Understanding Football Recruiting in 2024 with Coach Schuman

23 min read
Understanding Football Recruiting in 2024 with Coach Schuman Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to for more Get the Legendary…

Understanding Football Recruiting in 2024 with Coach Schuman

Hello, we would love to invite you to compete to get ranked and stars at the Coach Schuman’s NUC sports Showcase events and combines go to for more
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E All right welcome welcome everybody we Got a great seminar today we're going to Talk about football Recruiting now today's fo seminar is Going to be explosive I want to make Sure if we have people in the in the Chat that you can ask questions anywhere You are about football recruiting it's Important to understand this process in Today with transfer portals with um with Everything in high school recruiting Where high school recruits have been Somewhat minimized in the recruiting Process we're going to go into depth and Helping you to understand a little bit More about the football recruiting Process in 2024 this recruiting process is Different than anything you've seen even Just two years ago with the transfer Portal nil and the emphasis on winning Now and the the coaches being fired more Readily the recruiting process has Changed dramatically so it's important To make sure that you understand Everything you need to understand with Respect to the recruiting Process now I just want to make sure Everybody can hear me uh you're welcome To get into the chat and ask any Questions um glad to answer it uh Hopefully you all can hear me very well And we go through my name is coach

Schuman I am the owner founder of nuc Sports uh which we started way back in 205 running showcases and camps uh Originally one event but around the Country and our objective was to help Athletes get Recruited from the time we started doing That to now so many things have changed I've also been a high school football Coach for 20 years um I played division One football at the University of Connecticut I was a scholarship athlete I was a elite top tier athlete out of High school I've coached for a long time I've coached and I've also been an NFL Agent for six years I was an NFL agent Where we placed dozens of players into n NFL camps um and had multiple players Sign a multi-million dollar contracts With the NFL so this is important thing To understand from a recruiting Standpoint that a lot of the things that You think you know about recruiting or You have heard maybe from a neighbor or Someone that's gone through it uh just In recent time period has completely Changed completely changed and you have To understand what is going on now in The recruiting process if you don't Understand it you will be left out in The cold and we have a program that we Work with athletes that I'll give you The opportunity to become a part of Later you can see it in the bottom of my

Bio here our D1 promo but we also do it For transfer athletes as well and then We even have an emergency program for 2024 athletes but this is important to Understand that if you don't know what's Going on in the football recruiting Process standpoint right now whether It's High School whether you're in the Transfer portal or you're a young Athlete younger athlete underclass but 2027 2028 uh even 2029 2026 and then 25 2025 Athletes on the verge so many of you Have been left in the dark and don't Understand the process I am going to Unveil and make sure you understand all The important things that are necessary From a recruiting process standpoint so Make sure you get pencils pens whatever You need to write down to understand it Because I'm not posting any kind of Boring PowerPoint I'm going to talk to You directly to make sure you understand This in a timely and an important manner So you know what's going on if you don't Know what's going on in the recruiting Process right now you will be left in The dust so let's start from the very Beginning okay for many years for many Years High School football recruiting Was the key component for college Coaches going out and recruiting players That was how I got recruited that was How the Mast majority up until a few

Years ago with the transfer portal Almost everybody got recruited through High School okay and that was the key element For getting recruited through the high School recruiting process working with The high school football coach working With possibly some outside parties and Then also making sure that we understand Where they are from a transcript Standpoint that part has radically Changed and I'll touch on it a little Bit different but even more so than the High school football radically changed The juko and Junior College area has Changed even more dramatically because Of the transfer portal so let's Understand what's going on and what's Needed now today and why has this Changed a movement away from high school Football recruiting a movement even Farther away for athletes that are Joo Athletes being able to get recruited and What happens with the transfer portal And nil okay first and foremost I don't Know why I have this uh there we go all Right first and Foremost uh let's understand the thing That has changed everything in Recruiting and that is called the Transfer portal the transfer portal is Essentially an Avenue for current College athletes to go in and have a One-time transfer without any

Penalties okay the ability to transfer To another school okay they don't have To sit out they could stay at the same Level they could stay at the same Conference they can move up that's What's going on in the transfer Pro uh Process that's what the transfer portal Essentially is okay now the transfer Portal itself is a critical key Component because it is actually a Portal with listing of all the athletes That are available to be recruited by a College coach all levels now the Important part about the transfer portal That is really really um mysterious to Athletes is how do they get picked up From the transfer portal why do athletes Get TR picked up in the transfer portal And what coaches college coaches are Looking for in a transfer portal we'll Talk about that in a little bit but Transfer portal is the single biggest Thing that has changed Recruiting okay the second thing is nil Which is name image and likeness that is The ability To essentially have a player that is Getting paid through quote unquote Sponsorships utilizing their name image And likeness and they're getting money To be able to play at that school with Respect because of their name engine and Lik this originally designed for uh Someone they're selling a shirt of a

Player and it says number 10 it says my Name on the back for me to be able to Get a percentage of that that is not Exactly what's happening there are Things called collectives colleges have Collectives a group of people basically Boosters that put money into a fund Essentially almost a hedge fund with no Return but a hedge fund that allows them To pay players to come to their University and play the the the the College coaches have nothing to do with It poor say but it does have an impact On who they can go and get it has an Impact on the available funds for Players that they can go and get and That's created different tiers uh in the Recruiting process and the different Levels of players so you could have for Example a quarterback that is through The collective has paid a million Dollars through a a a um uh a car uh Dealership paid uh $50,000 there's a lot Of different things you may have seen The Utah example Uh where their Collective got every Single player a truck uh that was on Scholarship these are all things that The collective can do but outside Parties as well okay companies can pay Uh for for a player to to come to the School and in some cases there are Well-written contracts and some cases There aren't in some cases there are

Street agents that are involved and some Cases there are real agents involved Meaning NFL certified agents that maybe Are hoping to get a guy down the line They're doing nil deals for them taking A commission of it okay and that's how Those agents make money from it be Careful of any ni deal you sign and any Deal you sign with an agent because Those are important because there are Ramifications to that and you want Everything in concrete in in set and Stone in writing in order to do nil Deals so do not do anything without that Okay so we've talked about transfer part We talked about nil we've talked about Football recruiting how do coaches find Out about players well here's what makes The transfer portal very easy for College coaches to find players those Players are put into the transfer portal Yes there's thousands of names in there But their name is put into it so there Is a promotional aspect that helps from A recruiting standpoint um the top tier Players don't have to worry about that The top tier players players once they Go into their transfer portal Essentially will get picked up but There's many many thousands plus players That are great players in the portal That through different means may fit in A different place and uh they may need Help in promoting from that standpoint

Um we have a thing uh you go to my Football transfer to see more About our transfer portal program we Also have a VIP program we will work With athletes directly so it's important To get your name so if you're not a High-profile name you'll probably need Some help or you'll have probably need The ability to promote yourself to get To a college coach and you need some Verified people like myself and Mike Farrell who we work with who've been in The industry for for 20 plus years Evaluating athletes and um and we work On programs just for this but you need To be able to get your name out there And Twitter is one of the biggest areas That most college coaches look at Because of the easy ability to DM Coaches um how does this all work well It's important to understand that first And foremost High School football Recruiting is severely affected by the Transfer portal why is that the case the Transfer portal allows okay college Coaches to pick up a player that Potentially has already played at the College level and is also maybe a year Two or three years older than another Player who is physically bigger stronger Maybe faster and have the ability to Have played in big-time competition even If it's at lower levels division two or Division three if they were a standout

At those levels they can essentially Move up all the way up to the FBS Depending on what their skill sets and Size are this is important to understand So when high school parents uh uh uh High School uh athletes parents of high School athletes are trying to figure out The recruiting process why isn't my kid Getting recruited this is why the Pecking order now is transfer portal Athletes number one number two high School football athletes and number Three uh Joo and Joo is number three Because we can get a 1920 yearold Already playing in a transfer portal why Do I have to get a guy from J that Already has baggage so this is Potentially baggage this is an important Thing to understand and this is an Important reason for you to make sure That you get involved in the recruiting Process getting your name out there and Getting help to do so if you are not a Four or five star athlete so it's Important to understand they're going to Look if possible to build their program With a combination of transfer Port Athletes and high school players Depending on what's happening with their Program and their long-term strategy as A coach they will then decide how They're going to do that the most famous Thing obviously that people have seen is Deion Sanders who took totally turned

Over his roster I'm not saying whether It's good or bad but basically his whole Roster is transfer portal players and Has already openly said that he'll take Four and five high school players a year If there are 25 high school players uh 25 players taken in scholarship and only Four or five that is less that's 20% or Less high school players getting a Scholarship essentially right now over a Third of the players taking our transfer Portal athletes and will be as high as 50% or more by 2025 that is an important thing to Understand half the players getting Scholarships will be transfer portal Players so when you see numbers Of new state of New Jersey 50 athletes From New Jersey let's say sign division One Scholars essentially by 2025 half of those 50 will be transfer Portal athletes and maybe more why Because college coaches are getting Fired expected to win earlier and Getting fired if they don't do so okay So they're going to go naturally to Where they have an opportunity to win Now collectives have an influence to Take a better player now they're more Willing to pay a player that has proven Themselves on the field versus paying Some that essentially it is free agency With no Ramifications second thing with transfer

Portal is you can transfer a second time If you were a graduate transfer and You'll seen that uh most recently with The Notre Dame quarterback but graduate Transfers have the opportunity as well To transfer again so this is an Opportunity to for players that are Currently in college that somehow become Stars at lower levels or are buried by On a depth chart at a super high level To move to a different place to have an Opportunity again I'm not saying whether It's good or bad I'm explaining how the Situation is okay we have to understand How the situation is now High School Football players this is for you high School football parents this is for you Now do you understand the competitive Landscape that you are dealing with you Now need to understand how you can go And get recruited the question is wow if The opportunities are less um and for Many many years I used to always pitch That football was the greatest Opportunity it still is but you're going To have to go where you have the ability To go from a recruiting standpoint Athletes who signed D1 FBS program Scholarships some of those will drop a Level group of five level FCS level FCS Level may drop to D2 D2 may drop to D3 Okay what does that do that creates a Situation where there is less Opportunities for the high school

Football athlete so you have to to get If you're doing well get yourself out There more what are some strategies you Can use number one tool that you must Use in order to get recruiting is Twitter you must establish relationships With college coaches on Twitter by Sending them your film explaining why Figuring out how to show your film in a Positive Avenue getting analysts Respected like my that are respected Like myself my F or maybe some others That are out there to say that look at Your film with an objective View and Could say positive things hopefully About you as an athlete that could point Out the characteristics of those Athletes that is a key component Pointing out the characteristics that You have that makes you a recruitable Athlete utilizing Twitter to point those Things out taking those third parties And putting it and sending out to those College coaches they may say hey coach Scha knows what he's talking about they May say I don't but you want to know That is out there they all respect me They respect Mike farell my partner on This they respect us from where we've Been the industry most of these guys Have come to our programs they know us All right so that's important you want To have third parties like that that can Help that people who see and break down

Film all the time give an analyst Approach to it and help you understand And help those coaches understand the Good things about you as a player and See if they age great so Twitter is an Important Avenue to do that Instagram Has become somewhat of a powerful tool To do that um email is very difficult to Reach college coaches you can use that It's a tool but you must Target Individually your emails if you mass Email it's probably going to go to spam If you target individually and you find The right person you can do it the other Avenue that it's often overlooked and I Think it has to be done by the player Not the parent what it's often Overlooked is calling up the recruiting Coordinator and or slash the position Coach I always say Wednesday night is a Great night to do it that used to be the Big recruiting night obviously now They're recruiting 247 but there you Have to pick a night that you go and Reach out to coaches leave messages on Their voicemail introduce yourself make A video about yourself talking about What you're looking to be able to do Couple that with your highight so they Know that you're someone that can not Just go to the university but can thrive This environment maturity is a big thing For high school football players why Would I take a college player over a

High school player maturity high school Players still think that you could Unless you're a four or five star do not Do this if you're four or five star and You have 25 offers yes high school Athletes still think they can put all The hats out choose one hat and think College coaches are going to be happy They'll just take a transfer portal uh Uh Prospect who who gets an offer makes A decision and goes as a high school Player you have to become much more Mature in the process you have to Understand what you need to do in order To get recruited so reaching out is a Good thing going to Junior days and Meeting college coaches is a big deal For high school recruits going on campus And and working out for them you can't Choose a million schools but you got to Choose schools that are interested in You four or five schools that are Interested in you go to those places you Must go to showcases and camps as many As you can I used to say hey choose a Few you got to get to as many as you can If you can play seven on seven and if Your High School coaches don't think That's a good thing that is a mistake You have to be involved with higher Level competition that shows your level Of maturity okay and stats at a high School level are not that important at The transfer portal level your

Production is very important okay and I Recently went through this I just did a A small sample study of Texas high School football players from certain Year and I did a national study on a High school football quarterbacks and I Used things like uh touchdown Interception ratio yards passing and the Truth was I as I went through it the Only indicator that showed had a lot More guys signed scholarships was Incredibly extreme touchdown the Interception ratio and I and just to say This to you to say this is how good These players were I only took players That had a 10 to one or higher touchdown To interception ratio and some of the Very top players including Heisman Kates Were in that group now when we're Talking 10 to one we're talking if you Throw 20 touchdown passes you only have Two interceptions those are the players That were getting opportunities okay There are other players that were but I Was just taking that sample size sub cor That's to give you the level of extreme Level that you have to really how good You have to be statistically to have an Opportunity and then you still need the Height right height size and all those Kind of things in order to be Recruited speed is an essential thing You have to be able to run like the College guys run in order to be able to

Be recruited in all positions now Positions like tackle which are at a Premium left tackle right tackle the Defensive ends are so fast coming off The edge you cannot be an over obese Lineman you've got to be able to Quick Now guards and guards are different but Left tackles and right tackles you got To be tall you got to be long and you've Got to be fast all right essentially a Tight end that's outgrown themselves That you've got to understand what's Needed for your position you have to be Able to reach out to coach at develop Relationship and you have to have third Parties that are verifiable third Parties are becoming more and more Important not just third parties like Myself but there are a different agency Groups that send information to college Coaches that will say these players are Ranked XY and Z okay so it's important To understand that and be able to get That information into those hands okay You have to build relationships you have To have relationships with people who Have relationships to be able to get That that information in the hands of People that can evaluate you all right No one can tell anybody to take a player But you want to be able to get evaluated In front of other people that's an Important part of the recruiting process So we talked about Twitter we talked

About transfer P talked about nil I want To talk about Um what you have to do as a high school Player to put yourself in a positive Light number one you cannot be immature And get Recruited okay I'm not saying you can't Be a kid I'm saying you cannot be Immature unless you are a top tier four Or five star okay and even those guys Have lost scholarship offers number two You have to make a commitment to a School relatively early if you get Offers because they can go away I know Of numerous instances of high school Football players that had five to 10 Offers that didn't commit to a place That didn't visit any places strung People along and ended up with zero or Going to a lower level it's important to Understand how the recruiting process Works number uh was it three or four you Have to understand you're competing with Transfer portal athletes so you have to Showcase your unique skills develop your Relationships develop who who you are And become the very best player you can Because you're competing not just with Kids in high school but kids in college Right now so you have to go and make Sure that you prove yourself from an Athlete standpoint Parents everything that you think you Know throw it out and everything that

You think can happen being recruited Late it's not going to happen at a high Level um fi finding a a someone Discovering your kid he's not going to Get discovered unless is literally the Best player okay he is not going to get Discovered you have to be actively Working to help him get discovered and Work with people that can do that you Can check out myfootball D1 Promo if you're interested in that that Is ways to be able to get yourself out There and get recruited we also have a VIP program if you're interested in that You have to DM me you have to qualify For that in order for us to work with You again even with these other programs You have to qualify you could also go to Our camp And see if you qualify by doing very Well number three number four listen High School camps college coaches other Than maybe D3 coaches or low-l D2 or any They're not coming to a showcase or Camp Okay and the truth is if you're Expecting that you're crazy you haven't Done your research you don't know what You're doing you probably shouldn't even Be in the recruiting process if you Don't know how it works stop asking Camps and showcases in the spring are College coaches going to be there yeah There probably will be and they're Probably going to be division three

Coaches all right you have to do well There so the college coaches find out About you and then invite you to their Campus that's how it works the rare Super top tier athlete gets an uh an Offer out of Camp you have to build a Resume building your resume is the key To this process so it's important to Understand and and do those kind of Things great question here by Maran Derish show it here great question how Do we find out about Junior days well First of all you have to get in invited To Junior days technically you can they Can't per se turn you down but they may Move you to a a day that uh other guys Aren't there but you can go right on Their site fill out a questioner you Have to start to get recruited by them In order to go to Junior days um you Could reach out to the to to the program Uh their recruiting coordinator find out When their duties are send your film to Them and see if they will invite you I Would work with people like myself or my And Mike farell to help you get your Name out there if they don't know who You are it's going to be hard to get Invited to Junior days you could have Your high school coach reach out on your Behalf as well if you play for a seven On seven program or you have a third Party they could reach out as well okay But you can do it and send your film

Develop a relationship on Twitter go to Their college camps those are all part Of getting invited to Junior days and Part of that process please feel free to Ask any more questions on here because We want to make sure that you are fully Informed as we get to the end of this Process please ask any questions you Have about the recruiting process in the Chat I will post it and then as answer That question for you it is critical That you know what you are doing Finally Parents um money this has been a thing That I I often get uh I don't have money Okay or someone says that they they Don't want to pay for Something um they're looking for an nil Deal until you've been a four or five Star multiple athlete high level in a Certain position you're not getting a Highle uh nil deal and it's important to Understand that um an nil deal is uh the Initial money is going to go to the very Best most important players deemed at The school okay quarterback maybe Receiver some of those other positions All right so you're not going to get Huge nil deals unless you're in those Positions um these deals where you get 10% commission I see these all the time Like you can call yourself a getting an Nil deal but it's not an nil deal that's Just someone leveraging you you got an

Affiliate there and you got to still Promote it so uh it's it's important to Understand that now for Mar and thank You very much uh Ernest I'm glad that You uh enjoy to save this live make sure You save this listen to it when you get An opportunity because like subscribe You can really get uh uh the information You need from the recing process Standpoint okay great question coming in Here how how can I be seen as a freshman Started by colleges again we talked About this earlier you have to reach out To them on Twitter college coaches Cannot cont if you're under classman Cannot contact you until your junior Year cannot contact you directly but you Have to get the information in their Hands they can't contact your coach uh And and offer you that way but you've Got to reach out on Twitter you've got To leverage your services that can help You get your name out there you've got To attend showcase camps you've got to Get on College camps to be able to do That if you get invited to a junior day Do that these are Avenues to be able to Get your name out there um Another great question is coming in here And I I want to answer this one develop Relationships with Coach square is this Tagging them in a post great question uh Mr Darby um so you have to be careful With tagging them on a post all right I

See tagging done all the time I get Tagged on a million different things all Right you have to be Tagg careful Blindly tagging the key is very simply To if they don't if their DMS aren't Open to send an at message message to Them saying hey my name is John Smith Here's my film can you open your DMs uh To me so I can um send you more about Myself that's the first step okay in That process you may have to do that Step 15 times they may never get back to You but you have to figure out which guy In the staff will which guy has their DMS open who you can send your Information to and if they're interested They're going to uh do their best to get You information on the school get you Invited on campus get you invited to uh Camp um and they may communicate with Your coach that that'll show real level Of interest you may get handwritten Letter letters if it's real level of Interest or they may contact a third Party that you work with which happens Often we get reached out to and say hey What do you think about this player okay Well you have to do that and you have to Be able to do a blindly I wouldn't go Crazy tagging coaches all the time uh on Everything every single day that's just Going to get you blocked you don't want To get blocked in the process you want To be smart in how you reach out to them

But you can tag them occasionally but I Would really try to work to get into Their DMS it's all about the DMS if you Can get into the DM get the information In there that's the way to do it and You're welcome I appreciate you uh Asking the question it takes guts to ask The question you need to get the Information that you need feel free to Ask any questions in here if you have Questions about how we can help you my Football D1 promo my football D1 uh transfer for transfer portal Athletes if you're 20204 athlete you're Up up against it if you're interested in Really getting handh holding from me and Mike faroh we we can uh do a VIP program Where we'll reach out to the coaches for You but you have to qualify we don't Take everybody okay in all these Programs if we get a a film with an Athlete that we don't think we can help We're going to refund you we don't want To work with you we want to work with Athletes that we feel we can help that Will understand the process and know how It all works all right the algorithms of Social media the better you do social Media with your um how well you do at a Camp uh people you follow how you get Your information out there how you put Your film out there having your Twitter Up toate that's important because when

Coaches look at they get a quick glance At everything and see what you have in There and then you move up in their Algorithm people who you follow like Myself or people that are influencers in That industry are important because a Lot of college coaches follow us you'll Then be be able to move up with your Film in their algorithm I hope this Information was helpful go to myfootball D1 promo it's right down here in the Bottom and we'll be glad to help you Hopefully uh those of you who were on This uh webinar I hope this information Was help for you solid 30 minutes of Information that you can't get anywhere My name is coach schan I'm at coach Schan and we look forward to seeing you Soon okay please feel free to reach out To me and I will answer any questions You have

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