Dave Schuman
I sat on the ESPN today and I don't care If they hear it in Boulder I told him I Took my hat off and I took my glasses Off and I said when I talk to grown-ups I take…
Al lado izquierdo viene hacia atrás va a Ir al pase va a ir al pase lanza el Envío larguísimo para working anotación [Aplausos]
Football Talk with William Paterson Coach Kristi Zick with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale
Football Talk with William Paterson Coach Kristi Zick with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale
Kick is Sam Martin Gibson runs under it At the jet 35 starts to his left gets to The 40 turns the corner that's the 45-50 Walkers in front at the 40. at the bills 30. inside the 20. it's…