This is why steve Largent was so great

1 min read
Went up the right side he had hit me Right in the hands and Mike Harden hit Me right in the face with his Forearm and I was out before I hit the Ground boy his head just snapped right…

Went up the right side he had hit me Right in the hands and Mike Harden hit Me right in the face with his Forearm and I was out before I hit the Ground boy his head just snapped right Back Steve lent took a mean mean Lick too long it picked off by hard Mike Harden intercepts a pass you're watching This play in Comes This streak and it's Steve Lar [Applause] Not only levels Harden forces the fumble And recovers it Oh unloaded and got the ball you ever Seen a movie then everything kind of Fast forwards to that moment and then All of a sudden it's in slow motion they Think he's a little guy before he pack a Pop I never seen Steve get up and talk Smack to somebody but

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