Year: 2024

1 min read

Taught on kickoffs uh coming cutting Across the field and kind of head Hunting for somebody so that's probably That role with the defenseless receiver With the Blindside blocks and stuff like That I'm actually I was just uh looking…

1 min read

And it's crazy right because you think About that you think about a college kid Right and hey I gotta make as much money In college whereas it used to be my Friend you're going to college to get a…

1 min read

I read a tweet last night I think from a Former Illinois player um I Sean Harrington or who was it who was a good Player is in McDonald's All American one Of the staff members wanted to add a…

1 min read

That is to hit the bullseye on the Deepest throw the toughest throw on the Field green flag is up there's the long Ball and Marino is on target with a Bullseye Marino with 100 points has come From behind…