Brock Purdy’s Mom is Proud and Thankful

1 min read
You right now you know what you're going To make me cry it it's it's unbelievable The story's been fun the fans have been Amazing San Francisco I mean is awesome And I feel like Iowa State and the Coaching…

You right now you know what you're going To make me cry it it's it's unbelievable The story's been fun the fans have been Amazing San Francisco I mean is awesome And I feel like Iowa State and the Coaching staff I mean everybody there Got him prepared for the draft and to Get where he is today and we're a loving Supporting family and we'll go travel For him and all of our kids and I just Feel blessed like it's his second year And here we are we're going to the Super Bowl it's like amazing he's just turned 24 years old and you know what not Because he's mine but he's a humble Downto Earth kind person he loves the Lord he loves the fans he loves his Coaches like he's just this great kid That loves everybody around him and Supports him and it's been amazing so Thank you well it sounds like you Instilled some great morals and values Inside of him one of the things I wanted To ask you mentioned the draft obviously The story's been told a million times of Him being the last pick and now heading To the Super Bowl what does that say Just about his overall

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