discussing how we helped Carson Rauner QB get recognized and get his first offers.

discussing how we helped Carson Rauner QB get recognized and get his first offers. Carson Rauner the 2024 quarterback from Nebraska that we're just doing again It's going to happen to him too he's on The cusp there's did little…

discussing how we helped Carson Rauner QB get recognized and get his first offers.

Carson Rauner the 2024 quarterback from Nebraska that we're just doing again It's going to happen to him too he's on The cusp there's did little fine line Where you just get over that hump and Then everything starts to happen and That's what's going to happen with Rounder so you know it's not just Quarterbacks though you know we've seen It a lot with with defensive backs and Defensive lineman and Um you know wide receivers all that Stuff too so but it's just funny because We've known for years that you there's Just this little line that you got to Get past and then everything else takes Care of itself

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