Mastering Brilliance: The Key to Success in Sports and Life
Mastering Brilliance: The Key to Success in Sports and Life
So in other words as Tony said uh Brilliance comes down Brilliance is Being excellent of two to three Things and I think that was something Too like for us like at Butler as a Small group one like all right you get What you get but here's what and the Philosophy was always the same it was Hey we do this much but we do this much Really really well and we're going to Practice it and we're going to hammer it Home and we're gonna be so good at it That we don't care what the defense does We're still gonna we're going to dictate To them what we what what they're gonna Do because it don't matter how you line Up we're gonna run our plays that we've Been running since you know th since you Were in sixth grade and you're running The same stuff and they know it's coming But we're just gonna be better at it and I think that philosophy has kind of Traveled with me you know just through My entire playing and coaching career Where you know look man keep it simple Keep it small but keep the but Understand the depth of it so much that You're on a different level with it and I I think that's kind of one of the Things that I picked up and have and has And I've used you know since I kind of Got into it and I just keep especially In today's world where you know the the Attention spans are just you know here
Here here and everything is now now now And it's like look let's just be good at This and we'll be you know we'll stay Focused on it