Gavin Marshalek is one of the top QBs for 2026 Hands Down

Gavin Marshalek is one of the top QBs for 2026 Hands DownIncredible off-season work here Um I love the way he's able to evolve to Left and right he's got an excellent Release he's got nice really great body Mechanics…

Gavin Marshalek is one of the top QBs for 2026 Hands Down

Incredible off-season work here Um I love the way he's able to evolve to Left and right he's got an excellent Release he's got nice really great body Mechanics he's able to shift his weight He's on the wall being a lot of Acceleration on the wall velocity on the Football just like you saw from him from The standout breakout freshman season He's always Going to continue to put him to work Drive to people real well down the field He can throw a ball from any different Arm angles he can throw a long you can Show short and intermediate and go Extensive you can throw some out Cuts Here Um I just love the way that he continues To improve and deliver [Music] He has the ability to improve every Class knowledge and intelligence The young prospect that watches Mechanics his arms feet everything's Going to continue to get better and Better and better Gavin Marshall 360 Quarterback out of the state of Pennsylvania You impact

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