Eastern medicine Holistic type of uh I don't know I Already do Eastern medicine so I don't Know I don't know what we be able to do Beyond that I you're running out of Options brother well I gota lose weight That's that's the next option more Weight so um all right well we have a Great guest on uh former Montclair State Uh defensive coach Scott santor coach to High school for for a long time before He did that um now retired coach which Means it it it the retire Ty coach think Is lots of fun because we let it fly uh Everything everything is open and Allowed no more no restrictions so um We're gonna talk to him a lot about Football and and then winning which mon When he was at mon State obviously did a Lot of and uh without further ad do Let's bring on Coach Scott centur how You doing coach good how are you I Didn't I didn't know that I had a sensor Myself when I was coaching so yeah

Yeah not much will change no not much at All oh that's Great you get you can definitely get Right although I wonder I wonder today If that changes at all but uh you know Uh but I have no idea I I think uh at B You're probably still could let it fly a Little bit you know um Coach G give Everyone a little bit about your Coaching background your coach for a Long time um uh great career uh just Kind of give a little bit background of Your coaching career um I I came into uh Wayne Hills High School um season of 91 Uh Ray rker who was a fantastic track Coach coach you probably know him uh Spring track coach at and winter track Coach at Wayne Hills High School for Years he was my head high school coach And for football also um he got me on With Chris Olsen um and the staff at Wayne Hills High School in 1990 uh I Coached with Chris for about six years As a as a freshman assistant uh did JV Games and and did all the scouting and Stuff like that and then came on as his Defensive coordinator the last three Years there um went from there to H William Patterson where I was the the Special Teams coordinator and secondary Coach um and then when uh uh went on From there to six years a head coach at Fort Lee High School um left Fort Lee um And had gotten a uh an offer to go to

Mon back to William Patterson actually Um and called up Todd aesta was a great Friend of mine i' know Todd since high School Todd was actually a senior at Wayne Hills when I was a my first year Coaching and uh Todd uh I called Todd up And I said listen he was at Monclair State and I said listen I said before You hear Through the Grapevine I got Offered a job at William Patterson he Said if you go to William Patterson We're done we're never talking ever Again sounds about right for coach said Where am I supposed to coach I said you Don't have any openings I says he says I Just got an opening today yeah Go I came on um and uh their secondary Coach has just gotten the uh job up in Northern New Jersey as a head high School coach and so uh I came on and Coached the safeties my first full year First few years there I co got was lucky Enough to coach great players like Derek The Pascal yeah and then uh he moved me To linebackers um got a chance to coach Guys like Brian twer and and and Corell Hunt I was called Cornell was a senior When I came over to linebackers and the Only advice I got from Todd and Coach Jee col was don't screw him up yep That's it it was I kind of co- coach the Linebackers with Cornell that year yep Yep he definitely was that and uh uh 2010 was my last season there uh went on

To coach softball with my daughters um Who both played college softball um it Was a fantastic experience I I you know I miss I miss Saturdays I miss Saturdays Have missed Saturdays since 2010 I don't Miss 7 to seven on Sunday no I don't Miss Monday night late meetings I don't Miss Thursday night film breakdown you Know I don't miss Graden film after a Loss you know which we didn't do much of It Montclair State but um you know that Kind of stuff I don't miss but I I Miss The Saturdays I miss the guys um I miss The competitiveness you you you you Struggle to find things to compete with Yeah right and I had that with soft my Daughters were ultra competitive U my Oldest Morgan who D very well um she Played for Coach Darren white who's at Ropo now y um she was two two-time First Team all County Catcher and went on to play at St Thomas Aquinus College um and now is doing Graduate workup at the University of Buffalo and running help to run their Physics department up there so yeah She's she's smarty too smarter than Daddy dude she was ridiculous and then Gabrielle my youngest um she um played Her freshman year at fdu uh at tneck and Uh unfortunately um sustained a head Injury um yeah had uh long-term still Suffering with long-term postconcussion Syndrome it's crazy transferred out

She's up at Boston University now um Premed yeah um you know fighting through It and uh and doing doing a good job She's become a gym rat you know uh not Hasn't picked up a glove in a while but Well she's trying to find that whole Thing too right yeah she's trying to Find something she wants to run a 5k Across the George Washington Bridge in Uh in June and Dad just dropped about 50 Pounds not a boy and uh trying to get Back out on the road a little bit and uh I may surprise her and and dust her Going AC the bridge there's that Competitiveness because I told him I Said you're not going to be able to beat Me ever yes it's the way it is I said if I have to I'll get a wheelchair that's Fast enough it doesn't matter I Bo So you know I coached with so many great Guys so many great coaches you know uh Chris Olson I I can't say enough about The opportunity he gave me all the Things I learned from him um Everybody Only knows the the the rant the Rave the The jump around the crazy look in his Eye you know when things don't go the Right way but that guy taught me to to Take care of grades first with kids uh Get kids into college um we didn't do a Lot of winning when I was a head Football coach in Fort Lee but I sent Kids to college you know whether it was Academically or and I had a couple kids

That played football in college um but I I sent kids to upen I sent kids to RPI I Sent kids to to you know to Yale uh you Know I sent kids to some really good Colleges and and it was because we Stayed on top of grades um that was First and foremost the most important Part of of the program you know we we've All been around Athletics for so many Years you know if you're lucky enough to Be one of the top four or five perc to Be able to go on and play in college That's fantastic but 90% 95% of your of Your team even great teams you're gonna Go on to college you got to be a student And you got to find something to do with Your life right and academics comes First um so uh and that's and and my own Two kids are the are the are the prime Example of of growing up under my Philosophy because school was first I'd Come home from Co from practice at Montclair State and and Morgan would Have softball practice and I was Coaching her W softball teams back then And I said did you finish your homework No dad homework's not done yet that's Fine I'll go coach the other kids yeah Yeah yeah you can stay home you know and Mad scrambled to get homework academics Is number one and and I don't care what Parents say my kid's division one Athlete bold your kid's not a division One athlete okay you're lucky if your

Kid's a division three athlete all right And there is no knock on D3 I played at East Carolina University with Vincent Smith who's got two Super Bowl rings and John jet who's got two Super Bowl rings Both from with the Cowboys you know and I could tell you right now I got hit Just as hard at William Patterson as I did it at at East Carolina the difference in the game is Speed not right not ability oh 100% not Um you know not hitting not scheme not Not the dedication I think the guys at The D3 level are more dedicated than the Guys at the D1 level because they're not Getting any money yeah doing it for free You know they're trying to they're Trying to scramble and and get money Together for housing and parking and This and that and everything else They're not getting a $500 or $700 a Month stiping for housing off campus and And all kinds of stuff and getting all Their books taken care of and everything Now it's crazy now it's even crazy you Know and now let's not even get into the The the the money that's being given out To college players right now and and and The INE Of college sports now because the top 2% Are millionaires and the rest can't see It you know can't get lunch money you Know and you know it's the division Three athlete is a special special

Special athlete you know and we had him Right DK we had kids that walked into Camp and said I deserve to start yeah I Said what do you mean you deserve to Start I got all these kids that are are Great players they're program players They've been with us for years well I Was all state well so was he and He and and and he's an all American you Know so that guy right there just had Two years of aund tackles so you tell me Why you should he just broke Sam mills's Tackle record yeah exactly you know Which is What that's the thing that uh um a lot Of kids have to learn is when you go to College that every player is a great Everybody was that Guy they're all good it's just a matter Of uh now are you able to compete when You're competing against other guys that Are great that's and and you're right About the size and the um well the size And speed those are the two biggest Differences at at at each level In 95% of the cases right how fast the Guy runs and and the measurables um Other than like maybe quarterback or you Know those kind of that kind of a Position or maybe a kicker but uh but Outside of that it's that that's the big Big difference is is the speed and and I Think that's also you brought up a Really good point is that uh you know

Academics being such an important thing Like I think parents are so caught in um Uh just first of all you should be able To do all of that at the same time okay That that's one thing that people like It's not a if if and or or that you know It's it's it's all of it like that's a Requirement of of of being an athlete Like at the high school level if you Don't do a good job Academically chances are that you have Some issues on the field like there There's there's you know for every for Every um 10 guys that are have bad Grades nine of them are usually an issue And one might be the guy that is a great Player still a good kid has some sort of Issue right where he's learning or Something like that but um but nine out Of 10 are usually the guys you have to Worry about right but with the guys that Are three five I I would bet everything I own that nine out of 10 of those guys Are guys you don't have to worry about And and those kids find their way on the Field no matter how big fast small fat Skinny that they are those those top Academic kids find their way on the Field somehow they they they accept a Role if if and they do what they have to Do to get there you know just like they Do in the classroom you know it's Calculus I got to stay up till you know My my oldest would D ding her senior

Year in School you took five AP classes You know and and she got she got Straight A and AP Cal and and she she Probably took everyone that Saddlebrook Had to offer just about and you know we Didn't offer that many So stay up till she'd stay up till 2 Three o'clock in the morning working on Homework and get up the next day and go Three for four and throw three girls out Stealing yeah Y and it didn't matter to Her there was no excuse nope this is What I have to do in order to be able to Compete in the classroom and on the Field and I'm going to do both of them And you know and I'll sleep till one O'clock in the morning on a Sunday one O'clock in the afternoon on a Sunday if I have to you know that's just the way It goes and uh Darren had built a great Program there at softball I mean I Remember when I coached with him he was My first football coaching job was with Darren white he was at he was in he was Coaching at Saddlebrook when I was in Fort Lee okay okay that was the early 2000s right right so uh right I think he Start head coach maybe the late 90s Right a little bit before me I remember I applied for the Saddlebrook job and Didn't get an interview I was looking For a head job sounds about right I Think they because I think they had had So much like post my my senior year was

They they were not good and then it but It then we were good pretty good before That but after that it went off the Cliff and then then basically they I Think Darren might have been an Assistant on some of those other staffs And then they said hey we need you know We need to do it and that's when they Had fali and and NP poano came in as the Coordinators with uh with Darren and Then I Joon their staff it must have Been 2000 he's one of the winningest Football coaches in sadur history oh Yeah football he I he I think that was When Gwen Rock was at the top yeah and And and Patterson Catholic I think he is The winning he really wasn't a head Coach for that long but he definitely is The winning he might definitely is the Highest winning percentage um because Leo did very well but Leo Leo had had up And down years you know like in the Front end he had he he had a fight Through a lot a lot and then on the back End as he when he got into retirement it Was starting to get it starting to get Tough like with numbers and stuff but in The middle he had a ton of winning but I Think Darren def he has to be the Highest winning percentage of all time And um close to 600 in softball now Softball oh softball my God you know we Were just talking about wonder is is he Because um I used to talk Darren all the

Time but I haven't talked Darren in a While like I coached his son when he was At uh Indian Hills yeah and and Darren Coached with me actually uh those couple Few years but um but I wonder if is is He considered maybe like the best like The winningest softball coach in in Bergen County history is somebody else Or is he he's he's in the he's in the Top three or four he is okay you look at Public School coaches he's he's oh God Yeah oh right because IH have right Right right you know um and obviously uh Joe light over at Indian Hills is Joe Light was great yeah still phenomenal I Mean that's unfortunately because I you Know Indian Hills that's the old NB when I was in high school and when I coached Hills Indian Hills was always a great Acade a great academic and great Athletic school um and I have friends Now that are that coach other sports at Ramapo and and the the the difference in The amount of kids are going from from To Indian Hills versus Ropo it there's There's a huge difference and all the Athletes are unfortunately going to Ramapo Y and the only the only program That wins in Indian Hills right now um Is is the softball program and George Hills the baseball coach there George And I played College college football Together at William Patterson George Couldn't look for a better Coach than

George he just he don't get the horses You know no you're 100% right like light Light is and I think also because I Think you know a Bo and and you coach Obviously have daughters so you probably Could talk to this girl girls and boys Are different in what they're looking For in sports programs in in my opinion Um obviously you coach you know uh men At Monclair and obviously your daughters And they play for Darren um but you're You're 100% right like I I think one of The things that like rampo Indy Hills is That girls are looking for a coach that They like Like literally respect right EXA respect Because I can tell you there was times That Gabby and Morgan didn't like Darren Right respect no we're we where're boys Literally will choose a lot of times Because of winning like lit literally Will'll choose for I I've noticed for That reason and haven't been the head Coach of Indian Hills um and no I saw it And and the kids I mean the kids are Great the kids I coached were great and Phenomenal kids phenomenal kids and they Would give everything everything you Know they could but you you could you Could see it and it was you know because When you beat with the youth programs And stuff it was it was very interesting But that boys that's that was they were Choose hey this is the more Gibbs was

The you know obviously had program more Established and you were trying to Trying to change that but it it's it's Really interesting from that standpoint What what did um what did I'm curious What did your daughters take both Daughters play played for Darren or Unfortunately Gabby only played for Darren his fres her freshman year okay She finished at Saddlebrook right she Did finish at Saddlebrook under Taran Deo oh oh it's right because Darren then Went to and then and she played for a Year under uh uh uh H got oh oh oh okay Got it got it yeah I think year was the Co year the sophomore year completely oh Yeah that sus and still ended up with 555 strikeouts just saying um yes just Throwing it out There hey buddy you got to plug where You could plug and listen and Morgan Wasn't right dude she was catch her she Set the tone dude like it was and I Listen I taught her when she was in Eighth grade so to watch her grow she's Worse than I am like crazy like so Dialed in so focused right just like This is what it is and it was look I got I have a plan right and this is what I Want to do and I'm gonna take whatever And do whatever necessary to get there And I don't care what's going on over Here right she was so hyperfocused and Laser focused on this is where I want to

Be this is what I got to do to get there It was like a the greatest model ever The uh I'm gonna give you a quick story About Morgan and you we'll talk about a Plan we go down to Florida freshman year For PR for spring training and um Katie Garbarino is the senior catcher Morgan's A freshman Katy Garbarino phenomenal She's she's coaching with Darren at Ramapo now great great uh great uh Career at Kane University and uh um she Dove for a foul a little pop up the Third Base Line after she ripped her Mask off and it hit the line and back Spinned up hit her in the face of broker Nose down in Florida the day before we Were leaving so last day Morgan's Catching ball hops off the plate and Hits her in her bare hand while she's Trying to block it and dislocates her Finger which she shook back into placees She was going to get the ball the girl Goes to try to round second and go to Third and and Morgan comes up like she's Going to and I'm figuring she's going to Throw this girl out there's the the girl Started heading back to second but she Had gone too far across it she's dead And she doesn't throw and she's like Dad My finger so she comes at it again we Put our third catcher in we get home From Florida I got to take her to the Doctor just to make sure it's not broken We go to the hospital they take an x-ray

It's not broken they come in with a Splint to go put on her finger and she Looks right at the doctor and she goes What are you doing with that Thing she goes I got to splint your Finger you dislocated it spring goes It's softball season I got to be able to Hit and for two weeks she actually held The bat with her index finger off the Bat damn and took BP and everything as Much as it hurt every time the bat Vibrated and everything oh hell yeah and Um Darren wouldn't let her swing Away he wouldn't let her Swing Away kept Giving her a bunt sign kept giving her a Bunt sign D and if you know anything About Darren softball program everybody Can bun everybody can bun doesn't matter Who you are you better be able lay down A bunt when I need it and don't miss a Sign because I'll embarrass you in front Of everybody y he ain't afraid to do That and um so finally she went to him She goes coach I can swing so we finally Let her start swinging away and she and She started hitting and everything but This this kid wouldn't be out you know She wouldn't be she just refused she Went for being on crutches to catch it In two days you know she she just Doesn't care and now you know you see And like now you talk about right and we See this all the time right like you Want a male female there are certain

Ones that get it and certain ones that Are plugged in and they're all in and They all say they're all in but you like There's only a select few that like even Through this ENT through the entire Process of what we do you know oh coach This or oh coach that it's like man I When I watch when when I'm when you're Doing things that I'm not watching I'm Watching and that tells me whether or Not you're gonna get to that next level Because those are those intangibles that You know you can't coach right you can Instill in parenting but they still have To take it themselves and do it right And we see it all the time where I mean [ __ ] Dave coached his eight-year-old This year first year tackle football and The parents it's like half of them are Trying to play for their kid yet they Didn't even play at all right so it's Just a whole microcosm of how everything Is and I'm not telling every kid that They got to go out and play HT either no You know I mean just her prerogative my Kid's a freaking maniac right you know And and I played hurt when I played and You played hurt and Coach Schuman you Played hurt you know but there's hurt And there's injured I play hurt every Day Still took me a half hour to get down The stairs that's right that's right but Um you know I don't want Somebody's

Mother watching this program going I Wonder he's retired he wants all the Kids to play Hurt yeah yeah that's why He's old school he's that old school guy Well well you're you're man you're Managing what what if look obviously if It's a serious injury that's a different Right you know the difference boy miles Here there's an injury right it's right There's an injury and you could you Could fight through it and the kids's Able to tolerate it there there is a Certain level of toughness level there a Happy me absolutely yeah yeah there you Know there's a t and I think that's you Know like you talk football like Obviously you gotta be tough to play Football G the game's evolving in a in I Don't know some ways great and some ways Strange I guess you know very it's just Different but I'll tell you what I like Like I I don't I don't know if you Watched it at all but the girls NCAA Stuff so phenomenal like uh you know I Went to Yukon so like girls basketball Was always obviously very good right but Uh but now the level of the game with With the girls with Caitlyn Clark and The LSU team and and then the co like Listen talk about tough coach uh Kim Moi The LSU coach they they wrote this bash Article I don't know if you saw this oh Yeah wrote A bash article article on Her got she got right up there in the

Press conferences and says you know like Those those girls know you know know That I love them like those girls know That that um and if you were if you're An outside Observer looking in at the Locker room and the way I'm talking yeah You're gonna you're gonna be like oh my God what what's going on here they Understand the Dynamics that's kids hard what's that I Was told I was told by a good friend of Mine who's still coaching and I'm not Goingon to say any names said you know There's a difference in how we coach now Right and and I turned around to him and I said you know what I said then you Don't have good athletes right yeah Because good athletes want to get Coached hard correct and if you're not Coach if you coach kids hard and they Don't and they're not receptive to it You're not coaching him right Derek knew That everything I told him was 100% Right from the film 100 100% right from The scheme and 100% the best way for us To win as a team and for him to be Successful as a player and I could coach Him hard because he knew that the second Your players don't believe that you're Doing those things for them you can't Coach them hard anymore nope the most Correct the hardest conversation I've Ever had with a player in my 20 years of Coaching was with Derek dep Pascal Derek

Was a junior he was starting and he was Playing well he wasn't getting us in any Trouble we weren't he wasn't blowing us Sonds he was solid he was grading out we Had a kid named Michael ATI Michael was A Freak Athlete he he he blocked 13 kicks in one Year yeah and extra points and field Goals block 13 kicks in a year freak and He was one of those kids that could was Never in the right position because he Was so damn fast he thought he could Take off and run wherever he wanted and Make it up and he was one of those kids That had to realize that I'm in college Now everybody's good Mhm finally he started to come around And and we had a long discussion in a Meeting and we said listen it's time for Mike to get his shot yep and and Todd Offered to to talk to you Derek and I Said no I got it yeah no and it was the Hardest conversation I ever had a lot Better coming from you that's for sure Derek made it easy for me though because He wanted to be coached hard and he knew That I wasn't telling him that he wasn't Going to start because I didn't like him Or because I was playing favor Some's mom called me up you know or Because I was worried about losing my Job all right things like that I told Him I said listen you haven't done

Anything wrong I said but you see him I See him it's time for Michael to get his Shot he earned it he agreed with me and You know what the kid did Derek went out Lost 10 pounds that off season got Faster got stronger and came back in and Him and Michael started in secondary the Next year because we graduated a senior Out of the secondary that year and Derek Came in and now him and Michael were the Two starting safeties the next year we Had a lot of fun too and and we had a Great year that year my first year we Were okay my second next year was the Next that was the first year we won the Conference I think we won the conference Three years in a row we were pretty damn Good I mean listen you were always just Praying that they scored 24 points for Us but like hey that's part of my P that Box there dude we SC if we were G to score 24 points we Had to return a punt for a touchdown and We had to block something You know I listen and I played for like Our defensive staff when I was there was Phenomenal to gresta was there you know Listen we've had Siri on right Mike Siri You coach like come on the mad like so's Been on with us you were there gazi for As much as him and I buted heads he was A phenomenal coach I just I just didn't Coach I just I just wasn't a kid who got Coached that way or responded to that

Which is where that balance came in and Dave we talk about it all the time right With coaches about your delivery or just How it works it's why some guys are good Cops some guys are bad cops right it's Why you have position coaches that talk To guys and then other guys that are Coordinators and just kind do their Thing you gotta find that happy medium Yeah I can be bad cop 100% do the right Listen just do your job and there's no Bad cop right that's just how it works And that's what you were told listen you Just play to the level of the do the Best that you can and then we'll find Where you fit into the puzzle and that Was part of it and and and it's really Difficult now and Dave can attest to it With the players that we have is these Guys aren't willing to play a role right Or if they are they want learn learn to Play a role it's like they just don't It's like hey I'm this I'll always gonna Be this this is what I'm gonna like Moving for it's like well what if you Like you should be doing this and you'll Be more successful well that's not what I want to do okay we talk about Academics that swings right back into The classroom 100% right why don't good Why don't good coaches ever have trouble In the Classroom not because they yell and Scream and jump up and down and scare

People because they're all about routine They're all about the work they're all About showing the kids my you know my Students know that I'm they're not gonna Outwork me right you know and I and I When you when you get out of when you Get off the field and you're in the Classroom every day and and I only I Only and coached in the same building For six years right so yeah you've Always been an administrator somewhere Else always had to do something else you Know and and you know the bills get paid In the classroom yeah so I always had to Do my job in the classroom I always had To make sure all my eyes were dotted and My tee were crossed and I was teaching My classes and I was taking care of my Students because football wasn't going To pay it no you know track wasn't going To pay it softball wasn't going to pay It I didn't get I never I only got paid To coach softball twice two years two Years I coached JV at Kennedy but uh a High school softball but other than that Was all club and stuff like that I can Get paid for that stuff right of course Well but um you mentioned routine I tell You routine is is such an important Thing like establishing what your Routine is as an athlete just like just Like adults do at at in their own jobs And what they do like establishing a Routine of what you have to do and

Creating consistency like that's a big Thing that I noticed that's hard for Kids today versus maybe like good it Takes them a while to understand how Consistency is very important right Because they're pulled in I don't know If they're pulled in directions or they Just go directions but but consistency Doing things that you need to do each Day to get yourself better I I saw this Um uh I I now I can't remember where I Saw it but it was a video maybe Derek You posted it it might have been Something you posted about uh basketball Uh in order to become a great shooter Was like 18 minutes a day every day Right for any it's I think it's like for Any discipline if you do 18 minutes a Day for 365 days you'll become like a Master of it whether it's you know Basketball piano you know just something Any discipline yeah any discipline that If you're consistently 18 minutes a day Consistently for year like you'll be a Master of it you'll be ahead of I think It was like 90% of people that are in That discipline what's so amazing about It is that it's not long right but it's But it's every day right that's the Thing it's every day see most people do It may they might do it a couple days Like you look at like you know it's like The New Year's resolution thing and Exactly and then it goes away and then

It get back to it a month later and it Goes away but that every day that's the Thing that I think um was kind of Ingrained in you know our generation Whereas this generation has to learn Consistency learn earn routine and it May be it may be I you know I don't know Exactly where it comes from society Parents what I mean parents obviously Are big the biggest deal obviously great Parents great great parents who instill Those things make a huge difference and I'm a big believer in you know it has to Be both parents okay I not that things Don't happen in this world I I get it But no matter what both parents have to Be involved in that process because if They're not and ideally both together And but ideally that's the ideal Scenario but no matter what they have to Both be involved because if they're not Both involved all the time in their Kids' lives that's where you start to Have kids not understanding consistency Like when you get like you could see Like if there is a kid that doesn't Understand it and having a hard time Grasping routine consistency you could Probably go to the home and realize that Their home life is not consistent right And and and that's that's a big thing And and and to me it's uh that's Probably one of the biggest things That's changed over over 20 years and

Parents want the reward without Consistency right so I want him to be Division one athlete what whatever you Know without like this is what has to Get done in order to to become that kind Of a catcher like your daughter she's Got to go and catch thousands and Thousands of balls to understand How the pitcher Maneuvers the ba uh the Softball if if they don't catch Thousands and thousands of balls they're Not going to be able to recognize the Ball moving and then you know and Parents don't I didn't have a you know I'm I'm not I'm a teacher we all know What that's like so I wasn't C she Didn't have a catching coach she had me And she had Darren who's a phenomenal Catcher coach but she caught every Single pitcher she knew at their lesson That's it the parents the father and the Mothers used to pick her up on the way To their daughter's pitching lesson so That she had so their so her catcher was There right and she caught and you know When when we were when she played Club Girls needed to throw on the side she Went and caught them you know if if four Girls needed to throw on the side she Caught all four of them you know she'd Catch every game on a week she'd catch Six games on a weekend and then on a Wednesday night she'd catch F five girls Doing their B pen sessions you know and

That and that's how she got good at it And you know we did all her drill work On off days where she was throwing and She was blocking and she was hitting and You know the hardest was with Gabby Because she had a pitch she had a field And she had a hit right by the time she Was done pitching she didn't want to go Take ground balls a third or shag flies Or spend 30 minutes in the cage 20 Minutes that on the tea because I Wouldn't let her hit a live ball till She had 10 perfect swings inside 10 per Middle 10 perfect swings the opposite Way you know and and but they you know They got on it and my my my middle Daughter my stepdaughter she's division One cheerleader she cheered at Penn State she's a level five Tumblr I mean This girl flips all over the freaking World and that just come out of nowhere Either no you know she traveled all over The country with with uh Central Jersey Allstars down out of kennworth you know And my my wife traveled I swear to God They were gone for the whole winter they Went every week to Dallas playing L to Florida going to Kentucky going here we Go here we go Hear this is like you know this might be Like it doesn't matter what the sport is It doesn't have to be football I mean Coach track you know you coach a track For all those years I ran track at Wayne

Hills for and Jim coin the late Jim coin Was who was at Wayne Hills and Wayne Valley for years was my was my middle Distance coach and we had a great middle Distance team 800 400 meter kids and we Would come out we knew if there was no Meat that week if we had more than two Two days off we were doing in 10 quarter Workouts you were working get we had a 10 quarter day coming and we go down to The track and it was about consistency With him we ran a first five quarters Under six under 55 and the last five Quarters under 60 and we had 90 seconds Between each quarter and there was never Never a chance if he given us one more Second you know then we were running Bleachers and and a two mile cool down And that was the way it was going to be But we all got better you know the Slowest quarter mile around that team Was a 51 second kit and a one me I was Faster than That but track you can't get good Without having consistency there's no Way around it each other yeah you know Kids don't want against each other Because they're they're worried about Well I you know I can't I can't root for Him because then I won't then he'll take My job right he takes your Job see it in the locker room like oh How come this school is talking to this Kid and not me and you know well

Whatever it's like where I don't know I Was different man I was excited as hell When guys were good around me it made me Better I want to win that's it if that Guy good or if this guy's right behind Me yeah he's not gonna take my job but I'm gonna help him get better right like Hey man I'm not understanding this Coverage or what happens all right bro You gotta when he goes here do this or This is whatever like you want to help Other guys get better because then Collectively as a team you just get Better I think that's a lot of something That's changed now you really start to See it's more of these guys are very me Me me me you know you have a few but It's it's tough It's really tough now to Get these guys and you're talking about Football the Ultimate Team game well and Well I I think part of that too is Obviously a trickle down there's a Trickle down from you know once you uh I Understand why they want money at the Highest level I get it players should Get it I I I some level of it but There's no parameter so when there's no Parameter Rules like that you know you need Parameters so there's some level of Regulation no matter what people don't Want on that you need some level of Regulation and and uh and and that Creates a situation where everybody

Understand like the N if the NFL just Had open free agency it would be chaos It it would it so you you but that's What you have in college and then then You wonder why like this kid's worried Like jealous over this kid because They're thinking they're no longer Thinking about how good they are on the Field and what they can do um and and What they can contribute that they're Now thinking I'm getting screwed because This guy's getting this money I'm as Good as him and and it's because it's so It's so out there and they can read About it very easily on social media and They get a wrong perception because hey When you're young I mean listen when You're 16 years old we felt the same way You're salty even if even if you know What the what the right thing is you Keep seeing this in your fa it's almost Like you need to just hide all that Stuff you know until you do what you Have to uh be able to do but that's part Of it that that trickle down meaning Like this this group's getting it no Regulation that's the biggest issue That's the big and and absolutely if if If the NCAA sat down and said okay Listen here's the deal you want you Spend your nil money however you want But you're capped every division one Program is capped at this amount of Money if you can't raise it we're sorry

But we're capped you're capped at this Amount of money so now the Ohio States Have still going to have maybe have an Advantage over a r they're going to do What they do right you're still gonna Have because we're promoting back in That what we what we tried to get rid of In the 1980s and the 1990s we're Theu it's legal the old P pay the Sal You know SMU the great state 30 movie The Program Blue Chips right Blue Chips These are the movies that came out in The 80s and 90s that that that shot a Hole in college athletics and how Corrupt it was and now we're promoting The corruption yeah so now if you're at Ohio State if you're if you're at in in Eugene Oregon where where Nike is gonna Give you money out the out out the ass You know you got an advantage over Ruckers correct 100% you know Greg Greg Shano he's he's fighting an uphill Battle right off the bat because oh he Goes to recruit a top kid out of Florida Or out of or out of Ohio or out of he Wants to get a quarterback out of Pennsylvania and they and the coach says Well what's the nil money look for me Coach yeah you're like uh well you know I can give you all the lunch passes you Can Carry you know well and I've been told

By Um uh so one of your daughters goes to The school uh another big 10 program That that Ohio state has been tasked With enough money to produce a super Team because of the fact they don't want To lose any more to Michigan so so now You're without any like level of cap or Anything like that I mean it but they Have they found the doners to give them That's all that Matters that are willing to give you Money how do you think Michigan rebuilt Harbaugh got all those guys to come in And give money that's right you know What I mean and look at what they was it Was it Texas A&M yeah that's what I was Just gonna say the boosters actually Offered a check at halftime and the Coach was like yeah little did he know That was his buyout money they were Firing him yeah yeah he's making 70 Million to sit home you know what I mean The the boosters came up with the buyout Money so they could get rid of the coach Yep that's it you know I mean like come On I understand listen these kids bring Millions of dollar to their universities That that's yeah that's not the issue The kids are not no they're not the Issue it's the regulation it's Regulation and Parameters you're still not you're still The the field hockey program still not

Getting a new field yeah you know that's Why nobody like there's still only one Trainer working with the working with The with the cheerleaders at Penn State You know and there's there's 50 Cheerleaders in the program four Different teams and there's only one Trainer you know because because they're All at football that's it and basketball Because those are the two sports that Make money they're the money makers you Know what I mean so you're you're you're Not upgrading your other Sports by ex right and the flip side of It too you know like like when I see the The the positive thing you know um for Like girls with the those the LSU has a Player that makes a million Angel Ree obviously Caitlyn Clark um CLK was On a on a uh State form ad last night After the game yes she was on like three Ads the girl Becker from UK I don't Think she makes quite as much because I Don't think they have as much in the but Yukon has for basketball a big nil fun They need for football but but they Don't have that they don't have it for Football but they have it for basketball But that's always been that way when I Was there you know it's like because They got Ray Allen coming out it's like It's like oh you play football great Yeah oh you play football great where's Ray Allen you

Know but yeah I mean Rebecca Lobo she's Where okay oh yeah it's incredible how How but that but that's a good side but The good thing about that is now okay When you have regulations look if you if Your cap is $5 million for for girls Basketball in Iowa okay yes you might Have more than I don't know Louisiana Tech but there's a parameter because you Know what the cap is right so if you Want to pay Caitlyn Clark whatever she Wants the with the the issue and you and You mentioned it with the booster so the Booster dictating everything like oh Yeah now it's literally like blue chips Like yeah if I'm a billionaire I want if I'm the billionaire and I'm giv all the Money like I do want control right like Who wouldn't if I'm giving 50 million to A school I'm gonna want some level of Control that's why you need parameters You Know do what with the money Brian Bosworth drove around campus on a he had Two cars because I I knew a girl that Went to Oklahoma when he was there he he Drove he had a Jeep and he had a Corvette he didn't pay for either one of Them he never put the top up on the Jeep So when it rained it did whatever it Didn't matter he just wouldn't drive That when he drive the Corvette when it Was nice out he drove the jeep with the With the with the top off you know all

Those expensive cowboy boots he ran Around in there he didn't pay for any of That stuff but that stuff was frowned Upon back then right you know and the Colleges make all this money yeah the Colleges make all this money and they it It wasn't such a big deal till the TV Started to the TV money well I think now You're having conferences you know Jason 10's gone because the pack 10 who Actually paved the way for the first TV Network their TV network fell apart Right they didn't do it right Y and the Big 10 Network and the SEC network are Doing so well that everybody wants to Flock to those two conferences so now It's the big 25 you know and the might as well just Turn into two super The only good thing is I'm gonna get to See Oregon play at at Penn State yeah Right that's cool because I'm a huge Ducks fan I've always been a huge Ducks Fan you my daughter my stepdaughter told Me she said because she she gra they're Playing at Eugene this year or this Coming fall which is Brooks senior year But her first year out they're playing At Beaver Stadium and I said we're going Out and I do a big tailgate the whole Nine okay so um we're going out to we're Going to go out to see them playing I Said I'm wearing my duck stuff and she Goes I'm not talking to you I won't talk

To you she goes and I'll call over every Penn State fan to try to beat you up yes Well I mean look we had uh we had Adam Brenan on a couple weeks ago right so Big pen stake guys still talking about It and you know he was just talking About how like you know because he was At Arizona State as a tight ends coach Right and he talked about the entire Process of of of how you know bringing Guys in and doing this and doing that And now guys aren't asking about Football stuff right guys are coming in And they're asking about uh how much Money do I get for for housing how much And then he started talking about the Cars that these guys drove up to him Because he did like a little you know Penn State type had a bunch of guys up For Content these guys were driving up Right he's like you know this guy's Driving up in this Escalade this guy's Driving up in this car he's like Teaching in Northern he's like what talk 78,000 Car it's like teach in Northern Highlands I pull in a my key and park Next to my students in a Porsche listen I'm at St John vien who's Rolling up in a brand new Bronco who's Got a Mercedes who's got the BMW I'm Like what are we doing here boys they're Like oh I just got my car I said that's Your car oh yeah my you know my my mom

Gave it to me Mom Mom and Dad got it for Me for my for I said what okay okay I Spent more time under my first two cars Than I spent in Them fixing them up doubt trying to get Them keep them running Well I I had this uh when I was in high School I had this Chrysler Laser and I I Beat it into the ground and my brother Took it when I went to college my Brother funny and then yeah and my Brother took it to a whole another level Of Bea the ground he had like a rope That would keep the door Closed so he would have to C he would Keep itose eventually got a car wreck it Was okay but like it like destroyed it That was the end of it we're like thank Goodness it's no longer able to to but He had a rope to keep the door closed And he would tie it around I don't know What he but he would tie it around so The door would stay closed University of Utah Unity of Utah University of Utah Gave all their guys trucks I think right For for their nil deal they oh yeah they All got truck they everybody got a truck Like like those things I think those Things like what Utah did all the all The guys had scholarship got Everything I can with that good use of Nil money like I 100% instead of the top 20 kids in your Program getting all the money and and

The other 80 don't get anything now look I I'm sure their best player still gets More but at least they all come out hey You guys got a truck you guys got you Know and look I know at Ruckers they do That at for foot at Ruckers they do that For football men's basketball girls Basketball I believe it's like a a 30 Grand a year right like they all get Some type of collective automatic no Matter what is what it is look if it's Me I I don't I don't for me if I was That person making that money then then Dude I'm I'm getting all of my DBS Cleats right or we're all gonna have Gloves or we're gonna have like I'm Gonna take care of my guys right like I Was always curious like hey these guys Go out to dinner with Caleb Williams Does he just like throw the card out There or are you guys still splitting The check you know like he's on Wendy's Commercials what are we doing you don't Ask him how he's feeling because he's Not giving up any of his medical no no And he's got probably got fingernails Painted again so we're good I saw the T Basketball player had fingernails Painted too I'm like what is that did You see I can't even fathom that part of The world so it's like how much how much Nil money is that freshman from USC Gonna get she just set the Freshman Scoring record oh she's unbelievable

She's amazing you watch her last night She was unbelievable I didn't watch the Whole game but I watched parts of It Caitlyn Clark looked like Steph Curry Out there K kay car but this freshman From USC she's not quite as good a Shooter yet as every girl on Us T she were big every girl on USC Looked like they were six2 were big like How is their back made him look even Bigger you no That Uniforms had the Small numbers makes them look even Bigger yeah and look my sister look my Sister scored 600 points in two years Playing at Morris County like she was a Hooper like and I'm talking these girls Like it's not even close no yeah these The girl from USC was like um was like a New version of Cheryl swoops like she Was she looks like she might be close to Six feet but she could shoot from the Outside that's the difference she can Actually shoot from the outside and she Drives Caitlyn Clark she could you know What Caitlyn Clark I what I noticed was So good was her passing her you see they Did her stats about passing is Unbelievable listen if you're playing on On her team all you got to do once she You just run and look you better be Looking back for the ball cuz it's come In some way shape or form so you better Have hands to catch whatever it is Because look you missed one of her

Passes she's gonna let you know about it Too and I love that I love that she's Got a little chip on her shoulder that Like she just plays you gota have some I Mean if you're gonna be great I I think The girls tournament's been more Enticing in the boys they're out they're Out they're out doing them um as far as Ratings are concerned and you're talking You have Yukon has men's and women's and NC State men's and women's like Yukon Little flash New Jersey with Hurley is The coach huh oh yeah he's looking for a Repeat he's one of the best man his he Is his brother still coaching out out West yeah Arizona State Arizona State Yeah listen he took some flak the other Day because his dad was sitting on the Bench I guess for one of these games and People were like why is he there and I'm Like oh cause he's like the greatest uh Basketball coach in the history of New Jersey definitely the Greatest you want to talk about bringing Dad back right Greg Olsen who I love Know gregy since he was seven years old He's great knew he was a stud when he Was seven trust me we knew he was a stud When he was seven he's a freak of nature And uh not nothing take nothing away From his other two brothers were very Good football players but Greg was just Special yes and um but uh he his son They won some championship for football

And uh the defense coordinator is uh the Linebacker from Carolina kley he's their Defensive coordinator yeah and Chris and And Chris senior the dad is the Offensive coordinator yeah it's like Youth ball and they're and it's like 12u Football you know I mean like no kidding They're winning n you know what I mean Incredible I wonder if they're still Running 37 slant and 32 ISO and stuff Like that I wouldn't doubt it you know It's interesting that was Tommy Al old Offense haward with iron at Hayward that whole offense that Chris Olon ran and and um and J and bonad ran At Kennedy Frank bonad ran to Kennedy That was that was the Pake offense from Tommy Al Sasser you know I had printouts From Chris that he gave me when I first Started coaching with him that were Literally drawn by Tommy you know and we Used to go out to we used to go to the University of Mansfield for for summer Camp yeah and Tommy alas was the head Coach out there um and we would go out There and Steve Simonetti would come out With Northern Highlands and we were you Know we were banging heads because we Were in the same conference and we would Seven on seven against each other all For for a week and yell and scream at Each other and Chris and Steve would be In arguing and then we'd go out for a Couple beers in a steak the last night

You know both staffs would go out and Hang out but uh you know there's there Was uh you know I wonder if they're Still running that that offense is Coming back he's starting to see Fullbacks again We we started to talk about this right So because because Dave was originally a Running back then a fullback then they Transitioned him to defense right but Like it's been spread for so long now You're starting to see like okay and Listen didn't we did we just talked About it yesterday with mat sakis he's Like look if somebody lines up in you Know eye and power and comes right at You Like they're not going to know going on They don't have the guys they don't Drills nobody's doing spill drills with Their linebackers anymore no you know Nobody's teaching to you know with a Spread offense you Blitz the mic you Insert the safety now you but when we When we coached it at Willi at mler State when you filled inside the Box you Got to go do drills to learn how to play Inside run too dud I had to go down There and bang with Wombo and the big Boys like like we do an inside run Period and we brought the safeties we Always Be they had to know how to defend inside Run there's no inside run anymore you're

I love I loved inside run oh that Was a lot now you know you're starting To see counter moves and you're starting To see more true down and you're Starting to see you know the NFL they They realize listen we can't Zone Everything defense too athletic you Can't get people off the ball either in The same way like you gotta you gotta Pull you got you need angles everything Is an angle nobody can line up head tohe I I was a Zone guy for a long time and Then I I started to realize like if you Just pin in pole guys forget it you're Coming down and you know who does it Great um he meshes the spread with the Power running game with multiple using a Uh well they call it the sniffer but the Fullback right is uh ult Jaan he he's in The gun okay and but he is all I mean He's looking to run power counterpower And um Buck sweep but from it looks like He's running with like you know with the Fancy offset uh offset sets at a gun so He's able to do his passing game off of It all kinds of quick screen all why he Always has a running back bro but his he Wants to cut man he nobody very few guys I've seen New Jersey use the sniffer the Fullback like like he he's been using it Forever and he never wanted to go even Though he was he went to the spread he Was an old Wing te guy because his coach I think I think he played for originally

Was Burg Catholic but they may finished At oldan and they were that way they Were Wing T and when he went to Harrow And um what's his name the two track Kids because we played I was I was Coaching then I was I coordinated Against them when they were seniors kids Were freaking phenomenal the Fullers you Talking about or no Harold was the one Tail back oh tail oh two there were two Kids a fullback and a tailb and there Were one was faster than the other and They and I I remember they put like 50 On me when I was still coaching freshman And then I ended up being D DC by the Time they were seniors and um and we we Were able to shut him down I was Wing te Fullback I played for Jerry Gallagher The Wing wing te everybody played for the Legend you know and uh so when it came To stopping the wing te and reading the Wing te stuff I I had it down because I Knew how the offense ran well we talk About that all the time most times like Being an offensive guy actually makes You a better defensive coach right like For me playing defense I mean I can go To the other side of the ball now and Look at things and be like look if They're gonna do that this is gonna hurt Them because you just know defense like That so it was always a bonus to me to Be onid today I'd be a one-back multiple

For the most part with you know and one Of my tight ends would be a fullback Yeah you know he'd be he'd be my second Tight end and he I could shift him into The back field and I could do whatever I Wanted to do with him and I would run The option now you have triple it you Don't have to triple it I very rarely Tripled but you can double option people To death to death that was think about When we used to play Springfield right Remember how much we would rep that I Mean we would do we would do a whole Week of spring to just this is the Package we're running against them and That was the that was I mean their Quarterback Chris sharp was a [ __ ] all time against option teams Yeah yep the the the luckiest thing ever Coaching was that I coached a Saddlebrook with Darren whites when he Had Bob theano the OC because we ran the Navy triple option and most of it was Really most of it was really double it Was smoking mirrors and cut the high School level yes that's the problem you Can't really run a true triple in high School because you can't cut got to be Able to cut block you gotta cut on the Edge right and you can't cut on the edge But it it stay once you know the option It stays with you for like there's and People who never coached any option you Really have to learn the intricacies but

When you when you actually coach and You're seeing it like you're seeing how He's reading everything you're you're Seeing how how the the the option Coaches coached to fine details of how Like if this guy turns his shoulders This way you're and and how tight Everything was so like what Bob the Tano Did so great when he under with Darren White was when we ran that midline when That when that um three Techni closed Okay the wrap around by the quarterback Was so tight it it was so tight like Like he came down and it was literally It was almost off his shirt that he was Rapping that's how tight it was and what What that allowed it to do like see Learning the the fine details of that What allowed it to do is when he got up Field like there was no wasted movement That that quarterback whether he was Fast or slow was already on the the Middle linebacker and if he wasn't and If he didn't make that tackle literally Those guys were banging their head in The endzone y you know because they were On them so fast and it it was so that Was one of the most I like I I say lucky Because I got to see Glenn Rock play us You know and and we had to learn to run And shoot because we had to stop it and And U and then I got to coach with DJ uh To actually see it in action right but But but coaching in the triple option

Seeing the run and shoot it like changed The way I thought about football because I played in the 90s you know like in the I and and Yukon we were the eye and then By the time we went to the spread I was Not in I was not a spread fullback so I Was over at linebacker so it was it was So interesting it's it's but those core Things like I mean the option that's That's from Bud Wilkinson back in in 1950 you know the 50s like it's it's I Watched the whole thing on um uh Texas And Oklahoma and Switzer and Bud Wilkinson and how those guys and this is One of the things that you we don't see As much in coaching and we they used to Share with each other so Oklahoma got so Good because Texas shared with them and The guys who were in the Houston Veer They shared with the Texas guys and they Still out and competed against each Other of Bobby Bowen giving the ve to Marshall Marshall's after all the kids Died in the plane crash y he gave them The Veer he brought bought him the ve You know and I played for Tommy D Mayo At William Patterson my first year we Were we were in the we were in the bone You know we were in the bone I was a Wishbone fullback you know and and and Then when I when I started coaching with Chris at Wayne Hills we had an option Package in and then I went to a clinic And I learned I Donovan McNab was at

Syracuse we learned we learned the Freeze option freeze option froze out of The eye I mean look I Had that was a great scheme that was Paul right yeah great we had it in Butler we always had option speed option Dude it was you always had a part of it We ran we ran belly we used to run a Belly out of power eye on the goal line So we get in a power eye and everybody's Like oh he's running ISO he's running Double ISO he's running double ISO I'd Run a Belly and then we use the tail back as The pitch man yep belly option down the Goal line you know did they reverse out On that belly or did they come down the Line come on reverse out don't peek at My Quarterback because he'll give you a bad Read every time yeah on everything we Reverse reversed that on butt on belly We reversed spun around on toss you know Now Guys open right up to the toss oh no I love the spin you know because that Also gave you a little like and look a Lot of guys are like oh you don't want Him to turn his back to the line of Scrimmage I don't know I just felt like It gave me more that and then if I Wanted to fake now I could peel back and Go the other way with it the boot is the Greatest play the greatest man I love That boot off the bo off the and I had C

My my my best play package at at Fort Lee was the our counter package we ran It out of every set we ran it out of one Back we ran it out a two back we ran on The goal line we ran it against eight Man front we ran it against 10man front Because it had angles and it didn't Matter how many people you put in the Box and then when you started beating me I screamed back out of it you know I'd Scream back out of it we'd run counter Pass you know Waggle you know and if you know I the Craig neelon one of my good friend of Mine now Craig and Craig's Craig's at at Tenly I'm at will at Fort Lee my first Year and we're beating him late and I Want to keep the ball run out the clock And I tell my quarterback run a counter Pass hit it to the hit the fullback in The flat it was like it was actually Fourth and four I thought it was third And four um yeah I know first year first Year this is this is the long this is The story so I call counter and my Quarterback uh Chris B Chris uh um end Up playing at William Patterson um he he Good athlete could boot left and throw Didn't matter so he boots out and my Freaking my wide out busts the Post Corner wide open so he just passes up a Wide open Fullback and bangs the co Post Corner For for

Six all I wanted was a first down I Wanted to run out the clock on on off Defense Liketh like a great head coach and I and If I known it was fourth down I would Have punted I swear to God so the next morning my quarterback Comes in to watch film and and he's in Early and he goes coach why do we go Fourth down and meanwhile Craig yelled At me after the game and I had no idea Why this isn't the NB we don't run it up Here blah blah blah blah blah you're not With Olsson anymore you know because I Coached with Chris for nine years and um And I'm like why is he mad he was like It's football not like I think it was I Think it was 27 to 14 or whatever was The final score so Um we get into films the next morning Nobody says anything to me and my Quarterback goes coach why do we go on Fourth down Chris fourth down yes we did Coach it was fourth down I run the film All the way to the end there it is we're The home team sideline fourth down I'm Like holy Crap I call Craig up right away holy cow I'm so like dude I had no idea I'm an Ass i i w i I offered to write a letter To his team to Apologize like and that from that point On we were friends but you know Craig Came out with his ponytail he was ready

To kick my Ass great great softball coach too by The way oh oh he's a softball guy too Yeah he coached against Morgan and a Little bit against Gabby but he was at He was that where what was that p uh Pasak Valley forever he was at pasak Valley and then he lived in Mawa so when His daughter got got uh got up to high School in Mawa they called him and asked Him if he wanted that the softball job At Mawa and he took it and he he coached His daughter and then he held on to it And then um had a great year his his Last year they won the I think they made It to the finals of the counties or Semi-finals of the counties they won Their section um you know they they had A they won the league they had a Phenomenal phenomenal year they were Really really good and all those girls That were on that team team either Played with Gabby or played with Morgan Right we had all these malwa kids in our Club that we played with with the with The Ropo Rage which was out of suffering And all these girls either played for me With Gabby or played with Morgan with The older team right well we look at it Too like with Dave because like we do Like you know we do the seven on seven Stuff now right so right what it is is It's basically look like you know you've Always had aaou basketball right you've

Always had like the club traveling scene No no matter what sport it is right it's Just it's just that scene man it it Really it's it's I would still be Coaching if it wasn't for Club softball There you go I swear to God we went Gabby ended up her her time playing for Sergio Rodriguez For The Heist Phenomenal D um um Whatchamacallit um Phenomenal program you know gets kids to College pays attention to grades we play Competitive schedule but we go to Colorado every year we go every year we Go to Massachusetts twice so we went to Colorado go to Delaware yeah so we went To Colorado that year and Gabby and I Flew out we went to Colorado for the Week you know it's a $3,000 week yeah And then um there was a program the Bergen Stars which is a program that Started here in uh in Bergen County Where they take kids from different Programs and they go travel for a week And they go see different colleges that Year we went to Tennessee that's cool we Flew From Colorado to Tennessee I jumped in a Car drove from Tennessee from from uh From the airport in Tennessee into Knoxville for Gabby to play another four Days and then we ended up playing at Volunteer Stadium we ended up playing at On campus at uh at Tennessee which was Phenomenal she got the pitch in the

Stadium and that's awesome but like at The end of that the end of that summer I Looked at my credit card bill and I said Holy crap how am I ever gonna pay this Off that winter I started working a Second job yeah and I haven't stopped Since because coach you've always been Like you've always hustled like that Like I can remember being on the field For warm-ups and you having to like run ACR run like just because you were just Getting there to get to practice and [ __ ] I mean you guys I mean Dave listen I try to tell Dave like we made more Money coaching High School football than You guys did coaching Monclair and $5500 The most I ever made at Monclair State 5500 yeah Dave that was my last two Years and I was I was the SEC I was the Safeties coach I was the video Coordinator For and I was the video liaison for the Entire New Jersey confence the entire NJ I remember that because we started Trading film online that when I was Coaching there there was no more getting Guys out on the road on a Sunday morning Hey I'll meet you at this bar you know So and every back then everybody it was There was no huddle back then you know Um everybody had their own different Video formats correct so we had to have A a central docking station a separate Uh service where everybody could upload

Their film right and the company knew That we were using Apex so we had to Download in the Apex format so if you Were using something different y he Would convert it to Apex for us and then We could download it but you had to Download it in real Time yeah so it took Dave so this stuff Took lace game a lace game is almost Five hours These guys used to come off the field we We wouldn't even be in the showers yet And these guys be like we gota upload The field gota because they needed to Wait the full like game time for it to Finish for them to get to work so they Used to just stay from our Saturday Night sleep in the office be prepared And then we would come like we didn't Even come in on Sundays when I was there No Coach O would be over my shoulder in The morning when's my film G to be ready My film GNA be ready Co I got it coach I'd come in in the morning I'd burn the DVDs at home because I had little kids My kids were young yeah they were Mowing And them were young the 10 to one DVD Burners so those I would come home yeah We had the three we had the three the Three burner we were but I would go home And I would hook the end zone up to one Computer and the the sideline up to the Other computer and I would and I would Upload the film to the computer then I

Had to take the file transfer it over And I had to lace it yep and I had to Make sure both my cameram men were on Point make that things were laced up Right so I'd have to to kind of I'd have To kind of the film [ __ ] they did with Film was was insane we were so ahead of The curve we had a market offense Defense special teams then I could then Once I knew when I happy with that then I could divide it based on based into You know it was offense defense special Teams divide it into three parts then I Had to burn it and I have a special Burner program because the the DVDs were About about 8 gig but a regular DVD is Not that big so you had to have a I had Have a compression program to compress It and put it on one a single DVD so Then I'd have that done in the morning I'd come if I was if I had a good Morning both my computers had spit the DVDs out they had burned and they had Spit out of my computers otherwise I was Like oh my God what happened and I'd run Into the office and start running copies For everybody so we could start breaking Down film it was the amount the amount Of work they had to do compared to like Now these guys like like we don't even Break it down we send it out and huddle Breaks it down for back and it's like Here you go like I would love to have Huddle I would I would I wouldn't know

What to do I would watch so much film That's what I used to say I said because I you watch so much you know What get immediately too you I was I was Only good because I watch so much film Right like I used to watch so much film I just can't even imagine having that Thing on my phone like are you kidding Me I would I wouldn't have done any All day I would have just been watching Film all day then I look at some of These kids and it's like oh you got five Minutes this week dude really like yeah That's why we were so good on defense at Montclair because we used Apex and it Had all the Tendencies yeah everything Wanted to know when you're when you're In two Tights and in in third and less than Five in in 22 Personnel yep you know On the left Hash how many times are you running to It was crazy and iak that's where like It was like pre-analytics Dave you know What I'm saying like that was now the Analytics are crazy I mean I Used yeah yeah yeah yeah well they try To predict you they try to predict for You what you what would be your best Play in the situ like how do that now Like it'll basically want to predict for You this will be your best play tell you What you're well that's what we used to We used to have to make up our minds

Based on Tendencies and and believe it Or not this is the hugest question we Had every week are we G to are we gonna Defend these guys by formation right or By down and distance yep where are they Become more predictable to us you know For what we want to run and you know it It evolved over time that we used when I First got there we were we were probably 90% down in distance absolutely and then As people got more and more out of out Of out of two back into one back and They got more and more into spread we Were we were now it was based on Formation because now people tipped with Personnel y you know so now you could You know you had all the you had all These different um tendencies that were Based on formation so now Personnel had To be right and there was two different Kinds of 21 personnel and there was two Different kinds of you know uh 01 Personnel depending on who was on the Field and with those guys on the field This is what we were getting with those Guys on the field we were getting this And and Derek will tell you we evolved We know we the LA after Derek graduated Our our number one defense was a defense We called Penny basically that's when They started going nickel linebacker out It was yep it was DBS all over the place And Now you know it was would put strength

To the field and force you to walk your Sam out into space and Sam and the Sam Linebacker could he now he was caught he Was caught between when between the [ __ ] And a fart because it was it was it play Action or was it or was it run you know And he was caught out in space against Kids that he didn't match up well Against athletically so you put an extra Safety in the game so we took our Sam Out and we basically became we basically Be you know became a two linebacker set Yeah you're basically a nickel package All day and the safety would remove Himself out of the box and we'd play Boundary defense yep you want to give me You want to give me strength into the Boundary fine give me strength into the Boundary because I got because you don't Have space to work there y that's why The hash marks are such a big deal College to proo and when and I take guys Like when you know when when Brian twer Played with Cornell inside I put Brian As the as the Willie yep and and Brian's Like well I got twins out here to the Boundary I'm like ran you're into the Boundary get your butt in the Box yeah You can play to hook curl from where You're at I need you to play run right And I need you to be able to clean up Front side run because they can't Account for you in the box they're Expecting you to be walked out yep and

We put Brian and he had some hits on Crush on Zone plays yeah they're not Expecting him to be in the Box to be Removed so he's the he's the extra guy But that penny that Penny defense was it Was our 43 but it was but that safety Was our Sam yep you know he was our now You look at defenses now like Dave and I See it all the time too it's like you Know because of everybody in spread You're not three Seeing like a true three linebacker sets Anymore like you're not seeing Linebackers on the field you're seeing Now linebackers have become DNS and DNS Have gotten bigger and moved inside and Then now your safeties have just become Your outside backers and it's basically You're looking at it and there like okay DB is all over the place every over Again 100% Jimmy Johnson was he was all Speed that's it safties became Linebackers linebackers became ends ends Became tackles everybody's just got to Run and that was always we always were Preached like look you run to the ball Like we were always good at running like We could run to the ball you know we Just and our dline my last that was the Chess match that was the chess match uh As always is okay you bring all the Speed guys on and then uh if if you're In spread you're in trouble you got to Go more to back and and and come power

Against those that was when Jimmy Johnson was doing that and dominating Then Derek Erikson did it after him yeah Dennis Ericson he was a Dennis yeah but When um Tommy Frasier in Nebraska came downhill against those Kind of offense uh defenses then you Started to see people like get more Multiple because they scored what they Scor like 50 points in that game they Were just coming downhill they were used I remember guy's name was like Sherer or The fullback or some slesinger and they Were using the fullback as much as Anybody and uh and so it's so Interesting that like in football that's What makes football to me so great is That over all the years the continuous Chess match between offense and defense Okay you're you're you're you're Physically beating us up we're g to get More small fast guys on the field and Then oh okay you have more small fast Guys on the field we'll match you with That defensively and now I'm gonna go And come downhill and it's aame we Talked about like you really see almost Two in high school at least two Distinctly different types of offenses Succeed the wing T Okay and then the the the wideopen Spread no huddle right two completely Different offenses and they're both Having great success but it's based off

Of like what your matchup is and if and If you're if you get a situation where They've got a bunch of little guys on The field and you're running Wing te and You're able to come downhill they're in Trouble yeah you know and if you're Facing a team with a bunch of guys Wearing neck rolls uh out there covering You you know and you got a spread team That that team's in trouble right so It's it's uh uh it's it's so that's what Makes football so amazing is that that Chess match although the rule the rules Now at the NFL I'm curious to see if They those things continue to trickle Down like the the hip drop and stuff Like that try trip people Try to trip people it's just there's no Tackling I would love I would absolutely Love to be a running back Again me you can't grab me can't grab me By the horse collar you can't grab me Around the waist from Behind you got you gota you got and Nobody's squaring up head up no well you Can lower your shoulder and they can't Right so and you can jump over me too Yeah well I wasn't jumping over anybody Unless somebody was laying Underground I was trying to give you a little love Coach I was trying to give you a little Love you know you talk about speed Defenses with you know Jimmy Johnson When he was in Miami he did the same

Thing at at Dallas I mentioned a kid Earlier that I played with at East Carolina guy by the name of Vincent Smith Vince was an inside linebacker he Was a legit 44 I mean he was he was no Joke but he was only 215 they probably listed him at 220 225 He was maybe 218 soak and wet um and Vince had trouble finding a place to be Until until Jimmy wanted Dallas he was Like a rare like linebackers weren't Fast like I don't think Mike single ter Ran a 44 no no and but Vince could light You up and he was fast and he won two Super Bowl rings with Dallas and when When wanat went to the Bears um they left they used to have the Rule Five Guys they used to leave Unprotected right yes he brought Vincent Smith to the Bears with him and I Remember talking at w that at um the Northeast the Old Northeast clinics he Was the keynote the one year and he was Telling great Jimmy Johnson stories About when they were in Miami when they When they lost to um when they lost to Notre Dame they should have repeated his National champs and they lost to Notre Dame when Jimmy went for two and Dave Was up in the Box yelling no no Jimmy no And Jimmy's going he don't think I got The guts he don't think I got the guts Because Holtz had taken his job at Arkansas they didn't like each other but

He would I was talking with wanat and we Were talking about about Vincent Smith And he was like listen he's just a rare Kid you know he's so fast and he's he When I went to when I went to the Bears We needed help on defense when he became Available I took him from Dallas with me You know and but he was the same way he Was that speed defense you know get After people don't give people a chance You know look at what belich che's done What belich did for years with against Pton Manning's teams he got up in your Face made it hard for you to get off of Scrimmage and brought the heat you if You got the dogs to match up outside you Can get up in people's face and not let Them get off the ball and you can bring Heat inside you can beat anybody but you Gotta have those dogs outside yep but Then but then you run into the problem Like you're saying coach now people Start running downhill at you you know And that's where a guy like edrian James Was so good for for a guy like pton Manning because he could he could run Downhill yes you know They didn't run him enough they probably Optimally you're gonna have to have Optimally which I guess the NFL really Kind of does have you got to have both Personnel on offense meaning the Personnel that that's the the shifting Thing I see at the the college and the

Personnel to be able to do all the Things you want to do meaning like you Could be in twack power and then the Very next play be empty you know and Which is why you look at like the 49ers Right and are they so successful because Debo Samuel can do a bunch of things Christian mcaffry can do a bun of things The fullback HB what's his name who wife Is making clothes for you Know I don't know she's a smoke show so Thumbs up for him but like she's like You know like she he does extra things Right which is why you can now get away With like a brock pie who's a game Manager just by you know spreading the Ball around doing these other things Because now you're in these different Packages offens defensively well [ __ ] I Got to have match the per Personnel on Defense which is why you see defense is Now packaging things right and it's a Lot of guys playing that's kind of what We've looked at like that's how you can Get more guys on the field like okay I'm Gonna run a different set I'm gonna do This I'm gonna do that I mean we've Talked about that like player retention Now especially if you're a college coach I mean look I'm gonna develop somebody For two years and now he's going to Bounce and go somewhere else like I'm Gonna be pissed but that's what it is That's why you're always looking for the

That's why you're always looking for his Replacement you're always recruiting his Replacement and that's what I really try To explain to these guys like you know Even the guys in high school right Because I at a private school and they This guy's coming why is he bringing in This guy why is he bringing I said Dude I love you to death and you're like The best player on this team but I'm Also I'm recruiting the guy to take your Job every day because putting food on my Table for my daughter depends on you Playing a game really well Like yeah I got to find other guys Because it's not always going to be this Way and that's how college is and a lot Of these guys don't get that right like Raises the bar too it raises it raises Everybody's level play better man let's Go Tuesdays competition I mean we Competed every day at Monclair I fought Tuesday turnover Wednesday we used to count turnovers on Wednesdays if we didn't get a certain Amount of turnovers it was it was a bad Day it was a bad day but you went and Banged with the the ones right like we Would do Live Blitz period every Freaking Wednesday and every until we Got after the quarterback and then Coach G would say no more then okay we're done This sets over go and then we listen and Then we'd have 20 minutes of special

Teams in the middle of practice then We'd have another 20 minutes after Another set I mean Dave I was part like Monclair state was three hour practices Bro that's what it was this what you did It's just how it was you broke it up and It was that that that And it it Worked I know that was one of the first Things laws changed that's for sure yeah By the time by the time we by the time We were done we couldn't even have two Days no you had a two a day every Other um you had to you had to Supplement your two a days on your one Of days with walkthroughs yes and you Had to have a minimum of three hours off The field between every prac ractice and That was including meetings so you Couldn't bring them off the field and Say okay your three-hour break is going To spend an hour and a half in a meeting They had have a three-hour break no Football so they we go from practice and Then it was lunch and then we bring them Back for a walkth through and then we Then we' have give him another break and Then we'd have meetings and then we give Him dinner and then we'd have night Meetings yep you know and that was our Single day practice when we had two days We only got one meeting we only got the Night meetings because you couldn't meet In between you had to give them time off

Right you know and you couldn't I told You hit those prac either I love you Couldn't hit both of the doubles in the Doubles couldn't hit both you only hit One of them you know I think look we Talked about that all the time oh yeah Well tackling has suffered because of All we talked about that the lack Of tackling you almost have to be a Great athlete now to play defense Because your tackling is going to suffer So your your body position not always Going to be as good as it normally has To be so you almost have to be a great Athlete just to get guys down in the Because you're not allowed to do this You're not allowed to do that you're not Allow to like the old guy who the the Player who plugged and was just the Hitter there's almost no place for I There's there's a Um H I can't remember I haven't watched It yet but there's a thing a a Documentary about the end of the strong Safety the last uh it was a guy from About the guy from Dallas who was a Great strong safety that can't remember The name now I can't believe I'm a Dallas fan I can't remember the name but But it's it's a whole thing about the End of the strong safety because the Strong safety was such a hitter that was Really the role in the Lynch gone yes That and and and they call the end of

The strong Ronnie lot gone they they Change they changed that role so much Because of what you can't you cannot do Adeta basically a job just like the Fullback for the most part the fullbacks Coming back I saw the Ravens right we Talk the Ravens used that 300 PB guy I Can't so they're either using a a three Tech or an athletic like bigger plug Guy's 300 pounds and he can catch and he Runs like I'll tell you who I thought Should have been a or something the dude Played for NC State what's his name Burns that guy should be on a dline for NC State not play Hoops the center you Mean the center Burns dude a b guy soft P too soft p and he just out there bag It was Green happy go lucky like damn there was A kid from Texas Tech I think it was Early in the tournament like that too he Was a monster this big big big physical Kid dude you are you are on the wrong Gym right I'm Like hey hey bud you should be over like Oh I can see if he doesn't work out in The NBA I could see someone bringing him Into like a camp try why don't you just Just go through some drills dude let's See what you got see if you're tough Enough you know to to handle it but yeah Co coach it's been great having you on First of all um uh as as a as a fellow Sadur guy you know that there there's

Nothing better than that so um but Second of all the you broke you broke Our record so Derek can't see this but But I could see it on my end continuous Viewers at a time uh he reached uh coach Reach as high 543 was our highest which is over coach Which is over 150 more than anybody else That has had continuous so now your your Second career is gonna have to be in Media here we go I'm Ready I'm ready to go bring me back Anytime talking About the numbers kept going up and up I'm like wow this they really people Really f as entertaining kept going up And up and up and and you you know how The internet is if they if if they don't Find it entertaining you see your number Go down and down and down but if they Find it entertaining it keeps going up And up and up because they just share it You know they share it they share it With somebody else and and so it's That's pretty cool I I want to thank you For coming on it's the stories were Phenomenal phenomenal stories and and uh You fit right in with with I always say We Derek says this too like we have all These football guys on but we talk very Little football we talk a lot about a Lot of other things too you know just Enough football sprinkled in but it it's Great having you on yeah appreciate it

Guys uh good luck with everything great This is a great format I love this uh Good luck with your Seasons coming up And everything too um Derek shoot me a Schedule maybe I can maybe I can uh make A game hey buddy I appreciate you all The time you know what I mean I really Do everything you know just from playing And everything that we've you know a lot Of guys don't understand the Relationship that you develop at that Level especially when it's you know oh He's the DB coach like no I had a Safeties coach like like this guy Watched my pudgy ass for three years to Make sure I got done what I got done Don't worry coach siries shared my Nickname right he was like called him Dumpy I'm like I didn't even bring it up I kept the secret I know it's not a Secret hey I own it I let it fly these Guys just sh that's how part of the game They don't understand but like I said Coach I really appreciate you everything You've done like I said thank you so Much I appreciate you taking the time We'll talk soon all right guys Take care Bye that was great dude that was that Was a great great great podcast man I Mean so entertaining uh like I said f uh Five like it's still going up now 550 It's incredible you know uh I think it's Twitter is like the the biggest right

With because they they they see it they Just click and now hey we're talking About and they don't know what's coming Next right it's format to be like They're going to talk about this at this Time so everybody's like what's coming They don't know so right we move topics So much that D we just roll with it like You just got a whole tutorial on you Know girls softball and all that other Kind of oh yeah lify any Sports like and and like I said coach Was in such a different situation right Having been at you know Wayne Hills Where you're highly successful then he Goes to Fort Lee who like when have you Ever heard of Fort Lee being whatever And then he gets to come to us and he Was only in like a safeties role to Start right and then obviously like I Mean I'm just I it's one of the the most Underrated things like that dude the Stuff that he used to do with video I Dave it was it was Insanity like it was Huddle before huddle all the cups all That stuff and then he he did it for the Entire NJ like every teamc like they Just and they were ahead of the curve Right because now everybody just pulls Everything and you can pull from here And do this or do that like these guys Were doing that back in 2006 amazing It's amazing crazy amazing stuff all Right great podcast we we we'll end it

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