With AI, You will only need 3 people to run a Billion Dollar Company

You said that the next billion dollar Company will be founded by three people How is that possible first of all just Say that we're living in a different day And age the ability to start companies Today that are…

You said that the next billion dollar Company will be founded by three people How is that possible first of all just Say that we're living in a different day And age the ability to start companies Today that are exponential and uh AI is Going to play the biggest role without Question but it's all the exponential Technologies Celine yeah if you look Back in history maybe uh 50 70 years ago It needed about a 10 000 person company To create a billion dollar valuation That's crazy uh then it dropped to about A thousand people uh Instagram was 13 People right uh now we'll get it down to Uh three people because AI will handle Most of the execution work you'll have a CEO who will drive vision and product a Product guy will focus just on getting Things done in an operations person That'll handle everything else and you Should just have ai Bots doing all the Finances marketing etc etc

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