Ricky Krautman talks about kicker success

1 min read
I really sling it to my guys because They're going to get harder harder than Me in college one day even in high School you know coaches coaches will get After them so I want to prepare them for Set…

I really sling it to my guys because They're going to get harder harder than Me in college one day even in high School you know coaches coaches will get After them so I want to prepare them for Set them up for Success not failure so I Try to you know incorporate Implement All those you know those mental Toughness aspects that I mean even at Syracuse when I was throwing pencils at Spit at when I was kicking I mean it Doesn't matter you got to learn how to You know take deep breaths ignore those Distractions and just trust trust the Process you know it's um there's worse Things that can happen you know so it's That's not the end of the world but yeah Syracuse football was great you know Playing D1 football but um you know I I Would think like I play that pretty much Every level you know I went from Syracuse to Richmond for a little bit With Coach Clausen who's at Wake Forest Now played on their hand for like a few Semesters and then uh finished up with William Patterson coach too and I know You're asking like you know where I Finished so ended up with a phys Ed Health and driver's ed teacher K-12 Teacher cert so that was back in 2009 And now I just coach full-time you know I've had my stints at certain School District

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