Year: 2024
[Music] I see a ship H I can't ENT B but it wasn't the Hest For I Have And I thought I was Mistaken and I thought I heard you Speak tell me how do I feel tell me now…
Unveiling the Secret to Success in Recruiting and Building a Dream Team Where on the flip these other people Don't have plans they just have wishes And uh you know they have a wish or a Dream without any work…
Why D3 Athletics can be the Best Decision for a Student-Athletes see more at But yeah I love listen I'm a I'm a big Advocate of D3 man I try to get these Kids all the time my last…
The players out in the court don't trust One another that the ball is going to Move oh My Carter with a little icing on the Cake in Orlando again Alonzo Morning Changing a shot this lead of eight Miami's…
Establishing what your routine is as an Athlete just like just like adults do at In their own jobs and what they do like Establishing a routine of what you have To do and creating consistency like That's a big…
Being an athlete like at the high school Level if you don't do a good job Academically chances are that you have Some issues on the field like there There's there's you know for every for Every um 10 guys…