Getting things done with Coach Schuman and Coach Osing

Getting things done with Coach Schuman and Coach Osing The winner will not be the one with that Vision the winner will be the one that Actually does it and so the Innovation Comes within how do I do it…

Getting things done with Coach Schuman and Coach Osing

The winner will not be the one with that Vision the winner will be the one that Actually does it and so the Innovation Comes within how do I do it okay and There's plenty of room for that okay There's plenty of room to for somebody To say okay I align with that Vision Okay but what I'm going to do is I'm Going to beat your pants off in terms of How I execute it and I'm going to win Based on execution not the vision Because the vision is ethereal okay we Got to get beyond that it's not it's not About what you aspire to do it's what You actually get done that's the Important thing

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