How can you Not root for the lions

1 min read
Next Sunday back here at home Guys so look we got the winner tampen Philly which is tomorrow we'll be here At 3:00 back at Ford Field cuz you guys Earned it dude how electric was it out There I'm…

Next Sunday back here at home Guys so look we got the winner tampen Philly which is tomorrow we'll be here At 3:00 back at Ford Field cuz you guys Earned it dude how electric was it out There I'm telling you what it doesn't Get any better it's everything you dream Up and then more all right that's Outstanding work I got two game balls All right number one listen when you When you come in 3 years ago like me and This guy did and you had a vision and You start working together and you've Got an idea how you want to build it and The type of players you're looking for And how you want to go top to bottom Offense defense special teams and you're Ining lock step you're ining lock Step I'm telling you guys it's a shitty Business it ain't always perfect but but We do a pretty good Job but without this fing guy right here Man Brad Holmes

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