Is the love of football leaving coaches with the new world of football
The love of football so um yeah who Knows I mean I'm not I'm not I'm not Running away from it now I mean I'm not Doing that but I'm just starting to look At it in kind of kind of different Viewpoint yeah I'm wondering who's gonna Stay in there I mean Jim K's retired From Glenrock he's 44 what did I just I Told you that Dave what did I tell you The other day I was shocked I said bro Young listen look at how many we had Know short conference is a good old boy Club bro like and these guys there was More jobs open down here this year I Think there was like six or seven most Ever you're talking about guys like 30 Years I mean and programs like sh Regional 30s something years centino uh You know Midsouth with antonucci guys Been there tons of success and guys are Just like I'm good but you know it's Those guys are there quite some time you Know I mean so but but you know I think Jim just started getting hit with hey We're gonna have a class of seven moving In next year another class of seven I Mean did you ever think Cresco would be A co-op