Tyler Siskey Talking College Football Today

56 min read
Tyler Siskey Talking College Football Today with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale All right great episode we have today We're fired up got Tyler cisy coming in Uh we'll have him on in a couple seconds Fantastic podcast we're looking…

Tyler Siskey Talking College Football Today with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale

All right great episode we have today We're fired up got Tyler cisy coming in Uh we'll have him on in a couple seconds Fantastic podcast we're looking to talk He coached University of Alabama uh with With Sabin he was he was at Miss with Kein he's been at obviously quite a Quite a few places as a lot of former College coaches have been um he now has His own podcast which is like one of the Fastest growing podcasts I at least in College football no doubt about it you Know what I mean but y but U you know I I see it all the time on Tik Tok um you Know I see him live on T he's got live On Tik Tok he's got he's awesome his Liv Have become like a daily thing for me Daily thing daily thing you get all Kinds of great nuggets from it so Without without further Ado let's bring On Tyler what's going on man How We Living guys everybody good everybody's Good coach appreciate you taking the Time I know you got a busy schedule but Appreciate you taking the time out to Speak with us oh you're good man we we Enjoyed it man I got got uh got some Work Friday's usually a uh slower day on The quick you side so uh usually teams That are getting ready to play or They're getting ready for that great day Tomorrow the mock scrimmage uh oh yeah The greatest day in college football Coaching history um everybody

Everybody's great during that day right Just get out healthy oh I I had we had Like five about three minutes before uh Brian Jones came on we had him on the Show yesterday we had about three Minutes before he came on and I I felt Like I just needed to send out a PSA to All young coaches all gas and just let Them know that you know tomorrow's going To be rough for you you're going to Question whether or not that you really Want to coach football because you're Going to get talked to you've never been Talked to before we've all been there Just just get through tomorrow and Monday will come and there'll be game Planed for the first opponent you'll be Fine that's so if you're a young coach Just get through tomorrow you'll be You'll be just fine if guys aren't doing Their job you g get played real quick It's the worst it's the worst you gotta Go get them lined up and they they gotta Give you a good look but at the same Time you can't touch the other team Because it's a week before so you're too Close you're too far away it's just and It's not just the quarterback back it's Every position right so literally and Who gets yelled for it the ga or Whoever's running that absolutely so Been there done that one about five Times Co coach give G and I touched on Your background but give the breath of

Your background how you got into college Coaching originally and then obviously What was the the impetus for launching The the podcast as well yeah so uh I Started I I uh went to Auburn on of High School uh was there played with Coach Bal and then we had this guy named Tomy Tville that got the job I won't get into That but then we I left and and went to Uh Troy and that was probably my first Indication of how college football was Supposed to be Larry blaty the staff There were Jeremy Ral Mike Turk Don Jacobs that whole crew we had Jim D Tracy rocker was on that staff uh Wayne Bolt so they really uh it was almost it It showed you the relationship you Should have with your players um I was a Terrible player for coach Blakey he owed Me nothing um I was helping my dad paint A house in the offseason uh in June to Be specific we had over a weekend and I Fell 40 feet off of a roof and uh Fortunate to be be here right but uh Lance somehow landed on my feet and then When I did I had a a tib fib all the way Break dislocated ankle two two bones my Feet and a cracked fibula so I mean Cracked femur so needless to say that Was going in my fifth year not not that It hurt the team at all uh it probably It probably uh the only thing is it gave Somebody probably arrest on special Teams or something I guess I don't know

But uh anyway uh coach blatney owed me Nothing and he called me up and said hey I got a spot coaching receivers would You be interested and so I was like yeah And so I was a finished up my education To help coach r with the receivers um And that was the day before big staffs So you got had a lot of responsibilities And things like that and kind of learned On the go um got on with Steve Roberts At North Western State who was also very Uh instrumental in my career uh we won There was there one year went to Arkansas state with him uh got married So we wern't making any money back then Guys and so he got married and had to Get a real job and uh became a high School coach was a high school coach for Four years and uh after four years money Got a little bit better and and Receiver's job opened back up on Coach Robert staff at uh Arkansas State and I Went back was there with him at Arkansas State Hugh fre came on at Arkansas State Stayed with him uh he was the offensive Coordinator than the head coach and then Went with him to Old Miss uh left o Miss And got a call a blue from a guy named Nick Sabin uh that that'll change your Life in a hurry uh real quick yeah real Quick so I was with him for a few years And then uh wanted to get back on the Field and have my own room had kind of

Gotten burned out on the recruiting part Of it wanted to get back to get back on The head coaching uh track uh so I went And took a wide receiver job at South Al AB abama which is in Mobile where my Other I had coached high school before So it was kind of my adult home um they Didn't have a football team and I was There the first time and So back and then one of my best friends Matt Luke uh got the head coaching job At Old Miss went back with him and then Uh somebody peed in the endzone and got Her ass fired so then I then I decided Then I decided I said hey if I'm ever Gonna do it the pandemic hit it was kind Of the right time I I've had this idea For quick you for a long time if I ever Got out of it and I said hell if I'm Ever going to do it now as the time so I'll started quick you so enjoying every Minute of it that that that's awesome so I I didn't realize that you had started Quick that quick you was you yeah yeah Yeah yeah so that that's that's um uh That's really really interesting so it's Great idea it's it's been a great great Thing as well um now you now you're Doing obviously the podcast too as well And um you you you have a guy that's on The reported side with your mccre and Then and then you're you're obviously The football coaches side and the Insights are are immeasurable you know

What I'm saying the way that you guys Really really dive into Things college football today the Landscape I is is so crazy and and now You know you you you tabbed on there the Increase in scholarships but the Decrease in roster sizes right wi wi- Which is really going to be uh a huge Thing again um what what is some of the Things that you've really seen that has Changed so much in in in just the the Recruiting landscape first from from When you were coaching just you know a Few years ago yeah there's really only One difference I think people make it Out to be a lot more than it is um There's one difference now it is a big Difference okay and it's not it's a Major thing that affects everything and I always say and this is not a joke this Look this is about money and we we we Bring up all the stuff that we bring up And we bring up settlements and lawsuits And all this stuff it's about money guys And at the end of the Day you could have this fixed in a 15 Minute lunch Meeting I've said that over and over Again and guess what nobody has ever Argued with it argued the other side of The point because they know I'm right Correct the problem is is That the NCAA is holding on to Everything they can because it's their

Money maker there's no there's not one Person in charge that's for the Betterment of the game there's not one Person there's no commissioner and look I don't fault them I want to say that Too I'm a realist I don't fault them but Greg sanki who is the greatest college Football commissioner of all Time he's got to look out for his 16 SEC Schools so and the Big 10 commissioner He's got to do what's best for him and So for his that's who he works for he Doesn't work for all of college football And so there needs to be a commissioner But at the end of the day the number one Issue in college athletics that would Fix everything is immediate eligibility It's not the portal people confuse what The portal is the portal is not the Problem portal was around before Immediate eligibility the portal was put In place in in October of 2018 I was There um it was put in place to keep Players from having to go and talk to The coach and talk them out of it or Blocking where they go transfer to that Was what the portal was put in for it Wasn't put in to be immediately eligible And so I say this and I'm waiting for Someone to argue this point with me but Nobody ever argues the point with me I'm Actually looking forward to the day that Somebody thinks this is actually Mak Sense is the National Football League

The NFL is the greatest football Organization that ever lived imagine a World in which the NFL or check that any Profession any Sports organization that Pays players okay imagine a world that Where there was unlimited free agency With no salary cap all right so I think We all can all here Patrick Mahomes is Without question the greatest Quarterback in the NFL today and will Probably retire as the goat whenever he Shuts it down right he's he's quickly Getting to Tom Brady you know and you Could probably already start making the Argument now right that's kind of like The LeBron Michael Jordan argument right You can go ahead The New School is gonna Say Mahomes old school guys will say Brady but when he shuts it down it's he Will be the greatest quarterback to ever Played well imagine a world that after The Superbowl this year Jerry Jones Picks up the phone and says hey you know What I'm getting older we we haven't Done well since the late 90s hey I I'm Going to pay you1 billion dollar to come Be my quarterback and check this out we Have no state taxes in Texas yeah how Long you think it's gonna take for Patrick Mahomes to Packy's bag and move To Dallas yeah be immediate okay no Timetable on that one bye well the only Sport that there is something like that Somewhat is baseball you can see the

Halves and have knots in baseball it's a Huge problem Yankees did it right that's How the Yankees did it right they paid Whoever but check me out here though Check me out now let's say Patrick Mahomes goes to otaa in Dallas and he Goes around and he's like he goes to Jerry and says hey Jerry man only guy I Have to throw to is Jerry J is CD lamb That's the only guy I got to throw to We're not gonna be able to do this here His agent calls him and says hey man Look Miami they got Tyreek they got Jaylen Wadd they got a good offensive Line hey they're GNA pay you 1.5 billion He'll go right to Jerry and say hey I'm Going and can start season with the Miami Dolphins right like imagine a World that that would happen nobody Would watch the the the the sport would Crumble crumble okay and and everybody's Like oh well that would never happen That's not right well guess what that is 100% exactly what college football is Right now it's a fundraising contest With no free agency and uh we did a show Yesterday I I got cracking up laughing Because of the Colorado I'm sure y'all Saw the Colorado special teams Coordinator came out and said said that Hey I went to go I actually I was joking But I wasn't really joking I said this Like six months ago on our show or eight Months ago on our show we did a whole

Segment on it I said I'm not joking it Was when John ROM left to go to live Whenever that was I said if the salty PF Fund gave me the same money that they Gave John ROM one golfer to go go to the Saudi PF they can pick the School of Choice you want to do it at Monroe New Mexico state it doesn't matter you can Pick the school of your choice I'll go There there I'll take that fun and we Will win the National Championship in Every sport offered by the NCAA and it's a fundraising contest That's what it is you don't think I Could have gone to Caleb Williams in December oh god oh absolutely and said Hey Caleb look look I know you're not Crazy about going to the Bears and there and your signing bonus For be the number one pick is gonna be 25 million look I'm gonna give you $50 Million for one year to come play for Monroe at one year what do you think He's gonna do he's gonna go He was not gonna go to the draft like You could literally do stuff like that Absol what's uh so when you when you Talk about College athletics at the end Of the day this is going to all be fixed Over a lunch meeting because it's the Immediate eligibility that's the problem It's not the money okay allegedly per Sources nil's been around a long time Okay before they called it nil so it's

Not oh yeah money's not the problem the Problem the problem is the immediate Eligibility because that solves Everything right you The year sitting out do you think they Should be going back to the year sitting Out or what do you what do you think as Far as from an eligibility standpoint That should should change what should it Go to yeah so I think it needs to go at Again at the beginning that's all you Had to do if they had never given it on That we'd still be in the same model Okay I'm for the players getting paid I Want to make that extremely clear I'm For the players getting paid I think They deserve to be paid all right 100% Now but it's just like they're like well The coach es can leave we can leave but Here's the trick coaches are employees They're on contracts when they leave the New they have that it's called a buyout Okay and so it's it's a broken contract And so there's repercussions for when You break a contract all right so right Now the the only way that is what Sitting out was it was a punishment for Breaking a contract and we used to call That the nli the national letter of Intent because that tied you from the Player of the school and they got rid of That right so they didn't get rid of They got rid of the limit but there's Not honoring anything so with a new

Model we're in I would set it up more Like the NFL where there is a salary cap And collective bargaining the players Need to unionize there needs to be Collective bargaining just like the NFL That's the only way it will work and so They keep kicking this can down the road They're eventually going to get there It's just there's going to be many People that have been that are going to Lose opportunities in the meantime this Could have been fixed a long time ago And it all goes back to who wants the Power and who wants the money and that's Why they don't want to break off it's a Political it's not politics but it's Very political it's the people whose Hands in the cookie jar doesn't when you Break off you got to take their hand out Of the cookie jar and so and so when There's billions I'm not talking about Millions when these people are making B Billions of dollars they're just G they Don't care about the sport they care About their checkbook okay so they don't Care about the sport so there has to be Somebody in charge that has in for the Greater good of the sport not in for Themselves and that's hard to find Today's world in case you haven't Figured it Out it doesn't take a rocket scientist To figure to you know to assume that Guys that that you know that are making

That kind of money don't want to change It obviously like you said they're not In it for the sport they're in it for Themselves and we live in a Selfish yeah no we I I think from a Standpoint of um well I think the Constituencies and and the lack of like If you're at the top of the NCA and You're at the top of uh of these these College um Conferences there is no there is no Incentive for you to to give up any Level of control there's no oversight on You so that so you're basically are the Zar o of that that area right and that That's I I think that's the overall Underlying issue and the and the coaches Are the coaches the top tier coaches Meaning the this the real let's let's Take power four but really the top 20 Programs that are you know going to be At the top all the time control all the Power as well from that standpoint Because they do have the largest Pocketbooks in general and I think what You said is 100% right in the sense that You go to Louisiana Monroe and you have If you have that donor comes over and Boom you you know you're GNA be able to To things change real quick win a Championship but as far as the power Brokers in the long run are those top 20 Top 25 teams kind of control the whole Situation and they're they're almost

Like U um an oligarchy in a sense that They control kind of in general the Outcomes that are going to happen Because they have the largest access to The biggest amount of apoc Abus and Probably the biggest support and the Largest universities too right so if you Look at them too those are probably a Lot of the larger Universities uh throughout the United States as far as population and and Alumni doesn't mean that they the Endowment of Harvard and Yale but but They have the they have a very large uh Constituency to to drive it forward and I don't think without any level of Oversight you you're going to get the Change that I think is there and then What you end up happening I think has Has happened already in recruiting you Get like the level of information Misleading this that goes on meaning Which players going here which offer is Real and which isn't it really almost I Hate to say this like when I see kids Post offers like it's almost like until You actually commit to the school and Even then that's probably going to Change but uh but till you commit to the School for the most part I don't even Know which offers are real and what Aren't anymore which that's changed so Much I mean you used to kind of know Okay this was this was legit offer and

You know obviously from being on the Inside and and these are offers that are Basically you know to make sure you Maintain a relationship if this player Becomes a guy now all of these things Are just like it's just a big mess from That standpoint yeah I think that one Thing from the recruiting St the actual Recruiting standpoint you know it Happens uh daily around the country is You know used to you bring a kid on a Visit and you would and you would come In and they would be like you know You' Take them to academics and thank Goodness we got the photo shoot stuff Kicked out that was the worst idea that Ever did was the worst thing ever Happened um but you would go do you know Take them around campus tour you meet Position coach and do all this talk ball And you do this and you know all this Visit now it's com in it's like hey I Want to meet with a coach and I want to Meet with your nil agent and that's it They don't need to see they don't want To see anything like they don't care It's a business transaction and then Which is fine if that's what we're and Like here's where I think the players Should get paid here's where I get Frustrated about it a little bit is for The people who are like y'all been Holding the player down for so long okay Cool we're going to provide this okay

We're going to pay but you have there's Checks and balances man when you do this Other things are going to suffer and Y'all have to know that and so everybody Wants it a utopian society everybody Wants everybody to have things okay if You have to pay money you have to make Money like you have to I mean it doesn't Just you can't go pick it you can't grow A money tree in the backyard and go Harvest $100 bills okay if we could I Wouldn't be on this podcast will you be In Tahiti okay playing golf Somewhere you can't you can't do that And so people have kind of forgotten That and we everybody has has wants Everything but don't they don't want the The the consequences of their actions And so you know it's like this Settlement that I'm I'm I'll believe it When I see it I think we're getting Pushed propaganda that the house versus NCAA deal is going through Um there is this thing called Title 9 That'd be a good idea if they addressed It um I'm personally friends with a Bunch of ads like personal friends and I'm not making this up this isn't me Going you know what I think is going to Happen okay they don't believe It I can't find one that believes it Because they haven't addressed this Thing called Title Nine okay it's a Federal law that's like saying Hey I

Want all my check and yeah uh what about The RS sir Oh I mean like you know it's just you Are you talking about the money like so If I'm paying Caleb Williams for example Let's say I was going to pay Caleb Williams $10 million you're saying from Title 9 standpoint there there should be An allocation already talking Scholarship number scholarship the re They they they allegedly made an Agreement about the revenue but they Haven't split up yet they don't know how They're going to split it up so they Sent something into settlement without Knowing how they were going to split Split it up like and oh how about this The players didn't agree on [ __ ] excuse My language can I say ugly words say Whatever you Want my bad but they didn't agree to Anything right so if they didn't agree To anything like have you been paying Like I want to like smack somebody go Hey have y'all not been paying attention What's going on the players have all the Power if you go to them and say hey We're going to share $22 million with Him there's going to be somebody going Well wait a minute you just got a $55 Million check I want 55 you know there's No agreement we're not doing anything But kicking the can down the road and if The players were smarter whoever's on I

Guess that would be the house part I'm Sure they are smart you know part of This deal is is you know how they like To sneak bottom lines there real fine Print part of these agement like like When you buy that car right you get that Little real fine print when you lease a Car and it says if you go over so many Miles we're going to charge you a dollar A mile deal yep no law Towards the NCAA for a 10year period of Time that's what this is about like Don't don't don't sell me hey you can't Sell me beach beachfront property in Arizona you know what I mean like people Don't have common sense though and so Yeah and I and like I said this isn't Coming from me this isn't Tyler Sis's Opinion this is about 10 to 12 different Ads across the country on different Levels that are saying the same things I Am they just can't publicly go say it I Guess I can cu my give a [ __ ] meter's Broke yeah I love when you say that I Love when you say that that's the that's The best somebody gives you something And you're like look I'm might give a [ __ ] meter and the people are like ah It's like what it is but I mean it needs To be said right and that's like if you Want to fix things okay and it doesn't Matter what it is okay and when I say This word I don't mean it be to be a Negative word but you can't be afraid of

Confrontation sometimes confrontation is Not always negative right no but we live In a world today that 85% of the people Or have common sense and understand how Things work and you got crazy people you Got the other 15% have no sense but and Those 15% of the people bark so loud Right they start barking well when I Grew up the 85% would say hey man shut The hell up you don't know what you're Talking about right and they go away Well now you're afraid to say anything Because I'm afraid it's going to make me Look bad or my employer is going to get Mad at me if I it Is in the in the in the presence of Silence they start barking louder and They bark louder and they bark louder to Where the 85% of people start thinking That's the majority that's not the Majority it's the same way when it comes To this stuff and you you're people and Administrations across the country are Scared to death to say anything oh it's GNA hurt me in recruiting if I come out And say it or if it's gonna do this they All think it they all mean it but nobody There's no voice to say and that's why We need a commissioner in college Football to say hey Greg sanki I Appreciate your ideas Big 10 Commish I Appreciate your ideas some belt Commish I appreciate your ideas but this is how We're going to do it and it there has

The same way with the NFL I mean Roger Goodale makes $60 million a year just to Take bullets from the fans of the media You gotta have somebody's got to be the Bad guy somebody's got to be the bad guy Because no matter what you do same thing In life I'm sure y'all are on social Media all the time right yep no matter What you do I had a coach tell me this a Long time ago okay he's pretty good he's A goat he's on ESPN college game day now All right he said Tyler he goes no Matter what you do in life he goes about 80% of the people you know and are G are Gonna love you whether you do right or Do wrong they're gonna be on your Team okay excuse me 10% of the people I Said it backwards 10% of the people are Going to love you no matter what you do 10% of the people are going to hate you No matter what you do all right and so It's that 80% that just wants you to do A damn good job that's so you need to Make happy right so and it's kind of Like you know the same way like when you Approach like coaching or teaching like Like you know that there's always going To be that upper level guys that no Matter how you do it what you do they're Going to follow you they're going to Listen to you they're going to do what You're expected to do you're always Going to have that middle group that you Got to work a little bit some here some

There and then you're always going to Have that group that no matter what you Do it's going to just be nope he's wrong I'm not doing it I'm not this I'm not That like so you're always gonna have That so work with the majorities right Like work with that group that you're Gonna factor into it that no matter what You do like they're on board and then if When you work a little bit and do a Little bit extra now more of them get on Board but you it's all about like you Got to approach it with the Right Audience right because if you're just But you know if you're so focused on That small percentage just because They're the loudest you know what I mean Like and now with social media everybody Has a voice and everybody can voice it Out there and once one person then you Got a whole bunch of bandwagon jumpers That just kind of get on to it but like You got to really focus what you're Talking about and what you want to get Across with the right groups right I I I Think that you know I was an NFL agent For six years and and one of the things That was nice about the NFL Was that the players had that support From um from the actual Players Association to be able to make sure that They had they had their own head of the Players Association and they had the Opportunity whether you agree to it or

Not whether the agent agreed with it Whether the team agreed with it or not They had some level of ability to to Fight back if it wasn't the right way um The NFL had the ability to do that on Their end things had to be agreed upon Um and and from a from a relationship Standpoint it was it was very very Reassuring to know okay all these things You had to kind of abide by these rules Now there were guys that obviously in Anything you're in you know are doing Something that they shouldn't be doing Um but there was mechanisms to police it Whether whether it was um uh a situation Where it worked out well or it didn't There was me methodologies and there was You know you had hearings and all those Kind of things now the the thing that College football the biggest issue is And and you said that because there's no Oversight because there's no such level Of are they employees are they not Employees what what are we doing here From that standpoint the willingness to Call it as it is right um and it that Creates a situation where you can't Begin to build the structure so you got These pseudo structures right with like You see the staffs now right the Unlimited staffs you got a g n you got Like the pseudo NFL GM and that player Personnel staff on one side and you got The coaches on the other side but you

Still don't have from a player Standpoint side uh um level of Representation that it goes beyond no You have the ni you have half these guys Have an nil guy that has no agent Experience and then some of them have J Rosenhouse you know what I mean who who Obviously is an NFL agent right so you Got this shout out shout out to my Brother-in-law he's he's one of the real Ones for esm ever sports management Shout out to Jeff Hoffman great yep yep Greaty greatest agent greatest greatest Nil nil agent on the planet right now Let's go let's go Jeff shout out to my Brother-in-law I'm biased though there You go there you're allowed to be coach You're allowed to be I think that's I Think that's a big thing though that the Difference like that begins to bring Together um okay these guys have an Understanding of what are the parameters Right like you being AG you got to pass This three-hour test right which is Which is uh quite a cumbersome thing to Make sure you understand a certain level Of the rules right right um a and so I Think that's important and that way you Don't start to get guys selling people Pipe dreams you know so you selling some Of these players you know pipe dreams uh On on what money they can get next thing You know they're Hawking 10% off this Clothing line over here that they're

Going to make a a nickel from right and Then you got at the high end you know The the whole uh um uh thing that was Going on with Florida and and and Miami And and the the you know the Rashad Thing that was a whole big mess there Where did they offer this did they not Offer that there's text messages on the Like you got to get that whole thing Becomes a becomes a huge issue um and It's only it's honestly it's just it's Not going to get better it's going to Get way worse the recruiting and the and The information that's going to get Passed down to recruits now you go go to Like FCS level so so FBS and group uh uh Group of four schools thoseo I mean the Uh Power Force schools those schools Okay are are saying certain things to These players right that are the top Tier players but then you get the uh the Next well used to be the group of five I Guess schools and then FCS schools Because they're they have to play off of And they got to go get recruits and a Certain capacity now the the what They're saying they're going to offer Guys if they do this this and this is Not always true like I can't believe how Many FCS schools this year were just Flat out saying you gota you gotta come Come to camp and you're get and they Didn't you know they didn't bother even Offering those guys because they knew

They were going to take a kid that Trickled through they knew that but now They're trying to start to line their Pockets with Camp I mean the the pennies And Camp money but they they want that Is an assistant you want that money Right so that the the camp money that Comes in you're getting that extra money And so now it's trickled down and you Get you get that whole kind of crazy I I Think that the old trans I mean I don't Know if you can put the genie back in The bottle I don't know you know I Really don't know you can in a 15 minute Lunch meeting it can be put back in the Bottle wellc well the willingness to put It back in the bottle you have one Person and then you brought up you Brought up the the the key word all Right this I don't think I don't excuse Me I know the people who have the power To change it they don't understand it Right all right that's problem one okay Right it's like I can't be a heart Surgeon because I watch ER on TV okay Right they don't understand it okay like It's so much like you know like again I Have a doctorate I didn't know if y'all Knew that I have a master's in education But I have a doctorate in common sense Okay and So people talk you you you said the Magic word employee right how many how Much money has been spent by athletic

Departments and conferences from flying Back and forth to DC talking about this Issue how about This you know how you know how you make Them employees you break off from the NCAA now check this out this is how Simple this is you break off from the NCAA and whatever you agree the salary Cap is you run it kind of like baseball And football hey the salary Cap's 15 Million whatever you agree on right okay You don't have to pay 15 million that's Just the cap that's your choice okay we Cap it but guess what now they're Employees and this is why this is a good Thing and and you're going to go why Don't they do it and it goes back to Money all right if I take a hundred Which is about to be with this new Settlement if I take 105 scholarship Male scholarships out of the NCAA model And I make them they're employees They're not in there guess what that's 105 full scholarships that's going to be Off of your title nine number correct All right you're going to give more Opportunities to people like that's what Blows my mind in one hand this group is Talking about oh we got to make them Employees inside the NCAA model and I'm Like no no no no no no no no when you do That you're going to force people to cut Programs absolutely however move Football outside of the NCAA I just took

105 numbers off of the title nine number From the NCAA so now all these golfers That get $500 book scholarships to go to Old Miss or wherever they're going now You can put them on full yep baseball Players go on full track go on full you Added 105 available numbers to the title 9 number and you give people more Opportunities and you don't have to cut Sports you don't have to make it like uh Ross Bor great friend of mine Ross Bor The ad at Ohio State just talked about It yesterday at his meeting is that hey We may have to take some of these Sports And make them club sports right and you You take Away opportunities by doing it inside The window it's that simple move them Outside the window not only does it fix Everything that we just talked about now You're providing opportunities inside For other Olympic sports and all these Other sports you're providing Opportunities for young people like it's It's so easy 15minute lunch meeting got To have it fixed and that's not a joke By the way that is 100% not a joke 15 Minutes it can be fixed do you think Then the Universities so Football goes siloed Over over here right yep does the Universities then still take that Revenue money that comes from the Universities and share with the sports

Um or always have I know they always Have I'm saying D would would they Continue to to do that would they would They feel like they would not have with Football become its own uh engine per se Outside of the athletic department like It's the university there still the University but are they uh would they Become outside that that I think that's One of the questions that's probably Gets asked like okay football that this Money is all football right obviously They make the most money uh at at all The all the uh schools that are in Conferences per se because because I Went to Yukon and and until Yukon gets In the conference they're they're going To lose they're gonna bleed money right So um but those schools now they make All that money do do they then still Share it now would would it become a Situation and I don't I don't know at All I'm just I'm just making the Argument uh would it become a situation Where we say okay now these these Sports Have more of an opportunity but we're Not we're not sharing that or would that Be University to University yeah so it's Just it work literally identical to the NFL right so instead of having Jerry Jones as the owner of the Cowboys it Would be the president Georgia is the Owner of Georgia right right so they're Not those owners they're not it to lose

Money right they make money H you take The money and you pay for whatever the Salary cap is and you take care of Football the rest of the money goes to Athletic department and it's it will be Plenty to run the rest of the athletic Department which is the way it's always Done anyway right it's done anyway yeah So there's not there won't be any change In that right so now when you go to the Salary cap right so now your collectives Which that with part of this new Settlement it's going to be a part of it The fans will never know the difference But the collectives are going to be Absorbed into the athletic department as A fundraising arm right so same thing There right so but from a from a Financial standpoint instead of Jerry Jones being the owner of the Dallas Cowboys the university is the owner of Their team right and then those people Have the opportunity to do what they Want with that money it's really it's Really uh uh it's I get it's really a Matter of time it's GNA happen it's Going to be how does it get done and if It doesn't uh it's gonna it's basically If it doesn't you're gon to end up with A smaller and smaller group of schools That are going to be able to succeed That that's all that's going to happen You're G to you're going to start with You you know you might have 60 something

Schools that have the opportunity right Now eventually it's going to be 25 if They don't do it eventually it's going To be 20 because it just becomes a Continuous arms race that only so many Groups are going to it's not just have The capability but willing to win in the Way that it is today you know well INF Inflation has outgrown uh the collective Okay um inflation and the pricing of the Players has grown so fast in the last Few years since they've made it legal um That has outgrown the the regular Collective and so what you have right Now is the teams that are winning that Are it's funny every team I guarantee You every team that you pick to win it They're spending money right so it's It's like a fundraising everybody's like Who's got the best nil hey who are you Picking to win this year right one of Near take the AP pole and do a Collective off of it right all right so And that's what I laugh about that well Who who's ranked in Collective go look At the AP poll come back and holler at Me that's who that's who spending money Your Ohio States your Oregon Your your I mean your your Texas A&M Like just basically look at states Without state tax they're probably up There yeah Caleb DS and quinan jins Didn't didn't go to the didn't go to Ohio State CU they like the Buckey you

Know they didn't Gr could care less who's dot in the eye This week they don't care yeah they Don't know they're like dot to eye with A tua player what's that mean yeah they Have no idea right so um but it's that's What it's turned into but yeah I to Answer your question I think it's going To be we say sooner rather than later Right well at the end of the Day they have to get enough kahon to say We're doing this and the problem is and This is why it's taking so long so for The fans that get frustrated like me Because I do understand how things work You got to get all of the schools the Not just the ads the presidents you got To get everybody on the same page okay Um I don't know if we're familiar if Anybody watches like life outside of Football but it's kind of like trying to Go get a bill done in Congress good luck To your boss you know because everybody Has their own agenda It's the same thing it's the reason when When we have like trouble getting bills Passed in Congress or whatever it is Even the normal Common Sense ones Everybody's got their own Agenda and sports don't need to be run Like a like Congress where you have to Have it needs to be you get a group of People like the conference Commissioners Need to be on a panel you need you do

Need to take them but you need to do What's for the everything that you do Okay it's like just like being a President of the United States Everything you do regardless of your Political party or affil affiliation Should be done in the betterment of our Country okay and so some may come with a Little pain to get there or whatever it Is same thing in in in football when you Break off the commissioner everybody's Got their own agendas okay everything Every decision should be made in the Betterment of the sport period that's That's criteria number one and right now We're not doing That it's right now it's an agenda based Driven decision and Factor model driven By the person at the top because of Keeping their self uh keeping Self-preservation mode right so um That's why the sport is in the way it is Right now I I I wonder too if you know Because you brought that up the Difference between the NFL right let's Jerry Jones obviously owns the team out Right whatever decision he wants to make On his own he makes on the on his own uh University of Georgia they have a Board Of Trustees and and and a president and M multiple constituents That are that are pulling in maybe maybe In different directions obviously all For football benef benefits but pulling

In different directions which I wonder If that makes it a lot harder for them To kind of team up with other univers Because they have to they have to worry About their own University getting all On the same page of this and then Teaming up with other universities where The owners outright are literally Individuals like Jerry owner you know Those guys are all individual owners and They say hey we're going to do this this Is the betterment of the NFL 32 guys Agree to it or the majority of them Agree to it it's a done deal whereas the Universities you have so many different Constituencies just within their own Board of Trustees and president I wonder If that's an issue what do you think yes It's usually not on the school level the Problem you have is usually conference To conference level okay and then you Know we went through it in the pandemic Right it's it's where is my University And what is so we had some conferences That say you know down south we're like Man we're playing football man screw Y'all and then other conferences that Were out west or north or whereever We're like well you know I don't know We're worried about this it's because That was that's when politics got Involved like real real politics got Involved in sports and it and it doesn't Belong in sports you know that was the

One thing that I always loved about Sports is I'm sure you guys played I I Don't know how many times you went in Huddle in November every four years and They had ask you who you voted for Nobody gives a [ __ ] right so it's the Last great place Earth where it doesn't Matter if you're Democrat Republican White black pink purple got horns coming Out your head or what you actually it Doesn't matter who's in the locker next To him you know that he's gonna do Anything he can do to help me and I'm Gonna do anything I can do to help him Succeed and so that's what's great about Sports and politics don't belong and it Doesn't they don't need to be corrupting Athletics which they said hold my beer And watch this starting about four years Ago or five years ago um but you know You can't get people in like presidents Sometimes it goes to academics there's a Lot of like a lot of this conference Realignment stuff was over academics People don't realize that um it wasn't About football it was like you know the Big 10 right Big 10 is a big academic That's their deal right if you're gonna Be an institution we're gonna be an Academic heavy standard institution and They take that stuff serious and and so That's where you get the mismatch of Alignment on ideas based on their that's A self-serving conference thing so it's

Usually it's like having the conferences Are like uh are like uh different Countries armies right you just got Different views and different things and There has to be somebody over the top That makes the decisions for the better Of the sport I think there I think there Should be a um I also think basketball Now this this is why I also think Basketball should break off as well but Yeah let's they can do the same thing Yeah because they're doing the same Stuff right they're they're they have a Bigger issue in that the NCA runs their Tournament so and they they'd have to Tell the NCA you're not getting this Money anymore which NC basically lives Off that 1.23 billion this last year They made NCAA made off the tournament Yep and those conference just because I Know a lot of conference uh a few guys That are conference you know what do you Call them Commissioners and and uh those Those mid mid Majors for example live All like They there would be no there would be no Minid Majors if it wasn't for the uh if If it wasn't for the NCA Distributing They'd have to all they might get cut Out of the mix so they're obviously Going to be for the NCA running the Tournament because you know what's the One in New Jersey dere St Peters when They went to like uh uh the sweet 16 or

Whatever it was Final thir yeah um when They made their run right like that was Like a huge bonus check for that Conference the whole entire conference Right so they all they basically got Their conference bills and the University basketball programs bills all Paid PA for for the whole entire next Three years because of that so um so That's also a a basketball you're right Is is a whole a whole another animal Similar situation similar situation as Far as especially with the the top tier Programs like I say this all the time Because uh you know I went to UK I Played football at Yukon and obviously Yukon won national championships two Years in a row in in basketball but they Have a huge issue a huge issue there Because you look at Alabama for example Which was never very good in basketball Because those collectives are bigger and Bigger and they they're in a conference That there's a lot of money from Football obviously and now basketball is Able to benefit from that and in the Long run meaning like five years from Now if it stays the way it is would a Would a place like Yukon who's not Making as as much money be able to Continue to hang because you're right it Goes down to the dollar dollar bills on It from that standpoint so that's you Know Alabama I mean I I don't remember

Any you know Alabama Texas M being good At basketball they they're good they're All good now these they're all good They're all good now so it's it's very Very uh is very very interesting on a Quick on kind of a slight different Change and so quick cut for example you Guys are really like the first Competitor to to to huddle right to Really to really kind of uh uh compete With it from from a standpoint of uh of Everything that uh uh from a breaking Down a film and all that kind of stuff Um talk about I I I'd love for you to Talk a little bit about that landscape Because there's what there's exos There's there's there's huddle and then There's quick cut right exos is mostly College if I'm not mistaken and then and Quick cut and huddle primarily that that High School Market as as a whole talk About that yeah so I I partnered with Quick cut when I first started so uh so I run my my software so I sell so we Branded was kind of part of our or Agreement and so Todd dor and the guys At quick cut so they are a complete They're an alternative to huddle um a Very uh a cheaper version of huddle Obviously and you know it's it's a Unbelievable product and I always laugh I said you know the it's it's it's Coaching right so the number one thing Is coaches hate change right and so and

Like literally it's like there maybe a Button that you're used to it's on the Left that may be down here to the right A little bit or whatever it is right Right it's the same thing right it's Coke and Pepsi uh except it's a much Affordable option uh it's better Customer service because they actually Answer the phone um and uh they do a They do a phenomenal job uh quick you is The company that I run it's uh and then We we are a recruiting software for Colleges um and so uh that's kind of was My idea we use part of our deal we use Quick cut to do all of our cuts and all That stuff and so uh I can speak for This is you know having to do cuts and Everything through h all those years and Now it's the same it's the same damn Thing I I don't know why like I always I Always mess around I'm like like coaches There's probably gonna be coaches Listening to this show that have have Had to delete their film because of the Storage cost over Years you'll never Have ever again like huddle like you can Store what what would cost you thousands Of dollars to store film with huddle you Can store it on quick cut for 150 bucks 200 bucks I mean like you'll never have To lose your film ever again and so uh a Lot of people have gone to it um and That's a huge deal people don't realize That's a huge deal because if you coach

In a long time like I mean in 2020 I had To get like I had to pull get rid of Some of my stuff that I used to run in Like 2012 and put it on a different and And there was stuff that I loved that I Ran but I hads from it I could not keep It in there anymore you know um it was Incredibly frustrating that's one Incredibly frustrating even with like The guys that I help now um it's a Really good high school program they've Won a lot of state championships and When I break down film like I see they Have to get rid of like this guy's been Around for like 30 years and and he's Had huddle you know forever and he's got To get rid I'm like oh man like some of That stuff you ran back in like 2010 was Real great stuff yeah yeah coach coaches Hate change they do that's just that's Literally always joke that's that's the Big biggest competitor of quick cut is It's not huddle is not the largest Competitor it's change right change uh Because once you get on it you love it Right and so a ton of uh a ton of the State of New Jersey is on it so I know That I know that's that's one of their Biggest states um and then you know the First question you always get you would Always get from a high school coach and Again I'm I'm I'm we we're partners with Them so I can say this because I Understand it but the first question you

Always get like hey can I can we how do We swap film you know because again Coach is and I'm one of us I'm going to Be I'm I'm part of the of the nation so I can say this you know we we are really Good at at picking up Zone Blitz and Picking up simulated pressures but when It comes to pushing buttons on the Computer we fail a little bit sometimes All right so it's okay guys I I get it I Feel your pain uh it's the easiest Process in the world to swap film it's Literally the same exact way you would Swap film on huddle with download links And all those things and uh you can swap Back and forth with other H schools There's no issue there because we do That all the time right for our our Recruiting software part is if we're Doing uh a cut on a uh a team that has Huddle then the coach will download will Send us his film so we can do the cuts And he always would send us a link and We would download it and do the cuts uh Through that so it's very easy it's very User friendly and it's extremely Affordable to the point to where I know Several teams that uh made the change Went and they they didn't tell their uh Athletic director they were making the Change and they took that extra money And bought a couple extra sets of Uniforms so they were they were kind of Fired up

That yeah that's that's awesome that's Awesome I I'm I'm curious what you think You know from a recruiting standpoint With respect to the players obviously Like Twitter is such a huge players Utilize that and what what do you think Is around the corner you know because Recruiting how to communicate with Coaches coaches communicating them Constantly changing what what do you Think is around the corner next or what Do you think are the the best ways for Players to continue to utilize uh the Resources out there to help get Themselves recruited yeah you know you Try always try to look ahead and look at What's coming and all those things you Know I don't know if there's any you Know I'd be guessing to know what what The future wave is gonna be um I always Say this I think from my experience Being on you know from a high school Coach to a college coach and then doing What I'm doing now I've kind of seen all The uh and now I'm a parent you know and So I've kind of seen all the uh windows To the recruiting world you know my my Advice always is there's so many people That worry about their recruiting about Where they're at and how do I help get Recruited those things and the number One thing like I was joking with a guy That was on our live the other day he's Like what can I do to get recruited

Better I said get off this live and go Work go Work like that's Where you when you get to college and There's another level to it when you get To the NFL everybody's Talented all right what are you gon Nobody gives a [ __ ] about your stars When you get to college and so can you Help me win games or not because I have To feed my family okay are you going are You gonna help me win games or not I Don't care if you are a 64 star or you Are a zero star didn't even have a Profile I'm gonna play the guy there's No politics there's no mama daddy ball I'm gonna play that I'm gonna play the Guy that helps me keep my job and so the Biggest thing I always say is is a lot Of people spend too much time worrying About things that they can't control Okay you can't control to get a coach Come to you're not sending an email You're not sending a text you're not Sending a tweet you're not sending a DM That's gonna make a coach say by God I Gotta go stop doing what I'm doing now Get on a plane and fly this guy and see This no that's not happening all right So what can you do what can you control What you can control is what you put on Film that's what you can control all Right that's two parts make sure you're Making your highlight tape the correct

Way all right there's too many like when I watch example I can't begin to tell You how many highlight tapes I've Watched on wide receivers in my lifetime I would just I wouldn't know how to Guess but it's like when I watch a wide Receiver's highlight tape I know when I See the blocking that the tape's Miss to Be Over I know it's about to be over Because you wait to put the to the eight Minutes into the Mark no most college coaches are only Watching two minutes so you got two Minutes to catch their attention all Right Show Yourself running I don't care If you make the play or not two many People put they put result oriented Plays on their highlight right all right Not movement skills and so example There's nothing worse than turn on a Running back highlight tape you know What running backs are going to do the First 15 clips that they're a good Running back and a starting running back In a high school team their first 15 Clips G be every one of their touchdown Runs okay I'm not getting anything out Of the one yard touchdown run I don't See [ __ ] all right I mean and so that's That's time you lost of of my attention Right right second thing like a running Back taking running backs for example Some of their best runs are their

Shorter runs okay right if they didn't If the whole if the right tackle whiffed And he and he made him Miss in the back Field and got back to the line of Scrimmage and got out of a negative play Man that's job that that's that stuff's Really good needs to be on your Highlight tape kids will never put it on Their highlight tape because they didn't Get any yards all right and then here's My favorite all right now we're talking About highlight tape they're eventually Going to see it but I will tell you this There are a lot of schools that want Even watch evaluation tapes they're Going they're going to recruit off Highlight tapes so you should use that To your advantage there's so many times That a guys like a Workhorse okay y'all Y'all probably play against one or have Played coached against one at some point In time and some kids carrying the ball 46 times in a game all right something Crazy they're just every every ball snap And he may have he may break off a 25 30 40 yard run in the fourth quarter he Tired boss he's tired okay and so his Legs are tired or whatever and he he Looks slow all right right he gets Caught or Runs Out of Bounds okay they Will put because that's a 40 yard run They'll put on a highlight tape coaches That aren't great evaluators will will Turn you off because they think you

Can't Run they want to see you run okay so When you put Clips on your highlight Tape make sure you're running don't put And like the one that's left off the Defensive lineman all the time defensive Lin is a great great great thing Everybody wants to know how did Nick Sain get all those defensive Lin all Those years okay well Kenan Williams was Like a a three star recruit until we all Or two star recruit till we Aller him Out Winona right and so donon Payne same Thing both these guys were top five Picks top three I think in NFL draft if You watch their highlight tape it' make You go to sleep because both of them Would play like zero Nos and they' do This right here and the and if they if They fell on top of the pile for half a Sack they put it on their on their deal But what they didn't have on their Highlight tape that we were able to see When we when we did our evaluation tapes On them as hell there were 50 60 Clips a Game where they had shed the guy dip rip Show show hip flexibility quick twitch Short area quickness and they may have Not made the tackle or the quarterback Could have been throwing RPO or whatever Like if they don't sack the quarterback It's not going on their tape if it's not A tfl that's not going on their tape but There's so many times that they two

Gapped and made the guy bounce that's Not on the tape and so putting the right Stuff on the tape you can control that's One and then the second part is you can Control what you what how well you play On the tape and so like the players that Take plays off like if you if you get to A point where you need to take a play Off it's better you be on the sideline Than on the field 100 per. and so Coaches play guys too long on on Sid Especially like if they if you're at a School that you have that one guy or Whatever it is they play guys every play Of the drive I mean you w't watch a Three technique play about 56 plays into A game in high school and then and then He'll go play a series on offense Whatever is he's done he's done I mean We all did it I play I did it too I Played special teams played both ways in High school right but you gota but That's it's different now and so my Point of the drill is this if you're a Really good player they're going to find You there's too much technology out There there's companies like us and all That put all the stuff up there's too Much technology out there that for at Their disposal so control what you can Control which is what you put on tape When you make your tape and what you put On tape when you go out there and play Those are the two things you can control

Um and I will say this I'll say the last Thing the other thing you can do to help And this is other advice I'd give is I See this happen every year it breaks my Heart there'll be a kid let's just Wherever what's your favorite state There Coach favorite State football Football pick one Texas all right Texas There'll be a kid from Dallas And he'll get during the Spring he'll Get you know he'll get a Texas State a UTSA North Texas will come by and They'll all invite him to Camp okay man We want to work you out we think we We're gonna you know like we're talking About they may even offer to come to Camp or whatever it is they're Interested in you and that kid Go the Whole summer he's gonna go to Texas Texas A&M and and Nebraska and then Realizes man they're not going to offer Me and then try to go back and though They've already filled up And so always go to camps it's it's much Better time for parents and and Financially better for them to go to a College Camp than it is to go to the Rivals or 27s or under armors all that Stuff because nobody's recruiting you Off of that and so now they will recruit You they'll if they get film of the camp But yeah under arour I think is the only

Camp that's doing that only series That's doing that but um you're not Getting recruited off of that and then When you go to the camps freaking Compete man don't go Visit I can't tell you how many people I Just mark off my list it'll be like they They think that I've ask them to come to Camp hell I want you to work they won't Come to a visit and not compete or They'll get out there and they'll be a Line of like I won't tell them either Because I want to see what kind of Person they are all right I want I want Competitors that's the number one that's The number one criteria I look for and Intangibles of his competitive character So when there's 25 rece do you people Don't realize this and coaches Co you May not know this you know when you go To like a college camp and they have That one-on-one line and you've always Wondered why they got all those guys Standing around yep you know that's by Design yeah because we want to see who Goes to the back of the line and we want To see the people that want to keep Cutting and getting more reps yeah of Course that's by Design there's a method To the madness meth to the madness There's a method to the madness that is 100% by Design because I want to see who Wants to jump up wants to get some you Know I want I want to see who wants to

Compete now parents and some people go Man this is a poorly ran Camp exactly my Only got three reps but that's okay I'm Gonna get I'm gonna get my guys Caleb Warren who's a starting center at Old Miss is from nanaa high school all right They literally have ant heels on their Practice field like you had to dodge the Fire ants all right I'm talking about is Country in the middle of nowhere as you Can ever find okay ran like a wing te Offense in a 1A high school but he came To camp and ran a 495 at 320 Lbs all right and when we and when we Did one-on ones he would he refused to Come off of the Field that's why we offered him he's Been like a 87e starter at Old Miss with Co and everything now I think he's he's As old as I am playing Center still There still there he'll be starting this Year it's amazing that's it that's the Desire that's necessary absolutely let The coach tell you to take a break not You to take a break let the coaches tell You take a break when I've seen enough I'll let you know that that's exactly it Well coach it's been great having you on Man it's really really enjoyable to talk To you know football with you recruiting With you um I mean your knowledge is is Second to none and uh I appreciate your Cander you know what I mean because That's that that's what's needed more

Than anything in this world today Man more people that have the cander and The ability to say on their mind versus Holding back because it you're 100% Right man when I talk to University like People in universities I could all the Time you you could feel that the Pressure for them to hold back you know What I'm saying the pressure for them Like I'm I feel it when they come into An interview like I feel it like right Away like oh my God they're worried About what you know what are we gonna Ask them what what what could they say What they can't say I actually feel bad For them from that standpoint because it Has to be frustrating to a to a certain Extent so I really appreciate you um uh You know coming in and and saying Exactly what you what you think and and It's and it's very helpful because more Of it needs to be said you bet brother Appreciate you guys man appreciate you Coach man really been awesome Absolutely really enjoy the podcast it Is phenomenal it's Phenom we have a good Time with it it's it's it's gotten uh It's it's gotten crazy I guess the last You know cranked up man yeah it's got It's gotten it's gotten crazy but that's A good thing you know it's gotten crazy And And uh it's uh it'll be the great thing Is it's gotten crazy in offseason so

They hadn't made it through a season yet They they haven't got to a lot of the New new people haven't got to experience Make it rain Thursday or or tell the Truth Monday yet so that'll be coming uh Come pretty soon I kind of broke them Into the joker last week so they they Will uh they'll get they'll get some jok We have a special guest The Joker comes On uh from usually on Thursdays that That that Colorado's getting picked Against that's usually that's usually When the Joker comes out Um I got called I can't remember now It's gotten so it's gotten so part of The show that I can't even remember what I think it was my I think I picked That's what it was I literally they did LA it was last year yeah it was last Year at the beginning of the year I Picked you know we do on Thursdays we do Picks against the spread and all that Stuff right y so I picked against Colorado in the in the deal and brother When they won they came out the haters Came out from everywhere all right they Were coming I I'm talking about left Field right field I was getting it up The middle I mean it felt like I was Getting jumped in high school or Something you know I had to back myself Into a corner but they kept calling me a Clown right a clown I said okay they Want a clown I'll give them a clown so I

Made it my point I I didn't care I Didn't look at the games I just the Joker came out and I literally picked Against Colorado the entire year uh for The for the for the for the haters of The show and uh so I did it with a joker Mask and then um but then I had to get Serious about halfway through because I Started it was starting to cost me my my Competition against Neil and I couldn't Lose um so because we you know one it Would be terribly embarrassing for a Football coach to lose football picks to To a media member so I can't I can't I Just can't allow him to lose I'm just I Will not allow him to win um whatever it Takes but um but the punishments that we Do the loser has you know um were was Not up my alley and uh he he has picked Basically the same punishment that I was Going to have last year I'm terrified of Ghost so if I lose I have to go uh Stream a live show from a haunted bed And breakfast oh and I I I'm telling you I mean look I don't mess with ghosts I'm Terrified of them I'm not scared of a Lot of things but if I can't do nothing With you if I can't put you if I can't Choke you out or put you in an arm bar Then I I don't know I I'm I'm scared so It's like you know with snakes snakes Have we call them Mr no shoulders snakes You can't put a snake in an arm bar so No shoulders I don't like snakes so um I

Don't I don't do sharks same thing Sharks I don't think you can put the fin In the arm bar I don't think that would Work so anything that can get me that I Can't get him in an armar or choke them Out um I'm I'm I'm scared of so uh Whatever whatever counts of that but Hopefully we can get Neil to lose this Year hopefully I can put it on him again So he has to he has to spend the night We're gonna get a tent and he's going to Have to spend the night in the spring Race in the infield at Talladega Super Speedway for the for the spring race Race he's got to wear cowboy boots no Socks cowboy boots um we're goingon to Get him some cut off blue jeans and he's Got to wear he's gotta wear a shirt that Says Dell Earnhart is Overrated you Go that's good that's Good listen I think you'll do all right Though I think you'll do all right I'm Rooting for you I appreciate you guys Thank you so much guys have a great day See you later buddy that was great that Was phenomenal phenomenal time you I I Tell you I learned a bunch of things too On the uh uh the structure of the whole Entire system you know which Is which is important and and it it is It is one of those things that um I Never thought about you know if it can Be fixed uh it could be fixed quickly

And uh you know you hope it's but it's Like it's like anything else it's like You know even politics wise right like There are some things that fundamentally Could be fixed but but P Powers at be choose not to so that's Always that always and it all comes back To money so yeah it comes well in some Case it might come back to like their Own personal money mean my job like what Would my job be if I didn't you know That that's also uh uh an issue in Itself too I think is is a big deal but That that was great great guest um he's Awesome his show their show is great Their show is great because that's Literally what you're getting get right You're getting a college football coach You're getting a media member so yes They agree on some things but they a lot Of times they just you know it is what It is and then with all the callers and Whatnot like and then obviously with his Experience and his stories you know what He talks about some recruiting stories With certain individuals like you make Sure to leave the names out that's for Sure but like you said you're getting Honesty you're getting exactly what it Is and that's what makes it great and That's why it's you know his show their Show has just continued to you know Flourish so definitely I'm a big fan but That was good

Excellent M much like us as we're Continuing to grow ourselves so do what We doing Peace by peace great show and Uh we'll see you next time I'm sure we Got more for for next week so all right

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