The toughest rule for officials to officiate
1 min readTaught on kickoffs uh coming cutting Across the field and kind of head Hunting for somebody so that's probably That role with the defenseless receiver With the Blindside blocks and stuff like That I'm actually I was just uh looking Over looking through the book Again it was probably the toughest thing For me as an official because being in The stands being on the sidelines I was Always like oh great block and now It's that's kind of what people want to See you know it's it's crazy and wanted To see yeah I mean you remember want to See right I mean it's just not around Anymore they look at old school I mean Even not that long ago right like you're Looking at highlights I mean you would Set up the wall on a punt return and Look to take that guy right out on a Blind side block or a crackback block Right a receiver coming down and Cracking on an end and things of that Nature like it's just not part of the Game Anymore yeah and I mean at it took