What To Expect From Showcases and Combines | by David Schuman

What To Expect From Showcases and Combines | by David Schuman Learn more in depth about what Showcases and combines are about, what you can expect, the competition levels and effects on recruiting. See more videos like these at https://nucsports.com/nucsportsmagazine/nuc-tv/…

What To Expect From Showcases and Combines | by David Schuman
Learn more in depth about what Showcases and combines are about, what you can expect, the competition levels and effects on recruiting.
See more videos like these at https://nucsports.com/nucsportsmagazine/nuc-tv/

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NUC is the longest running series of high school combine and football camps in the country. If you’re serious about taking your game to the next level, playing college football or getting early exposure to college recruiters then attend an NUC Recruiting Event. NUC Sports has Football Combines, Premier Football Showcases, Invite Only Football Camps, All Star Football Games, and 7 on 7 Football Tournaments. All NUC Sports Recruiting Events are in place to help the Athletes compete, get noticed, get exposure and get recruited.

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Please watch: “(287) Legends Live! Is there enough parity in college football? ”

In 2005 I started national into classman Combines that was a very first time that I ever seen and an offer go out to Juniors in their very first day of School we actually ran our events Primarily for freshmen sophomores at That time period and what we began to Realize was the information and and the Testing results of those athletes on the Cut Not just at college campuses but also Have independently evaluated camps Became very important that independent Evaluation and time they ran their that Would then be submitted to college Coaches became very important as well as The video at that time getting it up on YouTube getting up video from the camps Though you cannot directly send it to The college coaches by putting it up on YouTube they had access to it and other Sources from the video standpoint and Access to that video so they can then See them edit independent camp against Other athletes not just teams in their League so what I began to find was it Was very important to get the Information out there and to begin the Marketing process of the football player From a recruiting standpoint that Encompasses the actual testing results That they have how they do in skill Evaluations and making sure people have That information one of the other big

Things that has happened with all the Services that are out there and and the Quote-unquote press with respect to Recruiting that is out there getting Information in the hands of those press Personnel as well as those referring Services so that they could do their Part by covering the athletes finding Out more about them and finding out What's going on their recruiting process That became very important independent Information what does that really do I Found in national the classman combines And national and classmen improve Information by putting it out on the web And putting that information out there And making it accessible to the college Coaches accessible to recruiters what That did was it allowed them to sift Through that information and find the Results and begin to figure out which Players they wanted to recruit important Thing to understand is that when you go To independent events there are no College coaches there so what's Important is that they get the Information into the college coaches Hands that's very important because They're most likely not gonna offer you From going to an independent camp but They will start recruiting you from that Process and if they are already Recruiting you it will enhance the Process because of the fact that they're

Getting that information and finding out How you're doing against other top Players that is very important winning Awards at camps is very important Because it all goes into the marketing Of the athlete and the press is Information on that athlete [Music] You

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