Deion talking about coming to Colorado with Joe Klatt

1 min read
First of all man I ain't never traveled Nowhere I've never been nowhere I've Only punched I think my passport maybe Twice in my whole life I'm a worker I'm A homebody I I played baseball out here yeah you…

First of all man I ain't never traveled Nowhere I've never been nowhere I've Only punched I think my passport maybe Twice in my whole life I'm a worker I'm A homebody I I played baseball out here yeah you Know played football I think once Against the Broncos I've never journeyed Here I've been on vacation seen this Kind of stuff so the first Walking in the snow snow my first time Was here once I got here just seeing the Mountains I've never Never right honestly never I never Wanted a vacation on this side of the Country on the Florida boy who lives in Texas So but seeing this and getting the Opportunity to go to Vail yeah yeah and The views on the way there I'm like you Got to be kidding me so you mean to tell Me Lord I've missed all this all this Time

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