Listening to This from Nick Saban reminds me how College Football is radically changing

Listening to This from Nick Saban Reminds me how College Football is radically changing All the things that I believed in for All these years 50 years of coaching no Longer exist in college athletics so It's always was about…

Listening to This
from Nick Saban
Reminds me how College Football is radically changing

All the things that I believed in for All these years 50 years of coaching no Longer exist in college athletics so It's always was about developing players It was always about uh helping people be More successful in life U my wife even Said to me we'd have all the recruits Over on Sunday uh with their parents for Breakfast and uh she would always meet With the mothers and uh talk about how She was going to help and uh impact Their um and how they would be well Taken care of and she came to me you Know like right before I retired and Said why why are we doing this and I Said what do you mean she said all they Care about is how much you're going to Pay them they don't care about how You're going to develop them which is All what we've always done so why are we Doing this

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