Urban Meyer Coaches 100 miles an hour

1 min read
Let's see how hard we can go today And you expect your players to do the Same thing When he came in he came in so strong it Was like Hey man this might be good for us Everybody wants…

Let's see how hard we can go today And you expect your players to do the Same thing When he came in he came in so strong it Was like Hey man this might be good for us Everybody wants discipline I mean Everybody does they want they'll fight It or resist it if they see it working Because everybody should be successful You can't have success without having Discipline Oh My [ __ ] out you see what he's just He just did right now take the filter Right away let's go come on the only way To deal with those young people is be Brutally honest with them and uh reward Them when they deserve rewards nice job Dude Criticize them when they need to be Criticized here Y'all ran it go again go again go again Hold up hold on because there's nothing

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