Blown Away By Michael Jordan Document & 33 Extras to Increase Player Involvement Part 1

8 min read
Blown Away By Michael Jordan Document & 33 Extras to Increase Player Involvement Part 1 **Topics discussed:** 1. Jordan’s Greatness 2. Motivating Your Team 3. Developing Themes For Team 4. Having Speakers Talk To Team **Links mentioned in this episode:**…

Blown Away By Michael Jordan Document & 33 Extras to Increase Player Involvement Part 1
**Topics discussed:**
1. Jordan’s Greatness
2. Motivating Your Team
3. Developing Themes For Team
4. Having Speakers Talk To Team

**Links mentioned in this episode:**
@coachschuman on twitter, tik tok, and instagram
#AmericanFootball #HighSchool #MichaelJordan

Please watch: “(287) Legends Live! Is there enough parity in college football? ”

Let's coach schuiteman here glad to have You guys on today we do a special Podcast I think it's really cool with Respect to a lot of things that are Going on right now and trying to figure Out you know how to be able to increase Player involvement as a coach and have Just watched the first the first two Parts of the Jordan dr. Merritt real Last dance I don't know if everybody got To see that but what an amazing Documentary for a lot of young players That don't don't know what kind of Player Jordan was what kind of team that It was awesome insight and look into That actual into that actual time period Having grown up in that time period it's It's incredible what you can learn from The tenacity and and the ability to lead And the skill set that Jordan had and And how unique that aspect of his Playing skills were second second to None I mean I don't know that I'll ever See anything like him I mean Kobe was great Kobe was great Obviously LeBron is great but but Nothing like that so I'm gonna go Through you know the things that are the 33 extras to increase player involvement I'll even answer some questions some Guys about that are going on and and so As I go through the the actual 33 things That extra things that coach could do to Increase player involvement I'll really

Really share some really cool things and That'll really help you so number one Having players vote on a house of the Week award during practice presenting The player with t-shirt some sort of a War you know Coupon discount to something but put Players names in the wall in the dress Room to encourage your players to hustle In games of practices so the first thing Number one is have a hustle hustle the Week award A little week you see this in a lot of College uniforms today where they have Sayings that will motivate the players Put those things on your uniform so a Good example of that is Rutgers has the Family thing and when they say family And they put that in the back of their Uniform that that makes a big difference For them has a huge impact as far as What they think about themselves and Think about their program so that's Something that Greg Schiano always Instilled and you can see that and a lot Of college programs do net army does it So so having things that that'll Motivate your players from that Standpoint Number five copying pass out poems or Articles that you've taken from Magazines help to educate players on What can give them a great opportunity To to be successful that's that's a real

Real big thing so so we'll put that on There and while before I do that I will Take it we'll take a question so we're Going to code and then can everybody Hear the audio here all right so first Question today do you know what football Walk runs have to do when they get to The University Issac asks they're gonna Do the same thing that little Scholarship athletes will do and it's Same exact thing what do they have to do As far as get tip when they get to University you're gonna go to camp the Same time that everybody else would so You need to just be prepared for that From that standpoint number two no Thanks for the invite all-star game is Worth it yeah I mean not only have you Had many great players in it but it's a Great opportunity to compete some of the Best players that have been found Through that so definitely an Opportunity there so Definitely something that you could do It's great competition the whole thing Should be competing as much as you can All right so so those are two great Questions from guys that have so get Back to to the different motivational Aspects number five I mean the number Five number six I have a theme each year So working hard having a theme that Resonates with your players you know Could it could be anything and and

Utilize that a t-shirt utilize that on Everything that you can Number seven award points for those that Don't normally appear in a box box score So linemen for example on the offensive Line you know give an award for when They have pancakes in and that's Something that gives them some personal Recognition that makes a huge difference In what and what they're doing so that's Really really important all right we'll Go to right now after we talked about That number nine hopefully everybody can Hear us now because I obviously did not Have sound for five minutes for some Reason Can I commit after my senior year Because a lot of players keep committing Can you commit after a year yes the the Problem with committing late in the Process is that if someone else takes a Scholarship slot and they don't just Offer the amount allotted the lure for Scholarships to quite a few players and If all of a sudden you don't take Advantage of that scholarship offered You go back and they want to commit There and you haven't been that kind of Communication someone else takes that Spot you could lose that spot so that's An important thing thing to understand When you're when you're talking about Commitments and all that kind of stuff Okay all right let me get back here good

Great question Cameron okay So now we'll go to memory so number Eight is awards the lock from so Showcase awards that you deem valuable For your players showcase that showcase Those awards put them up in the locker Room so everybody knows what you expect Okay number nine invite an ex-athlete or Someone from the program or a speaker Into the program to be able to talk About you know what you guys are trying To accomplish what they've went through Someone from your own community invite Different speakers to your program not Only this is that a good thing but it Gives a different perspective it gives People a different perspective on what What the program is about and what what You guys could be you know what are you Doing there so that's that's a really Good thing Number ten I have the team listen to two Motivational tapes and when you have Them listen to motivational tapes have Them listen to specific parts so Specific things within a motivational Tape that or a video that really has an Impact that the message that you want to Get so there are movies like any given Sunday there's awesome motivational part There where Al Pacino even know it's not Real but it's a movie when he speaks There So she'll utilize those kind of things

To have an impact on your program okay Number 11 and then after 11 I'm with This will be the end of part 1 before This here show motivational films or Highlight tapes So highlight tapes each week of what You've done as a program standpoint Showing that stuff putting those Highlight tape together have your guys Put together our highlights that they Think should be included and then surely Showing motivational films so you know Stuff from the gladiator stuff Any given Sunday stuff for many movies Like Rudy or that that really make a big Difference in the players being able to Watch something and be able to have some That resonates with them in the program So those are of my 33 points those are 1 Through 11 hope that really helps you And let you know something talking about Earlier where I probably got muted Getting to watch did Jordan talk about What it was like during that time period Jordiz impact in the game talking about How it was to win those championships It was crazy crazy how good a player he Was it was unbelievable the dominance he Had and then the work ethic that would Along with it and the amount of respect That other players have for him the Amount of respect the players have you Know playing with him and the impact That he had in a game I mean players

After him all want to be like Mike Scottie Pippen was on his own team Realized how hard it was to carry the Team once he left and he disappeared and Her for a couple years Going into playing baseball and retiring But but the impact that he had on Kobe Bryant the lead Kobe Bryant on on LeBron James and the impact he continues have On athletes at that bar of excellence That that everybody wants to have so Have a great night Sorry about the audio for cup mints That's that's my fault Anybody I'll answer a couple more Questions here alright before we go Today what's the first step in getting Recruited class of twenty really the Process of freshman year that's great Getting right on it from a recruiting Standpoint first thing you could do is You could really start reaching out the Coaches on Twitter and Emailing them with your highlight tape If you don't have a highlight API cuz You're not a varsity send them you know More about you Corbin where you know you Height weight your name your information Your size your GPA all those kind of Things they can start to get familiar With you okay so think you're familiar With you in that process alright thanks For it and then Mitchum in Jackson ok Yeah Camille Jackson back in the day was

A fantastic why received with Oklahoma He was this is this is thinking back Quite a few years Camille had just a Smooth way about him he was big receiver Was fast But he he had just like a physical Presence where he could go make plays in A personality to him that guys wanted to Be around them he was he was really There to hate the the beginning Hurley Heyday of our camps and he was one of The very first athletes that became Stars along with like Landon Collins and Johnny Manziel and Marcus Mariota all Guys who and the gurantee NFL Camille And Oklahoma was one of those guys he Was an impact maker he made plays he Really really did a great job in the Biggest moments so thanks for question About Camille while that really that Really brings me back quite a bit you Know to get back to today's with what That was like those programs back then So like I said it was great being on Anybody has any other questions get your Questions and now before I let you guys Go we'll be back on again tomorrow and I'm hoping tomorrow night or during day Or tomorrow I'm gonna have the satellite Hustle true Lieberman on we're working At those details up And it's gonna be pretty cool talking to My receiver play to kind of building off That stuff and as soon as I get that

I'll get that out to everybody Have a great night and we'll see you Soon

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