Interview with Sara Sabin Building a profitable coaching business – what to spend money on or not!

28 min read
Interview with Sara Sabin Building a profitable coaching business – what to spend money on or not! Links mentioned in this episode: • * Sarah Sabin This podcast is powered by ( This is coach…

Interview with Sara Sabin Building a profitable coaching business – what to spend money on or not!

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Sarah Sabin

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This is coach Schuman here for Successful Life podcast welcome back um What I can't remember now if we're on Season five or six but this is uh this Is our third episode in interviewing Guest this season this spring uh with me I have Sarah Sabin who is a person that Will help you build your coaching Business someone that wants to get into Being able to help others uh develop Build their businesses she helps Entrepreneurs build theirs um this is Someone that is going to be important Person to listen to on how to grow your Business uh the tools to be able to do That uh and without further Ado and She's coming to us from overseas as well So London from London without further Ado let me introduce uh Sarah Sabin Welcome to this success for Life podcast Hello David and thank you for having me On the show today so this is a topic be That a lot lot of people are interested In and uh everyone wants to build their Business everyone wants some level of Coaching um don't they don't know how to Go about those things they don't Understand the industry has a lot of Dark clouds over it in a sense that um There's a lot of people claiming to do Certain things within that that that Field um so it can be difficult for People to navigate tell us a little bit About how you developed your process

Within coaching what do you do that kind Of Differentiates uh yourself with others Within this business and then explain a Little bit about coaching and what it is Because I think a lot of people are Confused about that absolutely um I Think coaching mentoring and Consulting Are three terms that are used kind of Interchangeably but my definition of Coaching is it's a process designed to Draw out of the person that you're Coaching insights into themselves their Behaviors their habits that they need to Change because they're hold it's holding Them back Consulting is where you Basically say you want to achieve x y And Zed here are some ways that you can Achieve XY and Zed let me help you get There so what I do is really a Combination of coaching and Consulting Because I found that that is the most Effective thing to get entrepreneurs to Where they want to go Faster so you're not just OB advising Them then you're also helping them um Nav Navigate those pitfalls and helping Them within their business as well so um That's that's kind of like a second Stage part of it with the Consulting Um why do they need Consultants or Coaches to be able to help them and I I I'll kind of preface it with this Um uh I've run my own business since

2002 is time frame uh had pitfalls had a Ton of success um gone through that road Had different mentors along the way uh I've had coaches that I've worked with And um and myself I've if you look at my Background I was a football coach for 20 Years uh so I I understand the part of Helping others get to where they want to Get to how do Entrepreneurs find the right coach to Help them build their business because I Think it's a mentorship not just Coaching um and there's there's so many People that charge for coaching like you You can't scroll one thing past on Tik Tok or Facebook without uh especially if You're an entrepreneur without getting Exposed to somebody selling something in Coaching right so tell a little bit more About that What you think people should be looking For so it's a really really good Question David how do you find the right Coach number one find a coach that has Done what they are helping you to do so That's point one um and what I mean by That is I've been an entrepreneur myself I've changed career multiple times I've Built up a a sustainable profitable Coaching business myself and so so I Walk the walk of what I do with other People so honesty and integrity Secondly you can uh be a good on paper Coach right so you can be the best

Looking coach in the world but if you Speak to that person or you watch them Or you listen to them and you're like H I don't really resonate with you there's No real chemistry there you really Shouldn't be taking that person as your Coach because coaching and Consulting is A Partnership I can help you to get Somewhere but you need to do your part Of the equation and you're more likely To do that with someone that you know Like trust and resonate with um so those Are two key Things are there Measurables that can be used so I think One of the things that lacks in the Coaching industry Is measurables right um I'm working with You we set these goals H how do you help Entrepreneurs establish measurables Obviously first of all uh for your Business and and coaching side so so um People understand where they're going so Obviously you can have successful Repeatable um things for your clients But also for the entrepreneur to be able To understand okay here are here are the Milestones are they Milestones are they Metrics what what are they so it's a Combination of the tangible and Intangible so um I work with already Successful High performing Entrepreneurs and that's how I built up

My sixf figure leadership coaching Business um and Essentially if it if there weren't Tangibles then I'm not doing my job Properly we need to decide at the Beginning what are you looking to Achieve are you looking to 3x in the Next year are you looking to 10x your Revenue in the next five to 10 years are You needing to increase profit margins Because you're taking on lots of work That is a pain for you and is really low Margin so I look at all those tangible Things as well and what's interesting is Even if you know that in practice so one Of my former clients used to be a trans Formation consultant for corporates so He was the guy that used to go into Corporates and say right you need to do X y and Zed to meet these objectives When it came to running his own business He kind of got lost so you can't see the Wood for the trees anymore so you need To be clear about what you're trying to Achieve before you even start and the Intangibles are stuff like are you um Happier more productive more satisfied Fulfilling your purpose Etc and again if we're talking about a Coach building a business how much Revenue do you want to make what kind of Clients do you want to work with what Kind of um services or products do you Want to offer and you work from that

Premise and you work backwards from That interesting and along the way um How does someone who's working with you How do they begin to track those things And where when things don't meet Expectations for some reason how do you How do you adjust the path what what you Know an entrepreneur goes in and says we We both agree that there's a um we're Going to sell X widgets there's a marker For it um we we develop a path you kind Of Coach me through it and then X Widgets don't start selling right so um The the the first instance Which is probably the wrong instinct is The entrepreneur to say oh well the Person that's working with me helping Guiding me is the issue but really it Maybe we need to adjust the marketplace We may need to do this or that how do You f how do you anticipate those things And and how do you help them get on P Back on path when things could go as They do in business uh derail well first Of all you can make all the plans in the World and your plans your plans won't Always goes plan let's face it so we can Build out a plan and we're going to say Okay you need to focus on these one to Three things that are going to help Drive these widget Sales now we are tracking is this Working and you have to do the work Consistently over a period of time but

You need to monitor tweak and course Correct now after three months if one of The things you're doing is really not Working at all cut it don't continue Banging your head against a brick wall You want to get to the point where You're laser focused on the things that You can leverage because you know that They really work but sometimes there's a Bit of an experimentation process whilst You're finding out what it is that Really works but generally when I go and And uh start working with Entrepreneurs if you've heard of shiny Object syndrome they're trying to do Eight million things at once and they're Not even sure which of those things are Moving the needle they're not really Sort of tracking and course correcting As much as they could so that's my job To help them to see that and to action That is an entrepreneur when I when I Started my business I um originally was In the training business training Athletes and then we had a facility and We started building that up and then uh I added in events if the event business Took off eventually sold off the Training business and then focused on Events when we focused when we Originally started with events we were Laser focused on a certain type of Event got wildly successful and I'm just Telling the story because I'm I'm sure

You you could to help the uh everyone Listening understand how it could go off Path um we had a ton of success we had Very few competitors for a long for a Long time meaning like five or six years We were really within our Niche we were The only kind of game in Town then we Expanded so into other types of Events continued to have success but we Left the door open by doing that into Our original area as competitors came in They slowly eroded different things now We kept adjusting and kept adjusting but That's I use that as an example as you Get to a certain point right and you Have a lot of Success um and then in order to continue To grow as a business you want to add Other services but when you do that you Leave the door open for your competitors To jump jump into a weakness so how as a Coach how how do you help I how do you Help entrepreneurs understand you got to Nail this Niche and then they go and They say well we nailed this Niche we're A million doll business right but those Who and and I've been there my I grew my Business up to around $2 million once we Got up to there we said whoa we're not We don't have enough right so then we Want to take the next step and then it Was a kind of a costly mistake for a While because we went to take the next

Step and we we didn't have our ducks in A row how do you help them navigate Nailing the niche and then growing Beyond their Niche so number one when You're thinking about expanding out and You're adding in different products do You have the team resources Etc to Really support that growth because that Can cause problems if you're diverting Everything away from what you originally Doing and putting it somewhere else so That's one problem that I tend to see if You're going to expand into other areas You're going to need other resources as Well Now it also comes down To an acceptance as well that if you're Going To um focus on other areas Then the original area might become less Prominent or might decrease as part of Your business so it comes down to Whether you accept that you want to do That but given enough money time and Resources you can continue to grow but You need to get the business to a stabil Ility where you can do that more easily But the other thing I'll say is That sometimes things don't last forever Especially in the events business Because I've um had an event startup in The Past what worked for a few years Suddenly isn't as popular isn't as

Trendy doesn't work so well anymore so If you remain stuck on that and you're Like right I will stubbornly continue Continue to provide this event for an Ever and ever and ever right then you Know you're you're not seeing um the Evolution of things sometimes you have To let go of what you originally doing To move into things that um or future Trends that is a fabulous point right There um and I think a lot of Entrepreneurs get stuck on this you have Success in one area I mean and and in Some cases wild success right uh and Events is a great example of that Because you could have wild success for A certain time period in one area and Then you're trying to figure out why you Don't have that same success and it Doesn't necessarily have to do with Anything you're doing other than Trends May have changed um my prime example Obviously of someone who started out in A niche and then kept adding and is Wildly successful would be Amazon right So they were books they were attacking Barnes & Noble which they almost buried They completely buried Borders books and Some of the other smaller book Outlets Out there and now you're basically Having books you have Amazon a few Midsize players and then you have you Know your bookstore that we all get Coffee at and sit and read you know that

That's all you have now you don't have h A bookstore in every corner but what was Interesting is how they made the jump Successfully I mean obviously they're in Technology they're in movies doing Everything now right Um entrepreneurs who want to be some Version of that what so you you brought Up resources Beyond resources because Obviously Amazon's throwing resources at Things that's definitely but what kind Of Ingenuity do you think is required of The entrepreneur skill set wise to have That ability because not everybody Should do that right Jeff Bezos has a Unique skill set right um there are Other people to have that unique skill Set but some entrepreneurs don't have That unique SK what are requir what do You think are some of the requirements And how do you advise entrepreneurs is Hey you should stay more in your lane You should expand you know what what are Some of the things that you use to to Assess that in them so let's face it the Reality is most people will never be the Elon mus or Jeff boses of the world they Are a certain type of person they they Are Visionaries they Um they are different from someone that Maybe wants to grow a seven or eight Figure business right so a lot of people Would be happy growing a seven or eight

Figure business and if you want to grow A smaller business like that if you have As much going on as Amazon so you're in Books and movies and whatever you can Buy anything on there but You Know it it does not serve you to go into So many areas so it comes back to what's The end result what's the big Vision Here is your big Vision to really be the Best in a particular Niche to focus on Your area of expertise to build a eight Eight fig business let's say if so you Shouldn't be using Amazon as a business Model because it's just not suitable for What you want to build if you want to Build a billion doll company that's a Whole different ball game you're going To have to diversify and expand again if You look at virgin for Example Travel um you know everything travel Music etc Etc so I think I think people need to to Really different shate between billion Dollar companies and multi-million Dollars right what would be something That they should look to entrepreneurs Or what do you advise your entrepreneurs To look to as examples of how in within Their own industry they can be Successful but different at the same Time right because you don't want to and There are times you want to copy other

People but there are times that you Really need to differentiate in order to Have a chance to Succeed so if we're talking about um Some something disruptive or Innovative And most of my um High performing Clients who for reference are usually in The kind of seven figure Mark they are um they are Basically people who want to have a very Clear idea of what they want to Achieve and they may not have the exact Vision That they can work backwards from but It's more a case of they've been falling Forward so they started with an original Idea and they're growing Organically which is different from Working backwards from an idea if you See what I mean yes Absolutely um so then the next question Is as far as the type of people you like To work with and the individuals that You find find have been most successful With you what what are some of the Characteristics and and skill sets that They've had that you felt you worked With as a coach Well so number one you have to be Coachable so what I mean by that is open Realize that you need to continuously Improve especially because in today's World everything is changing you can't Cling on to one business idea or one

Thing or one model that worked for you Forever more you have to acknowledge That things will change so you have to Um have that drive to learn grow and Develop all the time self-awareness is Key so know what you're good at know What you're not good at um start seeing Through your own BS so I hear a lot of Oh well we're not doing so well because Because of Market because of external Circumstan Etc so the question I always Ask is are other people in your niche in Your field doing well and they're like Well yeah But you know yeah they are but they're Different you know why are they Different they're no different from you They just have a different Attitude so it's about attitude it's About being Decisive and being focused so those are All key traits in people that that are Successful and you know I was listening To another podcast Recently and they were talking about how The number one trait of successful Entrepreneurs is the ability to make Decisions and stick to Them and guess what the number one Reason why entrepreneurs fail was they Don't make Decisions so they're they're kind of Stuck in limbo forever and ever right They don't they they don't actually take

The next step to make a decision on Something they just float tread water And and and hope for the best that's a Mistake where where um as far as clients And your background give so I the past Have always started right with people's Background now I'm getting right into The nitty-gritty and then I want to go a Little bit into your background so tell Me what your background is schooling Wise uh as an entrepreneur and how you Got into This so um I'm I'm going to try and put This in a nutshell version nutshell Version um I went to a grammar school Which um to explain to anyone outside of The UK is a selective free school where You do an entrance exam and then you go To school so um I was there I went to University I studied law at University Um English and French law I lived in Paris for two Years and then I became a tax Accountant um I at the time just loved Tax Law sad but true God bless You so I was um I was doing that um at a Top turn accounting firm and then I Moved to What's called the multif family Office so I was looking after a Portfolio of high net worth individuals And Families now um the seeds of unrest I Think started about eight years into my

Corporate career I was like I'm not Really happy anymore and I could move Job because that's what everyone does But actually I don't think that's going To cut it let's let's kind of sit on This and think about it so it's around That time that one of my friends said to Me hi Sarah would you like to co-found a Startup um This is back in 2014 and me being brigh eyed and bushy Tail I was like ah sure how hard can it Be um which kind of marks me as a person I'm a person that takes action if I want To do something just go do it so um we Started uh that business and uh we did a Lot of uh events conferences networking Um we had a whole load of online Resources we were doing recruitment in Retrospect that business was not focused Enough now that you know I'm talking About it but it was doing well so I was Like right I'm going to leave my Corporate career and I'm going to be a Full-time Entrepreneur that was at the end of 2015 2016 um my relationship with my Co-founder broke Down so her vision went that way my Vision went that way and I said okay Well this is your original idea I'm going to let you just get on with it Um I'll retain small shareholding and

I'll go do something else so by that Point in my life I knew it was Entrepreneurship or Nothing so essentially I then thought Right I'm going to found a tech Startup so that's what I did um I got Some investment to build an MVP um Outsourc the development work built a Small team around me brought on a Co-founder and um I can't describe that Journey as anything other than Hell so it was literally two and a half Years of chronic anxiety stress long Hours near Burnout and I was like is this what Success looks like right and we were Getting traction but you know Just the way I felt internally and the Way my personal life was falling falling Around me I was like I I'm I'm not sure About this so this all culminated when My co-founder came to me and said Sarah I've got um an investor that's going to Put um a large sum of money into the Business aren't you happy and I said no I'm actually I said I'm not happy Because ethically if I take that money I Have to be in business for the next 3 to Five years and I honestly can't say that I want to do That so I walked away and the amount of Emails I got afterwards from people Being like what are you Doing why would you do this it's doing

So well you've put so much into it but I Knew it was the right Decision um and I knew that the reason Why I started it was because it was a Vanity Project I was literally like I want to Be a woman in Tech would that be fun Silicon Valley all of that so I walked Away and I said to myself right for the Next two months you're not going to Start any new Business um and the next time you start A business it's going to be because you Really F feel the purpose and love Behind It so at that point I came across Transformational Coaching and it was so lifechanging for Me that I thought wow this is what I Want to build a business Doing um and so that's what I did that's What I decided a few years ago now and I Eventually niched down to the clients That I work with I love working with Entrepreneurs because essentially I Understand some of the Struggles really clearly that they face Um and it really helps me to empathize And understand what it is they need So yeah I'm not sure if that was a Nutshell version David but that's the Story fantastic that was fantastic I Love the um the background is so Important because the Journey of how you

Got to advise people especially coaching Right is so important because that that Experience is because you're hoping to Help cut their time in half or whatever The time frame is and hopefully they Don't see some of the pitfalls hopefully They find what they like um and and you You help them doing that so someone Who's actually experienced it is is I Think in in valuable I mean you know I I Think of over and over again when when I Meet other people in my industry that Are starting up and trying to figure it Out and like how did you how did you do What you do and you know I said like it Literally is time Invested like there is every once in a While there's someone who Nails it and They rise super quickly we were kind of Like that in the beginning but everyone Comes back down to earth at some point Even Elon musk's stock drops here and There so um so and he has to re regroup And how he wants to focus his company And it happens to even the biggest of Businesses so understanding your journey Is so important explain Transformational and and just excuse my Ignorance of it of it a transformation Coaching so everyone can understand what That means and what the value is in it So there are two types of coaching there Is uh transactional coaching and Transformational coaching transactional

Is where you go to get a specific thing Right so I had a fundraising coach when I had a startup I've had a CV writing Coach at some point when I was you know Back in the corporate world these are All very transactional things you come To the for a specific reason to get a Specific outcome transformational Coaching starts to go in at a deeper Level to understand your mindsets Behaviors perceptions beliefs Etc which affect your actions and impact In the outside World so what was really interesting to Me is if you actually sort out your Internal world you magnify the impact On the outer world so the actions you Take are Magnified and I was like wow I never Realized that that was a thing because I'd always been so pure action Focused so what I found really effective When working my clients is a combination Of the two the transformational inner Work so why do you think like this why Are you in survival mindset why are you Scared of this particular thing Etc Why have you got this particular habit That's actually not serving you very Well and then taking steps to change That and then also doing the necessary Focus action steps you need to do to Take your business to the next Level interesting and um how long

Typically do you work with people like How what is the kind of time frame that You help coach them are you with them in The long run are you with them in Beginning so um my high Growth Company Clients um I work with them usually well Minimum six Months um usually a year and I usually Stay with them for the longer term so Basically um if someone only wants to Get sort of clarity on key pieces that Would be a shorter engagement but where Someone wants me supporting them through The business Journey that they're on for That year so they've said to me okay Well I need to 3x I want to be with them during that Time to hold them accountable to doing The things they need to do to actually 3x because the version of them that got Them to where they are is probably not The version of them that's going to get Them to the next Level um and then what often happens is Um they will bring me in to coach other People within the Company um to do some group coaching With them as well so I see it as a Longer Relationship for um a coach that wants To Basically have this kind of tailored Road map to build a sixf figure Business I have a 90day program that

Someone walks through so that they get Focused on the right things that they Need to do The small number of right things they Need to do I should add in order to get To the result that they say they Want got it okay so I want to get your Opinions because there's your industry Is very needed but there's so much Information out there on it so I'm I'm Going to run through a couple guys uh And actually there's a gal too that I Can't can't believe I forgot her name Though she has she's wildly popular now Um oh I know it is okay I WR I have it Here all right and I just curious about What you think is good that they do and If there's something that you think is Uh you know all right I'll start off With a guy that I I me personally I Think is kind of you know who Dan lock Is no I don't that's a good start Good Start good okay and if you don't know Got you you you don't have the comment Um how about Gary ve you probably know Who Gary Vee is I do know Gary ve There's a lot of Um there's a lot of people commenting on On uh Gary Vee so my take on him is I Think he's incredibly hardworking and Disciplined and is prepared to put in Crazy hours like so he is the like 247 Hustle guy um I assume it isn't actually 247 I hope it's not that much right

Right right right but who knows so Here's the guy that's the poster boy for If you're going to put in the hours you Can be really successful financially Right and I admire that about him However it just doesn't work and it's Not sustainable for everyone right so I Do have um some clients that work crazy Hours and they're able to do that but For most people if you do that for more Than a year or two your health will be Severely Impacted your probably your family and Personal relationships will start to Break down because you don't have any Time to do Anything and So although um I appreciate what he does It's personally I've discovered not my Style so my style is more like how can We focus on a small amount of things That really create a big impact for you For your business so that actually you Can build a sustainable viable Business Without sacrificing your health Happiness family Etc and I think probably at this stage Gary ve has a whole load of people like Sure on his team helping him but Certainly to hear him speak he is very Much like the hustle culture got it yep He he's from new from New Jersey like I Am and uh it's funny because a lot of us Know him as the guy behind the counter

Of his dad's uh literally of his dad's Liquor store that's who he was so he Leveraged that successfully very well um And it's it's Interesting uh and uh I was like when I First started seeing him speak like 2011 I'm like I know this guy how do I know This guy and I had been to his uh dad's Liquor store that's how yeah I know knew That about him yes so um yes so he he Leveraged that that whole he used to do The Wine Library thing and and Successfully leveraged that into books And business I mean he's a definitely Example of that um you know I think he's On on your side of the pond Dan Peña you Know who that is no no okay so he's a Guy who like yells at people and you Know Co he has this big castley coach I Check about how about you know Mel Robbins she's the um she wrote the book On oh basically like T it's basically About taking action and um I don't know If you're familiar with her at all is That um Tony Robbins wife uh Mel Robbins Is no I don't think so I just think they I'm I'm just saying because I've heard Um Tony Robin's wife speaking I'm now Struggling to remember what her name is But let me let me just let me because I Could Be uh think that's Tony yeah that's not Tony robbins's wife um just has the same Exact because that's my next person too

But she she basically um talks about Like mostly hold holding yourself Accountable and all right my last one I Definitely know you'll have an opinion On Tony Robbins Tony Robbins again is um A super disciplined super high Energy um super resilient guy you know He came out of nowhere right um not much Education um but he has a huge amount of Charisma um and you know I've I've I've Heard him speak I've actually he had a Netflix documentary at one point as well Yes um not sure if it's still on there But I think that he is also highly Intuitive having watched him so you'll See that when he talks to different People in an audience he will apply Different ways of talking to them so Some people be really strict with with Others he'll be very soft and like Almost cry with them I think that's a Really really wonderful quality in a Coach he's also um talks a lot about Spirituality manifestation Etc and for Me I always love that combination of Very logical analytical action taking The masculine or more masculine traits And I say this because people tend to Put traits into boxes I don't think like That But he has a combination of those traits With some of the more uh spiritual law Of attraction manifestation traits as Well and I think that's a very powerful

Combination however having said that um He can he can almost be Overwhelming I think um so he's Definitely not everyone's cup of tea he Does sit more on the hustle side of the Equation as well and believe me I'm not Taking away from there needs to be Hustle I mean you can't just sit and Think about a business and Magic it into Reality but um thinking about it more Holistically what does success mean to Me in all areas of my life rather than Just one I think it's important but I Certainly have gleaned a huge amount of Value from things I've watched about him Read about him Etc and he's really paved The way for the coaching Industry there's no doubt about it uh Two other of my favorites are John Maxwell much bigger on leadership and Leadership yeah yeah yeah and and Brian Tracy was much bigger on the sales side Of things but um I I think it's it's all Incredibly Valuable my last question really is is What is your characteristics a as a Coach what is it about you that I come To you and I'm looking for a coach in my Business uh to help me and I you've Talked a lot about it's interesting You're on a successful Life podcast That's one of the things were always Trying to explore um and I started this Podcast because I had had such success

But not yet not necessarily the life Satisfaction component to it and was Trying to understand from others what They felt success was right and you Talked a lot about it which is awesome It really is awesome um what is it that When they come to you what is it that You're going to bring to the table for The Entrepreneur so basically It's it's interesting cuz when you were Asking the question it popped into my Mind so one of my clients um ended up Talking to another client of mine he Said Sarah's not really the coach that's Just soft with you and Pats you on the Head and makes you feel good I'm there To make people Uncomfortable however I'm not aggressive About it so you mentioned uh someone That just shouts at people right right That's not me um I am though incredibly Assertive will make you uncomfortable We'll be there to sometimes say things That are a bit Provocative because when you're in your Comfort zone all the time that's not When you achieve um the greatest thing So I need to be able to push you out of That so what I try to do when I coach Someone is number one understand their Internal world and understand what needs To change there number two holistically Understand what are they looking to

Create in their life in general so what Does holistic success look Like and then thirdly I'm like right What actions do you need to take what Changes do you need to make what are Your focus areas um over the short Medium and long Term that's that's really interesting And I I think that that key component of Understanding where they're at and where They're going to go to and and helping Them get there and I think talking them Through it is really really a big asset To entrepreneurs because we always feel Alone right because you always feel Alone even even when you talk with other Entrepreneurs you're still alone because They have their own set of issues there May be some overlap but they're so Worried about what they have to do there Is and I used to belong to like uh for Years for an EO group and it was great We talk about issues but nothing will Get solved right so um because we would Know okay these are things that we're Dealing with and coaches can help you Figure out all of those type of things Where where can people find you get a Hold of you get in touch with you um get Your outstanding leadership to be a part Of what they're doing so you can visit My website which is Saras I feel Like I always have to spell that because I don't have an H at the end of my name

But I know in the US actually that's More common so it's s r a b i n or one I'm very active on LinkedIn uh Specifically um if you want to check out Some of my thought leadership around Leadership and Entrepreneurship you can Read my articles in The Entrepreneur Magazine and the Fast Company and um I encourage anyone you Know reach out to me if you have any Questions That's fantastic it's been a pleasure Having you on the successful Life Podcast uh until next time uh thank you All for listening like subscribe and Follow us um and shoot a comment as well If you really enjoy this podcast um We'll do more like it thanks again Sarah S for being on the success for Life Podcast thank you David have a great day You sir bye bye

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