Stop Telling Everyone How Different You Are and Show Your Worth

Stop Telling Everyone How Different You Are and Show Your Worth Coach Schuman addresses an amazing desire in today’s young people and adults to always tell everyone they are different and unique. He explains how showing what you can do,…

Stop Telling Everyone How Different You Are and Show Your Worth
Coach Schuman addresses an amazing desire in today’s young people and adults to always tell everyone they are different and unique. He explains how showing what you can do, creates your difference and success and ultimately the way to pay it forward.
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Stop telling everybody how different you Are or you agree that or anything like That just go out work every single day And your results will be different than Everyone else and more than likely the World will know but most importantly if You focus on working really working on It you will gain your own Self-confidence and you won't care who Knows it What doesn't know it because you will Know it that will be the ultimate boost For your confidence and for your next Challenge you take on these challenges And successes will become stacked on Each other and stacking them will bring You the results you're looking for and Results that you could be proud of in Everything that you do and then you'll Have the aptitude and desire to pay it Forward to the next person looking to Learn and that's a whole key to finding Your success those different results Your own self confidence your ability to Help others get to the next level you Don't need to let everyone know that you Are different but your actions and your Accomplishments and your daily grind Every single day is what's going to Prove that that you are different coach I'm signing off

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