Football Success in the Ivy League with Harvard Head Coach Andrew Aurich

This week,Football Success in the Ivy League with Harvard Head Coach Andrew Aurich Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to…

This week,Football Success in the Ivy League with Harvard Head Coach Andrew Aurich

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So today busy day uh again the Background the background looks like I'm In my home but I am actually down at the Beach in a bedroom that's where they They stick me in for this you know Yesterday when I was on the um I was on The the Massachusetts radio the the Money line Sports show in Worcester Worcester Massachusetts I I was doing it From the from the the deck and I was Worried that the the my neighbors down At the beach were were going to hear me Uh talking too lot because I talk too Loud to begin with so it's uh but Everybody every other than me giving it All up it looks exactly the same every Time Coach Dave right consistency Brother Consistency we have a great guest on Today we're excit super excited to have Him on uh Coach Andrew rri he is now the Head coach at Harvard University Harvard Okay the when me and Derek it up Yesterday just to make sure because I Thought I was right but it was the first University in the United States and and Our and our our Jeopardy question for it Is uh number two was who I told you Yesterday who's number two do you Remember uh which which uh College wise Yes University from what would we say Harvard after Harvard can you name it I Was I cannot W Mary all right so that

That was number two so the F and they've Had a storied history history in Football as uh a lot of the I leagues Have um coach coach has had a story of History in the I leagues he was with Princeton for a long time um he was with The Tampa Bay Bucks as a coach he he was Um most recently before this job he was With Ruckers um I got to know him a Little bit while he was at Ruckers he Was always great with me and handling And handling prospects when when I was Still coaching a few years ago and um uh It's it's really excited to have him on Talk about his program and you know After uh Harvard had this change they Had a coach for for a long long time Long time yeah long time coach Murphy Had a lot of success so it's really a Great opportunity to talk to coach or And really talk to him about building For the future without further Ado let's Bring on Coach All thanks for having me on Guys great to have thanks for taking the Time absolutely absolutely taking time Out of out of your busy day although I Guess you guys go into the kind of Dead Period now right Or we're live we're live for um a little Bit longer we got a couple camps July Yep yep so Uh ge up for some summer s this weekend Actually so oh this weekend oh awesome

That's Fant this Sunday and uh and Tomorrow Saturday and Sunday Saturday And Sunday great hitting it hard hitting It hard in the stadium Coach oh yeah oh yeah that's watched Games in the stadium when I when I did My uh when I was an NFL agent for six Years um I I watched a couple of Prospects I think you guys uh had there Was a defensive end that we were looking At and then I think you guys played Yale And it was it was the game that we went To and um we there was a there was a guy Who's now in the NFL for quite a while a Lineback from Yale that we were looking At so it was it was uh it was awesome Awesome experience the Harvard Yale game And and watching that it was just Literally a Derek Second To None like I Mean the Ral man Rivalry and uh and before I let Coach Talk talk a lot more about background I Remember uh they have the club like so When the players come out of the this is Just you know my experience players went Into the locker room and upstairs and Correct me if I'm wrong they I I'm I'm Assuming they had like kind of a meet And greef they were all in their their Their their uh Crimson G get up and and And looking sharp went upstairs I guess They had maybe had a meal met with People and it it was really really cool Cool cool

Atmosphere um and I was I was lucky Enough to be able to experience that uh You know about seven eight years ago Maybe it was but it was a really really Cool atmosphere coach talk about your Background I I touched on it briefly uh Coaching wise you know like a lot of Coaches you really have climbed the Ladder and really very fast um talk talk About you know your coaching experience Your playing experience yeah so I uh I'm Originally from Minnesota um my dad was My high school coach and he was a head Coach at Concordia Academy in Minnesota For like 25 plus years um so I kind of Grew up literally at the high school Helping him line the fields we didn't Have a babysitter so during preseason Camp when my school wasn't started yet Laying on all the all the bags on the Sideline um so went off to Princeton Played there realized early on I wanted To be a coach so I went back home to Minnesota coach with my dad for a year And uh wanted to get in college coaching As as soon as I could so I ended up at Albright College in wunning PA division Three School worked for uh a coach by The name John Mara who um great dude Took a bunch of young coaches that were Fresh out of college and like taught us Everything it was uh you know I was an Offensive lineman coaching tight ends Now there I didn't know the past game at

All um and he you know really defined How you know the head coach coaches the Coaches um had a great experience learn About about recruiting learned about Running my own room and knew at that Point immedately this is exactly what I Want to do um and got lucky ended up at Ruckers for my first in there and uh you Know as a started as a Player Development guy and then worked my way Up to uh a graduate assistant um and Actually spent one year in offense and Then one year on defense um which was Really important to me because I was an Offensive guy played offensive line and Learning defense was really important to Where I'm now um and understanding you Know defense just in general um and then I had the opportunity to go back to Princeton coach the running backs for Year um which was an awesome experience Being around um those type of student Athletes is just kind of a uh it's just Like a different mindset with them how Driven they are motivated they are and How how much they want to be coached Hard um but at that point coacho got the Job with Tampe bucks and present me Opportunity to go down there and you Know Young coach at the time I was like yeah I'm gonna go to the NFL I want to see What this is all about and had a great Experience learned again learned to tone

I was on defense I actually you know Coach talked about me being on offense And then I made the drive down and when I got down there I found out he wanted Me on defense Um yeah so but it was awesome surprise Here we Go yeah exactly the defense coordin was Bill Sheridan um who uh I learned a ton From and it's just like a he had a Different way of looking at things than As I learned that first year when I was On defense um after that year um great Experience learned a ton very cool Environment realize that's not why I got Into coaching uh very much a business And very hard to build relationships With players because they could be cut The next day um so I wanted to get back Into college and you know ultimately Ended up back at Princeton and you know 2013 that was a year and was part of a a Unbelievable run there um from 2013 to 2019 where we won a lot of I Championships put up a bunch of points On offense um and I had a bunch of Different roles I was special teams and Tight ends coach initially then I became Offensive line coach recruiting Coordinator assistant head coach then I Became um offense coordinator associate Head coach and offensive line coach um So um you know continue to add uh new Responsibilities and you know progress

As a coach but then when coach Jano came Back to Ruckers Um the goal was to be an Ivy League head Football coach and when coach J got the Job of Ruckers I knew that I needed to Go work for him again because absolutely He's uh the best in the business in My Mind program building culture building Uh schematically situational football um To me it was like I can go work for him And when I get the opportunity to be a Head coach I'm going to be ready to be a Successful head coach um so I jumped at It and um you know it was a challenging Four years because it was uh you know a Rebuild again um but uh felt really good About where they were at when I left and I know they're they're gonna have a Great season this year um and excited to Kind of see that see that thing through For them um knowing that uh you know There's a lot of expectations going into This year for them but uh yeah this Opportunity kind of present itself and I Want to be had football coach and you Know there are other jobs in the league That were open but um I have three Little kids and the to me there was it Was important that it was a job that had Some longevity to it um correct and if You look at the history of this program Like they've had three head coaches in The last 75 years um so the this is the Type of place that you get the

Opportunity you do you do a great job You're gonna be able to have success and Be able to stay there for a long time um So my wife is from Jersey and this will Be new for her because she's uh Gonna Leave jersey for the first time and uh Ms yeah so my my wife and kids are going To be moving up after the fourth so I'm Excited to get him up here I've been uh I've been doing the drive back and forth A lot God God bless you God bless you Yeah it's uh it's been challenging uh 95 Through Connecticut that construction Will never stop Dave like weet avoid it I go to mer Park I go to mer Park Completely yeah I'm Sacred Heart guy so You know like uh mer Parkway baby there Ain't nothing prettier in the fall than That I'll tell you that straight up yeah Every time I would every time I'd Le J It would try to tell me to go get on the Turnpike and like 28 you guys adjust That's it yes sir that's it that's what It is that's the that's the experience Coach coming Out that's right that's a lot of those Those recruiting many years of driving Those things alerted the fastest way to Go yeah and then you Know is yeah certain time well you know Um it's it's really excit I I to hear You you know talk about uh taking on the Harvard job and and you talked about the Fact that uh three coaches in 75 years

So good you know in uh in about nine Years when my son Sun comes through You'll still be there so that'll be good And I'll be excited to hit you at that Point um But yeah he'll be he's a he's a Quarterback he'll be a big big giant kid So with the way recruiting going now I Wouldn't be surprised if somebody Extends an offer sooner or later like It's just at like 12 I know right Classic 2030 I know I know but we we are We've already told him that I don't care How good you are uh Education First and I know a little bit about obviously I League stuff from you know I know coach SAS real well at Princeton and um you Know and he used to always tell me the The different like ways that things can Get done if you need things to get done Which I I I it's really come about out In the last maybe I guess 15 years or so Because the endowments are so great at The uh you know Harvard and and Princeton yelle and and it's it's one of The great things that they're able to do For for players which enables you to get Some like really really top toer guys Which when I was coming out and I Visited um Princeton like it was Basically like hey here here's where you Need you still had to pay you know 105,000 I took the scholarship because At Yukon because of the fact that uh

Even though I love the Ivy League Schools there I still had to pay Something and I need the money to to go For free so I think it's really cool how Uh the I Le and in particularly Obviously you know Harvard is one of Them that really are able to do some Amazing things from that standpoint um Talk about the appeal I mean I I don't Know if I have to even I I know I'm Asking maybe a loaded question because Obviously there's appeal at Harvard Right but talk about the appeal of Coming to Harvard and and and some of The things that you you know in your Process you really just said this is a Place I got to be yeah I mean uh having You know recruited against Harvard for a Number of years when I was at when I was At Princeton like there's a a Certain uh way people look at Harvard That's just a little bit different than Anybody else in the ivy league uh the Brand name that it has you know when I When I talk to recruits it's like you Realize anywhere you go any in the Anywhere in the world you're on a street Corner and somebody asks you where you Went to college and you tell them you Went to Harvard they're going to know Exactly What you're talking about um 100% you Know you know power one of the most Powerful names in all education in the

World um so the ability to be able to Get in and with any recruit that has the Academics that you're looking for um Because you're they're gonna immediately Consider you um whether or not that Continues depending on what offers they End up getting I can't control that but We're always in the door like if we walk Into a high school every high school is Going to let us in when you say hey I'm From Harvard yeah I'm coming out come on In come on in you go exactly yes and Then you know the the the success They've had in football here for a long Time um long time like that may scare Away some coaches that when this job Opened like oh I don't know if I wantan To I don't want I don't want to fall Legend to me like I look at like they Have recruited at a high level for a Long time this roster is very talented Right now like I get an opportunity to Come into a place and take off right From where it's at as opposed to have to Do a full rebuild um and to me that was Appealing other people they maybe didn't Wouldn't want that you know that Pressure the St the standard to be that High or the expectations to be that high Off the bat but that that did not scare Me uh one bit um you know the area is Really nice you know Cambridge is Basically attached to Boston so it's It's different than even you know

Different than the other Ivy Leagues Where you're removed from the city or You're directly in the city um so you Kind of had the best of both worlds and I didn't really realized that um until You got there been up here as a player And as a coach I was always at the Stadium for the game I didn't really see The campus and then you know after my Press conference our director football Operations was like coach what do you Want to do now I'm like can I go see Campus I've never seen it before um Because when I interviewed they kept me At the hotel and did all everything at The hotel so as I walked around campus Like oh I get why recruits wanted to Come to this place this is like right Cambridge is a cool City and there's Like a an urban feel to it but you know You're on Ivy League campus and if you Want the big city you're you know 10 Minutes away jump on the train jump on The tea train right in Harvard Square And you're right in Boston um so there's A lot of things to like about this place Beyond the fact that once you talk to a Recruit you're checking off all the Boxes that they're looking for right off The bat with the right academic Opportunity the network that's going to Be built for you right away the Internships opportunity the the the the Football success you be developed guys

Being put in the NFL there's a lot of Boxes that get checked off immediately Once once you uh you know get involved With them so um a lot of great things Obviously I always say about Harvard one Of the things I always say about Harvard Is uh look at the biggest company in the World Microsoft Steve Balmer what what Was he was the CEO there for a million Years he started out as a Harvard Football player you know um it's an Amazing thing that that Harvard has That's Unique over any any other other Place in the Country for sure I think you got a Little crinkling going on do I is it Better now is that me no I think no it's Me it's me I apologize yeah it's you It's you but yeah uh talk about like you Know the the full breath of academic and Athletic experience that that a a Harvard football player has because I I You know and you know this because You've been at Ruckers and you've been Around a lot of family and there's even Even though you can get in every single Door at Harvard a lot of families that May be good enough to go to Harvard Don't understand the ivy league how it All works talk about the experience and How that process is is for for Harvard And and bringing players In yeah so uh are you talking about the Recruiting process like how they end UL

Not just the recruiting the recruiting Process I guess is my second part Question first part is like what's the Experience like for for a player at Harvard and then the second question is For parents like how do you help them to Understand what that experience you know Is and and you know how they qualify for Harvard and all those kind of things Right because it's definitely a unique Experience itself right in terms of that Like just looking at it from recruiting At Ruckers to now obviously Harvard That's one thing like I mean even Recruiting for difference from Ruckers And recruiting just the ivy league but You know to me when you say har Harvard's on a whole different like That's a different even recruiting pitch Than just another you know another ivy League yeah so the the the thing that I Have um that gives us an advantage here Is the experience I had at Ruckers um so What H happens a lot in the ivy league Is you know these student athletes come In and it's like immediately like hey You got this academic opportunity now we Can't mess with that so but my Experience at Ruckers kind of gave me The idea like all right we can make make This work for both uh and what I've been Explaining to you know recruits and guys On the team is like I want to give you The FBS football opportunity and

Experience um but we just got to fit it Into the academic experience that you're GNA have here because you know the Biggest difference is like we don't have 6: am to 1 pm available for our players To get everything they could possibly Need to get done as a football player um Before they head off to class like these Guys will have a 9:00 a.m class Um so it's got to be more segmented but The reality is um you know what you need To do to be an elite football player uh You can do here you just have to plan Out your day accordingly um because it It is going to be more segmented where I'll get my workout in the morning all Right I gotta head back head over to Class all right let me get back over Here and get on the jugs and find my Receiver um get over here and get some Recovery stop by and see my coaches and And and watch some tape like that stuff That stuff is all available to them um Just have to be more intentional with Your time because what we'll never do is Tell a a student on this team like you Can't major in this or you can't take This class because of football like That's just not what the ivy league Model is all about it's about being a True student athlete um so there's like A balance that they need to understand Like I'm gonna I'm gonna help them being An elite football player and we're gonna

We're gonna have the mindset of all Right we're gonna maximize this thing And and do as Much as we possibly can um within the Rules but it's got to fit around your Schedule as as a student and you know The team has a wide variety of Majors on The team and I like it that way um Because they're choosing this place Because of the academic opportunity they Have so you got to make sure that they Can fully take advantage of that um as a Student plus all the other stuff that's Going on here outside of just their Classes you know you have world leaders Coming on this campus to talk to you as A student like these guys got to they Got to be able to take advantage of that And as a head coach that's my job make Sure that that stuff is being brought to Their attention and I'm pushing them to Take advantage of that because that Would be it' be such a waste for you to Come to school here and not take Advantage of that stuff when these People are you know they want these These world leaders these powerful People in business they're coming to This campus and they're right there and You can literally go sit in and hear Them talk like we got to take advantage Of that stuff so outside of that part um The guys here um on the team we've had a 3.4 GPA the last two semesters uh they

Put in the work to be successful in the Classroom because they understand um the Academic opportunity that's here so they They already understand how to balance Those two um to try to maximize their Potential in both areas um as far as how How you end up here you know that Process really starts when you're fresh Your freshman because you got to do well In high school high school right away um It's not like you can just take year off And have a bunch of bad grades as a Freshman and then all a sudden think Like oh we can still make this happen Like no they're gonna they're going to Look at everything so you got to take Care of business right away as a Freshman and then the process you know Starts a little bit later in the IV League um but I'm changing that on our End because I believe that uh you know How IV League recruiting has worked for So long is it's been a little bit behind Because just that's how everybody's done It in the league for a long time The coaches have been in the league for A long time but having met at Ruckers And being around coacho like there's a Different way of doing things um so I Wanna I want to get out in front of this Thing because the reality is if if There's a a very strong student who's a Sophomore um who's an elite player um we Gotta try to get in with him early and

Because they get him early now of a Sudden you can you can kind of Coach him Through how he needs to make sure he Takes care of his business academically To ultimately be a guy that the school's Is going to want to accept um so there's A benefit to that and that's kind of how You know our mindset you know I got here In March which is late so we were kind Of late with the 2025 class um um that Doesn't mean we're doing very well but Um you know the the vision for this Thing move forward is like everything's Going to speed up and really when you Get to these these uh summer camps like You know we'll be finding a lot of Younger guys that'll be at our camp Because we already kind of know about Him and have made sure we get him on Campus here um because this camp is is Unbelievable like you got to get kids on Campus here and they they realize like Just you talked about all the the History outside of football all the History like literally on the campus and The buildings and how old they are and You know events that have happened there Presidents presidents yeah literally not Just CEOs of uh companies which Obviously there's a multitude but Literally presidents upon presidents That you know that have gone to Harvard Obama uh JFK you know I mean there's a Multitude

Uh you know obviously since it was it Was the first University a lot of the Early presidents were were Harvard guys Right so it's it's there there's so much It's almost o almost I if you're getting Recruited by Harvard you almost have to Pitch pinch yourself because to me at Least that's how I look at it like yeah You have to pinch yourself it's like Wait a minute like the most prominent University in the world I mean there's Only one other university that in the World that most people probably know About and that's an England you know Oxford right and so it's it's the most Prominent University in in the world and And they're recruiting you I like I Thought you brought up a really great Point about early recruiting Because Traditionally you're 100% right you know I obviously I talked to a lot of coaches In around the IV league and they are in The usually in the late end they make a Lot of decisions later and I always Thought about because of the new world Where um you guys you know have the Large endowments where you could do some More things for players um even with nil Obviously like I always say Theoretically theoretically the group That could spend the most money on Nal Bar none in the world is Harvard um Because because of the size of their Endowment they could they could uh they

Could get any player they wanted to and I'm just put obviously that would not be The Harvard way but I'm just putting That out there as like that's just the Truth that would go yeah that would get Away from the uh the spirit of the IB League for weightly just slightly a Little Got understandably we've got to give it To the guy who's building the next B aai Project I get it I understand but um uh But uh but you know theoretically like That's what people don't realize and Recruits don't realize I want them to Understand like this endowment allows Harvard to do things not obviously Academically they do unbelievable things For students that are the premier Students literally in the world but as Far as from an athletic standpoint guys That are good enough student athletes The guy that they want the guy you guys Gr is like an A+ that has all the things You know I know you guys have the number Scale and everything the highest the Scale um that's a guy so when you talked About early recruiting I always thought That that was I I kind of always thought That it should be flipped and I think Your D1 Experience um you know Big Time D1 with Chano really understands that if I could Get a kid who's a really good student And to cultivate that enough of those

Kids yeah you might lose them to another School here and there but you are going To get your share of top tier guys Because you'll help them you know Freshman s from year make sure they stay On that academic route that they need to Be on to be able to get there because That's probably to me the hardest thing Like a lot of times with kids it clicks In at sophomore junior year but for Harvard it's too late if you had you Know if you got a three 0 as a as a as a Fresman you you're really in a major Uphill battle uh the rest of the way so The early you can identify that really Good player who's a a really good Student takes it seriously and help them Through that process I agree I think That that gives you you know you talk About the premier positions right like You know your best lineman your be your Best quarterback your best uh skill Player to be able to help those guys get Through that process early so now when When you they start coming to camps as As sophomores maybe they're already on The right track academically and now When they come you're you're validating Okay this guy's a good enough player He's on the track academically this is a Guy we want to go and get all the way Through the processes and and and help Him have Harvard as many of those guys Have Harvard in their top three uh all

The way through you know talk about that D1 Experience and how that kind of really Will help you in what you're doing in Harvard yeah so uh the way we the way we Recruited at Ruckers um was definitely Different than I was used to while I was At Princeton and it goes back to what I Talked about how the IB League just Hadn't really adjusted and moved moved Along in the in the recruiting um and And I think coach Jan was even different Than everybody else because like you Know the idea was like we're we're gonna Offer less guys because we're GNA do our Homework on the front end and we're to Know that we want him and he's going to Have a committable offer and we Don't we don't offer and then figure out Later on if we actually want the guy um Right which to me is a lot different Than a lot of schools and but the ivy League that's that's all over the place So you know when I got the job I'm like I want to keep the same model yes is it Is it more work on the front end yes but You ultimately end up recruiting less Players because you know exactly that You want the guys that have been offered Um and then you build better Relationships with them because your Numbers are smaller and you can be more Targeted with actually communicating With them and getting to know them and

Them getting to know you um so you know And the other part is like the idea that At that level um FBS power four like Spring is really really important Because up to that point you have built A board for each position and you have Those offers out and you did your Homework on the front end you had the Tape evaluated you make sure they love Football you're talking to people at the High school um and and all the stuff you Have to do to ultimately end up the Player ends up on my desk as hey coach You gota get the phone with guy we gotta Get him offered um but like there are Gonna be guys that you need to see in Person and in the ivy league um I felt Like it was more of like your area Coaches were out and they would you know Offer offer the fake offer and then say Hey you gotta come to camp and then We'll figure out when they get to Camp If we actually want them where at that Level you're you're going and you're Getting the inperson evaluation to Determine if you're G to offer them and Now because of that you get out in front Of it like it's happening it's not it's Not just happening here it's happening In other places I really probably not as Much as it is here but like being very Intentional with those with the spring Like hey you got to go see this guy Because I want to verify these things so

That way we can offer them and we'll get We'll be in before anybody else and Instead of him going to to XYZ IB League Camp like right we already got our Evaluation we're trying to close it now At an official visit um and that's a Mindset that's more that's more FBS Mindset than it is Ivy League or FCS in General uh in my opinion um how we're Doing it um so like absolutely again Those four years I worked for coacho Were hugely benef beneficial in all Areas and recruiting was a big part of It because I completely changed my Mindset on recruiting and how I wanted To move forward with it Right that's the thing too like you know That like like Keno like you know he Recruits differently than most other Coaches no doubt Bar None right so just The fact that you can you know you're Already in that mindset of like all Right this guy you know what I'm Experiencing for these four years when You were at Ruckers is a definitely Different way of approaching the whole Recruiting thing in the whole you know That whole world in general just because You know coo does it a specific way his Way it's worked because I mean you look At it now you know they got a top five Class in the country we're not just Talking what like we're talking the Country he landed a a bunch of guys in

This new era of recruiting and you know With these crazy timelines where you got A transfer portal but you're preparing For a bowl game and all that and so Those windows are have kind of closed But I think you now taking that Experience to the ivy league right will I think only just trickle down effect Like you said and and even more guys Within the you know within the league Itself are going to start to probably Follow that model especially if you're Going to start Landing some guys early And then try to go there right like you Know hey what works I'm gonna do itat Le Right Absolutely yeah you know and one of the Other things I think about too with it Is um and correct me if I'm wrong the Harvard and in a lot of the Ivy Leagues Have always approached it like because They're such an academic Central Institution I feel these guys come here Well that's one but the other thing is Really that they've been conservative so They get the quote unquote exact right Guy so what what you're talking about is A wider cast early so you can get to a Smaller cast late so you have the guys Way before and anybody else you're You're working with those relationships Now so you have that smaller grou as Early as possible and I I look at and Obviously shano does he's done a great

Job of that at but I think about it like This Harvard is no different than Ohio State you know or or um uh uh LSU or Alabama in the sense that you have Something that everybody every player Wants right but the mindset was always The mindset was always we're AC we're We're such an academic school that you Know we want to make sure that Everything is right from that standpoint And then oh by the way let's go and oh Oh this guy fell from here let's grab Him he's a really good student he fits What we want whereas the cultivation Model I think is is brilliant because You Are in Ohio State you are Florida State You are Alabama you are Georgia okay Because your level of prominence Obviously eclips it academically but but Is when people think about Harvard you You say Harvard everybody knows okay Everybody knows what Harvard is so um I I think that's a it's an amazing mindset Um talk about when you on your own Campus meaning because it's different as From an from a uh obviously it's a Fantastic academic institution um as you Educate the the staff as what you're Trying to do you know the faculty um uh The administrators obviously they hired You because they loved you um and and Really really want you to be there talk About what what process you have to do

With your own staff to help everybody in Campus understand what what you're doing In Harvard yeah I think uh one of the Things that's kind of challenging with The IV league is trying to figure out um How you connect the people on the Academic side with you with football and Make it part of the recruiting process Um and I'm like working through that Right now um um because that is that's Really important to me because Ultimately like student athletes are Choosing this place because of that Opportunity so you want to make sure They can they can speak to people um on Campus to kind of get a feel for what That's all about um and I don't even Necessarily have to think it needs to be Sideline passes for all the top Professors hourong Meeting yeah it doesn't have to be you Know hourong means it's more just for Them to understand like hey this is this Is how it works here yeah and it could And it's a lot of times you know these These student athletes they understand What this place is so it's more like Just give me the the layout of like what Are my four years going to look like um Right with set major um So to me it's more what I've been doing Is like searching through the website For the people that I think are the ones

That would be the right the right people To to be able to connect with the Recruits um and right you know kind of Giving my vision for With within the athletics department Kind of give my vision for like what Things we can do differently here with Facilities um with sports science to um Not just look cool for recruiting like I'm not I'm not caught up in that it's More About what's going to help them develop More as a football player and let's get That stuff here because you know things Are done a little differently at the FBS Level and these are things that we Should be using to help our players Maximize their potentials football Players and then when they understand That like it it I'm not selling them on That for recruiting part I'm selling it On like this is GNA benefit the football Team but this could also benefit another Sport on campus because they'll be a to Use this stuff too right um but Ultimately just the university in General right like could just benefit The university in general like maybe It's something that that they haven't Seen before haven't been primy to and Now you can bring that in and now all of A sudden you got a whole bunch of Different departments that it's clicking For right and it's just helping out the

Campus and the university in general not Just sports right if you can buy into That I think now you'll start to see Faculty and administration you know be More interested in the athletic aspect Of it or the the you know your students Athletes right yep and then and then you Know when recruits are here then you Talk to them about like hey this is this Is something that's going to give you The experience you're looking for from a Football standpoint right um this is Different than what you would get at Those other schools um because we have a Different mindset when it comes to how We're going to be able to develop you as A football player um so like to me it's More like that that's more of like an Educational piece to like just kind of Catch up with times um and you know We're kind of where we need to be in That which is great um so yeah I mean That's the the connecting you know I Always say cross the river because the Charles River Runs right through the Middle and you have yes it does Cambridge on one side and then you got You know the athletic athletic Facilities on the other side so like you Know the connecting the two you know People on the other side of the river With us is is real important that to me That's a process like that's not an Immediate thing where it's like right

I'm new head football coach you know It's like hey you know like build Relationships and and then we can start Yeah then we could do that yeah Absolutely it's um I wonder if you get Um because I know it's kind of been a Thing when you get like an elite recruit That I don't know let's say he's a Football track guy a football basketball Guy and he actually is kind of elite at At both of those but obviously if you Went to um a power for school and chose A power for school you know he's gonna Have to choose a school unless unless He's literally like a Heisman candidate Right so CH choose a sport unless he's Like a Heisman candidate guy like a Charlie Ward but yeah um is that an Appeal for some of the players that the Higher level players the really really High level players that you have that Say Hey I want you know I'm great at Football I'm great at basketball I'm Great at football I'm great at baseball I'm great at football I'm great at track So you know whatever it is right Lacrosse Um is that an opportunity is that Something that players have talked to You about for sure for sure and um you Know I have experience with that um with My time at Princeton and there was a run We had a couple of really talented Football players but also talented in

Their other sports um and to me that's The that's the key like you have to be I'll use track for example like you have To score points for the track team at The track meets for it to make sense for You to do both you're just saying yeah You can't be just a guy team yeah that Doesn't work um so there is definitely Um I'm looking for that uh those type of Guys because just like you said that Gives you an opportunity to get a a Player that maybe wouldn't be Considering the ivy league until he Understands that oh I can still do both Um right there and I will be able to do Both at these other schools um so yeah That's already come up even since I got Here with multiple guys um and I'm fully Supportive of that some some coaches Aren't as as supportive of it um in the Football world but to me um that's one Of the benefits of being like a place Like this and I'm willing to work with The other other coaches to to make it Work because I know that player will Have an impact on us winning and losing Games um in the fall so you'd say my Best interest to give him that Opportunity um to do both yeah when you Have that and me and Derek break down The these five star guys right and we we Do you know the stuff on them and Invariably they literally are always Right Derek like a two sport Mega star

Football basketball football almost all Of them right I mean it's track right Almost all of them are right and I think Um I think with the right pitch Eventually you may nail one of those Guys and you literally can get a four or Five star that's a very good really you Know Elite student that to say hey you Know what like I I don't have to choose Like I could actually start on the Basketball team at forward or or guard And you know I'm I'm playing uh a Superstar in the football field and I Think that's one of the the the beauties That you can have you can get a super Elite Prospect you know especially Identify him early like you talk about Right because you could then say Hey Listen this is a possibility you won't Have to maybe get if you want to give it Up you can give it you know you give it Give up one you like one much more and You do the other one just because you Know you're you're just a great athlete That you know play football right but if You you actually love both do Both yep for sure for sure yeah it's uh I'm excited to kind of have those Materialize over time here for sure Right it's something and it's something You can develop right as well because You'll be one of the only ones that's Probably doing it that way or even Considering that and if you can identify

That at a young age get on get on one of These kids boards before the others or And you know say hey look this is a Track that's possibly for you just Handle your business you know that could Be a huge appeal For You especially with You know track and la and and honestly Like lacrosse being such a big more ivy League like sport right where you can Get those higher Academia guys that do That and then say hey man like I know You can play this sport as well we can Help out both right and then ultimately You know put you in good nature with With the other coaches on campus and now You know you have that you build that Relationship in terms of you know other Faculty and Whatnot for sure and that that came up Uh you know relatively quickly since I Got here you know right different Coaches those spring coaches Specifically hey what's your thoughts on Guys playing two sports you Know they know they know helps everybody For sure Absolutely well yeah I'm guessing the Guy that runs 101 in 100 uh is a benefit To them so if he if he could do Both exactly I'd be S you'd be the first Guy I sit with happy as hell i' be like Listen I'm recruiting this kid he's a Great football player he wants to play Football he runs a 10 200 can we get out

The haror you know yeah Exactly um uh so you know there's a Couple things that are really you know Kind of to the nuts and bolts I'm Serious about and does nil and transfer Portal at all have any effect in I I Know I league for the most part probably Frowns on a lot of the transfer portal Stuff I guess but is is any of that way Is going to weigh into your recruiting Is there benefits for you in in some of Those areas yeah good question so um Yeah nil nil exists it has you know the IV league has particular rules with it Um so it's not it's not how you see it At the FBS level um right and the the Reality is that it it is need-based Grants financial aids so you know the More nil you get the less financial aid You're gonna get um because that Definitely plays into it like a Scale yeah yeah so uh it exists uh it's Not it's not a it's not A subject that even comes up with any Guys in the team um uh that I've had and Really in recruiting it it it it barely Comes up other than you know you may get That question of like what what does it Look like there and you explain it to Them they like okay and really it's more Like hey yeah you could go to this this School and get 50 Grand a year in nil But the reality is your earning Potential when you graduate from Harvard

Is so different that you're not too Concerned about that you know chump Change that you got during college um Exactly forget about that so um transfer Portal is interesting Um yeah it's it's it's not a it's not a It's not a big thing here um and the the The way you should like kind of like Understand it is like people get Accepted to Harvard as freshman and they Never leave because like who's gonna Transfer out of Harvard um when you can Get the degree from Harvard so there's Not like beds available um to fill um And uh how it does show up in the ivy League um and you know it's shown up Quite a bit at Harvard is you know you Get eight semesters of school in the ivy League um spe specifically at Harvard And like if you don't play in enough Games your freshman year you don't you Don't red shirt like you don't get that Year of Eligibility back at Harvard Because you're you're only there for Eight semesters so what happens is guys Will grad transfer they'll finish their Time at Harvard and then they'll grad Transfer right you see a lot of that Actually yeah so we have this this this Just this class this year uh offensive Lineman going to Florida State defensive Lineman going to Louisville um offensive Line going offensive lineman going to Eastern Michigan tight end going to

Virginia at DB going to Villanova um and You know they look at it like hey I get Some nil now I can get somebody pay for My masters and I can continue to play And um if there was question marks with Them as far as NFL goes now they're Going to be able to um play versus Power Four competition so things can get Verified for the for the scouts um but That's not the only path to the NFL here There's been plenty of guys who oh Absolutely have played here four years And went to the NFL trumman Jones just Won a Super Bowl for the Chiefs he Didn't he didn't grab transfer he played Four years here um just won Super Bowl So that's how that's how the transfer Portal shows up here more that's a a Unique benefit that they can they get Done with their four years and they can Grad transfer if they wanted to in that Last year so they get they get their Harvard degree uh and then if they if if They're you know that level they can go And play uh F FBS and get in front of More Pro Scouts potentially you know I I Guess you got to get a Kyle use check And and Fitzpatrick n fund eventually uh Going there those those two guys they're They put together a nice little Collective yeah it's yes I'm sure they Could yeah yeah absolutely fits in with You know the Harvard professors with the Long beard and everything now so you

Know he he he fits in really well there From from that from that standpoint but Yeah no it's the the um you know Harvard Is a place that obviously has produced Pros um it's one of the things that you Know probably goes into your education Process for the top tier players for Them to understand like um you know I I Always said the high school kids that I That I coached had a lot of them went on To Ivy League and I always said to them You know it it's th this those schools And and Harvard in particular are truly A 40y year benefit from it like a lot of People say you know it's not just a 4y Year it's a 40y year but Harvard really Is a 40-year benefit and it's funny my Son asked me um this question I that was A great question he said um who makes More money in the long run an NFL player An NFL player I know Derek knows my son So he knows this this would come from Him And ANL player or an orthopedic Surgeon okay and I said well if the Orthopedic surgeon ends up owning his Own practice potentially he will make You know unless unless it's a Tom Brady Or somebody like that you know like a Guy who played forever um but the Average NFL player the orthopedic Surgeon is going to make a lot more Money than the the NFL player and and And he goes huh he says what happens if

You go and you play in the NFL and then You being Sergeant I said well that's you know That's the holy even better brother That's your goal Son that mind me mind you coach he's Nine right and he's already asking this So like you know you may see him on your Board in in a couple years I based off That question and yes I think so here You go here you go he asked me that Because I just went to the orthoped Yesterday to get uh to get something Done for for for my KN so he asked me That question he's like oh those guys do Really well like yeah they do really Well you're like yeah they do Fair yeah They do very well they either put me on The operating table or or they're or They're giving me something for my knee That cost $2,000 you know so they they Do pretty well but um it it's really It's really interesting um so from your Own experiences as far as coaching wise What what are you're an offensive line Guy right so now that you're you're Coaching you're the head coach you're The CEO of the program what what is your Kind of daylight now Yeah great question um so you have a lot More uh administrative meetings meeting With different people within the Athletic department um and that may go That may shrink down as I'm further

Along in this position but um you have a Lot of more time to yourself working on Stuff um but I wanted the big thing for Me is I want the players to feel like I'm always accessible I learned that From coacho that that was real important To him so um I stay out of the offensive Staff meetings I stay out of the Defensive staff meetings because um Those bog you down and and then you're Not available for this player who just Has could could not even be a big thing But he just needs to talk to somebody About it and your availability is real Important because it can it's gonna Impact him in uh it's an impact his Academics impact his his football um so He needs to have somebody to talk to and Have an outlet um so I want to make sure I'm available for that stuff um I do Spend a lot of time on recruiting um Because I think you know the my Involvement process um can separate us From everybody else um so I spend a lot Of time um valuating players talking With parents talking with recruits again Building relationships um so I know them Well and they know me well um and uh you Know just you know really sometimes You're you know putting out fires and Different things that pop up and whatnot But um you know I try to keep myself Busy by any free second I have I should Be recruiting um that's the way I look

At It and that's that's that's your Lifeblood and and that's the Difference Maker and in I think as a head coach now It's it's such because you're such a You're a public person more than any uh Any time before the head coach is really Really a public face um you know the 20 Years ago those guys can dive in and get Into every meeting and and and you know Still do recruiting all those kind of Things but now as the public face that Recruiting thing is such an important Thing and it's and it's obviously a 247 Thing with with h you know you you Probably I I you know players ask me Like you know I sent a coach uh uh my Huddle link I'm like you're gonna have To do a little more than that like You're gonna have to give him a little Bit of a a a profile of who you are Because If you're sending stuff to me he's Getting a thousand times what I'm Getting you know so you you want to make Sure that you kind of do stuff to stand Out so he knows first of all that you're Especially at Harvard that you're a good Enough student obviously to be be a guy That could be a prospect from that Standpoint obviously that you're a good Enough athlete um and and and that you Know you understand the process and and And that's part of the whole thing is

Understanding the the process and I I'm Sure the kids that are going to be Harvard kid kids are are going to Research things a little bit better um Than maybe some other prospects just Because that's who they are in general Um talk about just from like Spring ball The the difference between like a Harvard football player and kind of what You could put in with them and and how You approach the development of the Player from a knowledge-based standpoint I mean obviously we know they're going To be really smart guys for the most Part um it's not that guys at other Schools aren't smart guys but you're Recruiting Smart Guys right so it's it's It's you're recruiting guys are of the Highest level of intelligence gota be Harvard smart man like they're in their Own categories you Know talk about what it's like to put Stuff in with those guys yeah I would Say Um I tell you truth I don't see a huge Difference um as far as like who we were We had at Ruckers first is here as far As like their football knowledge and Their their ability to um understand Offense defense special teams um but the The thing that you know I think every Every college football player needs to Have is a pre- snap ritual because That's where there's always a breakdown

Um and like on the field it's showing up That you don't really know what you're Doing um and that was something that you Know coach Shan talked about in great t A lot with the team was you know having A pre- snap ritual that allows you to You know know my alignment know my job And where my eyes need to be um when the Ball snapped um so I've I want that to Be the way we do it um and you know I Would say that I've been happy with Their their their ability to pick up the Office now the thing that was real Important to me is how do I make this Transition as easy for the players as Possible um because of the fact that it Is a very talented team um so you know I Kept our the defense coordinator Scott Larkey I kept the offensive Cory McKey Fine obviously they've had a lot of Success here um which made it a lot Easier to keep them uh and the fact as I Talked to the players like clearly they Care about their players Beyond just the Football part of it um but that made it Even easier transition to spring for Them with those guys continuing the Positions they were in and schematically Um obviously we were adding wrinkles um But you know overall like the system Being the same um so yeah I I mean we I I thought we did a really good job at Records of you know getting the right Type of kids who football was important

To him and they had this this uh you Know Foundation of a football IQ so um That was great at Ruckers and it's great Here I guess if if I had to answer that Question I would say it's it's Uh been Good M Mickey fine I played against in College and um when I was at Yukon he Was at Maine he could sling it I was Always amazed at how Maine would get Like good players but they did they did Over and over again they would get Really good running backs and they would Get the enormous linean I always say the G uh my senior game I think they we Missed the extra point to go into Overtime but it happened to be my very Worst game as my senior year as a Linebacker because they had the largest Lineman and they ran a a you know power Offense count you know counter tray Power you know I they and and then play Action off of it but uh but I was say That Mickey fine oh my God he's a great Guy but I always frustrated me because I Missed the sack on him they ran play Action I went to light up the running Back and he pulled out went the other Way and I just missed him he threw a Touchdown and then uh and then their big Old linemen were just uh laying on me All day like pushing pushing me back I Used to use my speed and and my Athleticism get by guys and when they

Were just coming right downhill I was oh So frustrated all day long but it was um You so I I you know I know mcfine he's a Great coach was a great player himself Um so you have a fantastic fantastic Staff there um and I guess that's one of The Beauties and the appeals of of Harvard is that you could probably get a Lot of coaches that'll want to be Assisted coaches on at Harvard and and And be there um and want to put in the Time and coach at a place like that just Because of uh of the atmosphere plus you Guys have Boston right there I mean it's Amazing for the for the player Um from from a social standpoint more Universities probably in and family yeah In Boston right like I don't know this Number's right but the so uh my landlord Because we're going to rent for a year He told me there's 68 colleges in Boston 68 colleges so you just think about that There's a lot of college students in This area yeah um and I came to find out Most of our offensive line are um you Know dating girls from other colleges Not not from Harvard um that's why I fig That's a wing night thing they must Figured they must have figured that out Like hey it this way like you know what I'm saying that's something where they Got piles of and they're like yo how About you date a girl from this place I'll date a girl from this like it just

Kind of you know look and it's also type Of a family atmosphere right like it you Said it's City but it's not City it's Kind of you know it's uh you know it Probably attracts a lot of coaches with Families right because this area and Whatnot and look if it's for me like I'll coach there until they tell me I Can't and hopefully I can help get my Kids in this area and because it you Know like you said all those colleges in That area maybe my kid's not a Harvard Person but like the options aren't so Bad here you right like so sure that's That's definitely an appeal it's Definitely pretty Cool no it's it's definitely unique Thing for some reason I'm frozen but I'm Still talking here um yeah I got a Little thrown off all you got a good Pose going there so it it it it looks Like I could hold a pose like nobody Else uh which occasionally this is what You get when you're at the beach and you Have your your uh your spotty internet Um well you're also your background also Right we usually get coach oh co you Know hey can you play that piano and Then it's kind of like that's not what We're that A's working with right so It's okay you Know that that's that's a it's 100% uh 100% the truth um before we let you go I Want just can you give us a rundown of

The camps that you guys have coming up That way you know any prospects that Hear it um can yeah anything you want to Plug coach go ahead feel Free yeah so we have uh we have camp This weekend Saturday and Sunday um and You know registration gets start started At 8 AM we take walk ups and then we Have three in July July 11th 13th and 14th um obviously the FCS you're allowed To you know have camps in July Um love to get uh a bunch of guys from The area um up to Camp um and uh you Know the the thing for me is like I Don't care where you're from in the Country I'm looking for the best players I'm not tied to necessarily any any Specific area it's about finding the Best players um that are going to fit Our culture so uh anywhere you're coming From doesn't matter to me as long as you Can you you you be a great fit here and And help us win games so um hope to Continue to get more guys up here we had A great first camp and the one thing I'll say is uh it's not just uh you know Just doing combined stuff you're going To get coached hard coached here you're Going to get coached hard um and you're GNA leave here a better player that'll Ultimately help you be your team have More success in the fall right and to me That's real important as a head coach That that's the experience they get

Right and I think that's awesome coach That's that's totally a different you Know even just by saying that that's a Different approach because I think a lot Of these guys just go to these college Camps and they think hey I'm here to run A fast forward I got to jump far right I I got to hit I got to crush my shuttle Uh and then I got to perform you know One-on ones and whatnot and then Ultimately I'm here so I can get a Scholarship when in reality guys I think Need to look at this really more like a Little in a a little bit of a different Way and say hey look I can go get Coached up by some highlevel college Coaches and even you know yes I'm trying To get a scholarship but I can also take Something back to my team that I learned Or that I you know that took away from It and use it now to get better tape Ultimately and I think if if guys would Look at it like that you know I think Maybe you would have a little bit of a Different Camp Attitude I guess is the Right way to put It I like the fact that the the Individual Camp you know I know the mega Camps are big things now but I I like The individual camps you get to build That relationship with the players Personable yeah it's not quite as many Kids you don't have to like you're not Just a number right you don't all

There's all the tallest kids I guess I Should be talking to those guys Right and there's all the fastest kids I Guess you should be talking to them and As opposed to you could really spend Time with the guys um at your own camp And get to know them and they're on your Campus right they're seeing that's the Biggest you could see what's here man Like this is you know you're GNA have a Lot of time where you're walking across Campus doing other things like away from The facility like you got to know that For sure uh coach thanks again for Coming on uh taking your time to come on With us I I want to tell you before you Go even though I'm frozen uh you you Broke you broke the record for the most Uh consecutive viewers at one time so It's like it tracks how many that's Awesome coach that's good stuff man over 1600 consecutive so like at any one Moment you're averaging throughout the Podcast over 1600 people uh every second Watching watching between Twitter and YouTube all there you go coach people Want to hear what you have to say man we Had good content we had good content I Guess what can we Say we had we had great cont it was it Was it's really phenomenal interesting To get insight as to what what goes on You know in the program and um and Obviously Harvard's a fantastic place we

Wish you so you know so much success and Maybe it coach maybe after the season We'll have you come on and break down Some x's and o's we don't want to give Them all away right Now that's a good call I'm all for it For sure'll do that Thanks so much coach have a great great Weekend coach thanks man you too take Care guys bye take care Guy all right you'll be talking to Frozen me for a couple seconds here but That was great great podcast uh we set a New record I don't know usually when I Go Frozen Derek I don't don't I come Right back but like it hasn't you're at The beach bro who cares you're at the Beach now you get to get off now you get To get off walk a block go like enjoy Yourself listen I think that was Excellent in the fact that a lot of People look we do this so that people Can start to understand just the whole Recruiting process and how things work And all that other kind of stuff and Especially now with the way it's changed So recently and whatnot but that being Said now you talk about like even like Just the ivy league recruiting in General is extremely different it's Always been different the way they Approach things all that kind of stuff What you can do at those schools what You can't do nil transfer I think this

Was phenomenal for people to really Start to you know grasp and now they can Go do their homework on their own and Understand like really what the ivy League really is all about because you Know a lot of these guy you know not Only is it high academic but it's good Football man like you can't I mean you Heard him reel off all of those grad Transfers that are now going you know Power four schools like that just goes To show you the type of ball that's Being played you know along with with All of the other stuff that you can get From going to an Ivy League school I Think it was absolutely tremendous yeah And by the way I think once you get the Only thing that your new mic is way Better the only thing is I know you like The you fiddle but you don't if as long As you don't fiddle too much your new Mic is fantastic like unbelievable well I gotta work on some of like uh like It's not I think it's like some of the Wiring too I think with my Headphones right but yeah Listen 15 bucks baby Timu supporting China sorry I'm an Advocate especially after last night Watching that debacle my goodness I Don't even want to get into it sorry Can't sorry guys sell out it is what it Is you know hey maybe if the other guy Gets in you know you know we'll make

America great again I don't really know But who knows I I posted the funniest Thing in about after last night I just Can't even even my wife and God bless Her soul I love her to death but she is Ladies and gentlemen not an Academia or Any of those natur she is so good at What she does but when it comes to Politics and that type of stuff when she Expresses a certain attitude or a Feeling about watching something on TV About you know that's the guy that leads Us like we got like now I know like wow That must have been something on a Different level but if nothing else last Night was a learning experience for a Lot of people watching certain things Oh yeah it was it was wow and it Correlates right because here we are Talking to a guy from Harvard that's Produced the most presidents in the History of of of whatever so like hey Here we go right there's no there's no Doubt about It that that was a a Fantastic uh insight and and and podcast And really really got to understand some Nuances of Harvard um and and I I I Think it was uh great getting him on too Like you know's a he's a first mover Kind of guy which I really like and uh And you know and he's trying to do some Things different within the recruiting Process that some other you know you

Heard him talk numerous times about Trying you know kind of getting the ivy League like up to pay like hey guys like They've been doing this at other places In other you know leagues and whatnot Like we gotta kind of follow suit and go And so I think he's going to be a trend Setter in that in that way and I also Think look personally I think he's one Of the smartest moves ever you he kept His DC he kept his OC like they've Obviously been doing things the right Way so now I'll come in and let's you Know I'll put my own little spin on Things but like you guys do what you do And I'll handle all the other stuff Right so you know there's gonna be Change but I don't think there'll be Much change in Harvard I only see them Going continuing to just get better and Better uh there's no no doubt about it And I think uh he he really covered a Lot of the bases there I I think what Was in I tell you what was ins stle it's really A tribute to Shano I didn't expect the answer I I Thought um I thought he was going to say Like I would expect from most heav League coaches that hey these guys pick Things up quicker that tells me that Chano obviously at high level has well Not just high level athletically but They're decent what I mean like I bet

You if you went you know I I'm not I'm Not making fun of the some of the Schools you know but you know there are Some school you know some guys are Factories man like class comes second Right like you heard him literally talk About no my guys are you know These the thing that tells me that the Academic matters is the variety of Majors that he referenced across his Roster in terms of like hey these guys Are you know asking these questions like Yes I'm coming to Harvard but what's my Major and all these other things and he Just talked about time right like the Ability to schedule things at certain Times where you know if you're at Harvard Man like academics are coming First like you ain't missing class Practice or any of that kind of stuff Right like this is what comes first and Him getting in on that early with these Guys you know talking about hey I'm Gonna recruit you from when you're a Freshman because that's what need be Because if you get a three 0 you might Already be off the board just by default So you know what I mean I think it's Just a whole different process like if You want to go to Harvard and play Football man that stuff starts in like Eighth grade I think uh yeah 100% you're Right I I think that'll be really cool And um which is I think like he talked

About all right this is my daily Schedule majority of it is based on Recruiting and I I can totally Understand that too because you know He's also geographically right like Harvard's National right so he's could He's recruiting across the country right Like you bring up Harvard to a kid on The west coast like that's now something They have to in my eyes take a look at No matter What absolutely there's there there's no Doubt about it it's it's it's re really Really cool unique unique situation Obviously he's following a guy who you Know and I believe yeah and that's tough But I I embrace the fact that he wanted That smoke right like he's like hey you Know let's go man like you know I'll Take over after the guy and I'll be this Guy I don't need to be the next one Right like you know because that's what We always say right like I don't want to Be the guy that follows him I'll be the Next one right no there's there's no Doubt about it good for him man I I hope It works out man I'm for him that's for Sure no it's he's I think he'll do well You know um and hav't interact with him A good amount when he was at Ruckers and Yes uh I Princeton a little bit but mo Mo mostly Ruckers well you know a lot of These guys that we talked to right that Have come from I mean and you think

About his his path like he's been in the NFL like he he was at the highest level That wasn't for him he didn't like that The fact that you know the relationships Guys get cut the next day it's a Business right so he understood and Identif if that he was a college guy and Ultimately hey I want to be an Ivy League guy which is very interesting to Me yeah yeah yeah very very interesting You know I mean that's that's what Murphy's approach was he wanted to be an I le guy and that's get a lot of success And I to those guys man yeah he's gonna Have the opportunity to even go to uh a You know a whole different level you Know so oh absolutely so yeah absolutely Man all right well let's get off this And then uh by the way I think the I Think the format Of uh the short format is better might Be better it might be better just Because even though I you know I watch a Lot of stuff on my tv for YouTube I guess is most people watch YouTube on their phone or 100% And it's Probably easier to watch it in a long Form especially a podcast because it's Just three people talking it's not like Right and for the most part sometimes Like you know I know for me like I put On a podast whether it's you know visual Or just audio like when I'm driving or Doing something like that right like so

Now you can kind of do that type of Thing like I don't know hey whatever We'll try it out we'll see what how it Works and we'll be good to go well it Smash It smashed our continuous viewers And and I'll tell you this obviously our YouTube is really popular and that's Growing really fast but the Twitter Combined with me and you put on our Twitters it's like crush it crushes dude It literally you we walk out between our Two uh feeds 10,000 views at at the end Podcast you know right at the End I think it also credits to people That are actually like you know actually Watching this and like you know like Seeing what it is like you know and Especially when it's like you know Because I think there's such a variety That we do like across the board from You know the guys that we bring on and The questions that we ask like we always Kind of bring it back to recruiting and That but we also touch on so many other Things with so many different guys from So many different like walks of life and Whatnot like I think that appeals to a Lot of people they're like oh I wonder What the hell they're talking about Today with oh like we see this guy That's coming on but like what the hell Are they gonna talk about with him right It's not your very like it's not your Generic same type of questions with

Everybody so I think that's an appeal Coaches we're pretty smart guys we've Been we're able to move move with what What what our our our guest is and and Adapt or die baby adapt or die adapter Die all right well we I'll let you go Have a good weekend everybody we'll see You guys next week you got it let's get Out of here Here normally I'm ready with the uh Banner but I wasn't

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