Coach Schuman & Mike Farrell What It Takes to Get Your First Scholarship Offer

Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell Discuss What It Takes to Get Your First Scholarship Offer 00:00 QBs Getting Their First Offer 00:32 Profiling Top Players Including a Running Back 00:48 Great Lineman with Great Potential 01:11 College Coaches Need That…

Coach Schuman and Mike Farrell Discuss What It Takes to Get Your First Scholarship Offer

00:00 QBs Getting Their First Offer
00:32 Profiling Top Players Including a Running Back
00:48 Great Lineman with Great Potential
01:11 College Coaches Need That Reminder
01:33 Standing Out before you get to a camp
01:50 College Coaches Put Players into a Category
02:31 Once You Get The Offer, Coaches who may have missed you will take a second look
02:47 Offers Lead To More Offers
03:01 Get The First One and More Will Come

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Some fcs level kids or division two kids And Um i think you know the quarterbacks Especially Um are are kind of interesting Because you just don't know with Quarterbacks i mean it's so it's it's What flavor ice cream you like and it Could be somebody out there at a power Five level that wants one of these kids And And just didn't know about them and now Will um But yeah there's some intriguing kids Too that we're doing this week um so Keep an eye on my twitter feed and coach Humans twitter feed and tick tock and All that good stuff because You gotta run him back from california Uh he's pretty darn good and uh he just Hasn't broken through yet with that First offer And then we've got two linemen that are Coming up so Which we were young too You know young guy yep smart as we Talked about last week get the promotion Out early And build your momentum And then another guy who's just sort of Been overlooked a little bit and needs That Boost You know where people may have already

You know gone through their o-line film And and and need a reminder of who's out There who's available and it's like oh I gotta take a look at this kid again Absolutely there's no doubt about it and This this is this is the beginning of The time to do it right camps are going On Um guys are sifting through things and You may have you may have popped up at a Camp well now when you pop up again um They will know who you are um and you Won't have to you won't have to be part Of a thousand person camp and and Not have to figure out they could figure Out who you are beforehand so and we Know how it works you and i know how it Works okay so here's how it works if People don't know These kids their film is evaluated early Right and they're put in a category some Schools have a You know one to five categories some Have a one to four some have a zero to Five and some have a lower number zero Is like kid we're going to offer a Hundred percent blue chip five as a kid We want to invite to camp and then Somewhere in between Um But you put in that number Until you get an offer Then then everything changes because What they do is let's say you get an

Offer and it could be a a group of five School or it could be even an fcs school Then all of a sudden that offer is Public and these coaches go back And they look at this kid and he's got a Five rating which means he's a camp Invite only and they'll look at his film Again and all of a sudden now that he's Got an offer They might see something different that They missed they'll review your film Again And that's how they offer snowball People wonder like oh this kid got an Offer from this you know big ten school And then three days later he got four More offers Well that's how it works you know once You get one then everybody says what am I missing here i don't want to miss Anything and then they look And then you start to get the offers Piling up so you just need that first One But that's it i mean there's there's no Science to it Like nobody sees a kid And offers him You know early and then he doesn't have Any offers right he's got one offer and It stays that way for for a year They get an offer and then other schools Look and then they'll get other offers That is 100 correct and that's the

Biggest thing that people don't Understand you've got to work to get That first offer because everything else Then takes care of itself so it's Incredible and obviously We we have a segue into

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