College Football Recap, Recruiting Recap. Whats up with these Special Teams!

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College Football Recap, Recruiting Recap. Whats up with these Special Teams! with Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell Topics: Topics discussed: 1.Recruiting 2.NIL 1. College Footballl Subscribe for Updates Get Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell to do your Recruiting Promotion. Go…

College Football Recap, Recruiting Recap. Whats up with these Special Teams! with Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell

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[Music] Boom Boom we are back a little time off uh I Was out becoming a better leader and uh Mike was uh answering 9,000 questions About college football for the for the Last week and a half and called every Name in the book oh I well I well I just Thought that was just part for the Course so it's worse now that because Florida State fans are back you know They've sucked for a very long time and Now they beat LSU and they're acting Like they beat um Alabama and won the National Championship so you know I said That Norville would probably not make it Through the season and I couldn't find Six wins in the schedule so now that They're two and 0 uh people decided to Tell me to go kill myself [Music] Pleasant people that's all at least at Least at least you don't you're not like Me running uh run a pick a ball Tournament coming up this weekend where Where uh uh I understand how Registration could be difficult because You're dealing with a little older Demographic but I I for 100 registrants Which is great it's great first Tournament great it's great to have 100 But 100 registers like like if I got This many emails on a nu sports camp for 100 regist yeah I probably would I would

Probably have to take a plunge off a Cliff yeah yeah and the funny part is You know the older demographic has less To Do um and and it's it's easier to Schedule your life you know obviously Parents with kids trying to schedule a Sunday going to a camp or a Saturday Going to a camp they got to juggle all Sorts of things you know Sports and and Activities and other Yeah yeah other kids and stuff uh the Older demographic should be just like um Yeah I'm not doing anything that day I I'll just I'll be There but it's notun pretty funny but Let's let's let's let's get to the nuts And bolts of we've we've been churning Out some great content on players that Have been involved in our D1 promo Program um I mean Parker me going through the roof I mean Yeah the linebacker from Texas um he Does get a lot of traction is rer from Nebraska yeah it's the fun part of the Promo because now we got film you know The offseason's great love it workout Videos seven on seven videos summer Training videos all that stuff love it It's important to stay on the radar Through those months because you will Drop off and never get back again so It's a constant nudge you know to coach Coaches that I'm still here I'm still

Working uh you know Ben Hartman's got New video there's a lot of guys um that Have real game film now so now you got Something that you can really promote so I love the off season uh I love football Season but I I really do like you know Being able to promote actual helmet pads For Football absolutely and some of our guys Are Chase Eno uh was uh uh sophomore for The short conference player of the week Ran for like 120 or something like that Uh and a win I mean he's only a Sophomore um and uh I mean just look wow I mean I had him on a club team I Thought he was really good but you know You have you have a lot of younger kids In that that group and and just seeing Them on Varsity just starting I mean for Away and I got this email from um from Kade Kennedy who's another you know one Of our players and it was funny you know Because I I I understand what he's Saying he's like um you know I got he Got ranked by an organization I never Heard of um so we got a three star Ranking from them uh I have asked both Rivals and 247 to be ranked via an email But no success or response so far so far He's not he's not going to get a Response and and I'll let him know that You know I'm very upfront with people no It's not going to like until you get Offers they're not going to rank you um

You know unless you know somebody and You know I I can't get you ranked I Think 24/7 people probably still hate me Uh I'm certainly not going to ask Rivals For anything you know having departed There after 24 years and I can't get you Ranked but you're not going to get Ranked that way either because you know Blind emails to these Services unless You're um you know and this speaks to my Arch Manning thing you know like Arch Manning let's say he he was Kate Kennedy And he was emailing people just for fun Um He would be ignored you know now if his Email said I'm uh the nephew of of pton And Eli uh the grandson of Archie and I Have 50 offers oh he would get a Response immediately um but they're not Going to look at your film and they're Not going to care so you know that's why The the promotion is is extremely Important and it's one of those things It's funny it's like sometimes you get Backed up you know I Mean I got backed up as you saw this Week You know um to MZ Williams from Lee County that you just did last night I Got backed up and and I didn't do it and You know I got a nudge which was great To to get it done and because I was Backed up I'm going to give him a little Bit of extra promotion just for for free

You know and then staying in contact With Ethan vaka who's killing it out There early in his career um you know or Or you know martiall X father Brock you Know like K he played JV and he got into Varsity and and you know they just made Him hand the ball off but he was running For his life in JV and you know he was Saying I don't know if you'd want to use That we want to use everything if you Have no offensive line and I think it's Rer is it rer the one who was running For his life last year yeah though this Year looks like they really got it Shorted up yeah we finally got film on Him that we could put out there which is Great and I'm gonna be doing that Hopefully this week too but me last Year's runner for his life but it showed Athleticism it showed things that people Didn't think he had in the tool bag you Know um and escapism and all that stuff That's what they want uh so really the Only bad film you can send as a Quarterback are pick sixes and then bad Throws and and interceptions and such But you never see those on Highlights Anyways that's why evaluating kids over The years is is funny because you can't Ever go on a quarterback's highlight Tape ever not ever ever ever because on That highlight tape let's say there's 25 Throws guess what they're 25 or 25 all Of them dimes and and no bad passes you

Have to dat in and look uh to actually What's happening you look at Spen Spencer Rattler's line for South Carolina this PE week against Georgia State one touch down two picks you know Everybody said he struggled and I don't Think he was great but you go back and Watch that game a little bit and you see One of the picks was went right through The hands of his wide receiver um and It's not his fault so you have to dig in On film uh but really anything any any Exposures good exposures would I say in In this um not in my life but you know As a as a prospect trying to get Attention it's it's good and you can go To myo D1 or nuuc D1 and we got some New things coming uh for you me and Mike Are are teaming on on a teaming together On a Winterfest Camp that's soon to be Coming out it's out but we haven't Really launched it um and then uh so Stay tuned for that I mean that's that's A rarity you're going to me and Mike in The same building probably for the first Time in uh 13 years no more than that I Think the last Nu Camp I went to was Before Barry ever got hired by you so When Barry was hired in the late 2000s At Rivals I I'd stopped going Nu Camp I Didn't have to because he was at every One of them he was um so I think the Last one I went to was your one in

Delaware believe it or not at what's the Name of that school yes the red lion School so that must have been late 2000s Um and you know probably eighth grade I Think or yeah SS Sills was in eighth Grade yeah because he was there um yeah The whole Red Lion group um they won I Think they won your tournament that year And he was I think he might have been in Ninth grader or in eighth grade but that Whole Red Lion group the coach was Awesome yeah kids were great they were Fun um that was the last time after that You got to remember that after that I Started the VTO camps for Rivals and I was not competing with you But I had my new focus on running camps From from you know zero entries to Turning that into Under Armour and then That moved to Adidas and and now the Camp's kind of dying and fizzling but That was the peak of Camp them and uh I Stopped going to your camps to run my Own camps and uh and it's funny too Because we were charging I don't know 85 Bucks a pop or something like that And I was getting like Stefan digs came To the camp and paid uh that's one Example there were there were first Round kids that were paying 85 bucks Back in the late 2000s to actually go to Camps and now they won't even go to Camps if they're getting free gear uh Invitations to All-Star games um you

Know I mean not money but I mean you Could put money in a bag they wouldn't Show up um so it's a different world in Getting Elite kids to go to camps now Yeah that's I think you're more in the Uh emerging Prospect realm for the most Part which is what you started remember Which is what we started right really What we originally started was really Full circle come back full circle that's Exactly what it really is the emerging Prospect thing it's like you know F we Found Johnny Manzel Vargus Mariota we Had we had Stephan digs we had all these Guys right when they were Like coach was like this kid's GNA be a Guy you know like and yet they hadn't Yet got an offer or maybe they have one Maybe if they W today day and age if They have one they're probably not Coming but like if they they had maybe One at the time and they were like a Freshman or they were sophomore and they Just played Varsity or something and uh That's what it was and that's what it's Back to well and it's more fun to me you Know it got into the the situation of You know obviously calling in favors and And you know relying on your Relationship with kids not only at that Time we also partnered with the uh the Army bowl which is now the NBC Bowl you Know and there was direct competition Because the Under Armour game started

Right around 2007 I think you know There's direct competition to get kids To the proper All-Star games um and the Funny part about it is is that you know I mentioned Diggs but Kendall Fuller as Well who was a good counil and Doran o Danel who and I think all these guys are Still in the NFL um they were good Council kids They were extremely loyal to me for Whatever reason maybe I was nice to them Maybe they like me I don't know but from Eighth grade on those good Cil kids good Cil was an under arour um undeniable School or something what that means is Under Armour was a sponsor of the school And provided all their gear and and Money for the program and I was working For the Army at the time and Diggs and Fuller and Dorian odaniel all had Committed to the Army bowl and coach Mallerie was the head coach of good Counsil that then yeah and he was trying To flip those guys to Under Armour Because he was under extreme pressure I Mean these are Maryland kids at an UnderArmour undeniable school um and he Was he couldn't get him to go to Under Armour because they were loyal to me for Some reason and what happen Kevin plank The CEO of Under Armour I don't think he Is anymore but he went into that school And he sat down with these three kids Trying to get him to in the Under Armour

Game and they told him that no I'm loyal To Mike frell and I'm going to play the Army bowl and Kevin plank placed a phone Call to his UnderArmour partners and Said who the hell is this Mike frell Person and UnderArmour contacted Rivals Immediately after that and we were owned By Yahoo and we ended up having Under Armour camps Within a year two years and that's kind Of how it works in this business is like Loyalty to that level when you got a CEO Who's a billionaire sitting there in Front of these kids telling you I'll do Anything for you to get to Under Armour Game and they say no to you it really Makes people notice so that's kind of The fun part of the backstory of some of This stuff um and it's kind of it's Funny because you see some people fade Away you know uh when you go independent And then you see some people come back In your life like you um and and you Know when when Mike Ferell Sports becom Successful and we just signed a deal With Sports Illustrated last week we Announced um there's going to be a lot Of those guys that are going to come Back and say oh yeah how you doing man Slap me on the back and I'm gonna tell Him to go to hell because I'm too old I'm too old to play games anymore so You're either with me or against me who Who was that in a

Movie well I'm sure it was I've heard it A milon tell you're either with me or Against me I just don't know uh it's got To be from like the 1600s or you know The men of Troy even you know way back Um but yeah you're really with me or Against me type of mo mo M you know and That's what this promo is about like if We're with you we're not against you Ever but I'm getting tagged constantly In in week one and week two highlight Films from huddle from kids tagged Constantly because they see the Promotions that the other kids are going To get and I I DM them and I say hey you Want this type of promotion sign up but You're not going to get free retweets I Mean that's just not the way it works in Life anymore so um you know the kids who Are on board with this I think they're All very satisfied with it they're not Getting a lot of them aren't getting the Results they hope for because everybody Hopes for you know that That Kurt Warner story you know where You go from baging groceries to being a Super Bowl guy and someone discovers you And um but they're getting steady solid Interest and that's going to lead them To One Step which can lead them to the Next step to the next step so I haven't Got any complaints everybody's been Happy no it's it's it's great it's it's A pro it is a process and that's what

You you you know you don't go from Nowhere to somewhere so you got to go to Somewhere first then you go become Something it's exhausting don't you get Tired Sometimes um as far as what just burnt Out like on a daily basis like there's So much to do and then I you know listen It it lasts for like an hour and then I Get re-energized but there are times Where you know what I do Mike I I'll Give you the Dave Schuman okay go ahead Tip of the tip of the year for the guy Who works Around the Clock better not be Illegal narcotics there's no illegal Narcotics I'll sit in front of my my uh Uh computer and I get this feeling Sometimes and it's like your eyes just Go Dave close your eyes right yeah and I'm telling you this I do one of two Things I either if I'm on my computer And I know that like I really can't Afford to have 20 minutes maybe and then I sit there I have a nice comfortable Chair I have um at my desk so I just sit There I just close my eyes now I can do This not everybody can I close my eyes 20 minutes wake up I'm refreshed sitting Right right at my seat I do I can't do That no one can do that you can do that I can do it I can't and then the other Thing I could I do is then my son has This like I don't know you ever see These really huge um bean bag things you

Know what I'm saying where he sits on to Play video games yeah yep yeah so um so What I'll do is I'll go I'll put my Little like sleep thing on my you know My uh whatever they call it on your Phone you know sleep thing or on your on Your watch and uh I'll set a time for 30 Minutes I'll lay on that bean bag thing It's very comfortable but it's not so Comfortable that you could sleep hours You know what I'm saying it's Comfortable enough that you just pom you Pass out and 30 minutes later and then I Come back and I'm right back to work That's how I do it that's my productive Secret a lot of people can't do that but But but that's my productive it allows Me to just like you'll see me sometimes At 1:30 in the morning on there that's The only way I could do it you know and I get up at 6:30 so see my biggest Problem is not work ethic or or or any Of that it's overwhelm it's I want to do 50 things and I don't prioritize well And I've got ADHD so when I think of the 50 things I get overwhelmed um and then I don't do any of them for a little bit And then I go back and then I start Working on one or two or three of them But when my brain starts going and I get Too many things on it like oh my God I Got to do so here's an example today Okay we've got already like eight Articles up on the site but I got to

Write the the running back rankings for 2023 recruiting class so I got to do That um I got to put up probably four or Five Instagram posts I got a tweet out My podcast from yesterday um you know Later I'll have to download this podcast Tweet this out upload this to YouTube um I've also got a factor fiction for Tomorrow I want to do a couple transfer Articles I got to do an Illinois article Because I'm working um you know on the Side doing stuff for Ali guys I got to Do a transfer portal article I'm working For the portal report um I can't Remember what else oh I have to promote This nil app of mine booster athlet you Need I just Ted this is the software Notion so no .o it's an app too yeah if You but you you I use it on my computer Most of the time but I have it on my Phone because if I'm thinking of Something and it allows me to put all These different Um it it could do anything it's like you Remember I can't remember the program There used to be a program like in a 2000 used to use it but it was too Cumbersome this is less cumbersome it's Awesome what does this help you do to-do L to-do lists that like uh help you like It basically ends up like it's a big Database that you can basically maneuver Your own little mini databases for Spreadsheets for anything you want um

To-do lists like you have templates of Stuff already I use it for I hate to do Lists I hate I hate like I would write Things down and cross them off but I Could only write down a few and do it so I started using this and it tracks my Things to do so does it remind you of Stuff as well I mean are there reminders In here at all uh I haven't used it in That way document editing and sharing You probably can project Management personal note taking all Right I just signed up for it so here's The thing um the other thing is too I Mean I didn't even talk about the D1 Promotion stuff I got to do there's About three of those uh well no there's Four of them minimum you know I got to I Got to handle at least four of those for Our our customers so like I said I I This will probably help me I'm not going To share this just for myself this will Probably help me I gotta get I got to Get organized but it's also like you Know I should prioritize things that Actually are successful like honestly I Should focus right now solely on the D1 Promotion thing because it's it's it's a It's a a revenue generator and it's also Something that we've seen success with Um but I'm so in the weeds with the Website um I'm so in the weeds with my Social media trying to grow that uh and That's like like I said I just don't

Prioritize I should have had my 2023 High School football by position Rankings out a month ago I had them done They're done they're ready and I finally Got the graphics for them all and just Sitting down and writing you know what What about Ruben Owens makes him good is Just to me it's just then I got to do Wide receivers if I do running back back Just overwhelming I I'm just I'm a mess Is what we call it I'm a mess uh in many Different Ways yeah no fixing me man there's no Fixing me this is how I've been forever You know I mean the difference is when I Was running things at my own company Sort of in charge of everybody I had People to delegate to and I still have That today I've got some tremendous Tremendous people that I work with um And I do delegate stuff but also I I Just worked 18 hours a day and just and Then when things slowed down and I Became more of a manager I didn't know What to do with myself so now I'm back To content creation and less management And it's kind of like getting into a Rhythm it's like not doing cardio for Four years and then trying to run a 5k It's just no every day you got to get up And do a little and then next day do a Little bit more so it'll get better but I'm a Mess let's get to some fun part yeah

About me a messes and fun what are you Talking about well I can tell you this I I that I think that I just went to my John Maxwell group for the last three Days my leadership conference I went to And and now I'm qualified to coach you On uh all these aspects of your life and You got a heart out at 12:25 so let's Talk some college football let's talk it Um uh where do you let's let's let me Ask this question okay is it hard to Special teams question question I I is That what you're going to ask yes is it Hard to prepare your team To Protect punt No well no extra point is it hard is it Hard to protect extra point you're a Coach and I've been at a billion Practices over the years and and so You've always got the focus of the Offense and the defense and the position Groups and all that other stuff and then The Special Teams is over on the side And what are they doing you know and That's sometimes they're not on the side Sometimes they're on a field and you Have obviously you know field goal and Extra point but what are they doing all They're doing is snapping and kicking And and all they work on is protection So for for the Game the LSU Florida State game to end With a blocked extra point where nobody

Was accountable for that guy coming off The edge is unfathomable to me uh the Two muff punts were bad but you know kid Got nervous obvious he didn't muff punts In practice so they would have replaced Him but the fact that you can't protect For an extra point or the East Carolina Game you know he hooked an extra point How about last night Georgia Tech yeah Two pun block too just I don't they Should have had a chance in that game it Was close at the time yeah I mean I Don't get it I and again I've learned so Coach um Jerry Peter kusky was one of my First first first ever mentors in College football when I started in the Late 1990s he was the special teams Coach at Boston College okay and I never Had any sort of respect or feel for Special teams I thought it was easy um And he taught me a lot of things about Special teams but his special teams were Not Beamer ball special teams they Weren't you know they were solid and Steady uh but they had kicker issues and I just couldn't understand that that's All you practice not just in practice But year round How those things fall through the cracks But again the coach so poon is the coach Special teams coach at at at um LSU he's Been with Brian Kelly for a very long Time he's not out there you know you Send 11 guys out there one of them could

Be a complete knucklehead that you've Worked on with in practice and he's done It right 100% of the time and then he Trots out there for a big extra point He's all excited they just tied the game And he forgets everything he's supposed To do because he's staring at the Cheerleader in the crowd or something And it's and it becomes your fault as The coach because that Bozo didn't get His job done or the punter you know the Punt returner drops two Fair catches Because he's nervous it's a thankless Job because you never get credit for Hitting an extra point or or or or field Goal to win a game but you always get The Fault but it's not hard yeah yeah I you Know I I I'm GNA tell you the flip side Of my thoughts on this and it having Coached for a long time now this is high School mind you but I played in college And I Remember how much we did special teams Or did not do enough of special teams in Some cases and I thought so as a high School coach that was always a focus I Learned that from a guy like when I very First started like special teams it's Onethird of the game you have to have Treat it as such right and always had Really good special teams and what I Know what I always used to look for is I Love to play a team that SP pent no

Attention to special teams because what Would happen is you would get a You' Punt you block a punt and you do this You you get all these things because You'd realize that they're they were in Like some sort of basic alignment all You got to do is like it's like um I Can't remember the movie which it is but You just look and you're like who's the Guy G to be who's the guy gonna be who I'm coming after boom that's the guy Right I think might have been water boy Right who we picking on the quarterback Gets underneath there and we're they're Starting to roll before they get to the Bur bowl and they're trying to figure Out who's who you know who who's this Who's this little [ __ ] gonna be and Who's this gonna be and he's boom that's Who we're going well that's that's kind Of what it happens who's who's the weak Part of that that group and you figure That out and you go you just go after Him full boat because somebody if they Haven't paid enough attention to the Details of special teams obviously College coaches have a million things to Do but it that game part of that if that Coach hasn't SP spent enough attention There's somebody that's a weak point on That team and there's someone on the Other side if he's a good special teams Guy really good special teams guy it's All there he's telling someone just find

Me the weak spot right find it and we're Going after you go after him 100% And Then that's how you get all of a sudden Like you're like how could this happen Well they figure it out this guy doesn't Step down hard enough he's stepping down In practice but you realize was he Stepping down as hard as the rest of the Guys someone's figured that out right Yeah yeah and that's how it I mean That's kind of how it happens same thing With punt punts getting blocked like First of all I hate I and now I Understand why they do it but I hate That alignment where they have the three Guys in the back who basically are just Absorbing the blow right as as Everyone's sprinting at them instead of Having wings And and some sort of stuff up front and Just a personal protector that's how I Was taught and I always found it to be The best way but they like they do that Where they have the three guys Protecting and they have the big L and Every once in a while somebody either Just decides of that moment that he's Not gonna take the Blow and he doesn't you know step hard Enough into the guy coming or he misses It's blocked I mean it's always the punt That gets blocked is those guys with the That little wall protection well then You remember that never used to exist

Back when you played it wasn't that wall No it wasn't it was the punter and 10 Guys right you had the wings and you had The personal protectors you the two guys Out wide yeah and sometimes you didn't Even have the personal protector like I I've seen b way back this 100 years ago Where it was just okay all we have to do Because we expect the snap to get back There in x amount of seconds and we Expect the punt to get off an X all you Got to do is have theall up front and Not let anybody through now and those Those blocks you remember back in the Day were just usually speed guys correct Who just laid out entirely in front of The football Now sometimes you can even block the Wall into the pter correct it's just it Sets up a lot more problems or a lot More but now it's just the trend it's What everybody does if you won't find Any of those solo personal protector or Much of it or or really no personal Protector whatsoever because that's what Everybody did all of a sudden and what I Love is like you Remember The Swinging Gate and all that other garbage y why Why Why why like what is the point of that Like how are you going to fool Somebody By by having your entire you know and Then it's like on this everybody goes Into the regular formation what does

That do it's almost like special teams Coaches sometimes get so bored that they Try to create a little bit something Extra as well well you're trying to get Them to prot you the Special Teams so Would in college I don't know if the Swinging gate is as effective as high High school it's definitely effective Because people people don't practice it The bottom line is you're trying to make Them practice more things than they need To practice right so you you're right You can get overly Creative to to a detriment because You're thinking you know if I get them To spend extra time on this it's it's Taken away it's all about time right was It college football limited to how long They can very limited but I still I Still don't believe that that is any There's any effect whatsoever you know It's almost like you got a special teams Coach and and also back in the old days If you remember the special team coach Always coached another position too Right you now it's specialized because You can have more coaches assistant Coaches on the field and field coaches Now it's usually just special teams guy Um and they have so much they have so Little to do when it comes to repetition I mean how many times can can he kick an Extra point and protect or punt or Protect that sometimes they get overly

Creative I I saw I forget what a game it Was it might have been LSU Florida State You you had the trio of guys in front of The punter and one of them moved early First of all I still don't see how That's possible I don't it's almost like Like you know you watch the football and You move when it starts coming back to You you never move early what's the Point of moving early so I think they Outthink themselves um and I think that Can lead to a lot of issues as well but Special teams shouldn't be this hard but It's College college kickers suck you Know you think about it none of them get Drafted or maybe one or two get drafted Every year uh and mostly the NFL is Filled with guys either you know the Great kickers from college football and There's a few or you know or foreign Guys that that you know have soccer Style kicking and and maybe you know We're successful you have Australian Rules punters now like college kickers For 120 division one football teams you Know I would say maybe eight of them are Really really good and reliable um what Was the game last night the kid who Kicked a field goal at the end of the First half or not the end of the first Half in the second quarter Georgia He kicked a long field goal and I heard His stats coming in well he's 1 for Seven and he's 0 for five from this

Distance I'm like why the hell is he Even kicking like one for Seven's not Good and he nailed the field goal to his Credit but is that how bad we've gotten When it comes to Kickers my question is How could it be with how could that be With all these kicking coaches long Snapping coaches uh uh punting coaches How could kicking not not I I the NFL Looks like it's better than never to me Yes they never miss they've never and They the extra point back which is great Now every once in a while but they never Missed an extra point ever and they Never miss field goals but College Somehow it's like a hit or miss it's how Can it be a hit or like the NFL better Than ever because they evaluation They're only taking the best you only Getting a few that make it each year Literally a guy could come off the Street who played soccer for his whole Entire life walk in the building and and He already knows how to kick it uh Better than everybody else I always tell I I tell people this story all the time When I was in high school my junior year They tried to have I did everything and They tried to have kick also okay Because I could kick off far I could Kick it off to the end zone right but They tried to have me kick extra points I was the worst extra point kicker in The history of extra points just because

I usually scored the touchdown and now I I I'm walking over there and I got a Boot it through I I couldn't con TR I Was like two for eight well anyway to Try and make a point of how bad I was Which I already knew how bad I was they Um they brought in the girl the star and The girl soccer team to have a kick a Field goal kicking contest against me Okay and and I KN I knew her well and She comes over and I'm like oh my God First of all I knew she was gonna beat Me okay because I just knew like I could Kick it far but I wasn't accurate so she Goes we we kick the feeli extra point Somehow I made an extra point which was Amazing in this contest we go back to Like 25 yards I make it we go back to 30 She makes it I make it which was a Miracle because I never made anything Okay and then we go to 35 yards she puts It right through the uprights and I miss It and I said see I told you guys you Should have this she should be a Kicker yeah and and honestly it doesn't Matter who you are as long as you can Get it through the uprights consistently You know who cares and kickers don't get Scholarships often and sometimes they do And and you've got the sailors and coals Of the world who make you know do a very Good job with these guys um and rank Them nationally and it's all it's all Just a crapshoot I remember talking

About um Jerry Peter kusky you know BC Had uh Steve aponavicius now you might Not remember that name but he was the Kid they pulled out of the stands to Become their kicker because their the Regular kicker got in a bar fight Because kickers are deep down inside Very angry people and apparently so he Got a bar fight and they they they Didn't have a kicker so they pulled him Out I forget what the fan section was And he went two for two in his first Game for field goals against Virginia Tack and two extra points and he Nicknamed Sid Vicious and everybody was Talking about him like that the kicking Version of Rudy Steve ofon vicious Proves to everybody he played baseball And soccer he didn't play football uh in High school that you is sometimes you Have an act for it and you don't really Have to practice because they found this Kid they found this kid like just Screwing around at BC sneaking into the Stadium kicking field goals and my buddy Jay cetti was the graduate assistant Back then and he saw the kid and he went Up to uh Peter kusky and he said I might Have our kicker since our kicker just Got arrested and the rest is history He's one of their alltime leading Kickers so that's amazing kicking is Just it's it's it's dumb special teams Are dumb it can kill you um it could

Destroy you I mean honestly Florida State fans were up in arms because they Felt they should have won that game by 10 because we outplayed them I go okay Well listen to this you got two muffed Punts you know inside the 30 one of them Was inside the 20 that's gifts handed to You you had um an extra point that was Blocked like LSU kind of lost that game Um Florida State won it but LSU kind of Lost it so special teams will destroy You it's so frustrating this is why I Don't like kickers either you know and It's not a personal thing it's just I Don't they're not real football players You you get out there and you punch Somebody in the face for 58 minutes and And you know 59 minutes and 50 seconds And then some kicker trots out who's 150 Pounds with a clean white jersey and he Hooks a field goal and you lose the game It makes you just want to kill somebody Or he makes the field goal and Everybody's like celebrating him and Putting him on his shoulders and he Didn't do crap that I just don't like Kickers punters different but kickers I Don't like well pun yeah punters Traditionally are a little more physical Because they want them to be somewhat Athletic if they have to do something Right tackle they may have to they may Do a fake they prefer them sometimes you See a lot of guys who were high school

Quarterbacks that weren't quite good Enough to be a division one quarterback They're they end up being your punter You know yeah um so that happens a lot But I you know speaking of the games so My my take on two things LSU I I think For LSU fans I think you there's no need To worry Brian Kelly will just my my I Know there are people that don't like Him and all that kind of stuff but I'm Just looking at his tracker record and The guy has a process of how he goes About things and it's just going to keep Getting better and better in my opinion I'm not saying I'm right but just how he Is now recruiting obviously is always Your wild card and all this stuff but as Far as the on the field stuff he's Really shown to be uh you know I think What he did with ND is is pretty amazing So very amazing what he did to Cincinnati before that I'm gonna I'm Going to argue with you a little bit Here though okay the Brian Kelly was at Cincinnati wanted to get to the Next Level he wanted to get to that next job The Brian Kelly at Notre Dame was really Motivated to prove to people that you Could recruit and win national Championships and he got to the title Game uh and he got to the playoff twice This Brian Kelly at least the one I saw On the sidelines Sunday night is very Very timid compared to that human being

Now maybe he's going to be the redac Crazy person but so many things went Wrong in that game and Brian Kelly was Like I just don't know is he cashing out Will he really want to be successful at LSU recruiting takes care of itself I Could go down LSU be named the next head Football coach and I could put together A top five recruiting class because the State of Louisiana you know unless they Go to Alabama nobody's letting you leave The story I told you by Leonard forette Not being allowed to take a visit and Cross state lines to Texas like legit Stopped from taking that visit that's How Louisiana Works you're going to get The best kids there you're going to get Kids from Texas you're going to get kids From the southeast you can recruit with Your eyes closed biggest recruiting Advantage in all of college football LSU You're going to have talent but you know Getting that talent to mesh is kind of Difficult um we saw it under less miles We saw it a little bit under Ed orun Aside from the 2019 season uh we're Seeing it already you know you got some Knuckleheads doing dumb things you got Fluke injuries you've got dumb plays you Got kesan booty scrubbing his social Media after the game and he's clearly Evidently upset on the sidelines you've Got a lot of management to do and you Don't have that at Notre Dame you don't

Have that type of Personality good point That you're gonna have to deal with That's petulent and you know that that That I don't want to say you know that That Brian Kelly would have had trouble At LSU with the honey badger or any of Those other great players but it's a Different ball game now you're not a Louisiana guy you're a Northeast guy There's going to be no patience for you Whatsoever did he take the money and run Or does he really want to win a National Championship the guy I saw Sunday night I don't think he cared Enough or you could argue that with so Many Star Players they are not going to take it if You get in their face like you would at Notre Dame where those kids of most of The Notre Dame kids raised in a Situation where you know you got to do Academics and football whereas the LSU Kids they know a lot of those kids know That they're gonna have a great chance To go to the NFL if they do certain Things right and do they want some guy Uh screaming and yelling at them when They know in two years you know if they At least you know play the way they're Supposed to play they're going to go to The NFL so I that meshing I think the Part that you nailed is can he get them To mesh and I think that's because you Know all the external factors that you

Just mentioned that could be the issue And I I to me it looked like this is a Guy who hasn't figured it out yet like How how do I mesh these guys yet like I Haven't figured this out and can now the That's the question you're right on like Can can will he figure that out Endy Like andd is like Fort uh um Grand Valley State michig was Michigan Cincinnati Ohio Notre Dame Indiana all The same area yeah all you know no Matter obviously they're different Levels but Similar um they're north northern Midwest kids right he's from the Northeast um yep so that's a different That's you're a jersey guy I'm a New England guy you go down south sometimes And you're going to be you're going to Be not shunned but you're going to be Takes you longer to get be Accepted is he going to be given that Chance I mean Ed oraron is a Louisiana Native bleeds LSU uh that's a different Story you know Les Miles came from Oklahoma State that's you know in in the In the ballpark this guy's I don't know I just it's going to be a big big Challenge for him um especially because He tends to get a little defensive when Things don't go well um he's a guy who's Thrown players under the bus before I'm Really curious to see see if the season Goes five- seven and and everybody wants

Them fired after year one because if They do go five- seven or six- six They're going to want him gone um how he Handles it so that's a really intriguing Situation he's a great coach what and Here's the thing Marcus Freeman did a Great job against Ohio State they were In the game uh and I know you got a hard Out in two minutes so we'll we'll end This right here but how's he going to Live up to that how's he going to live Up to Brian Kelly take a Notre Dame do a Championship game in two playoffs that's A bar that's really really high and it's Hard to get there at Notre Dame so Brian Kelly did a great job but this to me is Fish Out of Water bad fit type of thing Yeah I I I I you know you brought up two Things because that was the other thing I was thinking about I Thought Marcus Freeman did a really good Job I first I like Marcus Freeman's like I don't know whether he'll be successful Or not but I'd like how he he carries Himself and his demeanor so one way or The other whether it's or not yeah he's Going to be successful I I think he's Going to be a successful head coach he's So young um I think he'll be successful There but to the level of Brian Kelly I Don't know well can he I mean I think It's G be hard because Brian Kelly fit there for a lot of different Reasons even though alumni had some

Issues with him you know like Lou Holtz Came out with the whole thing Like you know he disa by letters like uh Hello Lou send him an Email letters oh God Expressing letters to him I think the One thing that was interesting to me About the Ohio State game now is that I I you know I really just thought and Maybe I'm overvaluing how good their Offense has been I just don't Ohio state Was just gonna be able to manh held ND And they didn't and that that surprised Me um I I think that was the major Surprise you know like I'll tell you why Here's why Jackson Smith and J went down Really early and CJ strad still as great A quarterback he is he's still a lock on Guy you know we saw it in the Rose Bowl He locks on one receiver and that's who He feeds feeds feeds and he lost his Main you know uh Target and he had to Adjust and he did but it took him a Little while to adjust I think they're Going to be really really good Offensively moving forward and this was What was needed for them but I expected Them to win by 40 as well yeah that that Was surprising I hate to cut off because Usually it's you cutting me off yeah way It is that's fine I mean listen I don't Like podcasts uh I just don't I I don't Know why I'm verbose and I never shut up But you know like the whole talking I

Don't know so let's end it great I I Thought we cover some really great Things and listen myfootball D1 check it out everything you know our DMS are open we'll see you next time Next week um and uh you know just keep On each week this is the best time of The year so I don't know what else to Say it's college football time no matter What happens it's college football time

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