Motivation and Determination: Overcoming Challenges in Sports

1 min read
Discover how a rejection fueled my motivation to prove my doubters wrong and excel in sports. Join me as I share my personal story and strategies for staying motivated in the face of adversity. #Motivation #OvercomingChallenges #SportsSuccess #StayMotivated #Determination #SportsMotivation…

Discover how a rejection fueled my motivation to prove my doubters wrong and excel in sports. Join me as I share my personal story and strategies for staying motivated in the face of adversity. #Motivation #OvercomingChallenges #SportsSuccess #StayMotivated #Determination #SportsMotivation #ProveDoubtersWrong #AchieveSuccess #AchieveYourGoals #MindsetMatters

All right uh so like it's funny you Actually bring him up bro because we had Coach last week was on last week dude so He kind of like you know what I mean so The reference kind of people if they Watch the show on the regular or go back And watch some of our stuff like coach Was on So it's so funny to think about back now Because I'm sitting in that same chair Where answering that same phone and you Know you get calls like that sometimes And you got to have to be a little Realistic with kids um and I get it Totally understand it so um but 18-year-old me that was like oh man I'm Fired up he thinks I can't play here um And of course coach was respectful just Said hey you know we have a roster limit All that stuff um so I was like I I want To play now now I'm motivated and it was Like that phone call motivated me to say W you know people think I can't do this So I think I can

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