Must see Tv: Todays kids dialing a rotatory phone is beyond hilarious

Must see Tv: Todays kids dialing a rotatory phone is beyond hilarious You have four minutes to dial that phone Number that's it that's it with that Phone wait so you have to push Kyle move Your butt over I…

Must see Tv: Todays kids dialing a rotatory phone is beyond hilarious

You have four minutes to dial that phone Number that's it that's it with that Phone wait so you have to push Kyle move Your butt over I don't want your butt in The Video look it's all the way from here Yeah S oh no Zero's all the way over how I Restart Seven F it a little Bit Maybe Eight seven Seven another Zero or do you go all the way around Back Here dude that makes sense wait ah yeah Yeah we got we got we Got I'll go eight uh Seven another zero all the way Around Three oh baby Eight Five Zero Right okay so I'll give you a hint your Zero is correct every other way you're Doing it is Incorrect is that correct I'm saying it That yeah so so you don't stop at this Oh does the last one cuz Look you just successfully dialed

Zero no no no no no stop okay so wait Wait so when we go like this they said That was Right C move to your right a little bit Please I don't like that so sorry so if This was Zero then wait Wa a second watch out watch second this Correct bring it all the way around and And then and then Like BR this is wait so look that's zero so That's one ahead what if we went Just you guys have made this all worth It everyone has struggled like you guys Yeah everybody has I think of different Wait a minute think of different we have To pick up the phone and then do it put The phone to your ear what do you Hear what does that sound Like okay that's a start all watch Out Incorrect correct for a zero what ises The zero sound Like what do what ises zero sound like It just goes and ends it okay okay um You have one minute Left so if the zero is correct what are You doing with the zero you guys are Doing great cuz you're talking through It you're working through it yeah we're Place we went all the way over here I Think we have to go all the way Around all way Around stop there what's with all the

Holes Though it's a great Question is we are so dumb no you're not You just figured it out 30 uh 25 seconds tell me the numbers 708 703 where you at right now S Z8 85 85 we're done oh you did it

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