Linebacker Drill – Shuffle Read Run (Tackle Pursuit) Takeoff

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Purpose of this drill is to work on Gaining ground towards the ball carrier And keeping your shoulders Square to the Line of scrimmage you turn your soldiers And the ball goes into the other Direction you can pretty much eliminate Yourself from that play You When doing this drill remember keep your Shoulders facing towards the running Back shuffle downhill at a 45-degree Angle and do not cross your feet over One another In this next drill shuffle rerun we'll Take our previous drill which is the 45-degree downhill shuffle and integrate That into a sprint now when the running Back turns in Sprint's it's important That we don't close ground because he'll Outflank us what we want to do is turn And run straight to the sidelines only Time that we close downhill is when We're actually shuffling like we did in The drill previously it'll look Something like this It's important in this drill to stay one Step behind the running back so that you Have the arc or light as we like to call It but Nana had to end at a play to make The tackle when doing this drill Remember we want to shuffle at a 45 Degree angle towards the ball carrier Sprint towards the sidelines and stay One step behind the runner to prevent

Him from cutting inside of you You

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