The call him white chocalate

2 min read
The call him white chocalate Lost the handle pops it up right to Jason Williams Williams crosses over Loses Gary drives into the lane IRS the Highland out the window up and in what a Move by Jason Williams well…

The call him white chocalate

Lost the handle pops it up right to Jason Williams Williams crosses over Loses Gary drives into the lane IRS the Highland out the window up and in what a Move by Jason Williams well you know we Haven't seen a lot of this young man is Stolen away and it's Williams again Working on Chapman behind the back of Beauty phenomenal pass to Weber what a Great 5854 oh what a pass oh boy Jason Williams and we'll see you on the Nightly highlight shows from coast to Coast Snow shooting one for eight behind the Back and they deliver they love it here This beautiful move he has the ball in His right hand behind the back to Himself in the left hand with the kiss Off the glass holy Mackerel this kid can just flat out play The game of basketball take a look Behind his back to himself over the Outstretched fingertips of Theo rat lift The best shot Blocker in the NBA look Out three Onone and Williams off the steel to wber Oh Boy what a sequence that Was this one you come right back and Take the next one nice feed from Williams to Williamson caros Williamson with six in The corner And we're going to check the score the

Scoreboard R the prin driving in and he Is fouled the all the great passers they Know where the trailer is now keep an Eye as he makes the move and just kicks It right back beautiful execution Wing Crosses to the left into the seam looks Off the defender behind the back flip to Weber face up jumper is good beautiful Assist speed Jason William shot you know He's used to shooting a college Three-point oh look at the move Jason Williams oh boy if you didn't like that You don't like NBA basketball chrisy Eludes the defender Jason woodams behind The back bullet finger will lean in Pia Sakovich with a bucket and I mean Jason Threw an absolute blinding behind the Back bullet with numbers Williams Pushing it flying pass to Anderson for The reverse if you don't like that you Don't like NBA Basketball oh what a move by gason Williams She

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