Online video editing
Zach Miceli Elite QB 2027 of Old Tappan HS This is Zach Myi you really push the ball down the Field here out of old toan high SCH Quarterback 2027 his ability presence in the pocket His ability to get…
Zach Micelli 2027 QB Old Tappan HS Highlight Tape is off the charts with Analysis by Coach Schuman [Music] This is Zach Myell you really push the ball down the Field out of B Iil presence [Music] Inet he's a…
Carson Peters 2026 DB prospect one of the best DB’s in Ohio for 2026 #ohiofootballprospects #2026recruitsfootball #coachschuman This is coach schan talking about Carson Peters I've broken him down before 2026 Defensive back also plays wide receiver Here he is…
Gain Knowledge and Experience to Gain Success #coachschuman #donaldtrump #success What would be one word of advice you Would have For an upcoming Businessman Knowledge knowledge but if it's one word One word is very hard for that but the…
Created with CapCut: #CapCut #shorts I I never Anticipated the the impact that it would Have you know people have really enjoyed It a lot and uh it's kind of connected Us all back together which is which is…
Carter Devero 2025 QB is next level This Carter Devo 2025 quarterback well We've looked at him before he's a guy That really fired a ball down the field He's got Cannon for an arm he has uh Great timing…
Brody Norman 2026 QB Mooresville, NC #shorts #footballshorts #coachschuman #nucsports #footballrecruiting #highschoolfootball This coach schan talking about Brody Norman quarterback out of morisville High school story program out of North Carolina who's really had a lot of Success this…
How to Take Each Game one at a Time as a Football Coach #footballcoaching go here to get more tips FREE Based on weather based on our opponent That'll never be who we are here um we Will always…