Youth Conflict: From Bullying to Dangerous Mindsets

Join us in a thought-provoking discussion on how today’s youth navigate conflict resolution in a modern society plagued by bullying. Explore the influence of video games on mentalities and learn why changing perspectives on violence is crucial for a brighter…

Join us in a thought-provoking discussion on how today’s youth navigate conflict resolution in a modern society plagued by bullying. Explore the influence of video games on mentalities and learn why changing perspectives on violence is crucial for a brighter future. #YouthConflictResolution #BullyingAwareness #VideoGameInfluence #MentalHealthMatters #ChangeTheMindset #SocialIssues #ViolencePrevention #ModernSociety #EmpowerYouth #HealthyDiscussions

So these kids feel the solution is the Solution used to be someone call you Call you an ass you go out back you Can't do that anymore cuz someone's Gonna shoot you no so now the kid's like You know what I'm getting bullied and All that you know what I'm gonna do I'll Teach this bully I'm not gonna Whack Him Over the head with a 2×4 I'm G to shoot Him and anybody else around who's just a Bystandard because they don't care life Is not precious to them anymore it's a Video game on a video game what do you Do you press the button and the life Comes right back so you blame the Shooter you don't blame the bully the Bully I don't I I don't blame the bully I don't blame the bully I don't blame The bully is hurting the shooters Feelings yeah I understand that but we All get our feelings hurt at some point Or another if I if I took a gun out and Shot someone every time I hurt my Feelings I'd have the most kills to K in In in military history so if if you get A bunch of like bad reviews on Yelp yeah Do you get angry you want to go out with The good news or bad news it's all good News if you're in business okay because People are talking about you all I'm Saying is this is that we're the the Mindset and mentality needs to change of Our youth okay being bullied

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