Weight Loss in Coaching: The Ozempic Debate

In this insightful discussion, we unpack the evolving image standards in coaching, particularly the impact of weight loss on hiring practices. With a focus on Ozempic and its implications, we explore the pros and cons of this trend for aspiring…

In this insightful discussion, we unpack the evolving image standards in coaching, particularly the impact of weight loss on hiring practices. With a focus on Ozempic and its implications, we explore the pros and cons of this trend for aspiring head coaches. #CoachingSuccess #WeightLossJourney #OzempicDebate #SportsLeadership #HealthAndWellness #CoachingStrategies #CareerDevelopment #FitnessInSports #ImageAndPerformance #HeadCoach

This last question is probably more for The coaches that listen because we do Have a lot of coaches well big coaches Don't get hired as much anymore right so You see a lot of guys that were are big Coaches go and take a um because in in The coaching field and this is just kind Of the reality in coaching especially When you I don't know if it's as big a Deal as assistants but no doubt for head Guys who want to be head coaches and and Girls that want to be head coaches right Um that you get looked at because you're On TV or you're you're in front of the School and and what you represent from An IM image standpoint so big there is Whether they like to say it or not there Is like a propensity to to shy away from Bigger people heavier people um versus Not and that you know I noticed it most Prominently with the Maryland coach how He lost a ton of weight and he said that He took OIC um but there are other Coaches that that that are doing as well Talk about those is there pros and cons To that there's some people think that It's the most amazing wonder drug of all Time

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