This is the great trick play in baseball history

1 min read
Mom ball is thrown away down into the oh Now they've cut it off and Stevenson is Going to be Out how about that how about that for a Decoy play fooled everybody in the Ballpark including us tell you…

Mom ball is thrown away down into the oh Now they've cut it off and Stevenson is Going to be Out how about that how about that for a Decoy play fooled everybody in the Ballpark including us tell you what that Is an outstanding play Stevenson is Picked off what about it IR all right let me tell you about this Play guys it was a plan play they worked On this all day yesterday they even had The right two guys come out of the Dugout and pretend that they were Chasing the ball as soon as Casper Zack Faked the toss the first base those two Guys are yelling ball ball down the line The first baseman lesbi is chasing and Look at Jean Stevenson's reaction That'll tell you look at this now watch These guys come out of the Dugout this Is one of the better plays you'll see Look at that Decoy see those two guys That isn't by accident they're all Looking there and there's Rona he gets The ball from Casper Z and it's an easy Out and the throw was never even made The pitcher had the ball the entire time Ste off the back of the

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