The Importance of Reaching Out In Football Recruiting

The Importance of Reaching Out In Football Recruiting

I wanted to give athletes the understanding of how important it is to reach out to college in recruiting to get their name out there. In today’s social media environment, which so much information, so many hudl links and so much noise, it is important to know how to navigate. Here are five things you can do to help yourself right now!

#1 Get a great highlight tape that is focused on your first 10 clips being out of this world fantastic. Take that tape and obviously have in on hudl but also post to youtube and vimeo to build your presence

#2 Email that link with all of your vitally important info like height, size, weight, a little info about you, some stats, a picture and some grade/sat info

#3 Follow up the next day and call the coach at the colleges you are interested in. Pick 25 and call them and talk with position coach or recruiting coordinator

#4 Make a spreadsheet and list every school you are interested in *must be at least 100, and then email all of them and then get a phone call plan to follow up

#5 Make list of 5 college camps you must go to in the summer and a list of 5 combines/showcases/7v7 you must go to in the spring. These help build your brand in the spring.

Do this and you will jumpstart your recruiting. If you have any questions I can be reached at, David Schuman on here, at and @Nucfootball on twitter or facebook me.

David Schuman

CEO NUC Sports

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