Why Passion for Football Matters in College Recruiting
Discover the crucial role of genuine love for football in college recruiting. We explore how players’ goals and intentions impact team dynamics and success. Learn what coaches really look for in potential recruits beyond just skill. #CollegeFootball #RecruitingTips #FootballPassion #DivisionOne #PlayerDevelopment #CoachingWisdom #AthleteMindset #TeamBuilding #FootballInsights #HigherEducation
How much do they love football how much Do they want to be a part of of the Football program um and and that's a big Deal man like people don't realize I I I See so many kids now that all they talk About is um you know what level they Want to be at and it's not like why do You want to be at that level like why Why do you why do you you know do you Think that you belong there what you Know what is it that you're doing uh to Put yourself in that position And and how good are you you know like How good are you whether it's division Two division three level division one Level because of the transfer portal all The players that are getting an Opportunity to play in college now are Really good even down at the division Three level because the opportunities Are getting pushed down right because You have so many guys at the top level Transferring back and forth guy comes Into high school he leaves or what so You getting some high school players That are now coming down to the division Two and division three level that may Not not have come down before so that's An important thing to to find out for Them because if they're if they were Just coming to you because they think oh Next year I'm going XYZ school after This obviously those are guys that that You don't want H how do you communicate
That to the kids because I think that Has to be the hardest thing at division To in recruiting Because I I I hear it So much like uh kids are like oh if I Don't play at this level and then all of A sudden they fall to a certain level They're like well I guess I'll go play Like how do you communicate to help you Kind of sift through it and figure out Which guys are the right guys for You yeah I mean part of it is you know I'm very straightforward when it comes To recruiting um my first question to a Guy is why why do you play the game and What is your end goal in playing a game Like if your if your end goal is to to Play at division one Then you know and you're not getting Division one looks then you probably you Probably not a guy that I want to bring In uh because your goal is just to try To use us to get there yeah which I Understand that it happens and I'm okay With that if if there's one guy in the Room that could transfer out and go up And play division one that's fine but if You got a whole roster of guys trying to Do that like it's gonna make it a lot Tougher as a coach because now you have To try to replace guys every year and we Just don't want to be in the business of That it's too competitive to try to you Know bring in new players every day uh Because that that causes a lot of issues
Because you got to filter through you Know what's the guy's intent you know How much they love the game you know uh You know personalities you know you Don't want to recruit the wrong guys uh Because those guys could be cancers to The program