Zach Micelli 2027 QB Old Tappan HS Highlight Tape is off the charts with Analysis by Coach Schuman
Zach Micelli 2027 QB Old Tappan HS Highlight Tape is off the charts with Analysis by Coach Schuman
[Music] This is Zach Myell you really push the ball down the Field out of B Iil presence [Music] Inet he's a super super physical uh Athlete who really move to left left thr On the field left um he has a great Presence in pocket pocket very quickly With his feet that down There um I love the way he [Music] Has he is a championship [Music] Game um all the great spot all year long Just to left back body right get his Hips Presence [Music] Touch love the way that he throws this Great job directing the receiver that Was in the state championship game um Here he's climbing in the pocket going Over the top on crossing Roundout here he is again climbing to Pocket making to escape size down throw Off their Oho another one [Music] That deep cross he crushes those deep Crosses and those angle routes is escap His Left acceleration
[Music] Only ding down Field and [Music] [Music] [Music] Understands We go to the left back to the right here He is [Music] Again breaking Route climbing the pocket taking offing His legs the [Music] Mellal throws again this a soft playing On a state champ [Music] [Music] Only Spot has a much chance [Music] Again gives His gives him Student [Music] Second run the ball way through get a Big game tough hard Runner hard noed Athlete Play attack my [Music] Out to [Music] Him or you can reach out to his coach Brian Dunn who's one of the legendary
Coaches In he'll tell you all about well [Music] [Music]