Coach Schuman’s Tips for your upcoming football season

Coach Schuman offers advice on how to prepare for the upcoming football season. Coach schumann here coming to you live From the nuc studios out here in New Jersey we're all prepared for the season Getting ready…

Coach Schuman offers advice on how to prepare for the upcoming football season.

Coach schumann here coming to you live From the nuc studios out here in New Jersey we're all prepared for the season Getting ready through our two-a-days Some of us are even playing call the High school football right now at the High school level down in North Carolina And South Carolina they've already Started their games as you prepare for The season there's some important tips That we want to make sure you have Number one make sure you stay hydrated To get the most out of yourself from an Athletic standpoint we recommend happy Cures rehydrate we use it at all of our Events that's one of the best tools that We've seen and go to Africa calm find Out more about it but we use it as Coaches and all the athletes that have Used it that tremendous results second Make sure you prepare mentally a little Time not just for practice but also to Play the game make sure that mental part Of the game is taken care of by you make Sure you understand the plays that are Necessary what your responsibilities and Your roles are within those plays within The system that you play that's very Important at number three make sure that You are disciplined and you were Responsible to make sure you take care Of the job that's needed for your team Because remember football is the Ultimate team game and the more

Important and the more emphasis that you Place on making sure you play that team Game the better it is and make sure as Always you make plays

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