What Type of Players Do Colleges Recruit | by David Schuman

What Type of Football Players Do Colleges Recruit | by David Schuman Football players and recruits learn how to get recruited by college coaches See more videos like these at https://nucsports.com/nucsportsmagazine/nuc-tv/ Join the Members Only NUC Sports Digital Network today…

What Type of Football Players Do Colleges Recruit | by David Schuman

Football players and recruits learn how to get recruited by college coaches
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Please watch: “(287) Legends Live! Is there enough parity in college football? ”

[Music] Earlier I talked about being an Exceptional player how important is to Be a great football player that's Obviously incredibly important in order To get recruited it has to be a Fantastic pool player in order to get Recruited weathers Division one or Division three next thing you have to Also have is fantastic character you Have to be somebody that coaches want to Be around and that they can ultimately Trust Nowadays dude with so many players that Have come in college programs and within One year had shipped out because either They got themselves in trouble got Themselves around the wrong people and Didn't do what they were supposed to do In the program maybe they failed out Maybe they were late for practices they Want players that can come in and have Character with today's Internet age Where they can put everything on Facebook YouTube the players that you Can get their information out there Eventually coaches are going to go to The next player if you're not someone That they can trust you have to not just Be a great player but be someone they Can trust to be able to do the job on And off the field [Music] I talked earlier about establishing

Goals and how important that is in order To be Claire that he established a goal Worksheet establish five points in each One of the areas that I had talked about Earlier within recruiting within Marketing yourself within training Within being the best football player Established those five points and five Goals and start knocking down those Goals have that goal worksheet make it As big as possible and put it on your Wall and as you go through each one of Those steps and goals as you reach those Goals you cross them off that will help You stay on track and stay on track for Being not just a great football player But being someone else oh they can be Rude [Music]

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