Must See TV** The greatest contestant in the Price is Right history

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Must See TV** The greatest contestant in the Price is Right history Michael exactly 2148 his bid is 2148 that's an interesting bid how did You settle on 214 I seen that on there Last week and that was the…

Must See TV** The greatest contestant in the Price is Right history

Michael exactly 2148 his bid is 2148 that's an interesting bid how did You settle on 214 I seen that on there Last week and that was the exact price I Know that's what it Is I watch you every Day I watch you every day B now you were laughing and you didn't Hear what else he said he says he w Watches every day now if he wins this You'll see that loyalty to this show Paid Off what do you bid Scott why bid it all He has the exact price well what are the Bids so far the bids so far are 1,700 And 2148 $1,800 $1,800 Noel $1,500 $1,500 For her Now now Wait wait a minut Here M Michael is already leaping around Down there he says he's got it now we'll Just find out whether you got it or Not we have a lot of scooters you Know first number is Two 248 you got it exactly right you got it Exactly right You got it exactly conations I waited 31 Years for this moment it's an honor sir Well it's an honor to have you on the Show and thank you for your loyalty and I'm delighted that you got that price

Exactly right where's my $500 oh his $500 that's right Yeah let's not forget that what let's Not forget that no I I beg your pardon I Beg your pardon you see I was so excited About you your answer and everything That I I just rarely Forgot would you settle for four wait You can owe me one no I don't want to Owe you one I want to give you all five And I want to give you all of this as Well a lovely table with side chairs and Elegant grandfather clock and an Electric Fireplace first This lovely three-piece group consists Of a dining table with octagonal Pedestal base together with two Cabrio Lake Side chairs from C&J custom Furniture next An Elegant grandfather Clock from Ridgeway clocks this elegant Grandfather clock from their Alexandria Collection has a cherry finish with an Exquisite cabinet and Bubble Glass from Ridgeway clocks finally a Charming Electric fireplace the symphony electric Fireplace from dlex with its Oak mantle And slim line polish brass trim it's Truly the fireplace for any place from Dlex North America now his loyalty goes Even beyond what we might have imagined You live where States from North Carolina and you flew out here me and a Friend of mine we flew out here

Yesterday just for the show just for the Show and flying back tomorrow you are a Loyal friend and true now I don't have To tell you how to play this game but Let me just remind any viewer who hasn't Seen it recently that he should buy if He thinks the price is low and he should Sell if he thinks the price is high now Michael on the that set a price of 197 What by bye bye that the clock 2575 one question what's the brand name Of the clock the brand name of the clock Rod we brand name of the clock it's an Elegant from Ridgeway it's from Ridgeway Let's let's buy buy the clock and sell The fireplace sell the fireplace at 2650 All right now you know the story if you Make a few dollars you get the money and All three prices 1975 bu what's the Price goodbye you made $300 $300 and we go to the clock $ 2575 by the price is you got another $500 now you're up to $800 profit I was hoping I wouldn't owe You money at the end of the game you Were hoping what I wouldn't ow you money No you don't owe us money unless you Lose more than $800 on this Le 2150 you Know this guy makes me feel completely Useless up here no that'll always be a

Use for you Bob well don't tell me what It Is Michael there will be no one more Disappointed than I if you don't make a Lot of money on this fireplace 2650 sell What's the price $1,750 he made $900 you won $1,700 you won all three prizes is that The biggest winner ever in this that That ladies and gentlemen is the biggest Cash winner ever in this game and he Deserves it and we'll have our first Showcase showdown after this message

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