The merger of PGA gold with LIV golf

The merger of PGA gold with LIV golf on Rich Eisen Show I'm just saying it's totally changed the Saudis own Gulf period end of story it Stinks to high heaven because in the Lawsuit the countersuit that the PGA…

The merger of PGA gold with LIV golf on Rich Eisen Show

I'm just saying it's totally changed the Saudis own Gulf period end of story it Stinks to high heaven because in the Lawsuit the countersuit that the PGA Tour threw on live Jay Monahan was quoted as saying in the Counter suit the live is using players Quote and the game of golf to sportswash The recent history of Saudi atrocities And today What Saudi atrocities we don't know you Tell me about these atrocities boof gone Okay money read about it as much as you Want there's a new board the PGA Tour Will say that they can they they're They're also have their non-profit Status they're they're still the Charitable organization there's also a Commercial entity now that the pif the Saudis are the exclusive investors in And they can also Be in charge of who else is allowed to Invest moving forward what does that Sound like somebody who owns something And so they're going to get together and Figure stuff out what does it look like The team aspect of the live tours Apparently still on the table I don't Know how that looks on the PGA tour The guys who said no to the live money And are now watching all the live guys Who took the money have a path to come Back and play with them with their fat Ass wallets in their back pockets you

Think those guys are going to want to Put on a fireball golf shirt and four Races and team up with those guys How does Rory McIlroy feel today Tiger who turned down damn near a Billion bucks and you could sit there And say Rich they're fine whatever but This is the principle of the matter they Were principled in a situation where Jay Monahan the PGA Tour commissioner Sounded principled and then heel turned Because I cannot imagine how much money Was put into this Kitty by the pif If you're also on the back end of the Tour you're sitting here thinking does That make me am I at least going to be What the 53rd man on the roster if I'm Ranked 200 225 250 300 do I now get at Least a base salary do I get benefits do I get child cared what do I get now Obviously this is all going to get Figured out what if they didn't want the Saudi money they're now going to take it Just to get a tour card You're already seeing some of the purses On the majors not be some of the largest Purchases in the year What if Liv decides or pardon me Pif or the new entity decides we're Going to have a new tournament And we're gonna Pump so much damn money into this we're Not going to call it a new major we Won't call it them but the money will

Speak as if it's a new major What does that mean what if that totally Gets upended by the money that gets Pumped in here it's going to be on the Players to actually sit here and say Well We're not going to play in that Tournament or we'll play in this one or We're not playing in that major anymore Because I'm kind of tired from making All that much more money at some de Facto new major that's been created Say on a course that might be owned by An individual who has been all about the Live tour over the last several months I'm just saying it's totally changed the Saudi's own Gulf Period end of story [Music]

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